Battle of Ascension

Chapter 390: Accidental Ruckus

Meanwhile, the people outside were attracted by the light in the city's center. Even though it was midnight, but there were still many people had not slept yet.

There were also many guards patrolled around the city. They saw the bright light emanated from the city's center.

Many of them immediately rushed toward the city's center. The light was so bright and it startled many of them.

The Happy Guild members thought it was Devil Apostle men doing sneak attack to the city's center. The guard immediately rushed to the bright light.

There were so many people rushed to the city's center. The people who were still in their dream awakened by the clamorous footsteps. They immediately came out only to see many people rushed to the city's center.

The bright lasted for thirty seconds before the bright light vanished. But the closest guard already arrives at the source of the light and found the light was coming from Boss' residence.

They stopped their footsteps right before Randy's residence. But now, they did not know what to do. Based on the current situation, it was not a sneak attack from Devil Apostle as there was no trace battle.

However, no one dared to knock the door to inquire what happened to the door until a child, a teenage girl, and a man got through the crowd. The three stopped right before the door of Randy's residence.

No one stopped, but everyone was getting attracted but the three's white hair. The child looked cute, the teenage girl looked adorable, and the man looked extremely pretty despite he was a man.

But soon, they snapped out from their daze by a shout in a childish voice, "Boss! Boss! Boss…"

The child was shouting anxiously and worriedly. The nearest Happy Guild members wanted to stop the child from knocking the door as they worried Boss would angry.

But before the Happy Guild member could stop Kall, the door opened. Randy and Zhen Yi came out in their pajamas while rubbing their eyes.

In front of the crowd's eyes, Randy and Zhen Yi looked sleepy. But it was not as they thought.

Randy and Zhen Yi rubbed their eyes were because of the blinding light earlier. The transformation of the Divine Weapon was different than the beforehand evolution.

Before, the Divine Weapon did not have this kind of occurrence. Randy had not prepared for the blinding light. As for Zhen Yi also the same, Randy told her the transformation only changed the Divine Weapon color.

Randy rubbed his eyes for a while and opened his eyes. But he shocked from what he saw, this was midnight but there was a crowd gathered in front of his door.

The same for Zhen Yi, she also bewildered. Why would they gather here?

The two did not know this the phenomenon of Divine Weapon caused this. The two thought the blinding light only limited to their room.

Just as Randy wanted to ask the crowd why were they gathered before his residence, there was a childish voice interrupted.

"Boss! Boss! Are you okay? What happened to you? Where the light came from? Was the Devil Apostle attacking you just now? Where are they now? How many…"

Kall released out a barrage of questions to Randy. He also checked Randy's body from the top to the bottom, checking Randy's body if there was a wound or not.

Randy frowned as he puzzled by Kall action. But based on the Kall's tone and expression, Randy knew that Kall was really worried about him. He could not blame Kall for doing this, but he was really puzzled. What made Kall became this worried about him?

And then, he realized that the crowd gathered here for the same reason with Kall, Emu, and Ted. They were worried about him, but he did not know why they were worried about him.

"Attack? Devil Apostle? What are you talking about? There is no one attacking me!" Randy replied with a puzzle on his face.

However, soon, Randy knew the reason Kall and the others gathered here. It was caused by the blinding of the Divine Weapon evolution. Randy did not expect the blinding light would cause a ruckus like this.

After that, Randy explained the light was his doing. Of course, he also apologized for disturbing them as he also did not expect this to happen as well.

The crowd dispersed after knowing nothing happened to Randy. They were really worried about Randy as Randy was the pillar of Happy Guild. What they had now, all of these given by Happy Guild. They did not want to lose their pillar.

Kall also relieved after knowing nothing happened to Randy. He did not realize if the light was really an attack and Randy defeated in that attack. He who had been defeated in one hit by Randy would not be able to help as well.

The crowd dispersed as Randy and Zhen Yi came back to the third floor. They were back to the room and the Divine Weapon was still lying down on the floor.

There was no major change on the Divine Weapon. It was still in the ball-shaped weapon like before. However, it became transculent with a smaller sphere in the center of the Divine Weapon.

