
Chapter 30: Schedules…

“Ah… first though.” Melody glanced down at her hands, one holding a bottle of lube and the other covered in it. “Although I like every little bit of you, I’m going to go wash the shit off my hands.”

Melody spun around, calling out as she ran up the stairs, “Feel free to start searching for a place!”

Okay… where did my phone end up? I cautiously hobbled back over to the couch with my tail tickling me as I went and found my phone laying on the table, right beside my collar box. I picked it up then… should I sit?

I… will this hurt? I feel like sitting would cram the plug into me… I-I… ugh. Why is this making me so nervous? It’s just sitting down… with a tail coming out of me. How do I even sit? Do I need to tuck the tail or something? If I tuck it forward… it’s going to touch my vagina… that’s… I’m gonna be so horny. I’m already so horny!

Okay I just need to sit. Tucking my skirt will tuck the tail. It’s fine—

“Scarlet, you still okay?” Melody’s already down?! 

I spun around, the tail’s fluffiness murdering my legs, and locked eyes with her. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

Melody tilted her head adorably. “Then why are you standing like a lost kitten?”

Faced with Melody’s cuteness assault, I stuttered out, “Uh—I… tail?”

Melody giggled and walked over to my frozen body, placing her now clean hands on my shoulders, and pushed down. My knees bent and my body fell onto the couch, seated. “How’s that?”

It… I mean the plug pressed into me, sure, but honestly… I think it felt more comfortable than standing. My muscles were relaxed and the plug wasn’t being squeezed, it just rested there… “Good…”

“Lovely, so what do you want to eat?” Melody took her seat beside me.

“I don’t know,” I replied, like always. We did eat pretty recently though. “Something light?”

“Sushi?” Melody suggested, pulling out her phone.

“Sure.” Sushi’s usually light. I think.

Melody tapped away on her phone until she found a place, showing it to me. “This one seem good?”

It was a revolving sushi bar. The perfect place to both have a variety of food and only eat a little… unless the food looks too appetizing, then it might be a little more than a little. “Sure.”

“Okay, let’s go.” Melody stood up and began heading to the door, putting on her shoes. I followed behind but… Melody never gave me socks to put on. Should I just wear tennis shoes without socks? Not wearing socks makes me feel naked… I’m not, well I am, but something about feet just feels even more naked. Whatever, I’ll survive, my tail is far more distracting than my feet.

I slipped my shoes on and left the room first, Melody holding the door for me. Then she followed behind and we went to her car. Reaching the car, Melody opened the passenger door for me and I awkwardly tucked in my skirt, pushing the fluffy tail up between my legs, and slid into the seat, shifting the tension from squeezing the plug to… not having the plug plunge into me?

Melody closed the door then went around to her side and drove us to the restaurant. The car ride was bumpy, much bumpier than usual, probably because every bump pushed the plug against my hole in some way, either deeper in or scraping along the side. Not to mention the tail tickling the inside of my thighs the whole time.

Arriving at the restaurant, Melody and I exited the car and began walking into the place… and it was finally starting to register. I’m walking into a public place wearing a fluffy black tail butt plug.

Sure it was hidden by the giant skirt, but this was so much riskier than wearing no panties. Which I was also doing right now, but anyway, if someone lifts the skirt like an inch or two, the tail appears. And we’re about to walk into a restaurant like this…

We entered the building and nothing unusual happened. We went to seats at the bar and began eating away. Not sure what I expected. When I sat I tucked my skirt under me and the tail was completely blocked from outside view. I could feel it, especially when I leaned to grab a plate or some soy sauce, but it wasn’t that bad. I could live like this… okay no. I don’t want a tail twenty-four seven, but it was bearable as long as no one other than Melody and I knew about it. I’m never telling Melody that though. Otherwise she’ll make me wear a tail twenty-four seven.

As we ate, our conversation shifted to the academy, ever present in our minds. Right after our horniness. “When do we find our schedules?”

“You haven’t looked yet?” Melody questioned, taking a bite of some salmon nigiri. “Did you download the academy app?”

“Uh, no?” There’s an app? Did I miss an orientation or something? I thought nothing happened until tomorrow! I pulled out my phone, typing ‘Solstice Royal Academy’ and finding the app in seconds. I downloaded it. “How did I not know about this?”

“I don’t know,” Melody replied as I opened the app.

“When did the academy tell you?” I activated the spatial storage, pulling out my wallet and typed in my student id that was printed on the card. Then I pressed my finger in the center of the screen, authenticating myself.

Melody thought for a moment, before replying, “They haven’t… maybe they tell everyone at orientation.”

And she knows because friends. So I didn’t miss anything. I know all I need to. Hopefully. Once the app’s main menu loaded I saw my picture at the top left, beside my name. Below it there were a few buttons, one of which said ‘Schedule.’ I clicked it.


This is a live schedule, and will automatically adjust when needed (I.e. cancellations, location changes, time changes).

Office hours are posted on individual course pages.

Schedule adjustments can be made by contacting your assigned registrar.

Your assigned registrar is Headmaster Blanchard.



