Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 84 – Chaos in the Capital 1

Jayr POV - Tortus, Heiligh Kingdom Capital City - 2013

I'm about to reply to Tio's question, when Freid suddenly asks, "Why would a member of the legendary Dragonman race come all the way here?", and Tio throws a glace at Freid and Uranus behind him, before she calmly replies, "My people sensed the arrival of humanity's heroes... and this one "volunteered" to venture into the outside world to determine how powerful they are, hoping that their presence could lead to the gods' deaths", then she again focuses her golden eyes on me and says, "Speak... How can thou be so sure that thou can be of help to this one?".

I nod and say, "The reason I said that we could help each other, is simple, we found out the true nature of the Gods, and decided to fight to stop them from causing any more destruction and suffering...", and as soon as she hears that Tio's eyes open wide in surprise, and she asks, "Thou found out the truth!? How?", to which I reply with "The Great Labyrinths... I and my companion conquered 3 of them... And from them, we found out the true story of the Liberators and Ehit".

Hearing that, Tio regains her calm and says, "This one understands...", then she asks, "Then why are thou here?", and so I quickly explain to her, about the Great Labyrinth in the Divine Mountain, about helping the summoned hero in flee from this city as Ehit started to use his true Apostle to gain further extend his control over of this Kingdom.

After explaining all that, I ask, "So what do you think? Do you want to work together and kick the Holy Church's ass?", Tio smiles and replies while her eyes gaze at the horizon, "Since that day 550 years ago when the followers of the god Ehit betrayed us and began to wage war on the Dragonmen after being labeled as enemies of god. I wanted nothing more than defeat my enemy, the Gods and have my revenge! That is why I trained immensely every day until I reached a point where I had surpassed even my grandfather in strength... Of course, This one will join thou! Maybe we will finally be able to return to the same state of the era where beings of all races could coexist in peace!".

But then, her gaze focus back to me, and with eyes full of fighting spirit she says, "But first thou have to show me that thou are able to deliver what thou said...", I let out a sigh and think, 'Of course, she wants to fight...', and reply, "Okay, but let's not fight here... We do not want to make our enemies aware of our presence...", then I raise my hand and chant, "Porta! (Gate!)", and in front of me a spherical hole in the space appears where on the other side, I can clearly see my chosen destination, a brown world where the hot wind that is blowing constantly throws up the sand and dyes the air brown, yes I chose the Gruen Desert.

Seeing this magic, Tio seems surprised and she asks, "So this is the Age of Gods Magic that thou talked about, the power granted to those who can conquer a Great Labyrinth... Amazing!", then we both, step inside the gate, while I say, "Eri, Freid, wait for us here... It shouldn't take too much time...".

Jayr POV - Tortus, Gruen Desert - 2013

The next instant find ourselves in the Gruen Desert, something that Tio quickly realizes as she looks around and asks, "This is the Gruen Desert, right? To think that thou can cross such great distance so quickly...".

After a few seconds to get used to the sudden change of temperature, I and Tio face each other, and seeing that she is still in her humanoid form, I say, "It is better that you use your Dragon Transformation, it might sound arrogant, but even at your full strength, you won't be able to beat me...", but Tio simply smiles back and replies "That is something that we have yet to see..." then she raises her arm and chants "Wind Blades!", and summons a barrage of sharp wind blades that quickly move toward me.

But in response, I calmly raise my hand and chant, "Ice Shield!", and create a shield made of ice to block the barrage of wind blades, but this doesn't deter Tio as she quickly follows up with another spell, "Flame Bullet!", and she shoots small flame breath bullets rapidly, but again I easily counter "Sagitta Magica, Series Glacialis!",  firing sharp icicle 'blades' at the small fireballs neutralizing them, but at the same time, raising a thick mist that blocks our sight.

I'm still standing in the same spot waiting for her next move when I hear Tio yells, "Be careful!", and then she starts to chant, "Rise up, O furious gale, imbued with the crimson inferno of hell itself, Purgatory Blaze!", and she summons a flame tornado dozens of meters in diameter, and I find myself in the eye of this tornado, as it slowly shrinks with the intention of turning me into ashes, but again I have the perfect counter for it, so I spread my arms wide and chant, "Omnipotens Dis!! (Almighty Push!!)".

At the same time as the name rings out, I use my mana to create a repulsive force, which pushes away everything in the vicinity, blowing away and dispersing the fire tornado, and the mist, only to find myself face to face with big 7 meters long black dragon.

Looking at her dragon form now that she is my opponent, gives off a totally different feeling, her whole body is covered in jet-black scales, there are five sharp claws on each of her long forelegs, and big wings grow from her back which are slightly shining as they are clad with magic power.

