Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 89 – Joining Hajime

Jayr POV - Tortus, Fuhren - 2013

I walk out of the gate made by my Spatial Magic, Porta, and what greets my sight is the prosperous Independent Merchant Republic of Fuhren, the largest and busiest mercantile city in Tortus.

There are two reasons for this, first, it sits between the Heiligh Kingdom and the Hoelscher Empire and because of this is an extremely popular place for merchants, craftsmen, and tourists, and the second is that is built next to the largest river in Tortus, one that basically connects to almost all the continent.

Soon after, Eri, Tio, and Freid come out of the gate looking around, and after them, Kouki, Shizuku, Ryutarou, Kaori, Kosuke, and Suzu also walk out, looking at the city in the distance with curiosity, excitement, and expectation, the last mostly from Kaori as I told them that it is probable that Hajime is in this city at the moment.

Seeing that everyone is here, I close the gate, then I think about my recent failure and let out a sigh, but soon I feel Eri holding my hand and look at her and with a smile she says, "Jayr, you did your best... It was his choice...", hearing that I smile and nod, then I look at the city in the distance and say, "Let's go...".

Before coming here, I and Eri tried to keep our promise to Miledi, so we went to the Divine Mountain and Eri summoned Laus Barn's soul with her Spirit Magic so that we could revive him, but of course, before doing that we had to ask him if he wanted to be revived in the first place, and indeed, Laus didn't want to be revived even if we said to him that we will also revive his family, for one simple reason, he and his family already lived their lives and there wasn't a need or will for them to live again, the only regret he had is that he wasn't able to defeat Ehit and free the people of this world, but he also knew that Ehit will be defeated in the end, he and the other Liberators did everything possible to ensure that, moreover, he was happy of the recent work of his descendant Liliana S. B. Heiligh, and see that as a sign that Ehit's reign is about to end.

In the end, we could only give up and return Laus' soul to his eternal rest, and that failure made me also stop from summoning Oscar's soul for the time being, thinking that it is better to do so with Miledi's presence, and hope for a better result.

After a while, we finally get close enough to the city, and so I start to study its layout, Fuhren is guarded by thick grey walls that are 20 meters high and wrapped 200 kilometers around the entire city, 'Wow... These walls remind me of a medieval castle, there are also guard towers all over it...', then, after thinking that, without hesitation, we walk inside, while the Hero Party is impressed by the sheer size of this city especially considering the standard of this world, even so, I continue moving forward, ignoring the various guide attempt at catching our attention so that they can be hired and simply lead the group into the city while looking around and studying my surroundings.

Due to its size, Fuhren can be divided into four quarters, the bureaucrats' quarter, where the city's various administrative affairs are processed, the tourists' quarter, where most of the entertainment facilities are located, the makers' quarter, where weapons, armor, tools, and furniture of all kinds are made, and the traders' quarter, where goods of all kinds are sold.

Once inside it is clear that it has two main streets that run from east to west and north to south, and would intersect at the city's center, and the closer to the center of the city one's establishment is, the higher the quality of its services, in contrast, the fringes of the city are filled with unlicensed black market stores selling various goods and services.

As we walk through the main street, I can't help but notice that some parts of the city are destroyed or in ruin like some kind of fight took place all over the city, and in fact, using my senses, I hear the people talking about someone who basically eradicated the most infamous criminal organization of the city Freidhof, but soon after the city was attacked by some strange silver winged figure that started attacking indiscriminately but was then defeated and killed by Hajime and his Companion the people give them various nicknames such as "Fuhren's Ultimate Weapon", "White-haired Flame Master", "Lady Killer", "Berserk Rabbit", "Love Smasher" and so on.

Hearing that, I let out a sigh of relief, then I mutter, "It seems that Ehit already tried to capture Yue but Hajime stopped him and he also saved the little girl... That's good! I couldn't forgive myself if something bad happened to her because of my interference...", then without hesitation, I lead our group toward the Adventurer's Guild of this city hoping to find out some more information, and after some back and forth and tossing out miss Catherine's name, I'm finally able to meet with the Branch Head of this guild, and gain some more specific information.