Building C, Room 103 - Leadership - 8:00-8:50

Building So, Room 101 - First Year Team Strategy and Tactics - 9:30-11:20

Building So, Room 102 - Solo Combat I - 12:30-1:50

Building C, Room 109 - Support Tactics - 2:00-2:50

Building A, Room 211 - Accelerated Intro to Computer Science - LEC - 4:00-5:20


Building A, Room 114 - Calculus I - LEC - 9:30-10:50

Building A, Room 211 - Accelerated Intro to Computer Science - DIS - 12:30-1:50

Building C, Room 104 - System Knowledge I - LEC - 2:00-2:50


Building C, Room 103 - Leadership - 8:00-8:50

Building So, Room 101 - First Year Team Strategy and Tactics - 9:30-11:20

Building So, Room 102 - Solo Combat I - 12:30-1:50

Building C, Room 109 - Support Tactics - 2:00-2:50

Building A, Room 211 - Accelerated Intro to Computer Science - LEC - 4:00-5:20


Building A, Room 114 - Calculus I - LEC - 9:30-10:50

Building A, Room 211 - Accelerated Intro to Computer Science - DIS - 12:30-1:50

Building C, Room 104 - System Knowledge I - DIS - 2:00-2:50


Building C, Room 111 - S Tier Reports - 8:00-8:50

Building So, Room 101 - First Year Team Strategy and Tactics - 9:30-11:20

Building So, Room 102 - Solo Combat I - 12:30-1:50


That seems like a heavy schedule… Also, “What does ‘DIS’ and ‘LEC’ mean?”

“Discussion and lecture,” Melody replied. “It’s mostly the traditional courses that have that designation. The system ones are a mixture.”

“What’s your schedule?” Do we have any of the same classes? That S Tier Reports on Friday is probably the same… not sure what that is though.

“Here.” Melody placed her phone on the table between us. I placed mine beside hers. “Our schedules are pretty similar.”

“Yeah,” I replied, looking over the list.



Building C, Room 103 - Leadership - 8:00-8:50

Building So, Room 101 - First Year Team Strategy and Tactics - 9:30-11:20

Building So, Room 102 - Solo Combat I - 12:30-1:50

Building C, Room 107 - Attack Tactics - 2:00-2:50

Building Su, Room 106 - Marketing Analytics - LEC - 3:00-4:20


Building Su, Room 202 - Marketing Analytics - DIS - 9:00-9:50

Building Su, Room 102 - Operations Management - 10:00-11:50

Building C, Room 104 - System Knowledge I - LEC - 2:00-2:50


Building C, Room 103 - Leadership - 8:00-8:50

Building So, Room 101 - First Year Team Strategy and Tactics - 9:30-11:20

Building So, Room 102 - Solo Combat I - 12:30-1:50

Building C, Room 107 - Attack Tactics - 2:00-2:50

Building Su, Room 106 - Marketing Analytics - LEC - 3:00-4:20


Building Su, Room 202 - Marketing Analytics - DIS - 9:00-9:50

Building Su, Room 102 - Operations Management - 10:00-11:50

Building C, Room 104 - System Knowledge I - DIS - 2:00-2:50


Building C, Room 111 - S Tier Reports - 8:00-8:50

Building So, Room 101 - First Year Team Strategy and Tactics - 9:30-11:20

Building So, Room 102 - Solo Combat I - 12:30-1:50

“We share all our system courses,” I added. Melody’s only differences were the extra courses, in her case business focused. “Except support.”

“I think most people do,” Melody nodded, returning to another plate of sushi. “The first year is focused a lot on basic teamwork. More specific stuff is later.”

Makes sense, I guess. Can’t have people learning special skills for their systems before they know the basics of how to actually use their system. And teamwork is important of course. Which of course means, most people will share classes for the first semester or two… and Melody will make me horny all day long…

We finished up our short meals soon after, and left the restaurant, returning to our dorms. Once we were back in the dorms, I immediately stripped down to, well, nothing, other than my tail and my… I completely forgot I was wearing my collar! No one noticed… or at least no one mentioned it… but eek! I can’t forget that tomorrow. No way am I wearing a collar to orientation, the first meeting with other students.

I deposited my clothes upstairs, into the overflowing makeshift laundry basket, not forgetting to take my phone out of the sweater's pocket, and when I returned downstairs, Melody stood up and began heading up stairs, calling out, “Wait until I call for you, and don’t touch yourself.”

Heeding her commands, I pulled out my phone, sending my parents a few quick messages since I totally haven’t forgotten about them the past couple days… oops. They replied with a bunch of stupid heart emojis and asked me about friends, about food, about everything. I gave the briefest answers I could, and let them know I have a cute girl as my roommate. They immediately told me they’d support me in my pursuit of love. I think I’m a little past that… speaking of Melody…

Her voice echoed down the staircase. “Come on up, kitty!”

Hopefully I didn't forget anything in those schedules... I probably did.

Also, with that, it's been a month of releasing chapters. 2 reviews, 46 ratings, almost 700 readers, almost 1700 favorites, and just over 66k views. This story has performed incredibly well and I have no idea how I've managed almost daily uploads for a month... anyway. I'm not planning on slowing down so I hope you all continue to read and enjoy! Thank you!

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