Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 68 – Ancient Magic of the Age of Gods – Creation

Chapter 68 - Ancient Magic Creation

Jayr POV - Tortus, Orcus Abode - 2013

The next day, I and a beaming Eri continue our exploration of this place, and after once again checking the ground floor, we move on and check the outdoors again, there is a hole in this huge place, and a sculpture of a lion was enshrined in deep water,  next to the sculpture there is a magic formation, seeing that, I move closer to the statue and pour magic into the formation, and soon warm water jumps out of the lion's open mouth,

Seeing that Eri exclaims, "A bath! This is good, how many weeks has it been since I had a warm bath? The showers in the Athena's Bidoof are just enough to clean oneself... They aren't as relaxing as baths!", hearing that, my cheeks twitch a little and think, 'Japanese people and their addiction with baths... Sure they can be relaxing once in a while... But for day-to-day cleaning, I prefer a good old shower...'.

Looking at the bath Eri suddenly asks, "Enter Together?", at the same time, she throws a seductive glance that hints at what would happen next, but with some reluctance, I shake my head and reply, "Later... Now let's continue exploring this place...", that cause Eri to cutely pout before she nods and says, "Okay, but after we are done I also want a massage~", and so we move inside and start to search the second floor and soon discover a study room and workshop on it, however, there seem to be some seals that prevent the opening of the doors in those rooms.

And so we continue our search on the third floor, and here there is only one big room, opening the door what greets our sight is an 8 meters wide exquisite and delicate magic formation engraved on the floor in the center of the room, the design is something we have never seen before, it is a rather splendid geometrical patterned formation and it looks like a work of art.

However, something else is more noteworthy, on the other side of the magic formation there is a figure sitting in a regal chair, the figure is a corpse, quite an old one as it has already become a skeleton just like Eri's Undead Puppets, and there is a stunning black robe embroidered with gold on its body, moreover, despite the age, there isn't a single stain on it, seeing that Eri comments "It seems to be an object from a haunted house...".

The corpse's head hangs low while leaning on the chair, It has decayed in that posture, and no signs of suffering could be seen on the figure that rested on the chair, it seems like the figure was waiting for someone, and after studying it, I say, "That is Oscar Orcus' corpse... One of the so-called Liberators who fought to free this world from Ehit's control... And that is the magic formation that will teach us the Ancient Age of Gods Magic... I'll go first...", Eri nods and says "Okay... Be careful...".

I smile and step forward towards the magic formation, the moment I stepped into the center of the magic formation, a snow-white light flashes suddenly and the room is dyed with the light and I close my eyes, at the same time, something invades my head knowing what it is going to do, I simply let it be, and soon I go through the time I fell into the abyss and everything I did in the Labyrinth like a revolving lantern.

The light soon settles and I open my eyes, and in front of me now there is a young man who has gentle feminine features and a long, slender build, he wears black-rimmed glasses and has shoulder-length black hair tied up in a ponytail, and of course, is donning the same attire as the skeleton, he is Oscar Orcus the creator of this Labyrinth.

(Image Here - Oscar Orcus)


Well, more precisely a recording of him who starts saying, "You have arrived here after overcoming the trials... My name is Oscar Orcus, the person who created this Labyrinth, if I said one of the Traitors, would you understand?", I calmly look at it while it continues "Ah, please don't ask questions, this is just a recording, unfortunately, it wouldn't be able to answer your questions... For the person to reach this place, I will impart the truth of the world and what we fought for... This is the leftover message, I took this shape, please I want you to listen... We are traitors but we are also not".

Then Orcus started his story, a story I already knew in general as I remember this part of the novel, it is a tale of the battle between the Mad God and his descendants.

During the first years after the Age of Gods, the world was filled with strife, Humans, Devils, and Demi-Humans were constantly at war with each other, and the reason for their wars varies.

Territorial expansion, ethnic values, greed, and many others, but the biggest reason was that they were "Enemy of God", during that time the races and countries were finely divided.

