
Chapter 11: A horny night…

I sent Melody one last message, a pleading face emoji, and then went into my settings, setting up a custom notification sound for her messages. I usually have my phone on silent, but I set it to vibrate and sound for her. The only other contacts I’ve changed are my parents.

After clearing my plate and stacking it near the trash area, I left the food court and went back to my room. Melody hadn’t sent me any more messages and I was starting to get bored after rereading our short conversation a hundred times.

I lay back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I felt like doing absolutely nothing. I wanted to see Melody again. I missed her cute smirk and her mischievous chuckles. I wanted to talk to her. Just hang out. I needed another day like today.

Trying to pass time, I pulled my phone out, scrolling through feeds and browsing for stories to read. Plenty I followed had released new chapters, but… I just didn’t care.

Nothing is interesting anymore.

Deciding I’d have more luck trying to sleep, I sat back up and reached down to my socks. Right where Melody had touched earlier today. Where she had gripped me and raised my legs while I closed my eyes and bound myself. My hand lingered for a little until I cleared her from my mind once more and slipped my fingers into my sock, pulling it off with a tug. Then the same with the other.

I stretched out my toes a little, kicked around my feet, then stood up on the carpet, feeling my feet sink in wonderfully. 

Next, I pulled off my sweater, emptying my pockets onto a small stand beside the bed, revealing the thin red t-shirt I had underneath. Then, I pulled that off and felt the cool air cozy up to my skin. I shivered a little, but continued undressing.

I hesitantly slipped my hands into my skirt and tugged downwards. The same sensations from earlier today filled my mind as I pictured Melody squatting down behind me, inching my skirt down… her hands brushing against my skin… her warmth scraping along my freezing skin… 

Then, the skirt fell to the floor, ripping me away. I grabbed it, along with the rest of my clothes, and placed them in a small pile, realizing I didn’t have a laundry basket yet.

I stood there for a while in my bra and panties, the two articles I would go without tomorrow, thinking. What am I going to wear right now? I didn’t bring pajamas, and I can’t be bothered to go drive home right now. But, I’ve always wondered… how does it feel to sleep naked?

There’s no one else here right now. Well, no one in our dorm. Not that I’d mind Melody walking in on me. But, it’s the perfect time to find out, isn’t it?

I moved my hands behind my back and unclasped my black bra, taking it off and letting it drop to the ground in front of my feet. Looking down, I saw my nipples perk up on my small chest. It is pretty cold.

I couldn’t resist giving a good squeeze and sighing a little as I massaged them. It felt wonderful, especially with how horny I’ve been feeling all day… with how much I’ve been staring at Melody…

Feeling my arousal build up, I removed my hands and reached down to take off my last article of clothing. I slipped my figures into the waistband and pulled it down, seeing a little dampness in the fabric and smelling my perverted scent, or at least I could imagine it.

I added my undergarments to the pile of clothes then went over and turned off the lights, closed the window blinds to block out the sunset, and returned to the bed, pulling myself under the soft fluffy blue covers, pretending they were Melody laying on top of me, holding me…

As I sunk into the bed, my hands reached up and cupped my breasts, squeezing rhythmically, slowly increasing my tempo as my need grew. I imagined my hands as Melody’s, imagined them rubbing faster and faster, squeezing harder and harder… making me go haywire.

Then, stopping my other movements, I pinched my nipples. I was getting punished for being a bad girl… a bad kitty… Melody’s bad grammar-policing kitty… I pinched again, this time stronger and felt my muscles tense up a little, until I began my squeezes once more… relaxing them all over again. I alternated pinches, pulls, and twists with gentle massages mixing the slight pain with lovely pleasure.

As my massage continued, I felt liquid pool between my legs, begging for attention. I removed my right hand from my breast, groaning at the lack of sensation, but moved it downwards toward my pleading lips.

As my left hand continued fondling my right boob, my right began playing along the edges of my outer folds, rubbing my fingers along the small valleys between my vagina and legs. I imagined Melody down there, teasing me, holding me, seeing just how crazy she could make her kitty…

Suddenly, I moved my hand to the center and rammed a finger inside, releasing a small moan. It was all lubed up from my teasing and swam in easily. I let it sit there for a minute as my body tensed up from the ecstasy.

The moment I felt myself calm down, I began slowly pumping in and out as I pictured Melody, head between my legs, her snarky blue eyes examining my state, and right as I neared, I slowed.

Melody sat there, keeping me on edge, she was making her kitty beg, beg to cum… and beg I did. I moaned and whined, humping my own finger. Then a second, slipping in just as easily as the first. I kept pumping in and out, moving my body with it, while my left hand started alternating between my breasts.

