Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 35 – Meeting Poseidon… Kinda

Jayr POV - Greece, Athens -1987

It's almost night, and I'm getting dressed in an always uncomfortable but nonetheless elegant grey three-piece suit, I'm standing in front of Saori's mansion in Greece, waiting for her to come out with Tatsumi, so that I can escort her to Julian Solo 16th birthday party, also known as the day Poseidon Soul half awakens and decides to once again remake the Great Flood once again 'Really what's the deal with Gods and their fixation with Deluges... studying the history in the Sanctuary Library I found out that there were 69 floods since the Age of Myth, from all the different pantheons all over the world!'.

(AN: Guys, I kid you not that is really the number of mythical Great Floods I found on Wikipedia, so the only thing I can say to that is... Noice!)

At the same time, while I'm waiting, I think about what happened in these few months after the Sanctuary Chaos 'The first few days after the events were truly chaotics between healing the wounded and repairing the damage done to things and Cloths, in fact, some Cloth are still being repaired, but with the help of the Gold Saints we were able to calm everyone and get everything done, at the same time I and Saori told Saga everything we knew about what is going to happen, and the fact of his brother Kanon involvement, after he heard what he has done and going to do, he wanted to rush into the Poseidon Temple and kick his ass, but I calmed him telling him about the possibility of his redemption and reminding him the fact that Athena's Gemini Saint always had two faces... one benevolent for his allies and those under his protection, and one ruthless, for its enemies and those who wish to do harm on the innocent, and in this era, the destined Gemini Saints are him and Kanon'

'And after that episode, I, Shaina, and Geist went back home to pass a few days with our parents to relax and celebrate my birthday with them... But then I had to teleport to Siberia, and help Hyoga rescue and heal his mother... Seeing her alive and healthy, Hyoga cried continuously for half day... And after that he followed her like a Husky puppy, I'm sure that if he had a tail it would've swung back and forth so fast that could have generated a tornado... Now she is living in a small mansion given by Saori in Japan and chose to help at the Star Children Academy together with Seika and Miho... Meanwhile, I, Saga and Saori started to prepare for the coming fight with Poseidon first by spreading false rumors about what has happened at the Sanctuary, now, everyone outside the Sanctuary believes that the canon version happened', but my thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Tatsumi and Saori coming out of the mansion, so I go and greet them "Good evening, Tatsumi" then turning to Saori "Good evening, Saori, you are really beautiful today, you are so stunning that I'm sure that you'll receive the marriage proposal".

Hearing that, she smiles and says "You jest... We all know what is going to happen today more or less, thanks to you Cloth, and your knowledge... Anyway you are handsome as well, try to not break too many hearts today...", and after that back and forth, Tatsumi led us to the car and quickly drives toward the Solo Mansion situated on a bluff, near Cape Sounion, 'Of course, Poseidon's Host lives near the location of one of his temples...'.

And so after an half hour, we are finally inside the Solo Mansion, "enjoying" the party with the world's elite, as someone yells "A toast! To Mister Julian's 16th birthday! Cheers!!", and the next moment the music continues with various people around doing all the same useless things, talking about business collaborations, gossiping, trying to impress the girls here, and while following Saori and Tatsumi as they keep the appearances, I hear Tatsumi say as planned before "Incredible isn't it, Ojou-sama? The world's elite is gathered here! I suppose it's natural, this is the birthday of Julian Solo, the only son of the world's top maritime trade magnate, but don't you think it's a little much for one teenage brat?".

And Saori chides him "Watch your mouth, Tatsumi, mister Julian may be only 16, but since his father's death, he has taken over the entire Solo trading empire", and Tatsumi lightly bows and says "Of course, forgive me", and of course with this little scene going on we catch the attention of the capricious and ambitious Julian Solo who says "It pleases me greatly to hear you speak of me, Miss Saori, I'm Julian Solo, thank you for attending my birthday celebration", I finally see him in person, he is a tall, handsome young man with light blue hair and His greenish blue eyes,  dressed elegantly in a white dress suit.

(Image Here - Julian Solo)


At the same time, Saori greets him "I'm honored to be invited" and Julian continues "This may be our first meeting, miss Saori, but my late father and your late grandfather, Mitsumasa Kido, were close friends", to which Saori calmly replies "Indeed, my grandfather told me many tales of Greece's billionaire House of Solo", Julian smiles and says "I invited you tonight because I wanted to meet you... You are far more beautiful than I ever imagined... I'd like a word with you in private, shall we remove ourselves to the terrace?", and start to lead Saori in a more tranquil place.

Seeing this Tatsumi says "I know this is all part of the plan... But should we just let them leave like that? Sure a gentleman like that wouldn't try anything scandalous... But something about that boy bother me..." and putting my hand on his shoulder I say "It is the fact that he is a little spoiled and no one never told him no in his life, add the fact that he is the current host of Poseidon and that even if asleep his Divine Cosmo and presence still influences him... And you have the perfect cocktail for an annoying prat... But don't worry Saori can take care of herself and I'm here!".

