Battle of Ascension

Chapter 391: I Know Boss! There Is No Next Time!

Randy frowned after hearing what Udin reported. The supposed to be an enjoyable breakfast disturbed by the incoming Devil Apostle.

The frowned last for a moment and he waved his hand at Udin.

"Why are you reporting this to me? I think this is just a small matter, right? I believe you can take care of this small matter,"

Long Xinya mentioned Devil Apostle attacked Snow City was only a small matter. Udin and Gusti had the same thought, it was only a small matter, and they were agreed to not report this to him.

Yet now, Udin and Gusti came to report to him that Devil Apostle came with their armies.

Udin had a bitter smile while Gusti was clueless that Randy was getting back what they said to him yesterday.

Udin did not immediately answer, but looking toward Long Xinya who was also enjoying her meal at the same table as Randy. Long Xinya was eating the meal like she did not hear what Udin and Randy talked about.

He was looking for an ally, but the ally acted as she had nothing to do with that he was in an awkward situation. After knowing the ally would not help him, Udin braced himself.

And then, Udin looked back at Randy and responded in a bitter smile, "If Devil Apostle only bring a few thousand people, then I will not report this to you. However, Devil Apostle bring at the least a hundred thousand people, "

Yes, Asuka told him that there were at least a hundred thousand people in Devil Apostle armies. That was why he immediately came here to report, but Udin never thought that he would get this response.

And then, Randy smiled at Udin and waved his hand, "All right, I will go there after finishing my breakfast!"

But Udin and Gusti were still standing on the spot. It seemed there was something Udin wanted to say.

"There's more?" Randy inquired.

"Yes, Devil Apostle send a man and he comes here to convey Devil Apostle Commander's words to you. He won't say any words except it's you who meet him directly, "

Actually, Udin really wanted to kill the man sent by Devil Apostle, but if he did so, he was stepping his authority over Randy, The Guild Leader.

"Then why don't you just kill him and send his…" Randy stopped his words as he realized that he was still with his family and his next words were not appropriate. Moreover, Aveline was also here, even though it was unknown if Aveline understood his words or not, but Randy still did not continue the next sentence.

"Good, let's go there. Let's meet this man!" Randy stood up. He approached Zhen Yi and Aveline, kissing them in their forehead before following Udin and Gusti.

Long Xinya who stayed silent during the talk, she wiped her mouth and stood up from her chair.

"I have finished my breakfast!" Exclaimed Zhen Yi before going to follow Randy. She also wanted to meet the man as she was curious about what the man wanted to say. Though he could predict the man was up to no good.

Devil Apostle Commander, Commander was one of a high Ranking in Devil Apostle. Minion, it was the lowest ranking in Devil Apostle, higher than Minion was Captain Minion. If Randy had to sort the ranking from the highest to the lowest.

Lord, Supreme Marshall, Marshall, Supreme Commander, Commander, General, Captain, Captain Minion, and Minion.

There were 21 Lords and these twenty-one Lords were the leaders of Devil Apostle. Lord held absolute authority in Devil Apostle.

Supreme Marshall, it was said Supreme Marshall got the best "gift" from the 21 Lords. The meaning of the gift was the ability to transform into a lesser demon.

There were 5 Lords who could bestow this "gift" to their subordinate. David was the one who told him about this and Randy surprised to hear this.

Now, the Evil Clan in Asia went into hiding, maybe they were accumulating their power before making a huge ruckus later.

He could do nothing to Evil Clan as he could not find them, but he must eradicate the one who was in the open, Devil Apostle.

That "gift" was the one determining the ranking in Devil Apostle. Supreme Marshall had a stronger transformation which had a closer strength to Lord.

As they walked to the north of Snow City, Randy chatted with Udin.

"Why don't you kill him and send his head back? He must be coming here for a useless talk. For example, asking us to surrender or maybe money or…" Randy blabbered as Udin and Gusty listened.

Randy sure this man was coming only to say unpleasant things.

