
Chapter 32: Spanking and denial…

As I lay on Melody’s lap, blindfolded, wearing only my collar and still just barely vibrating black butt plug, I felt a hand grip my tail, then tug it upwards, until its fluffiness was placed along my spine, and Mistress’ left hand pressed down on my back, holding the tail in place, and exposing my butt for a spanking…

I felt so powerless, my arms hanging down by my head, while my feet just barely pressed into the floor… all naked… my heart pounding away, every little beat magnified by the darkness… Mistress’ right hand lightly touched my butt, sliding around and across both my cheeks, tickling me yet filling me with apprehension, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake…

“Before we begin,” Mistress said, while her hand slid a little lower,  into the crevice between my legs, dripping with juices, which she felt, and rubbed. The sensations… so wonderful… I moaned as she finished her sentence, “I need to make sure you know why you’re being punished.”

Mistress’ hand left my lips, returning to my butt, but leaving me hanging and so, so eager for more… I wanted her fingers to run through it… pound into me… plunge deep into my depths and stir me up… “So tell me.”

Tell... her… uh… fuck… “...what?”

“What was that, kitty?” Mistress’ right hand left my butt, leaving a strange void… what did she just ask? Uhhh….

Fuck fuck fuck… what was she… uh… my punishment? I think? What am I being punished for… uh… oh fuck what am I being punished for?! “I… forgot.”

I heard a very audible sigh. Shit… “How can I punish you if you aren’t focused?”

A hand slapped down onto my ass, making my body jolt forward as my legs kicked up behind me, hitting my own thighs, until the waves disappeared. My head hung downwards, both from the pain and the disappointment in myself. Mistress’ right hand left my ass again… making me ever more aware of the cold air, brushing against my skin, my ass, like a cruel lover's caress… or the lack of one I suppose… and I tensed… expecting yet completely unable to predict when more slaps would come. I want more so so much…

“Kitty, repeat after me,” Mistress said loudly, gathering up my scattered attention. “I’m being punished for masturbating, arguing, and most of all, a lack of focus.”

“I’m…” I can’t focus! Ughh!! “...being punished for masturbating…”

I shouldn’t be punished for that… meanie… “...arguing…”

I can argue in my head right? Stupid… dumb unfair rules… “...and most of all, a lack of focus.”

Well that one's spot on. How the fuck can I focus being this denied, this horny, having my sight blocked… and tail vibrating, keeping me on edge, your strong grip on my back, holding my naughty tail in place… and the lack of your right hand, preparing for the next spank, that could come at any moment… all my muscles tensed up in anticipation, every breath caught in my throat, every hair standing up on end… little dribbles of sweat rolling across my body… onto the carpet… onto your legs… It’s impossible!

Another slap rang down on my butt, and with it came a stinging jolt of pain that set every little nerve ending in my body on fire, more aware of everything. As the pain from Mistress’ slap faded, it was replaced by a deep, radiating pleasure, making every sensation more alive… more vivid… and every small vibration from the buzzing vibrator a billion times larger…

While my legs and arms flailed, Mistress’ right hand rubbed my sensitive butt… so sensitive after just two slaps… and her voice rang out, “Repeat it.”

I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart, and repeated the words… “I’m being punished… for masturbating, arguing… and most of all, a lack of focus.”

“Relax…” Mistress said, leading me to take another deep breath, and release the tension in my muscles… until she slapped down.

Another pulse of pain journeyed through me all the way to my digits… followed by that euphoric high of endless sensitivity, making every little sensation so so powerful… and so fucking horny… The texture of the carpet as my feet kicked them felt so present, I could feel every little strand… Mistress’ legs digging into my belly, melding into me, melding into her little memory foam pillow… and her strong grip, pressing the soft fluffy tail into my back, the chasm between her defined left palm, then my flimsy weak tail… and then her strong hand once again…

Only to be followed by the thrilling, endless pulses of pleasure, raiding from the vibrating plug inside of me, striking my nerves at their weakest, and making me so so fucking horny… and causing my limbs and muscles to lose every little ounce of strength… until Mistress demanded, “Louder.”

I complied, saying, all in one quick breath, “I’m being punished for masturbating, arguing, and most of all, a lack of focus.”

But Mistress slapped down again… the pain rolled through me again, all the way down to my toes, all the way up to my fingers, my sensitive butt only making it more intense, my nerves already at their limit, yet being pushed beyond, the simple breeze of the air enough to make me crazy, make my senses go haywire… “Louder!”

I shouted out, “I’m being punished for masturbating, arguing, and most of all, a lack of focus!”

