Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 85 – Chaos in the Capital 2

Jayr POV - Tortus, Heilight Kingdom Capital City - 2013

Once inside the city, I finally understand that the barrier wasn't raised to keep us out but to keep all the others from getting out, it seems that the Holy Church with the support of the Royal Family decided to start a purge to remove the "Heretics", and keep this city "safe".

Everywhere I look, I see civilians fleeing in fright, zealots chasing after them yelling something like, "We will purify these lands from the heretics, it is their fault that the God's Apostle became corrupted!", while firing off one magic spell after another, while a Royal Knight tries to keep order as he yells, "Don't leave your houses! Maintain order! Let the clergy do their work and everything will be fine!", then he barks so orders to his regiment, "Keep searching! We have to find all the Demon's spawn planted by the heretics! Leave no stone upturned!".

As he said this, I notice that all of the sudden one of the women crying in fear behind the knights stops moving for a few seconds before she quickly metamorphoses into some kind of tentacled abomination that could only come out of the mind of Howard Phillips Lovecraft and starts to crazily attack the knights who quickly try to fight back.

But I another thing catches my attention, I notice some kind of small strange fly moving away from the woman in question toward another part of the town, 'That fly has magic power coursing through all its body... It's a monster! One that seems able to turn everything it bites into a monster... Luckily it seems that isn't able to do that infinitely as its magic power pummeled after it bit the woman...'.

At the same time, I notice in the distance another regiment of knights assaulting the Adventurer's Guild for some unknown reason, and the adventurers are fighting back, while all over the City, I feel the scattered presence of the Hero Party, they are fighting against some mix of these civilians turned monster, the clergy, and royal knights.

And as the situation gets more and more chaotic, people start running out of their houses, as they wear disbelief and fear on their faces as they are attacked by some of their friends/neighbors/family turned monsters.

The ones with quick thinking quickly pulled themselves together, they attempt to leave the capital with only the bare minimum luggage but soon find out that the Barrier is blocking their escape, and then they are caught by the clergy and treated as heretics.

Meanwhile, a significant amount of people gathered at the royal palace gates to seek shelter, but remain closed off, afraid of letting inside another "Demon's spawn".

Overall the situation is a frighting chaotic mess, and although it is late night, with this amount of chaos, it wouldn't be weird for a mob to be formed in the next few minutes, and that will make this situation a lot more explosive and dangerous for them, especially if someone, incites them to react in a violent manner.

Especially because the royal palace isn't doing anything worthy to calm down the mass either in fact, they are doing everything to rile them up even more, 'Probably because they, or more specifically the Holy Church, and Ehit want this to happen so that they can use the Royal Family's inaction as an excuse to gain further control and take its place as the ruling faction...'.

After a quick check of the overall situation, I look back at my companion and say, "Well... This is a mess... Eri, Freid, use your familiars and puppet to deal with as many situations as possible, Holy Church, Royal Knight, it doesn't matter deal with them but please just capture those people turned into monsters, they are in this state thanks to some magic, so it is possible to restore them... And do not forget to help the Hero Party. Go!".

And with a nod, Eri taps the ground with her staff and chants, "Rise!", and from her shadow, her horde of undead puppets starts to rise and then it quickly moves to attack the members of the Holy Church and the knight, while at the same time, they restrain the people-monster, at the same time, Freid chants his Spatial Magic to summon his familiars, "I desire the end and walk the heaven and earth. My hands reach nothing and drift beyond dreams. Then I shall seek a fissure, a break in the seamless world. I break a hole in the boundaries and create a corridor into the divine realm— Cosmic Rift!", and opens a big gate behind him from which his familiars rush out led by Uranos.

Seeing that they started to take care of the situation here, I look at Tio and say, "Now let's go and see what is going on at the Main Cathedral of the Holy Church!", she nods, then her body is once again enveloped in a cocoon of jet-black magic power, and next her body inside the cocoon starts growing and as the cocoon disperse, Tio is in her "True" Form, that of a 7 meters long black dragon, that looks at my with her reptilian golden eye and says, "Hop on, Mast- Jayr! This way it will be faster!".

I decide to again ignore her slip and simply jump on her back while thanking her, and while we are quickly flying toward the top of the Divine Mountain, I think, 'I really do not know what to do about Tio's situation... I mean, I like her, she is hot, smart, kind, and quite loyal too, but there are already Seika, Saori, and Eri in my life... I don't want to become the kind of person that starts collecting lovers left and right like they are pokèmon and ends up not caring for any of them... But I also don't want to live with as much restraint as I did in my previous life... Argh! Why is the heart matters so complicated? I'll do what I always do, be honest with myself, and my lovers, and improvise...'.

