Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 67 – The Last Boss

Jayr POV - Tortus, Orcus Great Labyrinth - 2013

After clearing another floor, I again did it with Eri until she went into an orgasm-induced coma, and that was enough to put her back into a good mood for a good while, resting on my bed, I start to think about the rest of our adventure, 'We continued our journey until we had finally descended all 100 levels from where we first started, we are almost done... Before each level, we would check our equipment, supplies, rest, and train, and as always, whenever I trained, Eri would stare at me from the distance with a smile on her face, and moreover, as time passed Eri displayed a more comfortable expression, she was even acting a little spoiled!'.

In fact, whenever we were resting at the S.T., she would especially get glued to me, if I laid down, she would cling to my arm while we slept near each other, or she would embrace me from the back when I sat down and with a content expression, she would rub her face on my shoulder, and sometimes, I find her sneakily watching me when I train.

And as a man, Eri's charming appearance is easily able to invoke my evergrowing lust, and unable to resist her advances, she quite easily ends up on the recieving end of my affection, that keeps pushing her body to the limits, 'In fact, sometimes I'm worried that I'm the reason her attributes are increasing so much and not the fact that she leveling up and she is one of the summoned people...', and while thinking that, I caress Eri's hair while looking at her figure sleeping naked on my chest, at the same time I hear her mutter in her sleep, "Jayr... Feels good... Break me...".

I try to ignore her and focus on everything I was able to do this month, 'Martial arts, Special Magic, Magic... I polished these skills to the max possible... In both theory that practice and live combat, I have full confidence in myself... I won't be taken down easily now, even without my Cosmo... However, this place is scary enough to kill me even with my abilities... I still had to be careful, and slowly conquer one level at time preparing as much as possible... And now my current status is…', at the same time, I pull out my Status Plate and start to study it.

Name - Pucci Jayr

Age - 16 Years Old

Gender - Male

Level - 80

Class - Adventurer

Strength - 4200

Vitality - 4940

Resistance - 4520

Agility - 5000

Magic - 4105

Magic Resistance - 4105

Skills - Martial Arts Mastery, Cooking Arts Mastery, Drawing Arts Mastery, Healing Arts Mastery, Music Arts Mastery, Science Mastery, Smithing Arts Mastery, Weapon Arts Mastery, Language Mastery, Chemistry Mastery, Tailoring Mastery, Water Element Affinity, Ice Element Affinity, Dark Element Affinity, Spell Melding, Magic Manipulation, +Mana Discharge, +Mana Compression, +Mana Emission, +Remote Manipulation, +Increased Efficiency, +Ether Absorption, +Body Strengthening, Image Composition, +Increased Imagination, +Multiple Spell Image Composition, Iron Stomach,  Lightning Clad,+Lightning Resistance, Air Walk, +Aerodynamic, +Quick Step, +Steel Legs, Gale Claw, Night Vision, Farsight, Detect Magic, Sense Presence, Sense Heat, Hide Presence, Petrification Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Poison Resistance, Fear Resistance, Diamond Skin, Steel Arms, Intimidate, Telepathy, Tracking, Increased Mana Recovery, Limit Break, Blessing of Culture, +Improved Learning, +Improved Teaching, +Improved Libido, +Affinity for the Arts...

Looking at it I mutter "My status has continuously climbed after consuming my first shit monster meat, though I had not received much Special Magic... The stats do not increase anymore from normal monsters, but the boss or high-level monsters still did make my stats increase... But my stats are getting harder to raise in my current state... Maybe I should spend some time farming the boss monsters... Or maybe I should use Limit Break to push my body over the limit and then heal to increase my attributes... Hmm... food for thought...", and while planning my next training plan, I close my eyes and go to sleep.

The next day, after we finished all our preparations, we quickly get out of my S.T. and walk toward the staircase that leads down the last level, the 100th level, where the Hydra is waiting for its victims, without knowing that this time, it will be the one that will end up dead.

