
Chapter 12: A happy reunion… maybe…


Quest Updated

See you soon, kitty.

Task: Complete house chores and pick up Melody.

Subtask 6/9: Enter your room.

Reward: Next subtask.

Failure: Quest failure.

Reward: Secret :P

Failure: Secret ;)


The next quest appeared after picking up the small box, but I pushed it aside since I really wanted to open the box I was holding. Sadly, my hopes were dashed as I turned the box around. It had a small lock. And I’m not a lock pick. I shook it around a bit too but didn’t hear anything, it was pretty light.

I moved on and headed into my room.


Quest Updated

See you soon, kitty.

Task: Complete house chores and pick up Melody.

Subtask 7/9: Take off your panties and bra. Put on socks, a skirt, and a loose sweater or hoodie. Nothing else.

Reward: Next subtask.

Failure: Quest failure.

Reward: Secret :P

Failure: Secret ;)


I completely forgot I was naked. Still, I went into the closet and followed the instructions. I selected a solid blue skirt that rode the fence between mini and not, pulled it on, zipped it up, and adjusted it until it sat just right. 

Then I rifled through the rest of my clothes and grabbed the biggest sweater I had brought. It was a white knit cotton sweater. I pulled it over myself and felt very underdressed, but whatever.

Finally, I grabbed a couple ankle-high white socks and put them on to finish my outfit.


Quest Updated

See you soon, kitty.

Task: Complete house chores and pick up Melody.

Subtask 8/9: Wait until 12:45 PM.

Reward: Next subtask.

Failure: Quest failure.

Reward: Secret :P

Failure: Secret ;)


With all the current tasks completed, I went over to the full-length mirror and took a closer look at myself.

I was… normalish. The skirt was comfortable and looked normal from the outside, not the inside of course. The sweater on the other hand was very revealing. It revealed the start of my shoulders, and if I leaned it to one side it would easily reveal one. The middle section hung pretty low, enough that it revealed some skin between my boobs.

The sweater was thick, hiding my exposed nipples, but it was also heavy and not that comfortable. It’d be warm enough though, I guess it's better than shivering in something thin. I felt a little weird, like my clothes begged for attention… I could also stretch the center down and easily reveal a boob. Totally didn’t do that a few times staring at myself.

Moving on, now I had to wait. There was still about three hours to go. What to do?

I still haven’t eaten anything for breakfast. Or taken a shower. The tasks got a little distracting…

I decided to take a shower first, exiting my room and turning left toward the bathroom instead of right toward the staircase. 

The bathroom was fancy, although I don’t know what constitutes luxury. I had already used it yesterday when I was moving in, but this was my first time using the shower. The bathroom itself had two large sinks in the middle and a toilet with a bidet and all the fancy buttons on the right. On the left, was the shower.

The shower was square and probably six feet wide. It had a glass door that slid open halfway and a complicated shower head which I just set to be a normal full-body or rain-like spray. Then, I stripped down, stacking my clothes on the toilet since the only rack had a stack of towels.

I turned the heat somewhere in the middle, but the water heated instantly and felt like burning lava, so I turned it down until it got to a comfortable temperature slightly warmer than lukewarm. I’m not a fan of too hot or too cold.

I washed myself and sang dumb songs for almost an hour, using the soaps the academy provided, or maybe Melody’s? I wonder if she’ll notice…

After drying myself off with a towel and redressing, I decided to eat. I don’t know if Melody will have had lunch yet, and I don’t want to limit her from going somewhere to eat something, so a light lunch should do.

My hair was still wet but I didn’t worry about it, put on my shoes, and walked toward the food court.

This time, I decided to try something other than the buffet, although I think the buffet had different breakfast items, but I found a shop selling a variety of sandwiches and bought one. It had egg, ham, tomatoes, and some sweet sauce on it. A little weird, but it tasted alright.

By the time I walked back to the dorm, it was almost noon so I lounged around for a while, reading smut on my phone as it charged since I forgot to plug it in after my fun times the night before.

Finally, the time came.


Quest Updated

See you soon, kitty.

Task: Complete house chores and pick up Melody.

Subtask 9/9: Go meet me at the airport! :)

Reward: Secret :P

Failure: Quest failure.