While I was thinking about that, we quickly reach our destination, the Main Cathedral of the Holy Church, looking at it, I have to admit, that is really an impressive and majestic building, that truly gives off a mystical and religious feeling, an isolated building standing almost at the top of this mountain at over 8000 meters above the sea level.

(Image Here - Main Cathedral)


I jump down from Tio's back, and at the same time, she changes back to her human form and chases after me, and the next moment, we both safely land in front of the golden gate, the entrance to this place, behind us is the long ass stairway that basically leads to the area behind the Royal Palace of Heiligh Kingdom.

Clearly feeling that something is wrong, Tio says, "This one feels that this place is a little too calm, especially considering what is happening in the Capital City...", and after a quick check with my senses, I say, "There aren't many people here... only a hundred and so... not the number one expect for a trap... well, that is if we only count those waiting inside for us...".

And as soon as I said this, I grab Tio by her waist and jump over the gate as a severe silver light pours down from the sky.

Light as strong as the moonlight ray come pouring down the spot we just stood a few moments ago, and I feel Tio in my arm stiffen as she realizes the danger behind this attack, as the light completely eradicated the ground, the gate, and the surrounding area in the very next moment, simply evaporating, scattering into particles.

Seeing that, I say, "That could be bad... This temple for sure was built with materials that can withstand a lot of punishment... In fact, I noticed that the roofs are made of steel, but even so, all became nothing more than particles that were then blown away by the night wind and disappeared into the sky...", and Tio that is still clinging to my body asks, "...Was that... disintegration...".

But I don't have the time to say anything, when a voice that resembles the ringing of a bell but is cold and void of any emotion answers, "Nice deduction, Dragonman!", and we both raise our heads and look at where the voice comes from and see a woman with silver hair and blue eyes, clad in a completely white dress and armor, who glares at us from the sky.

The dress is sleeveless and only goes up to knee height, her arms, legs, and head are clad in protective armor, and a metallic plate hangs on both sides of her waist, moreover, a pair of silver wings expand behind her.

(Image Here - Noint)


Her figure looks exactly like the mythical Valkyrie, as she slowly raises through the air and her figure now appears in front of the moon, which shines its silver light on her, giving her some kind of mysterious air as she displays beauty and charm that is out of this world.

But totally ignoring the seriousness of the situation, my mind starts to wander, 'Not bad... Saori is still the most beautiful, but I admit that I'm tempted to see her cold emotionless face twist in plasure... No! Bad Jayr! She is a soulless puppet, not a Kuudere, and you still have to deal with the problem of the Dragonman beside you still have to make Saori and Seika meet Eri... Maybe I should train a Shibainu to keep beside me so it can bonk me when I get too horny...'.

And indeed looking at her eyes it is clear, despite her immense beauty, only her eyes give off a cold impression as if frozen in ice, not the coldness of hating another being, it is exactly like a single-minded mechanical tool, it is the eyes of a doll.

Next, the silver-haired woman, while looking down on us, slowly extends both arms out horizontally, then, the gauntlets shine momentarily, and in the next moment, two large white swords appear in her hands, these large swords are nearly 2 meters in length and are also clad in silver-light magic.

Then the silver-haired woman who seems unaffected by their weight, once again speaks with a tone devoid of any kind of feeling, "I am Noint. I am God's Apostle, for my master, I will remove all unnecessary pieces", hearing her declaration, I think, 'Okay... it seems that Ehit wants to directly remove me from his "game" after all he already pulled out his second strongest piece...'.

At the same time, as her words fell, silver magic gushes out around Noint, and a huge pressure attacks me and Tio, it is as if we are standing underneath a huge waterfall, to which I can't help but grin totally unaffected, 'Come on! I endure the pressure at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, where it is so strong that it can easily turn carbon into diamond at the age of 9... This is basically a relaxing shower!'.

At the same time, I notice that Tio is also able to withstand this pressure, but she is having some difficulties, and she is looking at Noint with a serious expression, then I release Tio from my grasp and pull out my weapon in its Sword Form, and with a confident smile on my face I say, "Kill me if you can, puppet!!".

In response to my declaration, her silver wings flutters under the moonlight, however, not to fly, it is to shoot out magic bullets made out of the silver feathers, all leaking out her murderous intent aimed at me.

The silver magic bullets hold terrifying power along with the ability to be able to fire them continuously, the darkness of the sky is torn up as a great number of flashes of light pour toward her targets, us.

But I calmly step forward and changing my weapon into its Sword Arm Form, I start to swing around the blades to deflect the silver feathers that came flying in, scattering and dispersing them all, creating a hole in the barrage, at the same time, Tio behind me start to chant her magic to support me, "Tempest Void!", and the next moment, a wind element wall appears in front of me and blocks Noint's attack.

