Battle of Ascension

Chapter 392: Just Watch!

Randy stood on the top wall of Snow City with a head in his hand. It was a Captain of Devil Apostle's head.

About 4000 meters across the wall, Randy could see Devil Apostle armies. The amount of Devil Apostle armies was indeed many, but it did not deter Randy in the slightest.

Randy scanned Devil Apostle's armies who were in their temporary base. He was locating where the Devil Apostle's Commander was. Then, he spotted the biggest tent in the center of the temporary camp.

Randy took five steps back before making a short rush and threw the head in his hand. He was intending to deliver the head back to Devil Apostle Commander, telling the Commander his answer.

Randy threw the head with his full power and the head arched right to the entrance of the biggest tent. The head landed right at the door of the tent and it startled the people who guarded the tent.

Yes, there were six people in the black cloak guarded the tent and they startled with the unknown thing who suddenly landed at the entrance.

The six black cloaks immediately rushed to the entrance to check the unknown thing with their hands ready on their weapon.

When the six people got into a clear look at the thing just fell from the air, the six people stunned on the spot. They were familiar with the thing that fell from the air.

The six people who guarded the tent comprised one General and five Captain. So of course, they recognized the head and it was their friend.

Commander Vadik dispatched their friend to ask the insolent guild who dared to kill their guild member and stepped into Russia to surrender. However, now, their friend who supposed to be in Snow City was here. Not only that, their friend back with only his head which meant their friend was killed in Snow City.

Knowing this, the six people grew furious and the General immediately barged into the tent. The tent was spacious, but there were only a few things inside the tent.

There were double king bed size and two couches inside the tent. On the bed, there were a man and three women. The four were having a wild activity, but the General did not care if he disturbed Commander Vadik deed or not.

The General knelt down three meters away from the bed and announced his presence with a loud voice, "Commander, I have an urgent report needs to be reported!

With the sudden loud voice, the bed stopped shaking, and then a cold yet sharp voice rang out, "Haven't I told you to not disturb me?"

The General was still kneeling down. He made no response at Commander Vadik's words.

"Honey! Let's stop here for now. We will continue later!" This time, Commander Vadik's voice was gentle, his words were not directed to the General though.

Commander Vadik stood up from the bed and wore a black bathrobe. He gazed at the General who still knelt down and released out a sigh.

"I will forgive you this time!" After that, Commander Vadik walked toward the couch. He sat at the couch casually and took the drink from the table, "There's must be something really urgent that make you dared to disturb me at this time. Spit it out!"

After that, Commander Vadik chugged the drink into his mouth as he waited for the report.

The general who did not dare to let out a single noise after disturbing his commander deed finally stood up and walked toward Commander Vadik.

The general still had a furious look as he strode to the couch side. He did not dare to take a seat, but he immediately spoke in a furious tone.

"Commander, we have to attack that insolent guild. Not only they dare to kill our minion and take territory in Russia, now they killed the man you have sent in the morning! I request to annihilate them right here, right now!"

"Oh, they killed Vassili?" There was no change in Vadik's expression. He still appeared calm and collected despite hearing one of his subordinates died.

Vadik planned to deter the unknown guild who dared to take Erzin Territory from Yester Tribe and took the territory as his guild territory.

Devil Apostle and Yester tribe had a treaty that they would not intervene in each other territory. However, now, Erzin and the other five territories were not Yester Tribe's anymore but belonged to the unknown guild.

Devil Apostle took this chance to take those six territories from the Yester Tribe's grasp before Yester Tribe made their move. As for the unknown guild with the smiling emoji as it's an emblem, Devil Apostle did take it seriously.

Devil Apostle upper echelon believed only fool and ignorant people who would provoke them as the unknown guild dared to enter their land. Devil Apostle assumed the one who conquered Erzin Territory was only a newly established guild.

Even though there was a little possibility the unknown guild was from Asia Continent. However, Devil Apostle would not believe if the guild who conquered or moved to Europe was a big guild like them.

A big guild would not move without planning. For example a big guild like them, currently, the reason Devil Apostle had not moved to Asia because they only had a little information about Asia.

So the upper echelon thought the unknown was only a small guild and a little hindrance for them. That was why they only sent Commander rank to take the six territories. Vadik was aware of this fact.

As for sending Vassili to ask the unknown guild surrender. Making those little guild surrender and covered for the loss of his guild earlier. It would have increased his merit and pushed him more to promote to Supreme Commander.

However, now, that unknown guild did not appreciate the chance he gave them. As for Vassili, the captain who he sent to convey his words to the unknown guild. Vadik did not care about him, Vassili was only one Captain from thousands of captains in Devil Apostle. He did not care if Vassili was alive or dead.

But Vadik knew really well that he could not show it to his subordinate. It would make him lost the loyalty of his subordinate.

Vadik frowned and asked, "Where is Vassili's body? We have to bury and give him our last tribute for him. After that, we will attack the city!"

The general hesitated to tell the truth about Vassili. In the end, the General told the truth that only Vassili's head which got back.


"They have gone too far!" Vadik slammed the table. He was really furious this time.

"Tell them to get ready, I will go myself this time!" Vadik waved his hand at the General as he was heading to the bed. Beside the bed, there was a black armor. The armor was pitch black with no pattern but only black.

Vadik was going to wear his armor. At first, he did not plan to intervene with his hand directly but only ordered his subordinate to take care of that little guild. But now, he wanted to cut every people's head he met later as they did to his subordinate.

The general immediately dashed out of the tent. The furious General changed to excited one after hearing Commander Vadik would join them to attack the city.


Meanwhile, Randy was sitting casually on the long bench on the top of the north wall. Besides his long chair, there was one of Evergreen City's specialties, Happy Coffee.

He could see the armies camp across him was ready to make their move. Randy could see it from where he was, but he was still calmly sitting on his chair. David, Limera, and Hermione already back and they now also with Randy.

They intended to help, but Randy prevented David and Limera to help him. Instead, Randy invited them here to watch. Yes, Randy invited them here to watch the clash between his guild members against the first batch of Devil Apostle.

But Limera who was righteous and kind-hearted kept walking back and forth between his chair and the edge of the wall. Limera looked worried and his gaze only at Randy and Happy Guild members below the wall.

After a moment, Limera could not keep his mouth shut anymore and approached Randy with a solemn look, "Do you have a grudge with your guild member?"

"Huh!?" Randy did not understand Limera's words at all and Hermione let out a giggle after hearing her husband.

"Then why you only have 500… No, you only have 250 people down there and you want them to face the 100 thousand people? It's no different as suicide!" Limera exclaimed anxiously and seriously.

David also looked at Randy as he did not understand why Randy only use 250 people while he had many people under his guild. Not only that, during his stay in Evergreen City, he heard Randy had many guild members. Even there were skeleton armies and beast armies under his order.

However, Randy only deployed 250 people from 500 people he had in Snow City. As for the thousand people in the city, they were only a civilian with a little strength.

"For now, just watch!" Randy replied with great confidence as he tapped Limera's shoulder to calm Limera who looked worried and anxious.

Not only Limera, but there was also another person who anxious and worried. Pristine, she could not help but also became worried after knowing Randy's insane plan.

Facing over 100 thousand people with only 500 people was already insane enough. Instead of calling a reinforcement, Randy divided his 500 guild member into two groups to face over 100 thousand people.

"This is nuts!"

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