I assaulted my nipples harder, twisting and tugging more than I ever had before while my right hand turned upwards, placing its thumb above my clit. Circular motions started as the pumping continued. My mind lost focus… my last thoughts on Melody, imagining her above me, controlling her kitty, and dragging her kitty to heaven and beyond with a tight chain leash.

The animalistic caresses continued and continued and continued and… my mind went blank and I tensed, then released a shiver that enveloped my whole body. I felt my muscles shaking and pounding themselves into the bed as I rode my high.

Finally, it calmed down, and I laid there exhausted. That was incredible. God I want Melody to do that to me. Make me beg for pleasure… make me beg for punishment.

Why won’t you leave my mind Melody?

I grabbed my phone again, rereading our entire conversation.

It was almost eight pm, which is really early, but I didn’t want to get up. Laying naked under the covers… oh. My doors are unlocked. I don’t know how to lock them. Whatever. I rolled around and just tried to sleep. I just want it to be tomorrow.

Eventually, I fell asleep with Melody in my head.

I woke up around nine the next morning.

A system window greeted me.


Quest Initiated

See you soon, kitty.

Task: Complete house chores and pick up Melody.

Subtask 1/9: Make your bed.

Reward: Next subtask.

Failure: Quest failure.

Reward: Secret :P

Failure: Secret ;)


Well that’s a simple enough start. I would’ve done that anyway.

Okay, maybe not.

I got out of bed and grabbed the sheets, wiggling them up and down a little to clear all the folds, then pulled them up and laid them flat on my bed. With the first task complete, the next appeared.


Quest Updated

See you soon, kitty.

Task: Complete house chores and pick up Melody.

Subtask 2/9: Find a makeshift laundry bin/basket.

Reward: Next subtask.

Failure: Quest failure.

Reward: Secret :P

Failure: Secret ;)


Okay. There’s probably something I can use somewhere in our dorm.

I walked over to the door and grabbed the handle, pulling it open. It was then that I realized I was still naked. I slept naked. I should dress… although… it is my room. No one is here… doesn’t it sound a little fun? Walk around naked a bit?

Let’s do it. What’s the worst that could happen? Some S rank walking in and opening our room. That wouldn’t be too bad right? It’d be really freaking embarrassing, but they would be just as guilty.


I walked out naked and went downstairs, feeling the air breeze past on every little part of my body. I could just envision that scene… locking eyes with a stranger searching for Melody… eek! Or maybe a stranger walking by one of the windows? That would be more likely… It would be so embarrassing. Imagine if it was Melody. Would she get mad? Punish me? Scold me about how much of a slut I am? 

I searched around our room for a while and found a small wire mesh basket under the TV that was along the wall across from the couches. It would do. The moment I held it in my hands, the quest changed.


Quest Updated

See you soon, kitty.

Task: Complete house chores and pick up Melody.

Subtask 3/9: Add all dirty laundry to the bin.

Reward: Next subtask.

Failure: Quest failure.

Reward: Secret :P

Failure: Secret ;)


Simple enough. I picked up Melody’s socks with their fading smell and my now dry panties from the day before and put them in the bin, then I took it up to my room and added yesterday’s clothes to it. The next quest, however…


Quest Updated

See you soon, kitty.

Task: Complete house chores and pick up Melody.

Subtask 4/9: Enter Melody’s room.

Reward: Next subtask.

Failure: Quest failure.

Reward: Secret :P

Failure: Secret ;)


What could that be?

I exited my room again, still naked by the way, and walked over to Melody’s. I was entering Melody’s space… naked. I feel so dirty. I grabbed the handle and pushed open the door. It was unlocked.


Quest Updated

See you soon, kitty.

Task: Complete house chores and pick up Melody.

Subtask 5/9: Grab the small box in the left corner of my closet.

Reward: Next subtask.

Failure: Quest failure.

Reward: Secret :P

Failure: Secret ;)


Interesting… but what’s more interesting is Melody’s room. It was pretty plain, no surprise since she moved in around the same time as me, but her bed had a handful of plushies! I love plushies. There was also… um… a pink vibrator lying there out in the open. One of the long ones with those squishy-looking ends. I don’t know, I’ve never used one of those. The “magic wand” massager things.

Moving on, I turned toward her walk-in closet. Opening it, there were a bunch of clothes, but underneath I saw a tiny wooden box, about the size of a… small box? It fits nicely in my hand. A bit larger than a phone. Phone sizes vary too much though. Hmm… it was the size of a manga volume. Those are pretty consistent. Sometimes.

Anyway, I reached down and grabbed the box. A small wooden box that I’m presumably not supposed to open.

Doesn’t this feel a little cliché? Maybe I just read too much smut…

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