
Chapter 71: Mornings…

The next morning I woke up nice and early to Melody unwinding her legs from mine, having somehow managed to tangle ourselves while sleeping. I groaned as I haphazardly kicked around attempting to help a little although my still-half-asleep mind probably only made it worse. Speaking of sleeping… I want more. Could we just skip class today and cuddle? We totally could, right?

“Come on baby,” Melody said, managing to escape me and elegantly climbing off the bed naked and showing me plenty of her muscles stretching around. “We’ve got classes to get to.”

“You’re a…” Ah… wait. That’s an insult. Probably. Uh… “Your baby.”

“Mmhm,” Melody replied, standing up and spinning around until her body towered above my lying figure. “Now get up or you’ll be my very sore baby.”

As soon as she finished her sentence, Melody grabbed what was left of our messy blanket and tossed it away, leaving me all exposed and naked and really cold… I need more Melody body heat. Oh, well. I should probably get up now. And I’m very… covered in dried up juices and sweat and disgusting things that make me feel a little horny. “I… shower.”

“I agree,” Melody said, leaning down and grabbing my right arm, helping me up. “Let’s go.”

Melody dragged me out of our room, leaving our bed in shambles, and straight into the bathroom as I stumbled along, slowly waking up. Once we entered the bathroom, we went straight into the shower, Melody turned it on, and the water was freezing cold. “Shit!”

Chuckling as I stepped out of the stream, Melody turned the faucet all the way up and asked, “Are you awake now?”

“No,” I replied, fully awake. Melody grabbed a bottle of soap and began squirting it on her hand… no, not like how I squirt. I’m messier. Then, she rubbed it all over herself. And then she grabbed me, and rubbed soap all over me, only briefly passing by my sensitive spots, although my entire body is pretty sensitive to her touch…

Soon enough, we finished our quick shower and were both fully awake, ready for breakfast and our classes. I’d prefer sleeping in, but… there really isn’t a reason not to, huh? Other than just… personal… satisfaction or something? It’s not like I need to do anything anymore. Although I do need to get stronger just as an extra layer of protection for Melody and I so we can have our fun in peace.

Melody sent me off to get myself dressed while she did the same and we met back downstairs right by our door a little past eight. She was wearing a short dress today, completely black as usual, and with no sleeves, until she put on a black sweater she was holding in her arm, and finally some nice thigh-high socks leaving a gorgeous view of her squishy thighs. I dressed up somewhat similarly, a blue skirt, a plain blue shirt, a gray hoodie, and black ankle socks. Okay, that's not really similar, but we both had all of our clothes on, so... that's something?

After pulling on our shoes, we left our dorm, waved goodbye to Clay and Brendan who were hanging out in the kitchen, and walked toward the central dining hall. Today’s weather was a little colder than usual, but it was refreshing. It felt like I was waking up again as gentle breezes blew across us. Once we approached the food court there were more students walking around, heading to their classes or heading in to get some food.

I wonder if there’s other dining halls on campus. There must be. I don’t see everyone fitting into this one, not that everyone has to of course. Some people might live off campus and have dinner in the city, some probably cook for themselves, and not everyone eats at the same time, but it still hasn’t ever felt really busy. There’s always seats and basically no lines or anything… It doesn’t feel like a whole college has been eating there, even though it's very large and very central. But this isn’t a huge college either. I don’t know. How busy are colleges?

We entered the grand building and grabbed our usual platefuls of breakfast items from the buffet-like section, then found some seats in the middle of the room which is usually a little uncomfortable, but wasn't that bad compared to the stuff I’ve been doing recently… since I had clothes… I guess that’s a good thing?

While we ate, our conversation wandered into today’s schedule. Not the classes, but what to do after. After 2:50, we would both be completely done with the day’s classes, just like my high school schedule. 

“Ideas?” Melody asked while I munched away on an omelet.

“Cuddle,” I replied, glancing up at her.

“For like six hours straight?” Melody questioned, scooping up some yellow looking thing, probably some type of egg-related dish. Like a badly cooked scrambled egg. Didn’t look very appetizing.

“Yep.” I nodded, smiling.

“So vanilla,” Melody chuckled. “But I suppose I can put up with a little cuddling. I was thinking about actual things to do though. Anywhere you want to visit?”

“No idea.” I’ve lived around here my whole life which naturally means I haven’t visited many of the tourist attractions and for some reason don’t really care to. Although I still say they’re great places that everyone should go to. For some reason. Nationalism or something? Is there a city version of that? Municipalism? I think that’s a word. Probably has a completely different definition than what I’m intending but whatever.