The last level is a very large space supported by a vast number of pillars, each of the pillars is 5 meters in diameter, and each has a spiral design and vine patterns engraved onto them, the arrangement of each row of pillars is very uniform, and is spaced out evenly.

There are about 30 meters to the ceiling, 'Quite high... Probably to allow the Hydra to easily move its heads', and unlike the usual rough ground in the Labyrinth, this place has a beautiful flat ground, and the room gives off a solemn atmosphere.

While admiring our surroundings we step inside, and at the same time, all the pillars start to faintly shin, I raise my guard and say "Eri! It's coming... Remember, you just have to distract it!", the pillars lit up sequentially towards the back of the room, but then, after a while, nothing happened, even so, I signal to Eri to stay here, and I carefully move forward, but at the same time, Eri summons her Undead Puppets, that now have mostly a skeleton appearance as it seems that Eri's magic makes their bodies degrade faster, and makes them advance together with me.

I advance while making full use of my senses and perception skills, and after moving for about 200 meters, I find a dead end ahead, well, not a real dead end, but a huge door.

The double door is 10 meters tall and has extravagant sculptures engraved onto it, particularly, some of the patterns drawn were the same as the ones on top of the octagon system.

Seeing that, I get ready and finally walk past the last of pillars and advance towards the door, and right at that moment, a huge magic formation nearly 30 meters wide appears between me and the door, emitting an almost blinding crimson light, while at the same time, it pulsates with growing intensity, 'It is similar to the magic that triggered because of the trap that day that summoned the Behemoth... But the magic formation for the Behemoth was a measly 10 meters in diameter... Compared to the magic formation from last time, this is 3 times larger than that, a lot more complex and detailed...'.

The formation shines more and more until it finally burst in its full might, forcing me to close my eyes to prevent the light from blinding me, and when I feel the light disappear, the boss last boss finally greeted my sight.

A monster over 30 meters in length, 6 different colored heads with really long necks, sharp fangs, and dark red eyes, comparable to the Hydra of the myths, the next moment all the heads looks at me and let out a loud ferocious strange roar """"""Kuruuaan!"""""", it seems that it wants to bring judgment upon the intruders who didn't know their place.

Soon a fierce thirst for blood, that would have stopped an ordinary man's heart, is thrown at me, and one of the heads, the one with a red crest on it opens its mouth and emits massive flames from it, and I jump to the right to quickly dodge it, while the puppets under Eri's control disperse, and start to attack the Hydra to take away its focus from me.

While all the Hydra's heads focus on Eri's numerous Skeletons, I start to urge the Mana in my body and cast one of the spells I came up with, "Hailstone Spear Throw!", which summons and shoots down dense packs of huge ice spears from above the Hydra, that starts piercing through its body and destroying the green and red head.

But soon after, white light wraps around the destroyed heads and restores them fully, like time had been reversed, and it came from the white head that is able to use healing magic, but in that gap, Eri launches her dark corrosive magic spell, aiming at the apparently defenseless white head, but the head with a blue pattern shot out a gravel of ice from its mouth that blocked Eri's attack.

Seeing this, I use another spell and chant "Avalanche!", which instantaneously creates and launches a large-volume avalanche of snow at the target, causing blunt trauma, frostbite, and at close range, hypothermia, aiming to slow down the Hydra, but the crimson head quickly reacts and again spews out massive flames from its mouth, melting the snow and freeing itself.

And the next moment, Eri's countless Skeletons start to attack the Hydra, but the Hydra is far too strong for them to cause any kind of physical damage, while their special magics are easily blocked by the yellow head's shield, leaving the Hydra totally unscathed as it glares at us, but then I Body Strengthening to use my mana to enhance my physical abilities, and with a mix of Air Walk and Quick Step, I quickly appear on top of the white head and touching it with my hand I chant "Combustion!", igniting the white head in powerful flames as it screams in pain as it quickly becomes charred.