And after saying this, I follow after the godly duo and arrive just in time to hear Julian's proposal "For hundreds of years, the House of Solo has dominated the seven seas, we've amassed a great fortune, using the mediterranean sea as our base, my father was fond of saying that he who control the seas controls the world, the oceans and the seas cover more than 70% of the earth surface, and I too, plan to control the seven seas and eventually hold the world in my grasp... Miss Saori, would you consider sharing that with me? I would be honored to have you as my bride".

At the same time, I think 'God, how long-winded... He just praised himself and his family for half an hour before asking for her hand...', and at the same time, Saori says "Your bride? You must be joking...", and Julian continues "I'm quite serious even before I met you, I felt that our destinies were linked, and after meeting you tonight, I'm convinced of it, you and I have met before, hundreds of years ago, long before, we were born into this era, and not just once, I feel that we have encountered each other many times since the Age of Myths...".

And holding back my urge to throw up I think 'Good shit Sherlock! You are possessed by her uncle's soul that fought against her many times for control of the Earth since you were 3... It's natural that you feel connected by destiny...', and Saori calmly replies "It's an honor to have someone like yourself propose so passionately to me, but unfortunately I can't accept..." and that is my clue to act, 'I hope that this is able to wake up Poseidon Soul without having to fight...'.

I move next to Saori, warping my arm around her thin waist, and say "You see mister Solo, Saori here, is already promised to me... I'm her fiancee, Jayr Pucci, nice to meet you", and hold my hand in front of him hoping for him to snap and Poseidon to come, but unfortunately, that doesn't happen, as Julian looks at me and says "I have never heard of you or your family name, Pucci... How can a nobody like you be the fiancee of someone like miss Saori...?".

Not missing the chance to agitate him once again, I reply "While my parents aren't so wealthy and I do not have the support of a trading empire like you... Love is something that doesn't care about one standing... And isn't something you can buy...", but it doesn't work, and Saori notices this too, then she takes me by surprise and passionately kiss me on the mouth, the time seems to stop and everything around me disappears, and the only thing I can think about and feel now is Saori's delicious and full lips, so much that I forgot about our plan and everything else and start to really respond to the kiss, and soon I felt her do the same as her lips parted slightly, allowing my tongue to slip inside.

The kiss seems to last an eternity, but it ends in an instant, as Saori, stops and we separate then she turns to Julian, and with a slight blush on her face, she says "I'm very tired mister Solo, I think I'll retire for the night...", and turns around, to get once again inside the manor, while I dumbly follow after her, still stunned by what just happened, and with Saori's lips aftertaste that keeps reminding me that it wasn't a dream or an illusion, but then like a bucket of cold water I remember about Seika, and start worrying on what to do or say.

I only regain my senses, when I hear Saori cough and say "...It seems that plan A failed, now we can only hope that the plan B will work... I don't want to place all the burden on you and the other Saints", and notice that we have already left the Solo Mansion, and are returning to Saori's one, and once there, and I and Saori are alone in her room, and she says "Jayr, sorry about what happened at the Solo Mansion...", but I quickly stop her and say "No, I should be the one to apologize, I totally lost control... I... No... We both wanted to rile up Julian enough to force Poseidon to wake and talk directly with him about our proposal so that we could stop this senseless fight with him before it started....".

Saori nods and says "That is true... But I think I went too far with the kiss... So once again I'm sorry...", but I shake my head and say " Do not apologize, I was just surprised... Well, more like shocked... But I did like the kiss itself... In fact, if you didn't stop, I would've...", but I decide to stop talking and thinking about it reminding myself about Seika, to stop my growing raging erection to happen, but then I hear her whisper while blushing lightly "I wouldn't have minded...", and I stop thinking and on instinct, I move close to her once again as her eyes draw me in, and as our body press together, our lips meet for the second time today, I could taste our shared breath, feel the thud of our combined heartbeat as we fumbled to take off one another's clothes.

While still kissing her and feeling the heat from her now exposed skin raising, I slowly and gently push her onto the bed, and as we stop our kiss to regain our breath, and breathing roughly I ask while using every inch of willpower I can gather to not assault her "Saori... Are you sure...?", she closes her eyes for a moment, then she looks at my right in my eyes with her glistening greenish blue eyes, and says "For tonight, I'm not the Goddess Athena, I'm only Saori Kido...".

And so I take the lead and start to shower her body with delicate kisses, as I finish undressing her, and remain stunned for a moment by the otherwordly beauty of her divine body, but soon I continue to truly start worship every inch of her body, with light caresses and kisses, while she tries to suppress her moans, then I start to caress her pandora box, that is starting to become wet under my careful and loving touch, until all of the sudden her body tense up, and she let out a loud moan, as she reaches her peak for the first time.

