Battle of Ascension

Chapter 316: Ten Seconds Kiss


When the sword touched Enigma's skull. It let out a small sound of an explosion and Enigma's skull shattered as the despairing voice died down. The black firestorm disappeared and Enigma's frame turned into a vial of Advance Addendum Elixir.

The blackish golden flame also disappeared along with Enigma Frame. Randy immediately collapsed down and the black scale disappeared from his body, showing Randy's real figure behind the black scale.

Dragon Transformation skill brought a great toll for his body and that was why he didn't use it from the start of the fight against Enigma. It was like all energy and strength inside his body had been completely sucked out.

Randy lie down with his four limbs spread out. He had no more energy to move his body. However, soon, he noticed something particular with the leftover of Enigma's frame. There was a blackish smoke rose up and formed a black wisp.

Zhen Yi and Long Xinya also noticed the black wisp which suddenly appeared near Randy. They immediately rushed forward as they were clear about Randy's condition.

Randy had tested his Dragon Transformation skill before them once and told them the toll for using the skill was huge. With Randy collapsed on the ground, it meant he didn't have more strength to keep him standing, and they immediately rushed when they saw there was a black wisp appeared.

In no time, Zhen Yi and Long Xinya arrived. They used their spear to stab the black wisp, and the spear pierced through the black wisp. No, the spear didn't pierce the black wisp, to be more exact they were like stabbing at black smoke.

Zhen Yi and Long Xinya realized that the physical attack was useless. They used their Elemental Power, but to no avail, the result was still the same. Nothing happened to the black wisp, and it was also unknown what the use of wisp.

Zhen Yi afraid that the black wisp was a trick that left behind by Enigma. She wanted to pick Randy and retreated, but before he could do so. There was a familiar gentle voice traveled into her ears.

"I never thought that I would die in the human's hand,"

Zhen Yi stopped her track and looked at the black wisp with a shocked look. The same as Long Xinya, she also had a shocked look as she looked at the black wisp. Meanwhile, Randy just moved his pupils toward the black wisp as he could not even move his body even for an inch.

The voice was Enigma's voice and the black wisp spoke with Enigma gentle voice.

"However, this is not the end. I will remember today and I will have my revenge for killing me and destroying my kingdom. I will rebuild it once again and destroy you!" The gentle voice continued.

"So, stay alive and we will meet again later!" After finishing those words, the black wisp shot up pierced to the clear sky.

After Enigma died, the dark sky became bright once again. The black wisp shot up to the sky, and it was unknown what the black wisp meant by saying they would meet again.

It was clear the voice just belonged to Enigma's and based on the black wisp's words just now. Enigma was still alive?

When the puzzled in Randy's mind became more apparent, there was a voice which solved the puzzle.

"It is one of Saint Grade Undead skill, Reincarnation Seed. Enigma must be planted the reincarnation seed on one of his subordinates secretly after the evolution finished. So, when you killed him just now, he will take his subordinate's body, and came back alive,"

Shana's voice resounded in Randy's mind and Randy shocked as he heard about Reincarnation Seed. Then, it meant Saint Grade Undead would never die as long as they had the reincarnation seed.

Seeming to understand Randy thought, Shana answered him before he could even ask,

"Of course not, Saint Grade Undead can only use Reincarnation Seed once in their lifetime, except they evolve to Divine Grade Undead. If one undead reaches Divine Grade, then they can use reincarnation for three times,"

"Also, there is a restriction in Reincarnation Seed. The seed can only be planted on Ancient Grade Undead so they will lose their power as Saint Grade Undead when they take the body which has been planted with Reincarnation Seed,"

"Also Uncle, Enigma just evolved to Saint Grade Undead when you arrived here. He must be planted the seed at that time and maybe the Ancient Grade Skeleton that has been planted with Reincarnation Seed is still in this island,"

In the end, Shana reminded Randy about the most crucial point. Yes, she was right. Enigma just evolved to Saint Grade Undead right after he arrived here or maybe Enigma was among the skeleton soldiers?

Randy made a wild guess, but Shana denied it immediately. "Enigma is not here. The black wisp just now is Enigma's soul, and it hides its track by fly above the sky, the seed carrier is not here,"

Randy fell silent for a moment. He wanted to say about this to his wife and Long Xinya, but he could not even speak with his current condition.


"Roger!" Before even Randy could finish his words, Shana had given confirmation.

She had known already what Randy wanted to say to her. It was to send a message to his wife and told Zhen Yi what she said to him, about the Reincarnation Seed and the possibility Enigma was still on this island.

Since Randy knew that he could ask Shana to send a message. He always asked her to send the message.

Less than ten seconds, Shana sent the message to the two women cleared their doubt and puzzled regarded the black wisp. Zhen Yi and Long Xinya turned their head toward Randy simultaneously.