Reward: Secret :P

Failure: Secret ;)


I immediately left the building, making sure to take the wooden box with me, and went to my swampy car—I should get a new one—and pulled up some navigation as I walked. I started the engine, drove out of the parking lot, onto the main road, right at the roundabout, and into the city.

A few minutes later, I arrived. There wasn’t any security at the parking lot entrance so I managed to drive right in and found a nice spot near the small terminal.

The single terminal building was large, but nothing like a full-sized airport. It wasn’t a billion feet tall, just a normal building height and completely covered in windows. I entered in the middle carrying the small box and… I was there.

No security, other than one guard standing by the door, no crowd, no lines, no anything, really. There was a reception desk though, so I walked over. “Um… hi.”

“Hello Miss, what do you need?” the receptionist asked. She had some pretty relaxed clothes, at least on top. She was wearing a loose fitting white blouse with a blue jacket pulled over it, but nothing stiff. And… nothing revealing…

A little nervous, I replied, “I’m supposed to pick up a friend…”

She nodded, preparing to type on a computer hidden under the desk. “What’s their name?”

“Melody,” I replied, a few seconds later adding, “Celestria.”

She maintained her same demeanor and pointed a bit further down the left of the terminal. “She’ll be arriving at the third exit down there.”

“Thanks.” That was weird. No verification or anything? They have security guards, but doesn’t this still seem like it’d be a little too easy to murder rich people?

I walked down where the receptionist pointed and took a seat on one of the brown leather chairs, taking care to close my legs tightly while doing so, and having a perfect view of the runway and the couple of planes that were parked near the terminal, none being Melody’s I assumed since, well, she wasn’t here.

The terminal was basically a bunch of seats everywhere with some plant dividers in between sections. I guess it’s kind of like a normal terminal, just no crazy crowds, shops, or staff. There was a podium by the doorway that led outside, but I don’t think it’s ever been used.

One thing the terminal did have however, was free food. There were some fridges and snack bars scattered about with plates and utensils beside them, clearly begging me to try. So I did. Also, caviar? How do people eat that? It’s a bunch of weird slimy balls. I don’t get it.

Sitting back down munching on some crackers, I heard a plane landing, releasing a thunderous booming sound. The plane had giant cursive text that read “Celestria” in black so I had a fairly good guess of who it belonged to. My assumption was proved correct as the plane taxied over toward this gate and a small crew materialized out of nowhere to do whatever it is that they do. 

After watching them unload some stuff and reload some stuff and connect some pipes and things, the plane’s door finally opened vertically and turned into a staircase. Someone ran up and put a small step down at the very end so it wouldn’t be a jump, and then Melody appeared.

As she stepped onto the first step, her long brown hair swayed in the wind providing a backdrop for her face and her regal bright blue irises that matched the clear skies behind. She had on a huge thin black dress that similarly blew in the wind, and highlighted her eyes even more than they already were. On her feet, I could see the pointed tips of black shoes just peeking under the dress when she stepped her way down.

Melody skillfully stepped down the plane’s carpeted stairs as if she were wearing simple jeans, and made it to the bottom seconds later. Behind her a few men in black suits and sunglasses followed. Security?

Oh, maybe that’s why the terminal has so little. Everyone here has their own security. Melody began walking toward the terminal building and as she looked it over, she saw me. A grin enveloped her face and I grinned back just as hard.

She continued walking and went under the small covered pathway in front of the door, where a staff member opened it for her and she walked in, heading straight toward me.

“Hi, kitty!” Melody called out, immediately flushing me with embarrassment.

Once she was right in front of me, I complained with a harsh whisper, “We’re in public!”

“It’s fine,” Melody insisted, spinning around to her security and commanding, “Forget everything you just heard.”

She received a very serious response of, “Forget what?”

“Now.” Melody switched over to her evil smirk and I felt like I had shrunk a few inches. “First, your rewards.”


Quest Updated

See you soon, kitty.

All tasks completed!

Submission increased by 3!

Special reward coming soon… maybe…

No failures have been issued... yet...


“Now let’s head to the jet, maybe you’ll earn whatever’s in that box, or maybe some punishment. We'll see.”

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