But then I sense something, and without hesitation, I change my weapon to its Flight Mode to easily move around in the air, then I grab Tio and quickly move away from this zone, the next moment, a silver beam of light passed over the spot we stood a few instants ago, erasing a good chunk of the external walls of the Main Cathedral.

Looking at this attack I mutter, "Yup... That disintegration beam sure is bad news... Only with Cosmo I'm sure that I can take that head on... But I can't use Cosmo in this world, so good old dodging is the way to go!", at the same time, I feel Tio clinging tighter to my body and hear her mutter, "This one quite feels that this position is quite nice...", and notice that I'm holding her in a princess carry, and my eyes can't help but fall on the cleavage of her kimono, and unconsciously think, 'Damn, those are big... Not the biggest I have ever seen in anime, but quite big indeed...'.

But then Noint's emotionless voice wakes me up from my daydreaming, "...So you still have room to be distracted, Irregular", her voice now comes from behind me and quite close too, at the same time, Tio yells, "Master!?", but before both voices could finish speaking, I'm already reacting, I quickly turn around and shoot a Sagitta Magica, Series Obscuri, and notice that Noint is already using one of her large swords to block my attack, while the other is swinging sideways to attack me.

The large swords are 2 meters in length, 30 centimeters in width, and are clad in silver light, the silver inherent magic, "Disintegration" that Noint continuously uses, so even touching it means game over, but even so, even as the blade gets closer, I still remain calm, and with a smile, I raise my hand and chant, "Omnipotens Dis! (Almighty Push!)".

At the same time, as the name of my spell rings out, I use my mana to create a strong repulsive force, which pushes away everything in the vicinity, Noint included, so effectively stopping her attack, but she quickly recovers and once again she charges at me, while I use the time the Omnipotens Dis brought, to detach the Gatling Arm from my backpack and aim it at her while holding Tio with only one arm, as she tries to find an opening to support me with her magic.

Noint rotates in mid-air to gather centrifugal force to increase the force of her large swords, while rotating I see that the moonlight is reflected and causes her silver hair to glitter beautifully, but she soon focuses back on the fight as she attacks me with immense power, as the speed of the swords already far exceeded the commonsense of their large frame.

But I simply take aim and pull the trigger shooting a dozen of physical bullets with a loud roar, that are then quickly headed toward her abdomen, some of which clearly headed for her heart, however, Noint's reaction speed isn't normal either, she quickly holds up her large swords to protect her stomach the moment I aimed my Gatling, protecting herself from my attack, but still, I once again push her back.

At that moment, Tio makes her move, she chants, "Fire Bullet!", and summons a barrage of small spinning fireballs that quickly purse Noint and explodes giving out a wave of bright red ripples in the night sky and a creates a terrifying shockwave.

But as the smoke disperse, I see that Noint managed to easily negate her attack with her silver wings, and seeing that Tio clicks her tongue, and mutters, "Tch, that wasn't strong enough!", and Noint unfolds her wings and says, "...Even while holding extra baggage, I can't overpower you... as expected, you are too strong. You're not a suitable piece for my master", and while Tio is annoyed as being referred as extra baggage, I reply, "Well, I'm happy that I'm not suitable for that piece of shit game... But since I still don't like how he acts, I think I'm going to continue to flip his board and kick his godly ass!".

Hearing that Noint simply replies, "...It's useless if you're trying to make me angry. I have no emotions", but I simply shake my head and say, "What are you talking about? I'm not trying to anger a soulless puppet, I'm simply stating some facts...", to which Noint responds with silence as she expands her wings and readies her swords.

Then Noint's silver wings begin to flutter again, and the silver feathers bullets are quickly shot and scatter in the sky, however, this time they weren't shot at me, instead, they gather around Noint in an instant, several silver feathers are piled up on top and overlapping each other taking a quite familiar form, it is a magic formation.

The magic formation glows out in silver lights and Noint glares at me as she chants, "Hellfire Tsunami!", and creates a huge tsunami of fire that scorches up the sky.

The huge wave of flames raise up and down and completely towered over our heads and Noint looking at us asks herself, "...Will you also surpass this", but I'm still easily able to handle this kind of power, so I simply cast, "Nivis Casus! (Avanache!)", a highly lethal attack spell that instantaneously creates and launches a large-volume avalanche of snow at the target, and so the two spells which are akin to natural disasters, quickly move one again the other.

On one side, there is a bright ocean of flames that is giving the night sky a hellish red hue, on the other, there is an avalanche of ice and snow ready to sweep away everything in its path, and the next moment, the disaster clash against one other, none overwhelming the other, leaving nothing behind than a thick mist, that quickly disperses under the magic released by Tio, a barrage of wind blades that moves toward Noint at great speed.

But Noint easily deflects this attack, then she looks at us with what I can only describe as a small hint of amazement, but soon her expression grows colder and she once again disperses her feather to form another formation of feather bullets.

