Battle of Ascension

Chapter 315: Dragon Transformation

The pillar of the black firestorm shot upward and pierced to the cloud, leaving the Garuda's member in awe as they looked it from afar. Meanwhile, the pillar of the black firestorm reached five meters in diameters.

Enigma was still stretching his hand out, and he looked at his own pillar of the black firestorm. This time, he was sure the three humans were dead. He was in his ultimate form and his Elemental Power enhanced for fifty percent stronger compared when he was in his normal form.

Despite the confidence in him, Enigma still didn't stop his black firestorm. He didn't want the same thing happened to him again. This time, he wanted to make sure he killed the three humans for sure.

However, soon, Enigma noticed something amiss within his black firestorm. He felt there was a tyrannical yet ferocious aura raged inside his black firestorm.

The aura was getting stronger, and he felt familiar with this aura. It was the male human aura and an uneasy feeling aroused in his heart. He knew the human could integrate with a beast bloodline and Elemental Power too. Also, he knew this aura came from the bloodline.

However, Enigma didn't know what aura it was. After all, he never met a living dragon nor he ever felt a dragon in his lifetime. So he didn't know what aura that emanated from the male human.

But one thing was sure, it was a dangerous aura, and from an aura only could threaten him. He felt the danger as the Skeleton Instinct told him the aura was dangerous.

Enigma didn't think much about the aura. He confident in himself, as long as he was in his ultimate form, even the three humans were not his match at all.

In the first place, Enigma was a conceited skeleton. Moreover, after he evolved to the Saint Grade Undead, he was confident that there were less than three creatures could threaten his life on earth.

Enigma didn't include even one human in the front him as one of those creatures. The three creatures were the undead that coming from the hell and now they were in a different continent.

Yes, there were four groups came from Hell and the four group divided into four big regions. Enigma never put the other races in his eyes except for his fellow undead who came from the same world as him.

Even though the three humans survived under his Elemental Power. Enigma was still calm and the eight black swords on his back floated forward. The eight swords faced into the same direction, it was the burning crimson flame inside his black firestorm.

Yes, as Enigma's thoughts were wandering around, there was a crimson flame blazed right inside the pillar of a firestorm. At first, it was a crimson flame and the crimson color changed into golden color.

Enigma recognized this change. It was the change when the Fire Elemental Power enhanced. However, it didn't stop here.

The crimson flame turned into a golden flame. Less than ten seconds, there was a black aura mixed with the golden flame, and soon, the golden flame even became strong and the golden flame devoured the black firestorm.

That was right, Enigma noticed the golden which had been mixing with the black aura began devouring his black firestorm. Enigma his eight black swords pointed at the blackish golden flame.

Enigma pulled his right arm and the black firestorm vanished. Right after that, the eight black swords shot toward the golden flame. The time when the black firestorm disappeared and the time of the eight black swords shot toward the blackish golden flame was almost at the same time.

"Die!" Enigma let out a deep cry.


A sound of metal clashed resounded clear, and that sound came from inside the blackish golden flame.

The black firestorm vanished and the three figures inside the firestorm came into Enigma's sight. Two familiar figures and one unknown figure.

Enigma recognized two of the three and the two figures were the female humans, then…

He eyed unfamiliar figure which in the two's middle of female humans. It was sure the unfamiliar figure in the middle was the male human. But Enigma could not recognize that male human if not for the two female humans.

Yes, Randy completely changed, and he was using his another new skill from the second Bloodline Awakening, Dragon Transformation.

Randy outer appearance covered with blacks scale and his helmet formed a dragon helmet with two horns protruded upward. Not only that, there were three spikes on each of his shoulders, the sharp spikes protruded upward with ten centimeters long.

Randy fingers also turned into a sharp claw, but it didn't obstruct him to hold a sword. The most eye-catching on Dragon Transformation was the tail and the eyes.

That was right, there was a three meters long tail on his back. Each thirty centimeters long, there was a spike protruded upward in the tail and there were ten sharp spikes on the tail.

Meanwhile, the eyes also changed, and it was no longer human's eyes but a beast's eyes. The black pupil turned into dark crimson pupil and the eyes were giving a chill to Enigma.

