
Chapter 31: Chasing Melody…

With Melody’s call ringing in my ears, I stood up from the couch, wearing nothing but my pink leather collar and fluffy black tail. After placing my phone on the table, since I probably wouldn’t need it, I headed upstairs. Taking careful steps, I climbed up the staircase. My mind was complete mush… I kept imagining all the ways Melody could punish me. Sure, I suggested something, but who knows if she'll go with that? And even if she did… she’d probably add something herself.

Not to mention the plug in my ass that kept swishing and rubbing around as my cheeks squeezed alternately. So distracting… and so weird…

I finally reached the top, and saw Melody’s bedroom door wide open. I crept forward with a pounding heart, a racing mind, and a stupid fucking butt plug distracting me nonstop, until I rounded the corner, and faced the inside of her room.

Melody was seated on the side of her bed, grinning over at me. Beside her was a pile of loose light-brown rope, beside that was a small pink bullet vibrator alongside a remote for it, and lastly, beside the vibrator, was another black tail butt plug. I think it was just a tad bit larger? I don’t really know how big the one in me is… The tail was a little longer at least. I think. However, the butt plug had a remote beside it. Which makes me think… It’s a vibrating butt plug, isn’t it?

After letting me take in the scene, Melody, Mistress, waved me over, saying, “Come here, kitty.”

I walked across the room and stood in front of her crossed arms and legs. She was wearing her normal clothes mostly, but she had no sweater on, leaving the majority of her delicate yet defined arms on display. She’s so hot… I want to lick her… I’m weird…

Letting my eyes trail downwards, I looked over her legs, which were covered by thigh-high super-fine lace socks. The holes in the lace were really small, like, you could barely see them small, but still just as hot as ever. No garter belt though. That would be extra hot. I wanna see Melody in a garter belt. Garter belt, thigh highs, and… nothing else? Walking over me like that… looking up at her pussy as she abuses me with her feet…

Speaking of feet, her feet had no extra layers, allowing the outline of her toes and toenails to shine through, darkened by the thin lace pattern, but accentuated by the inevitable stretching of the material. It was begging me to lick it… but that’s not my job today. I think.

Mistress looked up at me. “Turn around.”

I turned around.

“Take a step toward me.”

I took a small step backwards, without looking backwards.

Standing there in silence, my heart pounded faster and faster, going haywire as I heard small rustling sounds from behind, presumably Mistress standing up. I felt her strong right hand squeeze my bare right shoulder, while her breath shifted around along my neck, sending small shivers through me, until her gentle voice whispered out, “Breathe…”

I took a slow, deep breath, calming my racing heart momentarily, then felt my tail being raised, the fluff no longer touching my legs, and a slight tension in my rear. Still holding my shoulder, Mistress began pulling… slowly widening my hole, a little sore from holding it in so long. It started stretching me further and further and I began a chain of brief groans as the tugs progressed. After a slightly stronger tug, my body began curling forward, but her right hand held me straight. Somewhat straight.

Mistress paused for a moment, the plug at its widest, I think, I hope, and let me calm my heart rate once more. The moment I relaxed, straightening my body on my own, Mistress suddenly tugged, pulling the rest of the plug out in one fell swoop.

“Fuck…” I released and exasperated half groan half moan as all the tension my ass held for the past hour or two released, and I curled forward again, no longer supported by Mistress’ removed right hand.

With the plug out, Mistress sat back down behind me, then said, “Go to the bathroom, you won't have any more opportunities until tomorrow morning. Well, normal opportunities at least.”

“Okay… Mistress…” I mumbled out, standing back up, and turning toward the door… how are moments that brief so intense? I strolled out of the room, momentarily back to my normal horny self.

Entering the hallway, I quickly moved into the bathroom, pooping, peeing, wiping fully, and washing my hands, then glancing at myself in the mirror. My nipples were completely perked up. They look kinda cute… but that’s for Melody to play with… I spun around, resisting my desires. They’d be fulfilled in a much better way… hopefully. She better let me cum I swear to god.

Entering the bedroom once more, Melody was seated the same way I found her the first time, and I walked over, standing in front. She smirked at me. “Close your eyes, kitty.”

I did… and heard her feet shuffle, her body standing. Then I felt a piece of fabric over my eyes, being tugged backwards, and tied behind my head, not tight, but tight enough. I opened my eyes and… saw nothing, other than some slight variations in the shade of black, either from a little bit of light leaking through or my imagination doing dumb stuff. I was blindfolded, naked, and collared…

Immediately after my vision was taken, Mistress placed her hands on my shoulders, pressing downwards, forcing me to bend my legs. I let them collapse, only for her to begin pushing my body forwards as well as downwards, until I was on all fours. But she didn’t stop, she kept pushing dowards, until my face was rammed into the floor, and I took the same pose as earlier today, when she first inserted my butt plug. My arms were bent, hands beside my face, pressed down with one cheek on the carpet. It was time for a repeat… with the special maybe slightly larger plug.