Each of the races, and countries, would worship their own god, for their god's oracle, they continued to wage their war and after hundreds of years of countless battles, came people who wanted to end this endless war, the group was called "Liberators" during those days.

They all had a common connection, all of them were direct descendants of the "gods" that were followed in the Age of Gods, the leader of the "Liberators" had, by chance, found out the real intentions of the gods.

The gods had urged the wars with the intention of having the people be the pieces in their war game, when he found this out, the leader set out on a mission, he gathered like-minded people who would not stand for the gods manipulating the people and driving them to war for their games.

They located the place where the gods resided, the "World of God", there were 8 of them that had the strength of ancestral times in "Liberators", and with their powerful strength challenged the gods.

However, the plan fails before the fighting began, the gods were the puppet masters of the people, and they had gotten people to recognize the "Liberators" as the enemy of god that wanted to bring destruction to the world, and the people they wanted to save were made to be their enemies.

There were complications in the process, after all, they couldn't wield their power against the people they were trying to protect, and when the "Liberators" were defeated they were labeled as "Traitors", the traitors who forgot the grace of god and wanted to destroy the world.

In the end, their group had dwindled to the 8 strongest, they were now the world's enemies and they judged that they were not strong enough to strike down the gods.

Each of them scattered around the continent and created the 8 Great Labyrinths to hide in, the Labyrinth was a trial to find a worthy person to hand over their powers, and with it, their hope to accomplish what they could not.

Orcus smiles gently after he finished that long story and says "I don't know who you are or what reason you arrived here for, I will not coerce you into killing God... However, I wanted you to know, what we stood for... To you, I grant my powers, you are free to use it as you will... Please do not use this power to satisfy the evil in your heart. Our conversation is at an end. Thank you for listening. Now your free will won't be under supervision".

After he finished what he said, the recorded image of Orcus disappeared and something invades my mind at the same time, my mind aches with a throb, but I endure it quietly because it is imprinting knowledge of a certain magic, and soon, both the pain and magic formation settle, and I slowly exhale "Huu... That is quite a lot of knowledge there...".

I quickly check the knowledge I just received and can't help but exclaim "Really this Ancient Age of God Magic is seriously OP... Creation Magic grants the user control over any object, or structure, be it physical or magical, or mineral, allowing the user to shape or transform them in any way they wish. It is the only form of Magic that allows for the creation of an "Artifact". But the true power of this magic is the ability to interfere with any inorganic material!".

After that, I hear Eri's worried voice as she asks "Jayr... Are you okay?", I nod and get out of the magic formation, then I say "Okay, now it is your turn...", hearing that, Eri smiles and move toward the center of the magic formation, which shines again as it searches Eri's memories and instills in her mind the knowledge of the Ancient Magic, while at the same time, replays Oscar's message.

After that, Eri looks at me and asks "Now... what do we do?", I look at Oscar's skeleton and say "Well... we can rest here for a few weeks... Then we can move on and search for the next Labyrinth... After all, I'd like to use Creation Magic to make some artifacts for us to make our next journey easier... I'd also like to try the new training method I came up with, and when bored we can also farm the Hydra to increase our levels what do you think?".

Eri snuggles closer and says with a smile "I love the idea! It means that I'll have you all for myself for more without worrying about keeping away the other hussies that will for sure hound you in one way or another..." then she moves her hand over my crotch and slowly she starts to rub my little brother over the clothes as she says "Now, why don't we go and try out that bath outside... I feel the need of a real deep cleaning... And don't forget the massage~".

As my little brother gets harder under her gentle caress, I think 'Why is my willpower so weak under such circumstances... Ahh! Who cares!', then bringing out the Chinese Cultivator in me, I take her in a princess carry and yell, "Courting pleasure!", I rush out of the room while Eri screams "Kyaaa...!".