Every time she flaps her wings an unbelievable gust of wind appears that blows away the sand below her with such force that looks like a small sandstorm, however, her most impressive feature is her golden eyes that shine like the moon in the night sky.

Her eyes, which close vertically like a reptile's ones, are dangerously narrowed as they release beautiful light, glaring at me from the air, like a queen of the sky.

Seeing that, I let out a smile and say, "Finally you are going all out, huh...", and Tio in her dragon form nods and replies, "Yes, thy art truly strong! But so is this one!", then she slowly lifts her head and concentrates her Mana inside the open jaws where sharp fangs are lined up, then she immediately releases a straight, black, laser-like Breath, so hot the sand under it starts to quickly turn into glass, that is her Dragon Breath.

In response to this, I use Limit Break to enhance my stats, then as my body is enveloped in a crimson red light, I quickly jump over the fire beam to dodge it, and once I'm close to Tio's head, I spin my body in mid-air and throw a strong heel kick hitting Tio's head, and making it crash on the dunes.

At the moment of impact, the ground bursts and flies radially, accompanied by a thundering sound, as it creates a crater that looks like the result of a bombing.

But, the next moment, I quickly notice that I was only able to stun her a little as she raises her head soon after and start to shake it, seeing that I think, 'Huh... Her scales are quite tough, even if I'm carefully controlling my strength so as to not hurt her too much, that blow should have at least knocked her down... That kind of defense is almost at the level of a Silver Cloth!'.

While I was thinking that, Tio has already recovered from the previous blow, and once again she looks at me with clear determination in her eyes and opens her mouth, then she releases another black laser-like Dragon Breath, that forces me to jump back to avoid being hit by it, but Tio turns her head, and at the same time, the Dragon Breath follows and starts to chase after me.

Seeing that, I stop, and chant, "Porta! (Gate!)" and in front of me a spherical hole in the space appears where on the other side, I can clearly see my chosen destination, on the other side of the gate, I see the view from above of Tio as she fires her Dragon Breath, and indeed above her I can see another spherical hole, and the next instant, Tio's Dragon Breath jumps into the gates and come out from the other side, this all happens too fast for Tio to react, so, in the end, she is hit by her own attack, making her once again crash on the ground, while at the same time, interrupting her Dragon Breath.

Taking advantage of this opening, I charge at her, but Tio gets up accompanied with a roar that scatters the sands around her and fires a volley of flame bullets aiming at me, but with a zig-zag movement, I'm easily able to dodge all of them and get close Tio, who doesn't loses her calm, and swipes at me with her sharp claws.

But, at the same time, I clench my left fist to gather enough power, and once Tio's forelimb is close enough, so close that in fact, her claws are about to touch my body, with a side uppercut, I hit Tio's forelimb with such strength and power that blows it back and forces Tio to stand on her back limb, exposing her soft abdomen, as the sand under me is once more blown away as my feet sink into it, 'Damn it! This isn't the best location for a slugfest, this sand keeps flying everywhere, and is difficult to find a firm footing... And I was the one that chose this place!'.

But the disadvantageous location doesn't stop me from starting my follow-up attack, I get out of the sand, and using the special magic I got from the Kick Rabbit, Aerodynamic, I create small barrier-like plates of compressed air under my feet, to use as a firm foothold to move around in the air and rush toward Tio's exposed abdomen hitting her with a powerful spinning kick.

A roaring sound from the impact is heard, and Tio's body folds as she lets out a scream, and her body raises from the ground under the power of my kick, but knowing how tough her defenses truly are, I create another foothold under me with Aereodynamic, and once again spinning my body to gather enough kinetic energy, I mercilessly throw another kick aiming at the same spot.

Along with the muffled sound, the scales on the abdomen are finally cracked, and finally, I break through her defense transmitting the impact into her body, making Tio receive considerable damage from this attack, and as she raises a pained voice again she it vomits a large amount of blood from her mouth.

As she understands that keeping me this close will only make it more dangerous for her, she pours her magic power into her wings, and with a flap, she flies away from me, while at the same time, she raises a powerful sandstorm, in the attempt to gain further distance from me.

And she is successful, as the powerful winds generated by her wings do blow me away a few meters while the sandstorm she raised did block my sight, but I still perfectly know where she is thanks to my other sense, and with a confident smile, I say, "Time to end this... Porta!", and with that chant, I open another gate behind me, that leads directly above Tio.

And moving through it, I find myself falling toward the unaware Tio and knocking her down with another heel kick this time, she isn't able to shrug it off like before, as with the various exchange, I learned just how much she is able to withstand, and how much power I can use to hurt her without outright killing her.