Our conversation went basically nowhere other than Melody promising to cuddle with me and me promising to… do whatever she wanted. Doesn’t that seem a little unbalanced? Hmm… sounds kinda hot. Getting disproportionate rewards. Like a slave… doing chores all day and getting a reward in the form of a tasty god-like foot to lick and if they're really lucky, some pleasure for themselves... I need to get my head out of the gutter.

At about 8:40, we cleaned up and walked to Melody’s first class, which was the class she ended yesterday with, Marketing Analytics, and I unfortunately had to ask since I couldn’t remember it. How has my brain not memorized Melody’s entire schedule yet? I can recall the shape and feeling of every inch of her foot… and basically her entire body, but not her schedule. I’m focusing on the… right things… but I should focus on more right things too. I should replace my schedule, which is stored in my head, with Melody’s since I can always check my phone for mine, but I can’t do that for Melody’s. Yeah. Logical. Totally.

After waving Melody goodbye at the ten-story Sullen Hall, I wandered around a bit before heading to my own class in Building A, Alabaster Hall, where I had my computer science class. The lecture hall for my nine-thirty class, Calculus 1, was similar to the one for my computer science class, although it was on the first floor instead of the second.

I entered about ten minutes early, and thankfully the room was empty, so I wasn’t interfering with any other classes. Although it immediately made me worry that I was in the wrong room and caused me to check my phone about once every five seconds for a solid minute until a few others trickled in. Soon enough, the class filled up to around fifty students, much like my computer science class, and the professor also walked in at some point, hanging out around her desk in the center of the room. 

Right at half past nine, she began the class with a brief introduction and syllabus overview, just like all the other classes. The beginning of a school year is always so repetitive… not much work though, which is nice. At this moment, I also realized I didn’t bring a notebook or computer. How the hell do I keep forgetting the most basic shit ever? I’m in school, and I didn’t bring a damn notebook. Also, why didn’t I suggest working out this afternoon? We need to do it for our assignment anyway… I’ll tell Melody whenever we meet up, probably at lunch.

After finishing up her logistics stuff and telling us about our school app and blah blah blah, the professor, Liona Mills, began her first actual content about half way through the class by drawing a graph on a blackboard. Old-school style. Blackboard with chalk. Poor environment. Probably. The graph she drew was the first quadrant of a generic one over x graph.

“Take a look at this graph,” Professor Mills began, drawing over her line once again with her chalk. “When the x value is increasing, our y value is decreasing, but it’s never crossing the x axis. This is a limit. A basic one, but a limit nonetheless. As x increases, y is approaching, but not crossing, zero.”

With her lackluster explanation out of the way, she moved to the left and began writing some limit notation. “The way we write this in mathematics is with this, starting with L I M and then underneath that, an x, a little arrow, and then what our x is approaching, in this case, infinity, since we keep on increasing it. Lastly, as we just proved on our graph, this limit, the number y approaches, equals… zero.”

Yay. Limits. So fun. Limit’s are kind of boring, you know? They’re tedious to do once the complicated stuff pops up… It’s just a long chain of simplification until you finally reach some equation that won’t cancel itself out and then you plug in some numbers and get a solution. Until that doesn’t work and you have one of those dumb problems that require doing the same thing twice, one from either side of the limit and… ugh. Derivatives are more fun. Although I guess they’re also just limits… but like… written differently. So it’s cooler or something.

And then there’s antiderivatives and integrals and more work and… math is fun sometimes, it’s like solving a puzzle, but most of the time it's so tedious… it’s probably just because I can’t see any real applications to my life. Especially now that I’m just going to be a… horny slut all day long… an endlessly horny overpowered monster-slaying empire-destroying calamity of a slut.

After a few more examples of limits, the class ended with the professor mentioning her office hours and surprisingly, she didn’t give us any assignments to do! Welp. On to my next class which is… at twelve-thirty? Wait. When’s Melody’s class? She had one from nine to nine-fifty… and her next one was immediately after at ten. Wait wait wait, it’s her long class isn’t it? That operations management one? When does that end? Are we even going to have time to eat lunch together? I’ll just text her and see… and if we don’t have enough time, maybe some abuse of power to change the schedule? That might be fun…

I'm really sorry about the random disappearance for a while. Was working on some other things and just kept pushing this story back... but I should be able to pick up the pace a little again. Hopefully. Not that I've been very great with my promises. Anyway, feel free to bug me in the discord or anywhere else if you ever have questions about my schedule; I don't mind. I'm just happy people are reading!

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