Jayr POV - Tortus, Orcus Abode - 2013

In these few weeks, I spent a good part of my time farming the Hydra and doing my Limit Break training in my S.T., which consists of simply using Limit Break to push my body over the limits, and Dark Resurrection to heal all the damage it constantly does so as to forcibly increase my stats, and the result speaks for itself.

Name - Pucci Jayr

Age - 16 Years Old

Gender - Male

Level - ???

Class - Adventurer

Strength - 35000

Vitality - 37000

Resistance - 37000

Agility - 38000

Magic - 41000

Magic Resistance - 41000

Skills - Martial Arts Mastery, Cooking Arts Mastery, Drawing Arts Mastery, Healing Arts Mastery, Music Arts Mastery, Science Mastery, Smithing Arts Mastery, Weapon Arts Mastery, Language Mastery, Chemistry Mastery, Tailoring Mastery, Water Element Affinity, Ice Element Affinity, Dark Element Affinity, Spell Melding, Magic Manipulation, +Mana Discharge, +Mana Compression, +Mana Emission, +Remote Manipulation, +Increased Efficiency, +Ether Absorption, +Body Strengthening, Image Composition, +Increased Imagination, +Multiple Spell Image Composition, Iron Stomach,  Lightning Clad,+Lightning Resistance, Air Walk, +Aerodynamic, +Quick Step, +Steel Legs, Gale Claw, Night Vision, Farsight, Detect Magic, Sense Presence, Sense Heat, Hide Presence, Petrification Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Poison Resistance, Fear Resistance, Diamond Skin, Steel Arms, Intimidate, Telepathy, Tracking, Increased Mana Recovery, Limit Break, Creation Magic, Blessing of Culture, +Improved Learning, +Improved Teaching, +Improved Libido, +Affinity for the Arts...

As a result of eating monster meat, once I reached level 100, the level stopped changing but my stats kept going up, and finally, it displayed those ??? for my level, just like with Hajime's case, my growth limit also increased, just like my stats increased, and Status Plate is no longer able to measure my limits, that is why the level became ???.

But that isn't the only thing I did, I used Oscar's ring to open his workshop and used Creation Magic to make some artifacts useful for our journey.

And right now, I'm in my S.T. admiring my latest work, a futuristic looking motorbike all grey, made of Azantium ore, and enhanced with all kinds of magics to make it harder to destroy, and can't help but grin, 'Heh... While I don't have Hajime's God Crystal or his transmutation magic, I have enough scientific knowledge to build it... I also made a magic power conversion engine using some principles of the Cosmo version used by the Steel Cloths and here we have it, a magic-powered vehicle! Making this, my weapon and the most useful tool for our next adventure took a lot of my time and creativity! Especially since I had to build every piece in the old fashioned way, thankfully what Mu and Dr. Asamori taught me is still useful... Anyway, Creation Magic is truly more compatible with Hajime and his Transmutation Magic than with someone like me...'.

(Image Here - Motorbike)


Then I look at the first artifact I made, it is something to find the position of the other Labyrinths, its appearance is of an old school compass, but in it, I imbued and fused together some of the Special Magics I gained from the monsters.

Those magics are:

-Farsight, which allows an increased range of vision by focusing mana into the eyes.

-Sense Presence, which allows the user to gain a better understanding of the surroundings and sense life signs along with being able to sense beings who can utilize basic camouflage abilities.

-Detect Magic, which allows the user to detect and perceive the flow of mana and activation of hidden or ranged spells and magic.

-Sense Heat, which allows the user to track and detect heat emitted around.

-Foresight, which allows the user to predict and perceive the movements of the opponent.

-Telepathy, which allows the user to communicate with others by a transference of thoughts from their mind, this one has a limited range but is still useful for what I need.

-Tracking, which allows the user to mark places or beings using their own mana and track them, is helpful to maps or get the general idea of a different region than the user's current location.

