Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 88 – Aftermath

Jayr POV - Tortus, Heiligh Kingdom Capital City - 2013

A week passed since the Holy Church's purge, and my fight against Evolution's Champion, Maoshi, everyone is back in shape, and while some are still traumatized by what they went through, Aiko, Kaori, Shizuku, Suzu, Ryutarou, and some others that were able to quickly bounce back, are helping them recover, meanwhile, Eri took advantage of the situation to make me spoil and cuddle her a lot more, or at least that is what she likes to say, but it is clear that she too was affected by her encounter with Maoshi.

While the Hero Party was recovering, Liliana S. B. Heiligh, took her father's place and became the queen of the Heiligh Kingdom with her mother's support, and her first act as the queen was to gather all the knights loyal to the crow then she exposed Ehit's true nature to the whole kingdom, and I was surprised to find out that she had such a strong political intellect and charisma that she was able to turn most of Ehit's worshipper against him in only a week, using only the information that I and Freid gave her and the usual propaganda.

Talking about Freid, his action in saving the people of this kingdom shocked many, and many more were distrustful of him as they thought that all of this was a plot of the Demon Race to lower their guard, but again, Liliana was able to turn the situation around, she explained that like them, the Demon Race are being fooled by the Gods and that Freid found out the truth and now fights to free his people and bring peace to the world even at cost of being hated by the very people he swore to protect, turning him into some kind of Martyr Hero adored by the mass.

Moreover, I noticed that Liliana herself seems to have developed some kind of crush on Freid, as she admitted that the sight of him riding Uranus, and fighting so hard to protect everyone while keeping the number of deaths as low as possible, was very charming.

Anyway, right now Liliana is working on abolishing the practice of slavery of the beastmen, as now that her kingdom and her father became victims of the gods' play, she completely abandoned the Holy Church's notion that the beastmen are an inferior race and chose to fight off as many of the wrongs that that belief created as possible, and the same could be said for many of her subjects that feels the same, and support all of her decisions.

Back to the present, right now, I'm sparring with Tio, while Eri is in my Soulbound Territory practicing her newly gained Spirit Magic, in fact, she is doing this since she gained the Spirit Magic 3 days ago, as soon as the knowledge of Spirit Magic imprinted itself in her mind, Eri yelled "So that's how it works!!", then she asked me to bring her to my Soulbound Territory and to not disturb her.

And remembering that, as I deflect Tio's magic while thinking, 'As I thought... Eri is really compatible with Spirit Magic, I really don't know what she will come up with now...', and then counterattack with my own spell, of course, we aren't using any deadly or destructive spell, as we are sparring in the training grounds of the Royal Palace, and don't want to damage it too much.

But still, after training using only magic, Tio asked for a real close combat fight and asked me to spar also not hold back, to which I accept, but soon I regret it, because every time I hit Tio she lets out some very sensual moans instead of painful groans, she even yells obscene and misleading things like, "Master~, Harder~!!", after some time, I couldn't stand it anymore and decide to stop the spar before I do something that I could regret.

After escaping from the masochist dragon, I chose to do something I haven't done for quite a while, I check my Status Plate.

Name - Pucci Jayr

Age - 16 Years Old

Gender - Male

Level - ???

