
Chapter 27: Games…

“Tradition trumps all,” Brendan continued following Eve’s comment about sex in dungeons. “No matter how many reminders, it’ll still continue.”

“Weird perverted rituals…” Eve sighed. “Can’t say we aren’t guilty though. We did it in a safe zone at least, unlike Clay.”

How have I never heard of this? Shouldn’t this be everywhere on the internet? God damn echo chambers. And now I totally wanna have sex in dungeons… and my system is totally made for that…

“Do you two want to join our next game?” Brendan asked, switching the topic while reaching down to a thin rack below the table pulling out a different set of cards, one for a specific game called Carnal Conquests. I recognize this game… I think anyone would… it's a very… unique one to say the least.

“Carnal Conquests?” Melody said, looking toward the box that Brendan was now opening. “What’s the penalty going to be?”

And it’s meant to be played with punishments… And I’m horny again…

“Well… before you two got here, we were going to do stripping…” Eve hesitated… “Maybe just to undergarments?”

Oh god… I’m going to be so horny… Melody glanced over at me smiling. “Wanna play?”

“...sure.” I see no way this could possibly go wrong. At all. Ever.

“Have you played before, Scarlet?” Brendan asked, shuffling one of the game's three decks, while Eve shuffled the second. “I know Mel has.”

“No…” Although I’ve wanted to… it's just a little… kinky. Not something you’d play with parents, and… how could I ever suggest playing this to my normal friends? I’m not close enough with them for… this… still... “I know the basics… I think.”

“Well it’s pretty simple, we can teach as we go,” Brendan decided, switching over to the third and final deck. After shuffling it, he arranged all the decks. The first stack was all black, labeled “Encounter” in a bold white font. Stack two was labeled “Items” and painted a purple color. Finally, the third stack, with smaller cards, was all pink and labeled “Actions.” The fronts of the cards were all the same color.

“First, we each take five action cards and three item cards,” Brendan began, grabbing his, followed by the rest of us leaning down to take ours.

“And then, the first dungeon master is supposed to be whoever had sex most recently, but I think it’s a tie,” Brendan said, glancing over at an adorable red-faced Eve with her body all scrunched up as small as possible. “So I’ll just go first.”

Brendan flipped over an encounter card, then read it out loud. “Entering the next room, a single baby slime bounces along, leaving a trail of oozing green slop. Immediately, you know what to do. You blank.”

“Look over your action cards, and choose one that fits. Some of the action cards can take or require an item, so if it needs one, use it,” Brendan finished explaining. Fairly straightforward game. Choose an action that can defeat the encounter, and the worst option faces a penalty I assume.

So. A slime oozing around in a dungeon… Let’s look at my action cards…


Tie a rope around every limb, binding their joints so they walk like a dog, while you slip past undetected.



You fasten a _(item)_ to them, for safety.


Heh. Melody please do this to me. Probably won’t work on a slime though… it would ooze its way through.


Break out in a song about surrender, using your screeching siren voice to its fullest.



Cannot be augmented by items.


Well that’s a boring card. I guess it’s somewhat logical? Singing a slime to death? Can slime hear though? I don’t think they are anything other than… jelly. I don’t know. I’ve never seen one in real life. I’ll probably see one soon once the Academy semester starts…


Charge forward, and begin a ticklefest with a ____ until they safe word.



Requires an item.


Tickle a slime? Tickle jelly. A squishy blob of jelly. I doubt slimes have nerves to feel tickling.


Engage in a passionate embrace, convincing them to join you.



Cannot be augmented by items.


This might make the least sense… you can hug a slime and it’ll just slip out or kill you… but I totally want to. Don’t they seem so squishy? It’s like a plushie. I need to find a way to get a pet slime… surely I can get an ability to do that? Slimes are so cute! I’d need to train it not to kill things though…


Challenge the creature to a game of rock-paper-scissors, betting your ____ against their safety.


Requires an item. Item is returned if you beat the DM in rock-paper-scissors. If you lose, you lose the round.


Well that’s total luck.

Item cards next, although I think I’ll just hug the slime… cuz slime.


Bouquet of roses dyed blue and purple


Metal ring gag painted orange


Recently used large red wet electric wand 


Huh… can slimes feel shocks? Tickle them with an electric wand… that totally means you give them light shocks all over their body. Or fasten them with it… remote shocks. None of this really works on slimes. This encounter is just a bad one for my hand.

I’ll hug the slime.

I slid the card face down to Brendan, who had his eyes closed, until Eve called out. “We’re done.”

Then, Brendan opened his eyes, staring at the three stacks in front of him. Only one of them had two cards, an item and an action. He flipped them all over then began reading with the original prompt. “Entering the next room, a single baby slime bounces along, leaving a trail of oozing green slop. Immediately, you know what to do. You offer them a taste of your forbidden fruit in exchange for passage.”

“The forbidden fruit is…” Brendan paused dramatically before reading the item card that was paired with it. “A special egg, intended for long term consumption.”