There were two colors in the sphere. Half red and half black, the two colors mixed into a sphere but it seemed the two colors could not be completely mixed into one.

Randy touched the Divine Weapon and his hand went through the transculent Divine Weapon. It was completely different from before.

Before, when the Divine Weapon was still in Legendary Grade Weapon. The ball-shaped was elastic, but his hand could not go through like this.

However, now, his hand went through the outer of the Divine Weapon. When his hand touched the sphere inside, he could feel the sphere was solid.

He could hold the sphere with his palm and it was really solid and hard as steel. However, the sphere was warm and also cold. When his hand touched the red color part, it was warm. When he touched the black color part, he felt a cold sensation.

And then, he imagined Darkness and the Divine Weapon changed its shape to Darkness. The Divine Weapon slowly changed its shape to Darkness and it was completely the same as Darkness.

He felt there was no difference between the beforehand Darkness and the current Darkness which was Mythical Grade Weapon. After that, Randy held the solid sphere with his both hands.

Randy imagined Infernal Blade. He was testing if the Divine Weapon could transform into twin sword Infernal Blade. Surprisingly, the Divine Weapon transformed into twin sword of Infernal Blade.

Randy satisfied with the transformation. Even though Darkness and Infernal Blade had been swallowed by the Divine Weapon, Randy could still use both swords with a special ability of his Divine Weapon.

Zhen Yi was amazed at her husband weapon which could transform.

"Let me try!" Zhen Yi exclaimed. She wanted to try too. Randy released the Divine Weapon and Zhen Yi stretched her hand. However, Zhen Yi's hand could not go through the transculent Divine Weapon.

Zhen Yi tried for a few times more, but the result was still the same. Her hand could not go through the outer Divine Weapon and she could not hold the core of the Divine Weapon.

Even though she failed to touch the core. Zhen Yi did not give and did not want to. She held the transculent ball-shaped weapon with her two hands and imagined Ice Fury.

10 seconds passed and there was nothing happened to the Divine Weapon. It was still in the ball-shaped form. Still did not want to give up, Zhen Yi tried imagining Darkness, and it was still failed. She could not use and it seemed the Divine Weapon was exclusive for Randy.

Upset because she failed to use the Divine Weapon. Zhen Yi threw the weapon to the floor and went out of the room.

Randy only smiled at her wife behavior. He took the Divine Grade Weapon.



Grade: Divine (Mythical)

Increase Attack by 70%

Equip Effect:






Absorb Effect:

~Weapon Affection 1: Critical Strike and Fire Affinity 30%

~Weapon Affection 2: Explosive Strike and Fire Affinity 20%


"Tsk!" Randy clicked his tongue upon noticing the Equip Effect was still locked. Not even one unlocked.

However, upon noticing there was an Absorb Effect appeared below the Equip Effect. The Divine Weapon not only swallowed the weapon to evolve, but the Divine Weapon also inherited the swallowed weapon.

Critical Strike and Fire Affinity 30% were Darkness' Equip Effect. Explosive Strike and Fire Affinity 20% were Infernal Blade's Equip Effect.

He was delighted and also happy. Even though the Divine Weapon could not inherit all Equip Effect, but he was still satisfied with this.

Randy stored the Divine Weapon to his Storage System and chased after his wife.

During the last two days, Happy Guild was developing Snow City. Long Xinya said Happy Guild received many applications that who wanted to join his guild. The city expansion failed to accommodate the overflowing application.

Meanwhile, they also did not want to harm the beast and monster habitat. So, they had to consider many things before they could build a city.

So, Snow City was overflowing with a new member of Happy Guild's branch guild.

On the third day, Randy and his guild were not in a hurry to face Devil Apostle. He was enjoying his time and also waited for his wife to absorb the Ice Essence in Ice Essence Mine. He also waited for David.

Currently, David, Silvia, and Camelia were in Evergreen City. Silvia was undergoing treatment for her eyes. Meanwhile, Limera and Hermione were touring, touring every city of Happy Guild. They supposed to get back three days later.

Now, Randy and his little family were having breakfast in Snow City. It was an enjoyable breakfast until Udin and Gusti came in with an unpleasant report.

"Boss! Devil Apostle has come with their armies!!!"

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