Garuda Post

Randy and Long Xinya were sitting on the couch comfortably. Meanwhile, there was a man also sat on the two opposite.

The man was wearing Devil Apostle, but there was something different with the Devil Apostle minion before. On his left chest, there was a number. It was number 6 and the number was gold in color.

David already told him the meaning behind the number. Number 6, it showed the man ranking in Devil Apostle. Number 6 meant the man in front of him was Captain.

There were two captains in the ranking of Devil Apostle, Captain and Captain Minion. Captain Minion was the one who led Minion while Captain was the one who gave the order to Captain Minion.

The man in front of him was Captain. Number 6 represented to Captain and Number 0 represented to Lord.

The captain who sat across them did not cover his face like the minion did. The man's face was white pale and there was a black mole below his mouth.

Like Randy guessed, the man appeared haughty and arrogant. However, the man's gaze never left Long Xinya since they met.

Meeting this kind of man, Randy did not act polite like usual.

"What do you want to talk me? Say it fast!"

Until hearing Randy's words, the man turned his body toward Randy and frowned. The man displeased as if Randy was disturbing him.

"Are you the guild leader of the guild who conquered Erzin Territory. If you are not, then don't waste my time and get your guild leader here, QUICK!"

Instead of answering the man, Randy turned his head toward Udin and spoke, "See! I have told you, just kill him, and send his head back!"

Angry? Of course not, this was not the first time for Randy encountered. He just annoyed and took out his weapon. The divine weapon changed its shape to Darkness immediately after Randy took it out.

Meanwhile, Captain who did not realize that he was in danger grasped the situation after Randy spoke to Udin. He had seen Udin was respected by many people here. Now, the respected Udin was acting respectfully toward the man across to him.

The man frowned after looking at Randy who took his weapon out. He did not afraid of Randy as he was confidence Randy did not dare to kill him. He was thinking Devil Apostle was the most feared. He believed the sword was only trying to threaten him.

The Captain without introducing himself, speaking as a sneer hung on his mouth, "It seems you are really the guild leader. Your threat won't work on me. Also, I won't waste my time to the unknown guild like yours.

Commander Vadik says he will spare your guild from annihilation as long as you surrender to Devil Apostle. We will accept your guild surrender as long as you hand over 100 million gold and 100 superb beauties like her!"

At the end of his words, the man pointed his finger toward Long Xinya. Devil Apostle had scouted Snow City and found there were only a little over 10 thousand people here.

Meanwhile, he knew Commander Vadik brought 150 hundred thousand people. Ten times over the people in the city, He was confidence Randy and his guild also knew about this.

So, he also believed Randy and his guild submit to Devil Apostle.

Exactly as Randy guessed and once again, Randy turned his head toward Udin.

However, before Randy could lecture Udin like before. Udin spoke first, "I know Boss. There is no next time! There will be no next time!"

Udin already knew when Randy turned his head to him for the second time.

Randy let out a satisfied smile and turned his head back to the man.

"That's all?" Randy asked.

Still with haughty and arrogant manner, the man nodded his head as if he was too lazy to respond Randy.

"Good, you can die now!" Randy declared and made his move.

The man could only see there was a black streak line slashed at his head. Meanwhile, he also saw Randy was standing before him with the black sword in his head.

The man stunned as he was not expecting this to happen. He was shocked by Randy's speed and became nervous.

"You… You…" The man pointed his finger toward Randy with his mouth opened, but there were no words came out except "You".

"It's weird to hear a dead man speak. You should have kept your mouth shut!" After that, Randy gave a light push at the man's head and the man's head fell down to the couch.

The red blood flowed from the man neck. The captain's head cut cleanly and neatly. He also did not realize his head was getting cut.

The man's head fell beside the headless body, but the eyeball was looking up at Randy with a shocked look.

"Burn the couch along with the body and send… No, I will deliver the head myself. Take care of the room and let's start Exorcism Operation part 2!"

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