At the same time, hearing her divine melody, makes my little brother so hard, that it literally started to tear apart my underwear, so I quickly undress, and slowly rub my little brother on her pandora box, then I once again look at her face to seek once again confirmation and see her looking back at me with a burning desire in her eyes as she silently nods, and so I slowly push my little brother but stop as soon as the tip enters as I feel her tensing up, so I hug her body and slowly caress her long silky hair, and once again our lips met.

And slowly Saori starts to relax and little by little, I enter deeper inside her, until, she stops our kiss a takes a sharp breath, as I have just broken through the thin membrane and I'm now fully inside her touching her deepest place, I hold still and wait for her to adapt while her body slightly trembles.

So I lean forward and kiss her on the neck, then I made her look into my eyes and went for a deep, passionate kiss, at the same time I keep my hands busy by massaging her breasts with my left hand, simultaneously caressing her head with my right and after a few minutes that feels like an eternity I ask a little concerned "Are you okay?", and soon I hear her whisper as a blinding smile start to blossom on her face "You can move now...".

Under her request I slowly start to move my hips, slowly moving in and out of her pandora box, and Saori once again started to suppress her moaning, but as I kept increasing the speed and the intensity she found it more and more difficult to keep it under control, and soon her pandora box started to wrap around my little brother and put even more pressure on it, and soon both of us reach our peak at the same time, and while her body keeps quivering under me, her pandora box squeezes my little brother even more making me unable to pull out and so I release everything inside her, and my mind blank out for a few moments, then I notice the mix of our fluids coming out of her pandora box together with her blood.

Still, inside her, I spoon her body and start to land soft kisses on her neck, and ask "How was it?", Saori looks at me and replies with a smile on her face "Perfect... For the first time in many years, I felt like a normal girl, instead of a Goddess... You do not know how hard it is to shoulder the fate of everyone... If I had a choice, I would have chosen to be a normal girl instead... But...", but I once again stop her holding her head with my hand and giving her a deep loving kiss.

Then I say "You know that there are countless Universes out there, with many Gods, Goddess, and Godlike beings, some even more powerful than you, Hades, Poseidon, and even Zeus... Compared to them you are a normal girl... And you don't have to shoulder everything yourself... You have me, the Champion of Culture and your faithful Saint... and also all the other Saints ready to give their lives to protect this world... You are not alone... And can be a little selfish from time to time...".

Hearing that, a radiant smile appears on her face, which makes my still hard little brother twitch inside her, so I can't help but ask "Another round...?", and Saori pushes me onto the bed and sit on top of me, making me admire her beautiful figure once again, then with a smile, she says "You know... Some say that love and war are the same things... And I am the Goddess of War... Let's see if even in this area I still remain undefeated...", at the same time, an immense Divine Cosmo envelopes her body as all the traces of fatigue disappears on her body, and her pandora box tightens once more as she starts to ride me, and the only thing I can think at this moment is 'Dear Athena...! This will be my toughest fight yet!', in the end, we went through many more rounds before deciding to end it in a draw at the first lights of the day.

After resting for a while, I woke up with the beautiful sight of a naked Saori in my arms, causing my little brother to raise ready for action once again, such movement, woke Saori, who looks at me with her enchanting greenish blue eyes, and says with a small smile on her face "Good morning, Jayr... It seems that someone is quite eager in the morning, now I understand Seika's difficulties...", that surprised me, at the same time it reminds me of the thing I just did, so while thinking about what to say to her I ask "You talked about sex with Seika?", and Saori replies "Of course, you two are the only close friends I ever had... Well, now, you are more than that... But yes we talked about that and even about the possibility that this could happen... In fact, I asked for her permission a few weeks ago...".

At that my brain stop working and before I could say anything else, I hear the sound of Tatsumi, coming, so in panic I say "Tatsumi is about to come...", and Saori slowly gets up, and says "Then it is better that you teleport back to your room...", and so I kiss her on her cheek, gather my clothes with telekinesis, and teleport in my room, just in time to hear Tatsumi knock on the door and say "Saori-ojousama, are you ready we have to go back to the Sanctuary...".

Back in my room, I let out a sigh and say "Aah... I really did it... Now, I have to make sure that no one found out about this... I shudder at the thought of the Gold Saints finding out that I defiled their Goddess... I can already imagine them unleashing 3 Athena Exclamations on me at the same time... It could very well be the thing that destroys this Universe...", then I move to the bathroom and take a shower making sure to remove all the sex scent on my body.