And so, I unleash a new Spatial Magic, this one is inspired by the trademark technique of the first trap character I have seen in an anime, "Speculum Labyrinthum! (Labyrinth of Mirrors!)", at the same time, as I chant this spell, a myriad of gates opens all around Tio, and not giving her the time to realize what is going on, I jump into one and find myself, in a spherical space of around 10 meters in diameter.

All around me, there are gates that show images of Tio, but they are all from different positions and angles, and with a smile, I say, "From here, I can attack her from anywhere, I just have to jump into the chosen image... Well, technically I can also attack her with magic... the only downside is that the same is true for her... if she attacks one of the gates that attack will reach me here, but if I dodge it, it will again turn back to her...", then I rush inside the gate that shows me the image of Tio from behind.

Once on the other side, I quickly move and hit Tio on the back of her head with a flying kick, before rebounding with even more speed inside another Gate, and without stopping, I move through another gate, and hit the still-stunned Tio once again on the abdomen, this time with a spinning elbow.

Soon after that blow, I again rebound from that position, increasing my speed even more, and enter another Gate and attack her from another angle, and so I continue to hit Tio at nasty places such as the claws, gums, eyes, tail's base, butt, head, and flank.

"KURUu, GUWANN!", and in response to this assault, Tio certainly begins to give out a weeping voice, as she ends up with her scales cracked all over the place, a large amount of blood dripping from her mouth, then finish with a classic of Dragon Ball fighting technique, I cup my hands together and reel back, then slam my fists on Tio's head sending her smashing on the sands of the Gruen Desert on her back while her face, limbs, and chest facing the sky.

I land on Tio's chest and notice that even if her scales are all cracked, none of them are truly crushed, 'They are truly tough... Even under that assault that would have completely crushed a Silver Cloth, her scales still resist, but at the same time, I feel that her magic power pummeled each time I hit and cracked the scales... So probably these are as tough as her Mana allows it... This would be a quite broken ability if she has an unlimited amount of Mana at her disposal, hell even reaching the durability of a Gold Cloth is possible if that is the case!'.

Then I look at Tio and say, "This should be enough to prove my strength, right?", but Tio's golden eyes seem to be glazed as she says while panting, "Ahiii~!! A-amazing… To be treated without any mercy… This is the first time…", then her body become enveloped in a cocoon-like, jet-black magic power, and as she transforms back into her human form I jump away from her while thinking, 'I think I heard something worrying, I hope I'm wrong...'.

In the place of the black-colored magic power Tio in her human form appears, then she collapses on her feet, and while using one hand to support its body, the other hand is on her bountiful chest, and her cheeks are dyed bright red, as she breathes roughly, with glazed eyes as if she is in a trance.

Every time she breaths, her pair of hills intensely shake and it looks like they would jump out at any moment from the clothes' collar that became disordered as it hangs on her, then as she has a really dangerous expression on her face she says, "Haa haa, umuu, this one still alive… this one's whole body is hurting in all places… … Haa haa… … for pain to be this sweet….", while I think, 'Okaay, that isn't my pervert imagination...  Ha! Only now I remember the fact that she is an M...'.

But soon she pulls herself together and she immediately straightens her sitting position and says, while still slightly panting from time to time, "This one admits her defeat... Thou for sure have enough strength to rebel against the Gods, It will be this one honor to join forces with thou!", I smile and offer her my hand while saying "Welcome aboard!".

Jayr POV - Tortus, Heiligh Kingdom Capital City - 2013

Once again, I and a now calm Tio, walk through the Gate I opened with the Spatial Magic, Porta, and find only Eri sitting on the rock here while reading a book she brought in Brook Town during one of our dates, there is no trace of Freid and his familiars.

Eri notices our presence and says, "Welcome back... It took slightly more time than I thought, is she that strong?", to which I reply with a wry smile, "Well, she is strong compared to the standard of this world, very strong, in fact, she is stronger than Freid, even if he uses the Age of Gods Magic... Talking about Freid, where is he?".

And Eri looking back at her book replies in a bored tone, "He didn't want to stay still waiting for you doing nothing, so as soon as you two went through the gate to fight, he went on the other side of the Divine Mountain with his familiar to search the entrance of the Great Labyrinth...", hearing that, I nod and say, "Okay, then let's wait for him to return, then we will discuss the new plan for the attack".

Then I sit down next to Eri, and Tio who sits nearby, asks with a curious expression on her face, "So how did thou become so strong? This one would like to know if you allow it...", and since we have to wait for Freid to come back, I decide to give Tio a brief summary about me, so I start with the fact of me coming from another Universe, about the Battle and the other Champions, I also told her about the fact that I knew the "original" story of this world while also telling her role in it without hiding any information, and that was why I knew about Ehit and his plot and how I easily recognized her the first time I saw her.