Class - Adventurer

Strength - 50000

Vitality - 55000

Resistance - 50000

Agility - 55000

Magic - 50000

Magic Resistance - 50000

Skills - Martial Arts Mastery, Cooking Arts Mastery, Drawing Arts Mastery, Healing Arts Mastery, Music Arts Mastery, Science Mastery, Smithing Arts Mastery, Weapon Arts Mastery, Language Mastery, Chemisty Mastery, Tailoring Mastery, Water Element Affinity, Ice Element Affinity, Dark Element Affinity, Spell Melding, Magic Manipulation, +Mana Discarge, +Mana Compression, +Mana Emission, +Remote Manipulation, +Increased Efficiency, +Ether Absorption, +Body Strengthening, Image Composition, +Increased Imagination, +Multiple Spell Image Composition, Iron Stomach,  Lightning Clad,+Lightning Resistance, Air Walk, +Aerodynamic, +Quick Step, +Steel Legs, Gale Claw, Night Vision, Farsight, Detect Magic, Sense Presence, Sense Heat, Hide Presence, Petrification Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Poison Resistence, Fear Resistance, Diamond Skin, Steel Arms, Intimidate, Telepathy, Tracking, Increased Mana Recovery, Limit Break, Creation Magic, Gravity Magic, Spatial Magic, Spirit Magic, Blessing of Culture, +Improved Learning, +Improved Teaching, +Improved Libido, +Affinity for the Arts, +Enhanced Memory...

Looking at it, I can't help but exclaim in my mind, 'Cavolo! It became quite an expensive one... But I'm glad that my stats are still slowly improving... And the new effect of the blessing is also shown... Enhanced Memory... I do not know if I have to be glad or disappointed that this is the new gift that my blessing gives me... On one side, my stronger memory made me remember some things I had forgotten, like the existence of some universes like Campione, that could have been quite a good choice for me, well it still is, maybe I'll go there later... On the other, it just gives me a stronger memory, I can remember more things, and is less likely that I'll forget them, but it isn't an eidetic memory, a photographic memory, or even a perfect one... just a stronger one and indeed quite bland, but still useful...'.

Done with checking my Status, I decide that it is time to check on Eri, so I open a portal to my Soulbound Territory, and walk through it.

On the other side, I find the familiar but at the same time different scenery of the territory, it is still the same flat terrain surrounded by creepy rainbow-colored mist, with my catamaran, the Athena's Bidoof in the middle parked beside the Unigate, and some random object all over the floor, and a small garden of medicinal plants from both the Saint Seiya Universe and this one, and of course the small orchard of Treant that we planted some time ago, with a faux sky that imitates the one in the world I'm currently in, but different from before, that gave off an almost claustrophobic feeling, now the area is a lot wider, in fact, this thanks to the improvement in my blessing, the Territory area grew a lot larger, it is now 5 km2, quite an improvement from the 1 km2 from before.

Looking at all the space in front of me, I mutter, "Maybe it is time to build a home here, while I like the Athena's Bidoof, and have many fond memories of it, its cabins aren't exactly the most comfortable... Now that I think about it, better ask Hajime to build it, with his Transmutation it would only take a few hours to build a good villa... Hell, the guy is able to make a submarine and flying ship, and a fucking satellite weapon, a house would be a piece of cake...", but then my attention is caught by a simple coffin nearby, and continue "Or I should ask this favor to Oscar after we revive him...".

Then I stop thinking about my plans for the house in my Territory and focus back on finding Eri, and after a few seconds, I sense her presence in the cabin of the Athena's Bidoof, and so I move toward her position.

Once I step on the boat, I hear Eri's joyful yell, "It's a success!!", and curious about what she was working on, I quickly reach her, and find her jingling in front of a twin-tailed wolf undead puppet, while a blue spark of electricity warps around her hand, a scene quite familiar too me as that is the effect of the special magic, Lightning Clad, but such a thing should be impossible for Eri as she didn't eat Monster Meat and so didn't gain the Magic Manipulation skill.

As I stand rooted on the spot surprised by what I'm seeing, Eri notices my presence, and with a proud smile she stops releasing lightning from her hand and comes rushing at me while yelling, "Jayr! I did it!!", then she hugs me and starts to rub her head against my chest.

I hug her back and pat her head while she says, "Now I won't be a burden anymore!", curious about what she did I simply ask, "How?", to which she starts to explain, "After my defeat at the hands of that piece of shit, I realized that I couldn't continue to stay by your side at my current level and that you would leave me behind to protect me!", I'm about to retort that that wouldn't have happened, but she stops me and continues, "I know that you wouldn't have done that at least until you feel that you strong enough enough to protect me... But I feel that as I was before, I wasn't worthy to stay by your side and watch over you... I HAD to be stronger! No matter what!!".