Special egg… that’s a vibrator, isn’t it? Eve immediately snickered after hearing it… I think that might be her card and Brendan held in a chuckle. I don’t get what’s so funny… it's just a vibrator? Maybe I’m the one with the broken sense of humor… I looked over at Melody, smirking at me… she was totally planning something and I released a nervous chuckle… maybe a special egg for me?

Brendan moved on to the next card, mine. “You know what to do. You engage in a passionate embrace, convincing them to join you. That’s wholesome…”

“Unless it’s an acidic slime…” Melody added, still smirking over at me… “An acidic slime would dissolve all those clothes… leaving you bare and ready for abuse…”

Ah… I totally didn’t think about acidic slimes. Although that just makes it better. I smirked back at her, countering, “Is that a downside?”

“Is it not?” Melody chuckled, then leaned in to me, whispering. “We should find out sometime.”

Stop making me so horny! Bad Melody! I won't be able to stop myself like this… why did I agree to play this game? This is only going to get so much worse… I’m so stupid.

Brendan moved on to the final card, Melody’s, reading, “You know what to do. You strip bare, and give them the show of a lifetime.”

How the hell is that gonna beat a slime? Do slimes even have eyes? Actually, do they have anything? I know they can move… and they definitely can sense something since they attack humans… I don’t know.

“You guys are making this tough…” Brendan sighed. “Why can’t I let everyone lose?”

Brendan the mean brat slid Eve’s card to the side. “Presents in exchange for passage has a little logic, no penalty for that.”

“No stripping for me!” Eve shouted out, flopping back on the couch with a smile.

“Then hugs or stripping. Hmm…” Brendan thought for a minute, before concluding. “Well… hugging a slime is always stupid. If the slime is an acid slime it might be distracted by the clothes.”

Uh… no. “The card doesn’t say acid slime! It’s just a slime!”

“Why would you hug it then?” Brendan replied, sliding Melody’s card over to Eve’s, creating a discard pile. “Hugging any slime is stupid.” 

“Yeah, but if you strip you won't have any armor!” I bit back while Melody started laughing and Eve just smirked from her victorious position, arms crossed.

Brendan chuckled, elaborating further. “Scarlet, if it's a normal slime, who dies?” 

Exactly, Melody’s card is just as shit. “Both of us.”

“Who dies if it's an acid slime?” Brendan questioned with a little smirk.

“Neither of us…” Shit… the acid slime would eat Melody’s clothes while she runs past… and I’d be holding it while it eats mine… I’d never escape… fuck.

“Melody strips, the slime eats the clothes, she runs past,” Brendan stated, before continuing with an unwavering confidence, “You hug the slime, it eats the clothes, you’re still hugging it, you get eaten, slimes aren’t smart enough to be your friend.”

I… stupid… “I’d tame it!”

“How?” Brendan laughed, flicking the encounter card to me. “You lose.”

Brendan added my action card to the discard pile, then smiled at me. “Penalty time.”

Groaning… I began taking off my sweater, revealing the blue shirt underneath. Stupid game…

“You know, the base game says a penalty every three,” Melody’s muffled voice mentioned while I was undressing.

I quickly slipped it over my head so I could free my sight again, and complained, shaking around my sweater, “Why did I just take this off then?!”

“If we wait for three, the game takes too long to get fun,” Eve chuckled, sitting back up. “Anyway, I’m the next dungeon master, refill your cards, girls.”

Pouting, I grabbed another action card. Stupid unfair game… okay not really… but still... stupid… flipping over the card I just grabbed…


Recite your favorite erotic poem, until they are sufficiently "distracted" and slip by undetected. 



Cannot be augmented by items.


Reading erotica while watching them masturbate… god I wanna masturbate. I want Melody to read me a story while I masturbate in her lap. In front of a mirror… staring at my own blushing face while Melody’s voice calms me, yet still makes me hornier as she reads some BDSM fantasy…

The game continued and soon we had all taken off our outer layers. I was left barefoot, wearing only panties, a shirt, and a bra, but I didn’t lose! Haha! The loser was Eve. She might have won the first round, but she won nothing after that. The winners were mostly Brendan and Melody, though I did manage to win a couple rounds.

Anyway… Eve’s hot. Her belly button was perfectly symmetrical and I wanted to shove a finger in there… for some reason. She had a light blue sports bra and her skin looked so tasty, but almost immediately after she had taken off her shirt, Brendan ran off and dragged her to a room… I can only imagine what’s happening there. I turned to Melody. “I guess we should clean up?”

“Yep,” Melody replied, and we stacked all the cards back up, placing them into their slots in the box, then put the box on the rack under the table, right where Brendan first grabbed it from. “They’re a cute couple, don’t you think?”

“Yeah…” They are definitely quite open, with each other and others.

“They grew up as childhood friends, next door from each other.” Melody leaned back from the table, putting her sweater back on, covering her black t-shirt. Yeah, she only lost once. “And they went from friends to lovers, such a heartwarming romance story.”

“Now what?” I asked as I reached down to grab my pants and socks off the floor, preparing to put them on.

“Back to our room?” Melody suggested, stretching her arms.

“Sure…” I pulled my hands away from my bare feet, stacking the pants with my sweater on the couch. I probably don’t need to re-dress…

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