Long story short, Hajime indeed passed by, together with him there are an apparently 12 years old girl with wavy golden blonde hair, crimson red eyes, and a porcelain complexion, obviously Yue, a Rabbitman woman with blue eyes and light blue hair, Shea, and a really young Dagon girl with a long wavy blue hair and green eyes, Myu the girl they saved from the criminal organization that wanted to sell her as a slave, and right now they are headed toward the Gruen Desert to bring the young Dagon back to her family.

Knowing this, we move out of the city and I open another gate this time one that leads to the Gruen Desert, and once there, I pull out my trusty Mana Compass and use it to find the position of Hajime's group, then we use Freid's familiars to quickly fly over the desert, while Tio uses her Wind Magic to protect us, and I use Ice Magic to fight against the heat of the desert.

After an hour of following the direction the Mana Compass pointed at, I finally see the thing I was searching for, something so out of place in this world that can only be made by Hajime, it's an armored vehicle with a thick Azantium armor plating and is heavily weaponized, such as side-mounted missile launchers and a retractable autocannon turret, it also has off-road suspensions, and a ground leveling mechanic using Hajime's Transmutation, which gives it a smooth ride on any kind of terrain, it resembles a Hummer H1 Alpha pickup truck painted in matte white.

(Image Here - Brise)


Seeing our target, we quickly order Freid's familiars to get closer to the vehicle, but on second thought, I realize that it could be a bad idea.

And indeed, soon I notice various hidden compartments of the vehicle open, from which side-mounted missile launchers and the retractable autocannon turrets come out and start aiming at us, and the next moment, they start firing all kinds of rounds at us.

But before they could reach us, I raise my hand and chant, "Omnipotens Dis!! (Almighty Push!!)", and use my mana to create a repulsive force, which pushes away everything in the vicinity, blowing away all of Hajime's attacks.

Then I jump down the Ash Dragon and using Porta, I create a spherical hole in the space, a gate that leads me in front of Hajime's vehicle, then I raise my hand to show that I mean no harm and yell, "Stop it, you fucking chunni tsundere harem protagonist!!", well maybe not the best way to pacify him, but it has the effect desired, as Hajime's vehicle stops right in front of me, not hitting my only by a few millimeters.

Then the driver's door opens and from it, Hajime comes out pointing his gun at me and yells back, "How the hell did you call me!? Do you want to die!!?", I see that his facial features are still the same since the last time I have seen him, but that is the only thing that didn't change, he now has those chunni white hair, along with the crimson eye and the eyepatch, he is also at least 10 centimeters taller and more muscular with a mechanical left arm, and his attire consists of a black coat with crimson-colored linings and trimmings, coupled with a gray blazer and a buttoned white shirt underneath it, along with a cravat terminated by a ring tied around his neck, black pants that have gun holsters attached to them, as well as knee-length black boots.

(Image Here - Hajime Nagumo 2)


I look at him with a calm smile and say, "Look at your attire... You clearly look like some anime character... you also gained many embarrassing titles like Love Smashers, Duelist Smasher, Fuhren's Ultimate Weapon, White-Haired Flame Master, Lady Killer... Do I have to conti-", but as stop as Hajime fires one of his Rubber Bullet with his gun, but I easily avoid it by simply tilting my head, at the same time, he replies, "Like you are the one that can talk! Your hairstyle and hair color reminds me of some old anime... I'm sure that you are the type that shouts out his technique names like a chunni idiot, maybe you even tried to yell "Kamehameha" hoping to fire the famous Ki Blast!".

While we are causally greeting each other, the other occupant of the vehicle gets out, one is a vampire with wavy golden blonde hair, crimson red eyes, and a porcelain complexion, that despite being over 300 years old, she has the appearance of a 12-year-old child due to the side effects of her immortality, she is Yue, she is silently looking at us studying her surrounding ready to act at a moment notice.