Then I notice, that she doesn't stop dispersing her feathers, but that she is forming many other formations, and once their number becomes 20, their forms unfold as silver feathers are shot towards me simultaneously, it is exactly like a deadly storm, a true natural disaster as the number of feathers bullets is a little too much.

Seeing this, I grow a little serious and think, 'Just how much magic power does she have!? From the brief exchange is clear that all her stats are lower than mine, but she constantly uses these large-scale spells that burn through a hell lot of Mana, but it seems that she doesn't even care, it is like she has unlimited Mana at her disposal... Wait, she IS one of Ehit's strongest pawns, it is possible that she DOES have infinite mana... it isn't so ridiculous as an idea... Even I in THAT state am in a similar condition, with infinite energy... Anyway, better dodge this!'.

And so I start to dodge, but then suddenly, a hymn begins to resound throughout the Divine Mountain, feeling something off, while dodging the countless silver feather bullets, I look at where the singing is coming from, and soon I see a gathering of church priests, their hands are crossed in a prayer pose as they continue to sing.

The chorus consisting of 100 priests gives out a strange feeling of solemnity to it, 'It kinda reminds me of those of Uncle Enrico', but just as I thought that I immediately felt something wrong, "…~!? What's this? My body's movements are growing dull... and my Mana seems to be diminishing?", but soon Tio yells, "Master! T-this is the Hymn of Ruin, a powerful spell that dulls the target's movements and saps their strength. Unlike most spells that required a magic circle, it can only be activated by multiple bishops singing in tandem...".

And I realize that what she said is true, I feel as if all my energy is being sapped out of my body, moreover, as these particles of light begin to cling to us I feel my movements become more obstructed, realizing this I say, "A magic that causes an abnormal state... as expected of the Holy Church. Their measures against enemies are textbook...".

At the same time, Noint looks down at the priests and mutters, "Ishtar huh... He seems to understand his duties well. Quite a good piece", I follow her gaze and see that among the hundreds of priests there is one that is clearly one rank higher than all the others.

It is a man in his 70s, with many wrinkles and long white hair, wearing very brilliant white religious robes and a white headdress resembling a mitre cap of about 30 cm tall with gold trimmings, he is the Pope Ishtar Langbard, that from ground is looking at Noint with an ecstatic expression on his face, while Noint looks back at him with eyes that show no emotions.

(Image Here - Ishtar Langbard)


Seeing this scene I can't help but think with a wry smile while still dodging Noint's relentless attack, 'If you look at Ishtar's expression, you'd know right away that he wishes to cooperate with Noint and it seems to also be the height of his lifetime. Certainly, it is a convenient existence that moves along with God's will. But Ishtar and the other priests aside, currently, the magic invoked is definitely a troublesome one...'.

Even with this debuff, I'm still able to easily dodge Noint's constant attack thanks to the Tactical Arms Flight Mode, which allows some really quick and agile maneuvers without actually moving my body, as it uses a combination of the thruster and Gravity Magic.

But the next moment, several magic formations forms around Noint, and lightning bolts come dashing out, they rush towards me while drawing irregular movements in the sky.

I use a volley of Sagitta Magica, Series Obsuri to shoot through the magical lightning bolts' core and make them disperse, however, I couldn't get rid of the electrified air caused by the lightning bolts, which shocks me a little, causing a momentary stiffness in my movement.

And Noint without hesitation took that small opening as a chance to attack, she moves in at super-speeds and crosses her twin swords together.

Due to the momentary stiffness from the electric shock, my reaction is slightly delayed, but I still manage to divert a blow away using the Gatling as a shield, but the second blade couldn't be avoided because it is aimed at Tio who is momentarily unable to move, and so, it sinks slightly into my left shoulder as I make sure that she isn't hit, "Urgh...!", then I twist my body and blow Noint away with a side kick.

At the same time, as I'm enduring the slight pain of being cut by a huge sword, I hear Tio's worried voice as looks at my wounds that are dripping blood and yells, "Master!? Are you okay!?", but I just smile at her and say, "Don't worry this is nothing! I have been through way worse... But why don't you stop playing the part of the damsel in distress, and finally act like the dragon you are... There are some priests over there that need to feel some dragon wrath!".

Hearing that Tio smiles and stops clinging to my body and starts to fall toward the Cathedral below, then her body is enveloped in a cocoon of jet-black magic power, that quickly disperses, and Tio in her dragon form appears, then she lets out a loud roar, she releases a black flash from her mouth that flies from above towards Ishtar's group with terrific power.

It is her scorching breath that eliminates everything, and the only thing that could be heard are the priest's scream of terror, then a loud explosion engulfs the Main Cathedral.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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