
Chapter 26: I don’t understand…

For lunch, Melody drove us to a very unexpected place. A fast-food restaurant. We parked then ordered inside using the touchscreen displays, both getting a burger combo with fries and a drink. Melody paid of course. Then I went to the bathroom, trying very hard not to masturbate…

By the time I made it out through my incredible willpower for all things Melody, she already had our food and had sat down at a table. I took the open seat across from her and she initiated our daily ritual of system decisions. “Which one, Scarlet?”


Status Share from Melody

Please select one upgrade path for your pet.

Note: This selection must be discussed with your pet unless they choose to forfeit this requirement.

Secondary Ability Upgrade: Shared Spatial Inventory (Level 2)

Provides a no requirement shared spatial inventory of size 10cm x 10cm x 10cm for pet and Mistress, with both having access and the ability to add or remove any non-living physical items. Any living entity inserted will die immediately.

Core Ability Augment: Heal (Level 2) - Strength

Improve the efficacy of your pet’s healing abilities.

Pet's healing speed is increased based on health difference between Mistress and pet. Additionally, ratio is improved to 3 : 1.

Healing speed is multiplied by:

1 + ((Pet’s current health percentage / Mistress’ current health percentage) / 10)

Minimum value of 1x.


A level up for the spatial inventory or a healing level up… spatial inventory is way more useful right now, but it’s also way easier to level up. I think. BDSysteM, what’s my progress on the Shared Spatial Inventory?


Secondary Ability: Shared Spatial Inventory (Level 1)

Provides a no requirement shared spatial inventory of size 5cm x 5cm x 5cm for pet and Mistress, with both having access and the ability to add or remove any non-living physical items. Any living entity inserted will die immediately.

Progress: 6%


Six percent… what is that? Like a percent an hour? Assuming it goes up when I have items stored in the inventory. Does the amount of storage I’m using account for anything? Eh. Too complicated if it does. But clearly, it levels way faster than my other abilities. So, although it’s more helpful right now, leveling up other abilities would be more beneficial.

I think… “Strength augment.”

“Okay,” Melody agreed, leading to the good old submission increase screen.


Submission Level Up!

Having reached submission score 15, you have unlocked the following ability upgrade.

Your level has also increased by 1.

Core Ability Augment: Heal (Level 2) - Strength

Improves the efficacy of pet’s healing abilities.

Pets healing speed is increased based on health difference between Mistress and pet. Additionally, ratio is improved to 3 : 1.

Healing speed is multiplied by:

1 + ((Pet’s current health percentage / Mistress’ current health percentage) / 10)

Minimum value of 1x.


And my level went up again! These past two submission tiers have increased it by fifty percent, the first was one hundred percent... twenty-five percent next? I don’t know. It’s probably some weird complicated equation that just appears simple at first. Anyway, level increase means stat increase so…


Scarlet Diamond


Unique - X tier

Active Mistress Imposed Effects: Nudity, Orgasm Control

Level 2

Credits: 1598.06

Health: 60/60

Mana: 60/60

Submission: 15

Strength: 60

Agility: 60

Points: 10


Okay… wait. One thousand credits. That… is an amount. But… triple stats? What the fuck is this system… It doubled, then tripled… that makes no sense. If it becomes multiplied by four… that's 240? Then 1200? No. That’s impossible. BDSysteM, how do these equations work?

It’s pretty basic. Every time you level up your stats get multiplied by your next level divided by your previous level. With the exception of the first level up from zero to one, since division by zero has yet to be solved by us despite our vast intelligence.

So… next level, divided by previous level… so it gets smaller as I level more? That… seems reasonable. Except it went up from two… and I guess it does increase more each level even though the multiplier is smaller? Maybe? Okay, okay, whatever, how about the credits? What’s that equation?

This one’s a little weird. I wanted to double forever but I wasn’t allowed to so I settled for this. The previous level’s base stats plus your new current level’s base stats, multiply that by your next level divided by your previous level, the same multiplier for your stats, then multiply that by eight plus one third then divide it all by your new level and finally round it down to the next integer. Understand?

How the hell are these weird-ass equations not getting like infinite decimal places… how does that first equation not make my stats full of decimals? Why are they so convoluted...

It's a pretty cool equation, means your reward for levels two and three are both one thousand credits, interesting, right?

Yes… but no… I don’t understand… “Melody, do you understand my system's equations?”

“Hmm?” Melody asked, pausing from her burger. “Is it not linear? My stats… everything really, is just a set increase every level.”

