
Chapter 72: Daydreaming…

With the amount of time until my next class and Melody not yet replying to my text, I decided to head back to our dorm and just wait around until closer to lunch time. The walk back was uneventful. There were students walking around like always and nothing else. The temperature had warmed up a little since this morning and it was pleasant with a nice occasional breeze. After reaching the dorm building and entering the room, I immediately thought of Melody. Specifically, her orders. Should I strip?

I mean, the answer is obviously yes, since I’m supposed to. But it seems weird doing it when there’s no one here… and that also sounds weird. It’s just weird without a distracting dom staring me down. Doing anything myself without an order from someone, from someone there watching me, feels a little weird. No point thinking about it, it’ll be more normal after I’m naked. Probably.

Efficiently, I stripped off my clothes, starting with my sweater and working my way down, until I had a blue stack of clothes in a small pile by the door. Although it still felt a little weird, I walked over to the couch and sat down, then checked my phone for a response, which I received. Melody had sent me a message saying she’d meet me at the food court the moment her class ended, which would be eleven-fifty. Realistically, it’d be closer to noon.

I planned to be there at eleven-fifty though. No way am I going to arrive after Melody, especially since I don’t have a class right now. That wouldn’t be very submissive of me and I’m the perfect submissive. Or I try to be. Kinda. I might not be if a punishment sounds fun… and my next punishment definitely sounds fun… whipping… but I doubt I need to misbehave for that. Surely Melody wants to whip me. She’ll come up with an excuse even if I do everything right. Hopefully.

Time ticked by as I waited, scrolling through my phone, sending some texts to my parents, browsing some… sites… and doing whatever, until finally, it was eleven-forty. The perfect time to leave and go head to lunch. The very first thing I did was not forget that I would need a computer! My next class is the discussion session for the computer science course, so I went up to my room and grabbed a random bag and shoved my new laptop in it. Then, I walked back over to my pile of clothes, put them all on, and left the dorm, walking to the dining hall.

After another short uneventful walk, I arrived and headed straight inside. Melody wasn’t there yet unsurprisingly, so I decided to just get food since then I’d finish my food sooner, which meant more time to talk to Melody instead of eating food. Unless Melody gets a ton of food, in which case I’d have to wait for her to finish, but then I could just stare at her which is also fine.

After collecting a plateful of food, I found an empty table around the center of the building’s front wall, took a seat, and began eating. The first item I grabbed were some chicken nuggets. They were average, the nuggets had a normal golden color and were a little crispy, in a good way, but lacked flavor and tasted like, well, chicken. Before I had the chance to progress onto my next item, Melody appeared in front of me. She found me quickly. 

My seated position gave me a better view of her exposed thighs than what I had this morning, until she caught me staring and chuckled, drawing my attention up to her face. “I’m gonna get some food, I’ll be right back.”

I nodded, and Melody was off, with her skirt gracefully flapping behind her as she took each step away. Eventually, the distance was too great for my vision and I returned to the plate of food in front of me, which reminded me of Melody again because she’s a very tasty food. Onto the pasta!

I took a bite of the red meat sauce covered pasta and it was pretty good. There was meat. And pasta. And tomato sauce something or other. It had a nice flavor. Very basic, but nice. Though I probably should’ve searched around for some parmesan cheese or pepper. Lastly, my small scoop of salad since being healthy is important. A pile of lettuce with some peppers and tomatoes and some slightly sweet, slightly acidic sauce on top.

As I munched through, Melody reappeared and took a seat across from me. Once she sat down, I immediately began telling her my suggestion for this afternoon before it had the chance to flee my mind. “We should work out this afternoon.”

Melody paused briefly, before nodding a little and beginning to eat her food, which was a sandwich of some sort with some lettuce falling out of it. “Yeah. I should’ve thought of that. Although…”

“Although?” I asked as I watched her bite into her sandwich. It didn’t look too appetizing, but that was probably the bread’s fault. It was just two slices of boring sliced bread. The meat itself was probably ham, with a layer of lettuce, and some tomatoes, and probably more I couldn’t see like a sauce of some sort.