There was also blackish aura emanated from the black scale which covered Randy. The blackish aura was different from the black aura around Enigma. The aura was giving a tyrannical vibe rather than an evil vibe.

Looking at the current Randy's form, Enigma realized what bloodline Randy had. It was a dragon bloodline. The dragon was one of strongest beast out there and he understood why the blackish aura around Randy gave a tyrannical vibe. It because the dragon's blood which flowed in his body.

Randy no longer looked like a human but a tyrannical beastmen. However, Zhen Yi and Long Xinya were not surprised with Randy current form.

"Yo! we meet again this fast," Randy was waving his right hand at Enigma as he spoke.

The solemn atmosphere broke because of Randy's greeting toward Enigma with his playful voice. Meanwhile, Enigma's eight black swords blocked by another eight dark red swords in a meter distance from Randy.

Enigma pulled his eight black swords back. The eight black swords were revolving around Enigma while the eight dark red swords floated around Randy. The atmosphere became intense once more as silence descended.

However, once more, the silent broke by Zhen Yi's melodious exclamation, "Oh God, that scared me a lot. I thought I was gonna die along with my unborn child,"

Randy instantly looked at Zhen Yi and he saw Zhen Yi was rubbing her tummy gently with a shock and fear look. The same with Long Xinya, she also shocked when heard those words came out from her best friend's mouth.

"Unborn Child???" Randy blurted in surprise and happiness overflowed in his heart. However, he still asked it even he heard it clearly. He was asking for a confirmation from his wife.

"Yes, I'm pregnant I think. I felt something inside my tummy…" Zhen Yi tried to explain why she thought she was pregnant.

However, that explanation didn't enter Randy's ears as his face contorted and a ferocious aura around him gone wild. Zhen Yi and Long Xinya felt the raging aura came out from Randy. They shocked about this as they didn't know what thing made Randy angry.

Enigma also felt the savage aura that came out from Randy. No, he not only could feel the aura, but the aura also alerted him because the aura focused on him. It was like a bell that kept ringing in his mind and Enigma's subconscious was telling him to run away.

The skeleton or the other races didn't have a system that would aid them in The Battle Ascension, but they could use the aura to measure a creature's power.

And the aura that emanated from Randy told him that Randy far stronger than Enigma. However, the arrogance and the conceited Enigma won't admit it. Moreover, he was still in his ultimate form. He won't run away as he took it as a disgrace for a Saint Grade Undead like him to run away from human.

Even though Skeleton Instinct told him to run away, Enigma stayed still. He was very familiar with Skeleton Instinct because this was not the first time for Enigma to experience this feeling. It just that, Skeleton Instinct reacted even fiercer than before.

Yes, this was not the first time Skeleton Instinct told him to retreat. This was the fourth time and the other times were when he fought another skeleton.

Skeleton Group that came from Hell, coming with four designate leaders and Enigma was one of the four designate leaders. When he faced the other three designated leaders, he experienced the same thing. Skeleton Instinct told him to retreat when he faced the other three designate leaders.

However, his pride didn't let Enigma for doing so. He faced the other three designated leaders, and he overcame all of them. He took the Supreme Lord's seat and became the current him now.

Skeleton Instinct was not absolute, and that was why he didn't run away from Randy, but Enigma intended to take Randy head-on.

Skeleton Instinct seemed to come alive, and it warned Enigma even more fiercely. However, Enigma decided to fight Randy, and he would overcome another crisis like before.

Meanwhile, Randy turned his head toward Enigma. It was unknown what expression behind the helmet, but Zhen Yi and Long Xinya could feel Randy was angry. Enigma also felt the same because he was Randy's target.

The blackish golden flame slowly rose again and shrouded every black scale. Also, more swords formed around Randy. There were over a hundred golden swords formed and all of it floated around Randy.

Enigma who was twenty meters away from Randy also got ready to fight. He summoned two black broadswords in his two hands, a sword made of firestorm formed in his hand. Even though Randy looked imposing with over a hundred swords around him, Enigma didn't waver.