Coming out together with Yue holding her hand is a small cute girl that shyly hides her figure behind Yue, she is a young Dagon girl with long wavy blue hair and green eyes, but unlike humans, her ears are fan-like fins, and I also notice that she has webbed hands and feet, she is for sure Myu.

(Image Here - Myu)


And the last to come out is Rabbitman girl who looks at us unsure of how to act, she has blue eyes and light blue hair, which is unique for her race and clan, she's very attractive and beautiful, boasting a large chest and a gallant figure, and of course, as a Rabbitman, she has white rabbit ears atop her head, she is Shea Haulia.

(Image Here - Shea Haulia)


At the same time, Freid's familiars the Ash Dragons quietly land behind me and I notice that Hajime's eye widen a little in surprise especially as he looks at what I'm sure is Kaori's figure.

Then before I could say anything else, a white-clothed missile pass by and quickly hugs Hajime and starts loudly crying in his arms, and the only thing that Hajime can do is only slowly hug her back, at the same time, I hear Shea mutter, "Another competitor!?", while Yue is smiling wryly, at the same time I notice that the rest of the Hero Party is stunned by Hajime's change and find difficult to recognize him.

After some time, in all her innocence Myu asks, "Papa, who is this big sister?", which makes Kaori stop crying and suddenly, her eyes open wide as she glares at Hajime then she grabs his collar and yells as she forcefully shakes him, "Hajime-kun! What does this mean!? Is she really Hajime-kun's daughter!? Who's the mother!? The blonde loli!? the rabbit girl!? Don't tell me, there are others!? Just how many did you make pregnant!? Answer me! Hajime-kun!".

Although Hajime tries to say it is a misunderstanding and get away from her, he couldn't get away because Kaori grips him with such ridiculous strength that surprises even me.

But then from behind me Shizuku comes to the rescue, "Kaori, please calm down! There's no way she is his daughter, you know!", but it seems like Kaori did not hear her, so I move near them and lightly chop Kaori's head and say, "Wake up! How can he have a 4 years old kid when only five months passed since you all came here!?", and she finally realizes what she shouted, and embarrassed with a crimson hue on her face, she hugs Shizuku trying to hide herself, she looks as though she wants to bury herself in a hole.

While this is happening, Hajime looks at me and asks, "So why are you here? Specifically why are you looking for me?", and I simply reply, "Well, with mine and the other one presence something changed from what I knew, and I wanted to make sure that a certain person didn't suffer because of it...", and while saying that, I throw a quick glance in Myu direction, and Hajime quickly catches my hint and mutters, "I see...", then I point at Kaori and add, "And she wanted to meet you really bad and decided to join us... While the rest of your classmates, just want to get stronger for various reasons... to protect themselves and their friends, find a way to return home using the Age of Gods Magic, or even just to grow as a person...".

Then I look at Yue and thanks to the new perk of my Blessing, Enhanced Memory, I remember some details that I had forgotten before, so I say, "Hajime can you and Yue come with me for a moment? I remembered some pieces of information that are quite important...", and in response to that Yue looks at Hajime, who looks back at her and nods, so she gives Myu to Shea and together with Hajime they follow me as we distance ourselves from the others.

Once we are far enough, I start to talk about the true motive behind Yue's uncle's betrayal, Dienleed Galdea Vesperitio Avatarl, how he conquered both the Frost Caverns of Schnee and the Great Orcus Labyrinth, and had acquired the Ancient Magics that resided within them while at the same time learning the true nature of Ehit and his Holy Church, then I talked how his "betrayal", was in fact the only way to protect her as Ehit wanted to possess her body.

I also told her that her uncle's body is currently possessed by Ehit's retrainer, the god Alva, and is acting as the ruler of the Demon Race, and how she once again become a target because the other Champion revealed about her survival.

To say that Yue is shocked by what I revealed is an understatement, as she starts to cry in Hajime's embrace for a few minutes then she looks at me and asks, "Is it possible to free my uncle?", I think about it for a few seconds and reply, "I'm not sure... If his soul isn't totally swallowed by Alva then Eri's Spirit Magic could be able to do something, but we also need Regeneration Magic and Evolution Magic if we want to have more chance...".