“I had some ideas,” Melody explained, taking another big bite and pushing her ingredients further out of the sandwich’s back. “But I think they’ll work at the gym too.”

Now Melody’s going to play with me in public? Is that what she just said? “They’ll work at the gym too.” That means she isn’t changing anything, right? If we were in private at the dorms, the stuff Melody would do is… not stuff I’d ever want to do in public. Well. I mean, I would. But it would mostly involve being naked and denied or something, probably. And we really can’t do that in public, legally speaking.

Not that laws matter anymore… What’s she planning? It’d have to be something that doesn’t require being totally naked, so no blatant sex or anything. No whipping or bondage. Maybe bondage. Just, limited bondage. Or limiting bondage. She could cuff my legs together with some nice cold metal near the top of my thighs and make it impossible for me to walk comfortably, then hide it all with my skirt. Or she could tie my breasts. Or, god forbid, a crotch rope… and then add a vibrator. Vibrators are easy to hide. And we’d be at the gym! Working out with bondage or a vibrator… that’d be so hard. Trying to maintain my strength as I’m suffering orgasm after orgasm, or more than likely, endlessly on the edge of an orgasm.

And then I can’t forget about Melody, working out beside me, wearing just a tank top, beads of sweat dripping down her arms and body, highlighting her muscles as she glares down at me, ordering me to workout more and more while I beg and beg and beg for reprieve… I really wanna work out now. I’ve pretty much never worked out in my life, but if Melody’s there I could see it becoming a very fun activity, much like anything involving her.

After my daydreaming that would hopefully become reality very soon ended, Melody and I continued talking about random non-kinky stuff like our classes and she mentioned that apparently the first dungeon dives are scheduled to happen in the third week, which is sooner than I expected honestly. I thought the school would play it safe for a few months before sending students into dungeons, even if it's only the first floor and the entire school is composed of A and B tiers.

Fifteen minutes before my next class, I said goodbye to Melody and left the dining hall, walking toward the same building where I had had both my computer science class and the calculus one earlier this morning, except on a different floor and in a different room, since it was a discussion session instead of a lecture. The third floor room I entered was far smaller than the lecture hall from earlier. It reminded me of a meeting room. There was a large circular wooden table in the center, with maybe fifteen or twenty chairs, and each of the four walls had a giant screen to project to. No projectors though—they were actual screens. Along the far wall there were also some windows with giant blinds that could be pulled down to block them.

I entered the room from its front left corner, which was where the singular door was, and found four people in the room. With the circular layout, it wasn’t obvious who the teacher, or graduate student, I guess, was, so I just took a seat and waited around. A few more people entered, similarly unsure of themselves, and sat down randomly, until there were only two free chairs. I did a quick head count and came up with sixteen people.

When it was time for class to begin, the person sitting on the far end of the table, or the side closest to the windows, stood up and introduced themselves. “I’m Robbe Johan, a graduate student here and am currently researching SYScripTEM with Professor Prosper. I’m an A tier and I earned my bachelor’s degree here a couple years ago and fell in love with this place, so I never left.”

I wonder if I’ll be able to use that new system ability here. Do some casual flexing. Or more likely, just use it so I don’t need to expend any effort or time on this class. If that’s even what I want. I’m not sure… Actually there probably won't be much backend on the first day, so I doubt I’ll be able to use them.

Robbe… What do you call a graduate student? Mr. Johan? That sounds so stiff… He’s only a few years older than me, it just doesn’t fit. Maybe just TA? Or Instructor? TA Robbe? Yeah, that sounds okay. Not too formal but not just his name either. Although just his name is probably fine. TA Robbe continued his speech by suggesting we do everyone’s favorite activity, introduce ourselves, and we went around in a circle. In total, there were three girls, one of whom was sitting beside me, and twelve guys in this section. I did my best to remember as many names as possible and then we moved onto the actual discussion.

“I’ll talk about expectations later,” Robbe began, then opened up his computer which was right in front of him. “But first, I want to get started on the fun things. Let’s set up our IDEs.”

Following his words, everyone pulled out their computers, and I followed suit.

Yet again this chapter took a little longer than I was hoping, but tis life. Anyway, come join the discord! Share memes and chat about whatever, we'd love to have you!

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