Once Mistress let up, she walked around me… presumably grabbing my new butt plug, which she confirmed seconds later as she placed her left hand around my lower body, just above my hips, squeezing and holding me in place while her right hand brought the plug into its place, and began pressing. The plug was loaded up with cold slimy lube, but she kept pushing... and pushing… until the first resistance. The plug probably wasn’t any more than like a centimeter in. My hole is small as fuck.

Mistress’ left hand held me tighter, and she pulled the plug back out with her right, then shoved it in again… and again… and again. The pounding continued... and continued… until I was groaning into the carpet, and the plug finally popped in, with my ass closing around it as much as it could seconds later. The plug was firmly lodged in me, feeling about the same as the one I had on earlier, maybe a hair larger. Except one thing most definitely was not the same. It’s a fricken vibrator!

Mistress let go of my body and stood up, walking away somewhere, then called out to me. “Come here, kitty!”

I turned my body so my face pointed toward her voice, ninety or so degrees away from where it was initially. I was a little worried about bumping into something... but Melody wouldn't let that happen... and I could heal myself too... so I took a step, only to collapse from a different obstacle, a quick but strong vibration pulsing from my butt… Mistress wasn’t having it, though, calling out angrily, “Hurry up, kitty!”

Groaning as the vibration stopped, I pushed myself back up, and walked on all fours as fast as I could toward her voice, my joints all scraping along the carpet, only to collapse just before I reached her, my body taken over by a stronger, longer, jolt of vibrations. “Mistress… stop…”

And then it stopped. Only for Mistress to call out from across the room, “Over here, kitty!”

Fuck… I spun around, and began heading toward her voice again… only to be overtaken by another wave of vibrations, collapsing my legs once more… Mistress… “I’m over here.”

Sighing, I propped myself up right after the vibrations stopped, and followed Mistress’ calls… I’m crawling around on the floor, naked, with a vibrating tail, while Mistress runs around… I… what the hell is happening?

I was inches away when the next wave of vibrations began… and I heard Mistress giggle… Mistress! You! Gah. This is the last time! I will catch you… I will pounce on my prey, I swear… I wouldn’t let my body collapse again.

Mistress’ voice called out from across the room again, and I began crawling toward her, and then the inevitable came, but I didn’t collapse, not fully. I was prepared. I slowly marched onwards, shivering… the vibrations never stopped… until I heard Mistress’ voice call out, across the room yet again… I was too slow… and she chuckled again… “Mistress… please…”

I need to be quicker.

The only way I’d catch Mistress was if I kept going, and fought through the debilitating sensations… I took a deep breath, then headed toward her. Don’t collapse. Don’t collapse. Don’t collapse… The vibrations began… I didn’t collapse. Now I just need to go fast, as fast as possible. Ignore the plug. Vibrating inside. Shaking my entire ass. Sending waves of weird pleasure and discomfort through me… And charge toward her!

The vibrations stopped. Mistress called out across the room, “Over here, silly kitty!”

God damn it! I shook my head, continued walking, and then it started again, I fought through and kept running… ignoring my dripping lips, shaking ass, swinging tail… and adding my begs to the mixture… “Mistress… please!”

I kept going and going as fast as I could, fighting through the sensations, pushing myself to ignore everything, ignore everything other than reaching Mistress, until finally, I felt my head slam into a leg. I made it! She didn’t run away! I rubbed my head along the legs in front of me… letting out a moan as I pleaded, “Mistress… please… stop…”

A hand reached down, patting my head, but the vibrations continued ravaging my ass… she calmly stroked my hair… whispering, “Good kitty…”

After a billion years of begging, rubbing, leaning into her hand, pleading for her to stop, she finally pressed something on her remote, toning down the vibrations… but they never stopped. They became a gentle buzz that I felt pulse through my body, continually, but weak enough to let me function normally… except for making me even hornier than I already was… running around the room naked, crawling to her voice, completely blindfolded… eek!

Mistress’ hand slid off my hair, and down my face, until she reached below, and grabbed my collar, hooking something onto it, a leash. I heard her step away and she began tugging, tugging her chained kitty toward her. Once we stopped our short journey, I heard the sounds of the bed, Mistress sitting down on it, then she tugged forwards. “Climb onto my lap.”

I placed my sore paws—ahem, hands onto her legs, and pushed, propping myself up, and tugging my body forward across Mistress’ lap. Her legs dug into my belly while her hands rested on top of my back, rubbing soothingly and giving me a slight break, before whispering, “Time for your spanking, kitty.”

Thanks for another review! I'm sorry about the drawback, I wish I could post more... gah I need more hours in my days. :P

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