Then Yue looks at Hajime and says, "Hajime... I know that you only want to return home...", but Hajime quickly shakes his head and says interrupting Yue, "It doesn't matter... It is clear now that Ehit is my enemy... And you know what I do to my enemies...", and with a bright smile on their face, Yue and Hajime say at the same time, ""... Kill!"", then they start to enter their own pink world.

After that, we rejoin our group and restart our journey toward the Gruen Great Volcano, but with a small difference, Kaori and Shizuku joined Hajime's group in his vehicle while the rest of the Hero Party is still riding Freid's familiars.

But all of the sudden, we stop as we notice a group of sandworms chasing after what appears to be a lone traveler wrapped in white clothes, so we quickly move to the rescue, and thanks to everyone's effort, the worms are easily exterminated, but as soon as he realizes that he is safe, the traveler collapse on the spot.

And the next moment, I see Kaori come out of Hajime's vehicle and run toward the collapsed person, as Hajime and the others follow her, seeing that I also move to check on him, after all, you never know it could be something that magic can't heal and as a doctor, I have to help.

Once I'm close enough I see that the person wears clothing that is similar to Galabeya, the classic Egyptian clothing, and it wears a hood that is large enough to hide his face.

Kaori quickly turns around the person and removes his hood to check on him, and seeing his face she says, "!… This is…", when the hood is taken off, the man's face can be seen, he is a young one that is still in the middle of his 20s.

However, what surprised Kaori is not that but the young man's state, he has a pained expression, and is drenched in sweat, his breathing is rough, and his pulse is fast.

He generates an intense heat from all over his body that can be felt even through his clothing, moreover, blood vessels can be seen as if they are being pressed from the inside of his body, and he is bleeding from his eyes and nose, seeing this I quickly say "It is obviously an abnormal situation. It is neither a sunstroke nor cold. Maybe some kind of poison or virus...".

Hearing that Koaori starts examining him, she puts her hand on his chest and activates "Magical Diagnostics", she uses her magic power to infiltrate the man's body, then with the other hand she pulls out her Status Plate where the result of the examination will be displayed.

But at the same time, I also check on him by holding his wrist and sensing the situation inside his body I say, "Fever, hazy consciousness, pain in the whole body, rupturing of blood vessels and hemorrhage... An excessive release of magic power, unable to release it outside... Probably some kind of poison that makes his magic power go out of control, moreover, because he can't release it outside, his magic power is pressuring from inside his body and his body can't endure it, if this keeps up, his internal organs and blood vessels will explode. It is also possible that he will bleed to death due to a large amount of hemorrhaging...".

At the same time, Kaori, who is checking her Status Plate, says in surprise, "You are right! H-how did you...? No never mind, we have to hurry... I am requesting a blessing unto this location, Ten Thousand Heavens!!", then she quickly focus and chant hers healing magic, it is one of the middle-ranked healing magics with the effect of curing abnormal conditions.

However her spell didn't cure the man but only delayed the progression, and confused she mutters, "…There's almost no change… why? For it to be incapable of curing it… does it means too much time has passed?", meanwhile, because of the pressure from inside his body, the young man groans in pain and his bleeding didn't stop.

It is clear that at the moment, she doesn't have any clear treatment method, and so Kaori is about to use a more powerful spell hoping to cure him, seeing this I shake my head thinking, 'Come on you can't call yourself a healer if the only thing you can do is rely on magic and hope for the best...', meanwhile, Kaori starts to chant, "Here I declared the light of grace, here is my realm, my sanctuary, which crushes all-. ....!!!! What are you doing!?", but she stops and yells as I pierce the man's body using my finger.

Of course, I'm not randomly making holes in his body, I'm hitting the points in his body where most how his magic power pass through and gather, so that it can be easily released, moreover, I'm also hitting his acupoint so that it releases the infected blood, and indeed the effects are immediate, as black blood comes out from some of the wounds I made, while from the others I can sense that his magic power is being ejected and released into the air.