And by combining all these magics together, I was able to create a bootleg version of Jack Sparrow's compass, only different from that compass, it doesn't point at what you truly desire, and you have to know what you are searching for, and to use it you need a hell lot of magic power just to activate it I need a third of all my Mana, and to keep it active there is a constant drain of 1% of my Mana, maybe in future I'll be able to improve it, but even like this compass, that I call Mana Compass, is still a hell lot useful, I tested it and was able to lead me to all the monster and ores hidden in this Labyrinth that I knew of, no matter their distance and position, in fact, it was also able to point me toward Kouki's position, but that took a lot more Mana because of the distance.

As for the weapon, I choose to make one that I can use for both close and long-range combat, and took inspiration from the Gundam franchise to make it, the Tactical Arms, multifunctional equipment capable of functioning as a flight pack or a weapon, well the flight option is still off the table as I want to imbue Gravity Magic into it that I still do not have to make it more efficient, but the foundation for it is there, right now, it is laying on the ground in its Sword Form, it has the shape of a greatsword, with a mainly blue fuller.

The Tactical Arms has currently 4 forms if you exclude the still-out-of-picture Flight Form, the Sword Form, a 2-meter large sword and 350 kg, which can also function as a shield due to its sheer size, the blade has an incredibly sharp edge and even if it isn't able to cut the enemy's armor, the impact due to its size and weight can easily damage internal organs or may even directly crush it in pieces.

(Image Here - Tactical Arms Sword Form)


Then there is, the Gatling Form, a four-barrelled 30mm Gatling gun, in this form, the sword blades are used to make a balancing stand to stabilize the gun while firing, and can also protect me from enemy fire as well as serves as heat sinks during prolonged shooting, it can fire physical projectiles, but it also has a Magic Mode,  where I use my Mana and spell to create magical projectiles and enhance their power, and can be fired from two barrels each, and a mix of both is also possible.

(Image Here - Tactical Arms Gatling Form)


Then there are the more agile forms, Sword Arm and Gatling Arm forms, the blades of the Tactical Arms detach from the Gatling gun and become two separate swords, compared to Sword Mode, Sword Arm Mode is more convenient and will be used against melee combat orientated enemy, meanwhile, Gatling Arm, is a smaller, handheld version of the Gatling Form, it does not have the blades of the Tactical Arms, and this makes it easier for me to fire upon multiple targets but it has lower accuracy, overall, I'm quite proud of the weapon I built.

Another thing I did was to see if it is possible to use Creation Magic to enhance my Crateris Cloth, because using Saori's blood to make it evolve into a God Cloth isn't really practical, for a single simple reason, it is a temporary upgrade, once the divine energy in the blood is activated to transform the Cloth, it will be quickly used up, and after some time, the Cloth will return to its original state, and to transform it back into a God Cloth it needs to be again doused in God's blood again.

Now, I found out, that it is possible to enhance the Crateris Cloth with Creation Magic, but I want to wait to do so, because the result will be better if I can also use the other Ancient Magics to make it even more powerful, after all right now, it is still strong enough, as it is really close to a Gold Cloth in power and endurance, that means that to damage it, one almost needs enough power to create or destroy a universe.

For Eri instead, I kept it simple, I simply gave her one of Oscar's spare storage rings so that she can put some of her numerous skeleton puppets in it so that she can easily summon them, then a pair of sharp daggers made of Azantium ore, and imbued with Gale Claws and Dark Element Affinity so that she can use it in place of her staff if she needs it, and since I do not have the God Crystal to make some Mana storage, I went for the next best option, I made a set of earring and necklace with all my resistances in it, and a ring that helps with Mana Recovery, by both speeding up her natural recovery than by allowing her to absorb the Mana from the atmosphere, and also with Telepathy, so that she can contact me in case we are separated and in danger.

Of course, when I gave her the ring, she was so happy that she literally jumped on me and started to assault my lips while she forcefully undressed me, that day she broke her personal record and was able to endure 4 hours before entering into an orgasm induced coma with an obscene smile on her beautiful face that was warped from pleasure, with her mouth hanging open as she drooled.