Randy, with an ounce of strength left, he nodded his head at the two women who sought confirmation from Randy. However, before even Zhen Yi and Long Xinya made their move. They heard a "dump dump" sound from their back, it was the sound of footsteps ran toward them.

Zhen Yi and Long Xinya turned their head and noticed it was the skeleton soldiers who ran after them. But instead of getting ready to fight against them, Zhen Yi and Long Xinya stood still, waiting for the skeleton soldiers.

When the skeletons soldiers reached twenty meters distance from the three, they stopped, and nine skeletons advanced forward. It was Randy's skeleton's army and among the nine skeletons who moved forward, Kiddo and Rougher among them.

Zhen Yi stayed beside Randy while Long Xinya took three steps forward and the nine skeletons stopped right before Long Xinya. They stayed still, waiting for the others to arrive.

Sure enough, not long after the nine skeletons stopped, Garuda's members along with Monikia Tribe caught up. Marlin along with the ten elders of Monikia Tribe lined up along with the nine skeletons.

Different from the Monikia Tribe and Skeleton Army, Garuda was a bit late because they slowed their steps down as they looked the surrounding. The surrounding was a battlefield where Randy and Enigma battled.

The five hundred meters pit and the scorched land shocked them. Even though they were in the same territory, but it was like they entered different territory when they stepped in this area.

"Get two elders to protect Randy!" Zhen Yi ordered Marlin. Even though Long Xinya was not their master, Marlin still nodded his head and asked two elders to protect Randy.

Afterward, Long Xinya turned his head toward Asuka, "You also stayed with Randy,"

Asuka nodded her head without hesitation. She was an archer, but she was like a sniper. Asuka could use shot her bow in three thousand meters since she integrated with a bloodline.

Long Xinya asked Asuka stayed beside Randy because she had another reason for it. It was to keep the Monikia on watch. She still could not fully believe in Monikia and the skeletons even they had been together for over three months.

"The rest will follow me. We will annihilate the remnant of Enigma Kingdom, leaving no skeleton alive!" Long Xinya talked to the rest. Everyone nodded their head except the nine skeletons, they seemed wanted to say something but they hesitated.

"I have my reason for doing this…" Long Xinya told them about Enigma who still alive due to Reincarnation Seed. Hearing Long Xinya's explanation, Kiddo and Rougher nodded their head without hesitation, indicating they understood.

"Good!" Long Xinya nodded her head toward Rougher and Kiddo before continuing, "If there's no more question, then let's start the hunt!"

With those words, everyone made their move except the two elders of Monikia Tribe and Asuka. They walked toward Randy and Zhen Yi, their duty was to protect the powerless Randy.

However, Zhen Yi shook her head, "There's no need for you to stay here. You can help the others and I will stay here,"

There was no doubt Zhen Yi was the strongest after Randy in the Happy Guild. The two elders looked each other before nodding their head and left. However, Asuka stayed here, accompanying Zhen Yi.

"Why don't you hunt some skeletons for your level?" Zhen Yi asked with a sweet smile.

Asuka returned Zhen Yi's sweet smile with her sweet smile too, "It's not that you don't know about my ability, right?"

Finishing her words, Asuka pulled he bow, and an arrow made of flame formed in his bow.


Asuka released the arrow and a red streak line shot toward the skeleton soldiers of the remnant Enigma Kingdom's skeleton soldiers. The distance was about a thousand and five hundred meters, but the arrow reached at the skeleton soldiers less than three seconds.


The arrow exploded when it hit one skeleton soldier and the explosion engulfed the surrounding skeleton soldiers.

After Asuka turned her head toward Zhen Yi and her face was telling Zhen Yi, "See, I can still hunt some skeletons even from here,"

Zhen Yi cast an envy look as she witnessed Asuka's ability. Noticing the envy look on Zhen Yi's face, Asuka made another sweet smile and spoke, "It is not too late to learn Archery Mastery,"

However, Zhen Yi shook his head at Asuka's suggestion. Despite having shaken her head. Deep inside her heart, she was considering learning the Basic Archery Mastery skill.

Indeed, it was not too late for her to learn because the Divine Bloodline, she would get many skill points each time she leveled up. She was in deep thought about the archery, but soon, she felt someone was staring at her with an intense gaze.

Zhen Yi looked down and her eyes met with her husband's eyes. Randy was staring at her with an intense gaze, seeming wanted to say something. But in his current condition, Randy was having a hard time even for him to speak.

"The-There a-are m-ma-many…" things that we need to talk about. It was what Randy wanted to say. But before he could finish his words, Zhen Yi planted a kiss on Randy's lips.

In the first second, Randy's eyes widened. In the third second, Randy eyes seemed to be relaxed as he enjoyed the kiss. In the seventh second, his eyes became heavy. In the tenth second, Randy closed his eyes, and he fell into a deep slumber.

Meanwhile, Asuka shot another flame arrow. She turned into a blind eye for what the couple was doing right now.

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