But the next moment another scream sounded, Eri's cry, "Noooo!!", hearing that I exclaim "Shit! I forgot about the black head!", indeed as the other heads are dealing with Eri's Undead Puppets, the black head is staying still staring at Eri as she screams in terror, so I quickly chant "Rupture", quickly slicing off the black head, and at the same time, freeing Eri from its magic, as she collapses, and even from here I see that her face is pale.

Meanwhile, the blue head opens its big mouth and stretched its head towards Eri, shooting ice spears at her, I yell "As if I'd let you!!", and again urge the magic in my body to enhance my stats, and quickly appear in front of Eri and chant "Ice Shield!", creating a shield made of ice to block the attack, then I counter-attack with another Rupture, cutting off another head, 'With this 3 heads are down... 3 more to go!'.

Then I turn around and check on Eri, "Hey! Eri! Get it together!", but she doesn't react to my words, she is still pale and her body is trembling body, So I he slap Eri's cheeks, and at the same time, call out for her telepathically and after a while, light began to dwell in her hollow eyes, and worried I yell "Eri!".

She looks at me and weakly says "...Jayr", Eri confirms my existence while slowly blinking her eyes, she extends out her small hands and touches my face, and a relieved sigh escapes her lips as she realized that I'm really in front of her, and soon, tears began to collect at the edge of her eyes as she mutter "…What a relief… I thought I was abandoned again… alone, unwanted, hated…"

Eri POV - Tortus, Great Orcus Labyrinth - 2013

I watch Jayr as he looks at me with clear worry in his crimson eyes, 'It was a frightening scene, being abandoned and hated by Jayr... He was the person to risk his own life to save me while everyone else ignored me... He, who didn't treat me differently even if he knew the truth about me, and allowed me to stay by his side, his warm embrace who comforted me when I needed the most... It was unavoidable that my heart yielded... And now the only place for me was beside Jayr... How nice it was when he promised to journey the various universes together... Meeting his family and his other girlfriends... I don't even want to imagine being alone again... Therefore the planted nightmare of the black head was stuck in my head hit me the hardest...'

And so I unconsciously grab his clothes trying to keep him close to me and say, "…I…", I can still feel my whole body shaking, but he gently looks at me with his usual kind smile, and I feel that he is able to perceive my feelings and squats in front of me to meet my eyes, and then he inclines his head and kisses me.

Our lips only touched a bit, but I could feel everything he wanted to tell me with that kiss, and I suddenly stop shaking, as seemingly endless energy start coursing my body, and a genuine smile appears on my face, I stand up and looking at the monster that is still occupied in trashing my puppets, I say, "I'm fine now... Let's quickly kill this thing! The faster we gather the Ancient Magics the faster we will finally go home!".

Jayr POV - Tortus, Orcus Great Labyrinth - 2013

Seeing that Eri recovered, I let out a sigh, and once again face the Hydra, that is still focused on Eri's puppets, I also get up and declare, "I'm going to end this in one big move... Can you buy me some time?", she continues looking at the monster, and nods saying "...Leave it to me!", full of motivation, and with a smile, I notice that her quiet mutters were gone, and in their place, there is a voice full of ambition, all the anxiety before vanished completely.

The next moment, the Hydra unleashes a ferocious explosion, the monster roars as it pelleted the area the skeletons were at with fireballs and wind blades, destroying all the skeletons, but Eri raises her staff and chants "Bone Chains!", and under her command, all the broken bones join together forming multiple chains that start to restrain the Hydra, then she starts to throw one spell after another, "Phantom Pain! Oblivion! Insanity Howl! Scatterdust! Crazed Moon!!".

The volley of spells quickly hit and destabilizes the Hydra further, Phantom Pain, causes the monster to screech in pain, Oblivion, covers its sight with a black haze, Insanity Howl is a dark magic spell that causes auditory hallucinations and interferes with the target's sense of hearing, Scatterdust is the strongest mana-disruption spell, which not only the obstructs the mana of the target's spell, but even disrupts the internal flow of their mana, and Crazed Moon is one of the strongest dark magic spells, It creates a black moon in the sky and separates the target's consciousness from their body for a few seconds, 'This set of spells is basically a downgraded version of Shaka's Tenbu Horin...'.