Jayr POV - Greece, Sanctuary - 1987

We are back to the Pope's Chamber, and now Saori is sitting on the throne, Saga is standing behind her ready to obliterate everything that is a minimal threat to his Goddess' life, she is telling the rest of Gold Saint here that the plan to rile up Poseidon Host so to awaken his soul, and negotiate with him failed, and that now we only have to wait for him to make his move, "...Who will be the one that will attack the Poseidon Temple... As I said before you Gold Saints, have to remain here and protect the Sanctuary in case Hades makes his move before the planned time...".

And the first to speak is Saga who says "Well, If we can't move the Gold Saint, we have to use the best next thing... I think that we should send a team made of the strongest Silver Saints... Led by Jayr, he already showed that he is capable more than once... but what about the others...".

Then Camus says "My disciple Dorado Isaak is more than capable... He too has awakened his 7th sense, and he only needs one last push to reach the absolute zero, so I nominate him!", then Shura says "I also have a former student that is strong enough, he is Scutum Juan, I also nominate him!", and surprising me Milo adds "Let's not forget about Orion Rigel... while he focuses more on nurturing the trainee he is still one of the strongest Silver Saints", and hearing that I think 'What!? Teacher Rigel is a Silver Saint!? He is the one that taught me Pankratio...Why I didn't notice this!?'.

While I was thinking this, Aiolia suggest another two names "There are also Perseus Agol, who once again showed his valor during the chaos at the Sanctuary, and Southern Cross Georg, the guardian of the training ground in Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, he trained together with my brother...", hearing this suggestion, Saga nods before letting out a sigh and say "Unfortunately Lyre Orpèe is still missing... He truly was a strong Saint, few were his match...", and Saori says "Very well, Saga, summon these Saints and tell them to get ready, I will go back to Japan with Jayr and wait for Poseidon to make his first move... If everything goes as expected we will gain an ally inside the enemy lines... At the same time, prepare the Saints around the world, the seas and the ocean are about to hit the world with everything they have! They need to be ready to rescue and save as many people as possible, also Jayr tell your grandfather to warn Jesus and the Church about Poseidon's moves", and hearing her order we all reply "Yes, Goddess Athena!".

Jayr POV - Japan, Kido Mansion - 1987

Ten days passed since the gathering at the Sanctuary, and various disasters started all over the world, tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, and an endless rain falling all over the world, meanwhile, I'm calmly reading one of the masterpieces that came out this year in Saori's study, JoJo's Bizzare Adventure, the first original edition, while Saori is looking at the downpour outside through the window.

Soon Tatsumi comes inside and reports "As expected, ojousama, no meteorological organization on earth knows what's causing this abnormal weather, it's unbelievable! Ten days of earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods, the water level is rising, and the scientists are worried that the entire planet will be enveloped in water, and are trying to find a way to stop this...".

Then we all hear a piece of beautiful flute music that catches our attention, and at the same time is able to paralyze our movement, then a male's voice that says "I doubt that's possible... for these things are the work of God", and soon a young man walks through the door, he has a soft and delicate appearance, with lilac hair and large pink eyes, wearing the Siren Scale, one of the most beautiful Scales of the Marine Generals, covering him from head to toe without leaving any free space, the armor has a pair of bird wings at the back and two small wings also protrude from his helmet, and its color is in a deeper shade of gold compared to the Gold Cloths it almost seems orange, he is the man we were waiting for Siren Sorrento.

(Image Here - Siren Sorrento)


Sorrento then introduces himself and says "I'm Poseidon Marine General, Siren Sorrento, as Poseidon's official envoy, I have come to you Goddess Athena... I have come to take you to him...", while he was speaking, he didn't stop playing his flute and using the technique, the Dead End Symphony, 'Shit this technique is really annoying, is a mix of music and Cosmo, and it truly bypasses most of the defenses, where the soundwaves are blocked, the Cosmo mixed in them still pass through anything and targets the brain of his opponent making him still listen to the music, weakening his opponent to the point that they are unable to fight back... To truly stop this technique you have to stop his subtle Cosmo... Or attack him before he can play the music...'.

As I was analyzing his technique, Saori makes her move, she unleash her Divine Cosmo and simply command "Halt!", and Sorrento follow her order meekly, all his confidence gone, as he now realizes that he is truly facing the Goddess Athena, then Saori says "We are fortunate, that you are the one that did indeed come here... We were waiting for you... Siren Sorrento...", and at that, Sorrento can only say "Wh-What...?".

And still, in her calm tone, Saori continues and drops the bomb "I swear on my pride as the Goddess Athena, everything I'm about to tell you is the absolute truth... You think that you are following Poseidon's will, but in fact, you are being fooled by the one you call Sea Dragon... He is instigating this war between me and Poseidon in the hope that we will perish together, in fact, right now Poseidon is in a half-awakened state, and his will is mixed with the one of his human host Julian Solo, this is not even the destined time for his awakening!".


Have a Nice Day, Ciao

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