Mistress slapped again, my entire body spent, my legs kicked, my hands swung, it was so so much… so fucking sensative… so fucking crazy… my eyes watered from the sensations, the riveting pain, pushed away by the subtle pulsating pleasure emanating from the vibrating butt plug… and my pussy was dripping… I could feel liquid on my legs, and I was probably dripping onto Mistress’ legs… I’m so dirty… “LOUDER!”

“I’M BEING PUNISHED FOR MASTURBATING, ARGUING, AND A LACK OF FOCUS!” I screamed out, relaxing my body, preparing for the next strike… 

That didn’t come…?

“This one’s a reward,” Mistress spoke softly, then slammed down harder than she ever had, my legs kicked, hitting the ground, the bed, her legs, every damn thing in sight, while my hands swung down, and grabbed Mistress’ ankles… which I probably shouldn’t have done… but all I could think about was the pain… and the sensitivity that followed…  as I groaned in pain, it soon shifted to pleasure… pure, sensitive, delicate pleasure, as Mistress rubbed her hand over my bare, tense, destroyed ass… the pain completely transformed into the most intense pleasure I’ve ever had… I began moaning as she rubbed around… “You’re so pretty like this…”

No… I’m so disgusting… and so helpless… and so fucking horny… Mistress kept rubbing, then her left hand left my tail, pulling it back over my butt, and I felt all the hairs a thousand times more delicate and tickly than they were earlier today. Her left hand trailed up along my spine, touching every little bone and causing my entire body to shiver, my legs and arms flailing around. “I love your back…”

Stopping her rubbing, Mistress began pulling me sideways, onto the bed, while her legs shifted under her, turning her body parallel to mine, with us both lying on the bed beside each other on top of the sheets. The first thing she did was push me off my side, letting my sore butt sink into the bed. My sensitive ass released some mild pain as it landed, but that didn’t last, soon overtaken by the vibrations from the plug. She took hold of both of my wrists, and brought them above my head, and I soon felt a rope coiling around, keeping them together.

The rope was made of some soft material, it didn’t feel at all rope-like, more like a blanket. A blanket tied around my wrists. Mistress’ hands left my wrists once the rope was tight enough, and I felt her shift around on the bed, sliding up to my head, and tying my wrist rope to something… Once she slid back down, I tried to move, but my hands were locked in place, exposing my sides and my armpits… my ticklish armpits…

Mistress moved down to my feet next, grabbing my right ankle, and tugging it to the corner of the bed, and tying a rope around it. Then she moved over to my left ankle, and tied that one. My lips were exposed to the cool air… shivering from the liquids leaking out of me… all open for her to see…

I heard Mistress shuffle around until the bed curved inwards, in between my legs, where I assume she sat. My entire body felt like it was being tugged into the depression made by her, yet prevented from any movement by the ropes she fastened…

While I laid there… contemplating the next actions, a puff of air blew over my pussy, freezing it instantly, and making my body reflexively slide upwards, only to be tugged straight back down by the ropes around my ankles.

Then it came again, a larger puff, causing me to jolt even more, stretching my legs and sending a mix of pleasure and pain as my butt slid along the soft sheets… It was too brief... I needed more… I needed pleasure… “Please…”

Mistress chuckled from beneath my legs, and sent another puff of air shocking my body upwards while I moaned out an exasperated, “Please…”

A small object was pressed against my lips in return, that quickly slid in with all the juices… and Mistress let out the most evil grin I’ve ever heard, saying, “No cumming.”

The object began vibrating, full throttle, and I was immediately pushed to the edge, I couldn’t—holy fucking shit! I fought and fought and fought to stop myself from giving in to the pleasure… but I wouldn‘t be able to hold on. It’s too much! “I’m cum—”

“—No!” The vibrations stopped, and my words turned to moans… “Please… noo… no…”

“Horny kitties need to learn to control their desires,” Mistress replied, placing a hand over my dripping folds, lightly stroking them from top to bottom… then she left… letting the cold air take over, and calm down the sensitive valley. I then noticed that my butt plug was no longer vibrating, having been turned off sometime…

And then the egg began vibrating again, and I reached the peak even faster than earlier… I’m way too fucking horny. I fought again, desperate to hold in my climax while Mistress sat between my legs… watching… watching my begging… “Please… I can’t!”

“Okay, okay…” Mistress giggled, and pulled out the vibrator with a little plop, the pleasure evaporating. “I’m getting horny so I’m going to use this on myself. Wait a little, kitty.”

Melody! Agh! You’re so mean!

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