The clear determination and borderline desperation in her tone stings me a little, 'No matter how much I try to reassure her... Her past still left a deep mark on her... I hope that together with Seika, Saori, and my family we are able to make her truly feel at home and let go of her insecurities before she pushes herself too far...', and while thinking that, I hold her tighter trying to reassure her once more.

Then, Eri continues her explanation, "At first I thought about using the Monster Meat to increase my parameters as you suggested to me before, but I was still a little reluctant about it, I felt that it wasn't the right way for me, but I was without any other option, at least until I learned Spirit Magic, with it a brand new world of possibilities opened for me. Most importantly, an old idea that I discarded before became possible, and so I started my research...".

Then she described how she used her Undead Puppets as test subjects at first, then she moved to small animals like rats, and once she was sure that her idea truly worked, she used it on herself successfully.

Then with a big smile on her face, she says "And now my unique Spirit Magic is complete! Spirit Plunder!! It allows me to take all kinds of skills from the remnants of the souls of my Undead Puppets and imprint them into my or other souls gaining so, the ability to use them! The only downside is that my body must have a certain level of compatibility for some skills... But this can be easily resolved with Metamorphosis Magic later... In fact, I can also use this to create an almost invincible Undead Puppet by stacking various skills on it!".

Hearing that, I'm stunned by what she accomplished, 'She basically created by herself one of the most broken powers in fiction... Ability Steal!!'.

While I was thinking about the implication of having a yandere girlfriend with ability steal, I feel Eri's hand as she start to slowly massage my little brother over the clothes, which, thanks to Tio's previous sparring session was already at its limit, so it quickly reacted and stood at attention ready for action.

And as she feels my hard little brother in her hand, Eri's smile widens and she whispers, "Seems someone is eager... So what are you waiting for...?", and without any hesitation, I pick her up in a princess carry and take her to the bed in my cabin while the Chinese novels' young master in me awakens once more and yell, "Courting pleasure!!".

Then I gently lay her on the bed and start to undress, at the same time as I undress, Eri looks at my little brother and jokingly replies in mock fear, "Forgive me! I have eyes but fail to recognize Mount D- Aaahh!", but stops as I start to caress her already damp pandora box over her clothes and shower her with kisses.

I lean over Eri's body and kiss the side of her neck before slowly moving up the rest of her face starting from her ears, continuing to her cheek, and then finally locking lips with Eri before invading her mouth with my tongue, while at the same time, I start to slowly play with her lower lips using my finger, and in response, her body starts to lightly shiver.

After a while, I take a deep breath and stop kissing Eri, and start to undress her, admiring the view of her naked body while she watches me with the most passionate expression I had ever seen and even notice that she is periodically holding her breath before releasing short, sharp, gasps as I continue to remove layers of her clothes while caressing her, so much that pleads while a deep blush spread through her whole body "Jayr... Hurry...".

And so I fulfill her request and quickly remove the last of her clothes, and spot a few seconds just to admire her naked body, then I say in a shaky voice, holding on the last vestige of lucidity I have, "Eri, you know how troublesome my libido can be... If it becomes too much... tell me and I'll stop...", but she looks at me and with an enamored smile on her face she says, "Do it however you want...I just want to experience you... imprint in my body and soul that I'm your woman right now...".

Hearing her words, I feel like my little brother has grown a few centimeters due to my own excitement, and in response, Eri reaches forward to grab my little brother in her hands making it twitch a bit, then, Eri leans down and sweeps her hair to the side with her free hand as she kisses the tip of his penis and says, "Go easy on me...", but her action only causes my blood flow to increase even more making the girth of my little brother increase marginally.

Seeing that I can't help but think, 'Another side effect of eating monster meat...  it seems that another kind of "growth limit" has been removed... I noticed that the more excited I get the bigger my little brother becomes, of course, such a thing can be controlled by simply regulating my blood flow... if not I could end up with a little brother as big as my arm...'.