Anyway, today is finally the day we leave this Labyrinth after we spent 1 and half a month in it, we are now standing on the magic formation that gave us the knowledge to use Creation Magic, and that will also lead us outside of this place, there is only a little problem.

To activate this formation, you need to use Oscar's ring, but if we use it, then Hajime and Yue will be stuck here, the only solution I have for that is obviously to quickly activate the formation then in the time it takes to charge the needed Mana, I throw the ring back to Oscar's corpse that is still laying there unmoving.

And so after making sure that we have everything, I leave a message for Hajime and insert my Mana in the ring, and soon the magic circle starts to shine, and I quickly throw the ring, and I made it just in time, as a strong lightly blinds me, and I feel the effects of the magic as it warps our bodies, 'Quite a rough use of teleportation... But well at least it is safe...'.

My view is still filled with the light from the magic circle, but the air definitely feels different, although nothing could still be seen, it is clearly different from the air at the depths of Labyrinth, and sensing a breeze, my cheeks begin to loosen, 'Ahh I really missed the open air... Being in an enclosed space for a month and a half was truly awful... Even my S.T. isn't that good to live in it... While the air is clean, and there is light, everything is still with, and the space available in there is only 1 km^2...'

After the light settles, the sight that came into view is that of a dark cave, and the next moment, I hear Eri's confused voice, "Wait, what?", as she probably expected to already see the surface, so I quickly hold her hand and explain "It's a secret passage… it's not uncommon for it to be hidden", hearing that Eri nods and says "Ah, is that so? It certainly is. There is no way that the entrance to Orcus' Abode wouldn't be hidden, right?", and after that, Eri and I advance through the pitch-black cave without any problems.

But, on the way, we encounter many doors with seals and traps, and since we left the Orcus Ring behind, we are forced to slow down to deal with them, and after a while, an annoyed Eri releases her puppets to deal with it with brute force using the number advantage and the fact that in the period I spent training and creating the artifact, she didn't stay still but worked on improving her magic, now her skeleton puppets not only retains the skill and magic they had in life, but as long as Eri has magic power, and they aren't totally destroyed, they can also regenerate themselves by taking the bones from other skeletons, or enemies.

Anyway, our eventful advance continues until we finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, it is the sun, the real one this time, we stop for a moment and look at each other with a smile on our faces then we simultaneously run towards the light, and as we approach the light that is gradually growing larger, I can clearly feel and breathe the air from the surface, 'It is really different from the stagnant air of the Labyrinth and that of the S.T., is cool and refreshing... Hell, sometimes I thought that the sulfuric air of the Underworld was better... '.

Feeling renewed and gratified, we both jump into the light and reach the long-awaited surface, and quickly I remember where this exit leads, to the humans who live in this world, this place is hell on Tortus, an execution ground.

An unknown number of powerful and brutal monsters lives here and as if that isn't enough, magic could hardly be used where we are standing, 'An average of 1-2 kilometers deep, 900 meters wide, while spanning 8 kilometers from the Gruen Great Desert in the west to the Haltina Sea of Trees in the east, the great scar that divides the north and south of the continent, the people named the Raisen Great Canyon...'.

Eri and I are currently outside of the cave at the bottom of the Raisen Grand Canyon, and although we are at the bottom of the canyon, bright, warm light pours down from above, and the fragrance of the earth mixes with the wind and tickles my nose, and using my hand to cover for the blinding light I say, "We are finally out...", and Eri hug me and simply says "Un...".

But soon our peaceful atmosphere is interrupted by the monster of this place that starts to surround us, I look at them with a smile and say, "Leave them to me... You can't use magic in this place because the magic power used to formulate magic will be dispersed by the canyon... so just focus on defending yourself".

Then I pull out my Tactical Arms from my S.T., and with a grin, I say, "This is also a good occasion to fully test this baby...".


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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