I have to admit that Tio took the information I gave her quite well, she didn't show any distress about learning that I knew about her from a book in my world, nor did she question her existence, something that even I still do from time to time, as sometimes I feel like my life is like one of those fanfictions I have read in my previous life, and in fact, I'm nothing more than a character made for entertain those readers, but then I remember that my life and that of the other Champions is a form of entertainment for those Concepts, and is also thanks to that I can fulfill all those pure childish dreams that I had in my youth, and get to love and be loved by awesome women like my girlfriends, and so put aside my thoughts, and focus on enjoying the present.

Curious about her lack of reaction, I decide to frankly ask Tio about it, and she replies, "In this one long life, I have seen, heard, and read about many strange things, and while knowing about a possible future is certainly surprising, my and your presence here at this moment already proves the undeniable truth that the future isn't written but is always changing, the fate is in our hands, and that is an idea that this one finds enticing...", hearing that I nod and think, 'As expected of a 500 years old dragon, she is calm and wise...'.

Then we continue chatting about various topics, from the most useless like what kind of food is cooked in our world, to the complex topic of Magic, where Eri and Tio interacted the most, and I have to admit that sometimes I have some troubles following their exchanges, on one side there is Eri, a literal genius that was able to come up an original necromancy spell that is a degraded version of Age of Gods magic through personal research alone, on the other, there is Tio, that thanks to her long lifespan, is an extremely knowledgeable and intellectual individual with immense wisdom and an extremely skilled and experienced veteran master of magic.

We continue talking until the sky turns dark, and would've continued, but we stop because Freid finally comes back, as he and his familiar found the hidden entrance on the other side of the Divine Mountain.

But just as I'm about to greet him, I hear the loud sound of an explosion coming from afar, and quickly turning my head toward the point of origin, I see a trail of smoke coming out from the Capital City, and before I could figure out what is going on, tens of explosion happens all over the city at apparently random locations.

Then I feel a call coming from my communicator, so I pull out the small handheld mirror, and open it, only to see the worried face of Shizuku, as she quickly says, "Jayr-san, we are under attack! Shimizu-kun isn't Shimizu-kun! Whoever he is, he is working with Holy Church and the Royal Knights and they are focusing on catching us while he seems to use some strange magic to turn others into monsters! Aiko-sensei and some other classmates are already caught! While Kouki and Ryutarou with the others are trying to protect the people turned into monst-", ", then the sound of someone banging on the door is heard together with a shout "Open the door! You are suspected of being in cahoot with the Demons! Come with us peacefully or you will be deemed a Heretic!", then the communication is cut off.

Then I look back at the Capital and notice that they have raised their Barriers, the Capital City is now surrounded by three layered spherical barriers, each successive layer is smaller, but also more powerful, 'It seems that they are expecting us... plus that thing about Shimizu not being Shimizu, and it is clear that he is someone working for Ehit and took his place... That means that they have at least some information on Freid and Eri, at least on what they have shown in the Labyrinth, meanwhile, they have almost nothing on me, only that I'm stronger than Freid and defeated him before...'.

After thinking that, I get up and look at my companion and say, "Change of plans guys! Tio and I will focus on the Holy Church and see what is going on, and act according to the situation, meanwhile, Eri and Freid will check the Capital City and rescue and help whoever they can, we do not have the time to be stealthy about it... And maybe can be a good PR against the Gods, seeing a Demon helping and saving humans could open the eyes of many and maybe even a path to a lasting peace...", then I look at Eri and say, "Eri please do not unleash that spell unless forced...", and in response, she nods, but then she frowns and asks, "Why are you going with her?".

And I calmly reply, "Simple, the enemy has very little information about us, so it is likely that they will use most of their forces on us, in fact, I won't be surprised if I find some Apostle waiting for us...", and Tio nods and says, "Maste- Ehm! Jayr is right, information is a powerful weapon in the hands of those who know how to use them... Something that I'm sure the Gods excel at". 

And of course, Tio's slip didn't escape Eri as she quickly asks, "What did you call him?", but I cough to stop her and say, "We do not have time for that, now as we are talking people are getting hurt or even killed over there...", and right on cue another set of explosions happens all over the Capital City, Eri then looks at Tio and says, "It doesn't end here!", then I chant "Porta! (Gate!)", and open a Gate that leads to the inside of the city and says, "That barrier could be good against attacks from the outside... But nothing stops me from opening a gate inside it to bypass it!".


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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