In order to buy time for me, Eri is casting spells rapidly and is emphasizing the combination and the power of the spells without caring about their cost, and while she is quickly expending all of her Mana, she is able to restrain the Hydra, the strongest monster of this Labyrinth, alone something that very few people in this world are able to do.

While the three heads were occupied with Eri, I approach the monster with a dash while urging the Mana within my body, 'I'm going for a single killing blow because it would be troublesome if the monster use the hidden 7th head, I'm not sure if I can survive that attack without using my Cloth... Time to see the effect of magic that I have seen in another Universe and was able to recreate in this...'.

But just as I got close, the Hydra let out a furious roar, then I break free from the bone chains, and finally, the hidden silver head makes its appearance, it appear unaffected by Eri's spells as it is glaring at Eri and me with pure hatred in its eyes, then it focus its gaze on Eri and it let loose an aurora without any preparations.

The aurora shoots towards Eri in an instant, and she clearly can't move because of magic exhaustion, and on instinct, I again jump in front of her, quickly summon my Cloth, push her body out of harm's way, and quickly equip my Cloth, and the next instant, the aurora swallows my whole body, and almost feels like my whole body is being quickly melted, but before I could be hurt more than that, I open a portal and enter my S.T., and now, with access to my Cosmo, I quickly start to use Dark Resurrection and heal from all the damage I received.

But there is a factor that is inhibiting the restoration in the hydra's aurora some kind of mana poison, that continues melting my flesh and slows down my healing a little, however, the Dark Resurrection's restoration is faster than the dissolution speed of the magic poison, and after a few seconds, I'm again as good as new.

After healing, I look at my condition as smoke blows out of my body and undamaged Cloth, and let out a sigh and mutter "Damn... That was a 9 out of 10 on my scale of pain... But still it isn't enough to kill me... Now it some sweet vengeance time!", then I unequip my Cloth, and get out of S.T., and see Eri looking at me with relief all over her face, but also notice the hint of tears on the corner of her eyes.

But I do not have the time to console her as the Hydra isn't going to allow that, the monster starts shooting innumerable balls of light, 10 centimeters in diameter with an intensity that can be compared to a Gatling gun, so I quickly start to wave through them dodging all the light ball that the monster is shooting and get closer and closer to it.

Enraged by the fact that it is unable to hit me, the Hydra let out another roar, and shoots even more bullets of light, making them all float in the surroundings then it throws the bullet at me so there would be no more discussion about who escaped death, but I shake my head and say "So slow...", I didn't move until the last moment and evade all the bullet by a hair breath.

The silver head narrows its eyes and starts to attack with all the numerous light balls at the same time, and I hear Eri yells "Jayr, run away!", but with a calm smile I continue to easily dodge all the attacks and once I'm close enough, I say "Time to finally end this...", and urge my Mana as I finally unleash my strongest magic.

I raise my hand and chant my spell in one of the languages I'm most familiar with, greek, "To sumbolaion diakonêtô Moi, hê krystallinê basileia. Epigenêthêtô, taiônion erebos, haiônie krystalle (Let the covenant serve me, the crystal realms! Be reborn, thou ribbon of irritation, thou everlasting crystal)" and as soon as "everlasting crystal" is spoken, the area around me becomes frozen, and the Hydra is encased, immobile in pillars and spikes of ice, but my spell doesn't end here "Pāsais zôais ton ison thanaton, hos ataraxia, Kosmikê Katastrophê!! (To all life, is equal in death, which is unrest! Cosmic Catastrophe!!)".

With the final passage, "Kosmikê Katatrophê", the target is completely frozen at a temperature of absolute zero, then I snap my fingers and command "Brich! (Break!)", and the next instant the Hydra is shattered into pieces, and soon after,  I sit on the ground totally spent, 'Damn... That spell used all my Mana... But with this, the Orcus Great Labyrinth is finally conquered!'.