And soon the men complexion start to instantly get better as the redness receded, he stops bleeding from his orifices, and the blood vessels recede back, his body temperature is also lowering to a normal one, now the only problem is his internal bleeding which is quite easy to fix, so I order to Kaori, "Now, quick use a healing spell to stop his internal bleeding!", then noticing the new bracelet of her wrist, a gift from Hajime for sure, I also add, "If you want, you can also gather the magic power that is leaking out...".

Still stunned by what I have done, Kaori stutters a little before chanting, "E-eh...? Yes! Heaven's blessing, grant thy progeny the strength to fight once more, Divine Ray!", under Kaori's command a golden ray of light flies out of her staff and hits the young man's body.

The golden light expands from the center of the young man's body, and firefly-like, fleeting lights spring about, it is an enchanting sight.

With her eyes shut, the appearance of Kaori, who placed her hand on the young man's chest as she concentrates and is wrapped by the fleeting light, is divine.

Kaori, who easily activated such high-ranked magic, made the ones well versed in magic, Yue and Tio, inadvertently leak out voices of admiration, "Hou…", meanwhile, Myu who is held by Shea watches Kaori with an entranced expression and mutters, "Beautiful…".

Without noticing that her comrades in the surroundings are raising voices of admiration, Kaori continues to focus on helping the young man and at the same time, puts the magic power extracted from the young man into the bracelet made of God Crystal that she received from Hajime.

Gradually, the young man's breathing became steady as the wounds close and the bleeding finally stops, then letting out a sigh she says, "For the time being he should be fine… but Jayr-san how did you do this? While I also thought of reducing his magic power levels by extracting it... that was a stopgap measure at best... But you not only did that but also purged his body of whatever he was afflicted...".

Seeing her curiosity I'm about to explain but, Eri quickly hugs me and says, "Heh! Unlike someone like you who can only rely on magic, my Jayr is a genuine doctor!", I nod but then explain, "You see, I'm quite familiar with the human body, and with my senses, I can easily notice any foreigner substance in the body... What I did was quite simple, I used my Mana to gather all the harmful substances in this young man's body in his bloodstream, then by pressing his acupoints, I made his body release the infected blood from some of the wounds I made, the other wounds instead were to forcefully release his excess magic power...".

My answer stumps Kaori a little as she asks unsure, "Is something like that really possible...?", but it is Hajime the one who answers in my place, "Yes it is possible, acupuncture therapy is a thing even in our world... sure it isn't so advanced, but considering where he is from I'm won't even be surprised if he tells me that by hitting a point in my body a can make me lose my senses...", hearing that, Kaori and the others that were present when I turned Hiyama in a vegetable starts to look uncomfortable.

And Hajime who notices this asks, "Seriously!?", and with a smirk, I say, "You see I pulled a Shaka on Hiyama for what he has done and removed all his senses...", and hearing that Hajime gulps a little then he tries to change the subject, "Just to be safe, try to examine us too. After all, there's also the possibility that it is an unknown disease that is spread by aerial infection too. Well, there's no need to worry about it if it is just a rampaging of magic power".

Hearing that Kaori nods and says, "Un, you are right", but I stop her and say, "Do not worry... This isn't an aerial infection... From what I see in this young man's body, this is caused by something he ingested or drank... I sensed the strongest trace of that poisonous substance in his stomach, as long as you drink and eat from your own supplies you are fine...", hearing that makes everyone let out a sigh of relief.

At the same time, they did that, the young man raise a groan and his eyelids start to tremble, a sign that he is about to wake up.

Slowly he opens his eyes, then he starts looking at his surrounding, the young man sees the nearby Kaori that is watching him in worry and says, "Goddess? I see, so I died…", and following that, the young man begins to heat up for a different reason and tries to reach out towards Kaori only to have his stomach trampled by Hajime, who didn't conceal his irritation from the already annoying heat and sand.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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