A golden sphere with Randy as the center and the golden sphere was about thirty meters in diameter. It was Sleight of Sword Expanse, however, the light white sphere turned into a golden sphere when Randy was in Dragon Transformation.

Dragon Transformation level 1, it was a skill that boosted his all stats for eighty percent except Vitality. When Randy was in Dragon Transformation, his Vitality increased by a hundred and ten percent.


Randy rushed and less than one second, he arrived right before Enigma. Enigma was surprised, but the same as before, he didn't falter in the front of Randy's god-like speed. At least, Enigma still believed that he would overcome Randy like he did when he faced against the other three skeleton designate leaders.

The eight black swords rotated furiously around Enigma. Enigma blocked the descending Darkness with his Elemental Sword while the other eight black swords rotated around, intending to block Randy's hundred swords.

In the flash, sounds of metal clashing each other resounded. However, Long Xinya and Zhen Yi only saw Randy's Darkness clashed against Enigma's Elemental Sword.

Meanwhile, a hundred and forty-eight could not be seen, only leaving an afterimage. At least, it was what Zhen Yi and Long Xinya could see.

Enigma was being overwhelmed under Randy's assault and his mind was in chaos. Skeleton Instinct kept ringing inside his mind, the skill was telling him to run away, and slowly his confidence also faltered.

"Purgatory!" Enigma yelled.


The hellish flame from the ground shot toward Randy and the black lightning from the dark sky descended toward Randy.

However, Purgatory missed its target and eleven dark red swords hit Enigma's back. Randy disappeared, however, Enigma won't fall in the same trick for the second time.

He ignored the eleven swords on his back and Enigma slashed his Elemental Sword toward his back. But once again, he missed the target. No, he didn't miss the target, but the target himself never been there.

Enigma stunned for a second, but in that second another fifteen swords hit on his back again. The sword pushed him forward and soon, he felt a huge force crushed him from his back.

A hand grasped his neck, and another hand oppressed down right on his back. Enigma wanted to break free, but no matter what he did he could not break free from the two hands' grasp.

Meanwhile, Randy had gotten rid of Enigma's eight black swords and afterward, Randy with his great force suppressed Enigma down to the ground.

Enigma tried to break free with his brute force but he could not. Enigma tried to use his Elemental Power to break but he could not. No matter what he did, he could not break free from Randy's grasp.

The blackish golden flame spread over to Enigma's body. The golden flame tried to burn Enigma. However, the black firestorm prevented the golden flame to burn Enigma, but to no avail, the blackish golden flame devoured the black firestorm.

Enigma began to feel the scalding pain all over his bone. He felt his bone was really going to be devoured by the blackish golden flame.

"No! No! No!..." Enigma let out a roar as he felt the scalding pain spread over his frame. Terror and Fear creeped out in his mind and he felt the death was coming for him.

"No! No! No!..."


The black firestorm struggled over the blackish golden flame even more fiercely. The collision between the blackish flame and the black firestorm let out an eruption each time the two elemental powers collided.

Just as Enigma was trying hard to break free of Randy's grasp. The remaining dark red sword pinned Enigma down to the ground the blackish golden flame.

Afterward, Randy looked down with his cold yet emotionless crimson eyes as the blackish golden flame was still burning Enigma. Enigma could not move because the hundred and forty-eight dark red swords pinned him down nor he could break free from the swords.

Looking at the emotionless beast eyes, Enigma let out despair tone, "Spare me, please spare me. I will be loyal to you, I will become your loyal subordinate, and with my twenty million skeleton soldiers, I will present the world for you…"

Enigma began blabbering for saving his life. He just evolved to the Saint Grade Undead and of course, he didn't want to die this fast. However, Randy didn't make respond and Enigma's lucrative offer.

Randy raised his Darkness upward. Afterward, the blackish golden flame in Randy's body concentrated in Darkness and the blackish golden flame shrouded Darkness. From that sword, Enigma smelled a death, but he didn't want to die.

"You should not be threatening my little unborn child..." Randy spoke callously in a cold tone.

However, no matter what his offer was, Randy won't listen to his words, and soon, the sword descended downward toward Enigma's skull.

"Noooooooo….!" Enigma let out a despaired cry as the sword descended.

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