“Ask BDSysteM,” I told her, then began munching on my burger and fries while BDSysteM repeated everything it told me. Melody progressively got more confused.

“I maybe know?” she said, returning to eating her food. “We can write it out later and see, don’t have paper here.”

That’s fine I guess… “So now what?”

“Just hang out at the dorm?” Melody suggested after finishing her burger. “I can introduce you to the other two S tiers if they’re home.”

“Okay…” Hang out at home… I should’ve picked a car! I’m going to be absolutely dying without anything to distract me… I hope these two other S tiers can entertain me enough to get my mind out of the gutter… please… I don’t think I’d be able to resist masturbating in my room… moaning… and then Melody walking in, punishing me for being a bad horny kitty… no no no. I can’t… need to follow Melody’s orders…. at least while she’s there… ah shit. BDSysteM would totally tattle.

Anyway, we finished up our food and left the fast food place with our drinks, then drove back to the academy. As we entered the dorm building, the two S tiers were still there, playing some card game. Melody directed me toward our room before I could walk over. “Might want to drop off the toys first.”

I looked down at my hands, both carrying bags of sex toys… yeah… I speedwalked over to our room and… do I need to strip? No, no… as long as I’m out within sixty seconds.

I sprinted, dropping the bags on the table by the couches, then turned around, heading straight back out. No punishments for me!

Melody took her time, then joined me outside the room. “Ready to meet them?”

I nodded and followed Melody into the building’s lounge area, walking over to the couches where the two S tiers sat, playing a card game on the table. Melody and I sat down on the three-seater couch, the two S tiers sat beside each other on the loveseat. Not sure if that’s the best place, considering they were each hiding their hand from each other, but I guess they’re close?

Both of them looked up as we sat down, greeting, “Hi, Mel.”

The first of the two, the girl, had long, almost white, maybe slightly silverish, hair pulled back in a ponytail. Definitely from her system, no dye looks that metallic. I think. Her shirt was just a plain white tank top, leaving most of her shoulders exposed… and her armpits if she lifted her arms… I’m horny again… not good. Thankfully, or unthankfully, her legs were fully covered by some generic light brown pants.

The boy was wearing a plain red t-shirt and jeans. His arms were hairy. His hair was… some generic male style. I don’t know. It was brown. He held significantly more cards in his hand than the girl, I’m not sure what game they’re playing though.

“Scarlet, meet Evelyn, who goes by Eve, and Brendan, who goes by brat,” Melody introduced, pointing to both of them, before she pointed to me. “This is Scarlet, my k—”

No, don't say kitty! I swear…

“—ind roommate,” Melody finished with a smirk. Before I could pout, the other two introduced themselves.

“I’m Eve, nice to meet you Scarlet,” Eve smiled, locking her brown eyes with mine. I sheepishly smiled back.

Then Brendan, who also had brown eyes, did his intro. “I’m Brendan, not brat, as much as Mel loves to call me that.”

“Hi brat,” I replied, much to his dismay. 

Brendan leaned back on the couch, sighing, “Not again…”

Eve giggled, grabbing his arm, and taking a peek at his cards while comforting him with, “Don’t worry brat, we all love you. By the way…”

A victorious grin found its way onto Eve's face before she shouted out, “I win!”

Eve let go of Brendan and placed a card on one of three stacks in the middle of the room. “Bet you can’t counter that!”

“Cheater…” Brendan complained, leaning up from his seat and collecting all the cards. “So, what brings you here Mel?”

“Just introducing Scarlet.” Melody tapped her hand against my back, causing me to straighten my posture instinctively. “You two have any plans?”

“Nope,” Eve shrugged. “Just chilling until tomorrow’s orientation.”

“We’re supposed to give a speech,” Brendan added, grabbing the box and sliding the cards in. “How they get away demanding so much from us I will never know... we should be able to sleep all day every day.”

“If only we were X tier…” Eve lamented. “Well, at least we can shove the duty on you two next year.”

If only they were X tier... I totally wanna flex on them.

“What’s the speech about?” Melody asked as Brendan finished cleaning up the cards, sliding the box to the edge of the table.

“Just the usual motivations and reminder to not have sex in dungeons,” Eve replied. “Same as last year.”

Sex in dungeons is a recurring issue?

I finally figured out some equations for the litrpg stuff instead of pulling numbers out of my ass. Took way longer than it should've but at least I only need to do it once...

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