At the same time, Eri notices the change, and with a strange smile she whispers, "Or not...", then she lays back down on the bed, pulls up her knees, and spreads her legs invitingly as she looks into my eyes and says, "It doesn't matter, shape me however you want... even if my body isn't, my heart is ready... And you can always heal my body...".

I nod and approach the inside of Eri's legs, place my left hand on her waist and position myself at the incredibly damp entrance of Eri's pandora box, and next, I start to press the tip of my little brother along the smooth, slippery, interior of Eri's pandora box, and a flood of liquid begin pouring out from the steamy mound as Eri's body shake a bit.

I look into her passionate eyes and locked gazes with her as she says pleadingly, "Stop teasing me...", and so with a small smile, I find the proper angle and begin pressing my way forward into her depths immediately feeling the pleasant tightness and heat, at the same time, Eri's body shakes again and she opens up her arms and warps them around my neck tightly.

Before she said anything, I fix my angle to a more optimal position and press forward powerfully inserting more than 80% of my little brother into her pandora box with a single powerful thrust.

In response, Eri releases a loud, gasping, moan as her body seizes up from the sudden pleasant intrusion, then she begins to forcibly kiss me.

Between gasping breaths and passionate kisses, Eri says, "Don't stop, I want you to ravish my body... I would only feel more fulfilled... Overwrite all my bad memories...", though I am tempted to lose all restraint, I hold back as I understand that she is still affected by what happened with Maoshi, so I remove Eri's hands from my face and body and lock my fingers through hers and press them against the bed.

Looking into her brown eyes hidden behind her glasses, and say seriously, "I will make sure you will never forget this and that all that was nothing but a small forgettable event in our lives, but it won't be through pain...", then I lean down and kiss Eri as she squirmed to free her hands, and even though I'm not moving on my own, Eri seems to be trying to take action herself as she wraps her legs around my body and tries to pull me deeper into her depths.

Though it is an incredibly pleasurable feeling for me, especially since I notice that I'm slowly pushing against the back of her pandora box, I continue to maintain my focus and finally release Eri's hands while kissing her deeply while thinking, 'This time, I'll make sure to fully show her how much she means for me...'.

And so our lovemaking continue this way, even when Eri was lightly gasping for air, I continue to kiss her and only stop to allow her to catch her breath for a few seconds before continuing once more.

And after some time, I begin to caress Eri's body using my medical knowledge and Cosmo, increasing her pleasure even more, as she squeezes my back with enough force to leave hand prints embedded in my flesh, 'Fortunately, Eri trims her nails properly so she doesn't draw blood...'.

Banishing excess thoughts from my mind, I trace my hands along Eri's modest breasts and begin to massage them from the outside before working my way to the cherry-colored nipples in the center.

Though she usually had lighter-colored protrusions, when Eri is excited they take on a blush of their own and become firm, 'Even before I touched them with my hands, I felt them scratching against my chest while they were kissing a while ago', and after five minutes, Eri's body begins to vibrate even though I didn't ease the tension of her muscles like a normal massage.

I have been stimulating her body instead and now there are powerful reverberations running through her body clear signs that a powerful climax is coming, 'Though I'm tempted to use my Cosmo to stimulate her pandora box as well, I'm afraid that the stimulation would be too much for her and it would bring more harm than good...'.

However, now that she is already in an echoing climax, I begin to slowly pull back my hips and piston into the fiery depths of Eri's pandora box, and in response to this, as if awakened from a pleasant dream, Eri puts more strength into her arms and begin to gasp in sequence with my gentle thrusts.

At the same time, I continue to pay attention to her reactions and try to time my pace with her breathing so she wouldn't be overly stressed.

Even though I'm feeling an incredible amount of pleasure, I'm mainly focused on Eri's needs as I want to carve all my feelings and care into her body, I want to give her a memory she would never forget and would cherish no matter how much time passes.