After recovering for a while, I and Eri move toward the door, which opens on its own, and see what is on the other side.

Inside is a vast space with a good-looking house in the center, 'It looks quite peaceful... There is even a faux sky and sun... Orcus for sure made a nice dwelling...', indeed the first thing that catches my eyes is sunlight, it isn't real because we are underground, but there is a globe that has its cone-shaped body connected to the ceiling, and it is floating there shining.

I feel slightly warm because it doesn't feel artificial like a fluorescent light, next, the pleasing sounds of water enter my ears,  and I notice in the back wall of this room that there is a waterfall, a large quantity of water runs down that wall from the ceiling and joined the river to flow into the back cave, the cool wind that blows from the waterfall provides a good feeling, and when I took a closer look at the water, I notice that there are fish swimming there.

Some distance from the river, there is a big field, nothing seems to be planted there right now, and there is no sign of animals, but there are resources here to be self-sufficient, as lots of varieties of plants grow around here.

The stone house is white and its texture is like lime, all of it feels so clean, in the entrance, there is a light sphere that is at the tip of a pedestal projecting from the ceiling, and there seem to be 3 stories, and there seems to be an atrium at the top, after we confirm that it isn't dangerous, we move inside the house, and look at the ground floor, we discover a fireplace, soft carpet, living area with a sofa, a kitchen, restroom, and finally, we find a bedroom and stop exploring the place, we undress and simply go to sleep to recover from the mana exhaustion.

Jayr POV - Tortus, Orcus Abode - 2013

I feel my whole body being wrapped by something warm and soft, this is the feeling of a bed, a cushion gently catching my head and back, the softness of feathers wraps my body, and my dozing consciousness is thrown into confusion, 'What is this? It's different, this isn't the Athena's Bidoof's cabin...'.

I am fumbling around as my consciousness is not fully awake yet, however, I can't move my body very well, it is wrapped in a soft and warm feeling that is different from the bed, and my little brother is also enveloped by a familiar and pleasant sensation, 'What's this?', I move my hand while I'm still blank.

And feel a certain elasticity in front of me, and it is squishy when I touch it and lightly squeeze it, "...Ahn...", hearing that seductive gasp I open my eyes, and what greets me is the sight of a familiar naked butt, and realizing what is going on I ask "Eri? Why are you... Ugh...", Eri stops sucking me off, and moves her body so that she can look at me in the eyes, and at the same time, I feel my little brother enter in her warm pandora box as she smiles and says "Good morning, Jayr!".

Then she slowly starts to move and as she rides me she explains between her moans, "...Ahn... When I woke up... Ah... I noticed that someone else was already awake...Ahh... and so I decided to give him a good morning kiss...", at the same time she slowly increases her speed, now fully awake, I decide to stop being so passive, and start to caress her body, at the same time, I start to move my hip to increase the speed even more, and my reward is Eri's sensual moans.

Soon I feel her walls tightening around my little brother, and with a scream, she reaches her peak as her body starts lightly convulsing before powerlessly collapsing on my body, but even if she had her orgasm, I'm still not satisfied, so I continue thrusting inside her, and I hear her weakly mutter "Nooo... I'm still sensitive... Ahhh!".

After a while Eri again reaches her peak, and this time, I feel myself getting close too, and with a grunt, I do one last thrust and release everything deep inside her, causing an even bigger orgasm in Eri, as I feel her wetting my body with her fluids, then with a ragged breath she says "I... Love... You...", I kiss her forehead then I say "I love you too...", then with I grin I add "...But you know that it isn't enough right?".

Indeed, I'm still fully hard, and Eri with a weak but happy smile says "I know... So... Let's do another round!", I nod and, while still inside her, I gently lay her prone on the bed slowly start to move my hips, as Eri pushes her head into the pillow to muffle the noise of her voice, and for the next 3 hours I continue in indulging in carnal pleasure with Eri until it is too much for her and she faints with a silly smile on her face, while her body is covered in fluids.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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