I can feel that every time I thrust into her, Eri's body jolts a little and her pitch gets higher and higher, and the same can be said of her pleasure, as she couldn't even form coherent thoughts anymore and just begin chanting a phrase like it was the only thing that defined her at this moment, "Jayr... I love you... love you... love you...", every time I thrust into the back of her pandora box and collided with her depths, Eri would repeat the phrase like a mantra.

Though she had been stuck in a climax for a while, I know that it is possible to push Eri to even more pleasurable heights.

And after slowing my pace a bit and taking a few deep breaths, I look into Eri's glazed eyes and stated firmly, "I'm going to get a bit rough... brace yourself!", and in response to my words, Eri just gives me a vibrant smile and says, "Jayr, I love you so much!".

Taking her hands once again, I press them back to the bed and whispered into Eri's ear, "I love you Eri...".

After my words fell, I begin to put a much greater effort into my thrusts and knocked at the entrance of Eri's cervix as if trying to pry it open, 'Fortunately, as a doctor I know about the matter and know that is a needless worry, cervix penetration isn't really possible as the vagina expands during intense arousal and stimulation unless I find myself into a hentai universe where the normal rules of biology can go and fuck themselves, and even something that isn't normally a hole become a hole, how do I know this, let's just say I did some research...'.

After more than ten minutes of powerful thrusting, I'm at the absolute limit of my tolerance and Eri has been loudly gasping while calling my name for a large part of the duration, and since I'm worried about her suffocating, I just continue to kiss Eri's neck for the entire duration until I finally reached a point of no return.

Even though I have only worked around 90-95% percent of myself into her, I take one last breath and tense my body as I give one last thrust into the interior of Eri's pandora box.

I press my hips against the hard area of her pelvis and fully insert myself into her interior as I ejaculate more powerfully than any previous instance, and as I have also timed it with the echoes and gasps of Eri, she immediately had a power, albeit somewhat painful, climax as she loudly shouts, "Jaaaaaaayrrrrrrrr~!!!!", and as my hot liquid expands her depths, Eri begin to take several fast breaths as the most powerful climax she had ever felt wracked her body.

After a few minutes, Eri grabs the sides of my face and begins to kiss me, though it is still passionate, it is far more gentle than our earlier kisses had been.

Then I continue to comfort her in the afterglow of our union, and after Eri had calmed down a bit, I look lovingly into her eyes, and state, "I feel like you're becoming even more beautiful...", my words cause Eri's smile to turn radiant and she responds, "They say a woman in love gets more beautiful every time she becomes one with the man she loves. From now on, I'll become even more beautiful just for you~".

Hearing that, a smile covers my face as I get close to her ear and whisper playfully, "I think that before the year ends, you might be the most beautiful woman in this world then...", then I reach my hand down and grasp her breast somewhat firmly.

Her body arches a bit and Eri's breathing begins to increase as she asks, "Another round?", feeling a little mischievous, I whisper, "I can literally go forever if it is with someone as beautiful as you... call it the perks of my unique body", and I notice that Eri remembers our past unions where she always ends up passing out overwhelmed by pleasure and as her body starts to blush once more, at the same time, I can feel that the thought of an endless cycle of love-making with me made her heart begin to race.

And so I ask in a low voice, "Are you ready...?", and in response, Eri simply lays down prone on the bed and says, "Take me...", then she starts to slightly wiggle her butt as if to entice me, at the same time, I notice the copious slightly viscous liquid dripping from her exposed pandora box that is a mixture between two different fluids.

I suddenly feel a powerful urge well up inside of me and position myself behind Eri who looks at me with a wide smile, as she murmurs, "Do as you please from now on. After all, I'm yours... you even marked me...", hearing her words, I feel a sudden possessive feeling well up inside of me, 'Even though I don't plan to treat her as an object, I feel like Eri truly does belong to me after hearing her words...', and so without hesitation, I push myself inside Eri's pandora box, and start another round of lovemaking, and another one after that, and another, and another.


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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