Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 152

Chapter 152 - You Have No Choice

The New Year's Eve celebration was abuzz with excitement thanks to Crown Prince Zhao's paper proposal. The music came to a halt, and the revelry turned into a serious discussion. King of South Jin and his ministers were now engrossed in deliberations about the factory's location and the required investment.

The banquet had somehow transformed into a business meeting, and everyone present was brimming with enthusiasm, dancing with delight.

Crown Prince Zhao instructed a palace maid to bring Tang Yue some hot dishes and let him dine separately. It was clear that no one wanted his input on this national matter.

Nevertheless, Tang Yue had an impeccable palate. The chefs in the crown prince's residence had been trained by him, making their cuisine far superior to the imperial kitchen's. After devouring five servings, he ceased eating and observed the animated discussion around him with keen interest.

“Your Majesty, in recent years, military expenditures have depleted more than half of the national treasury's silver. This year's war is unlikely to be less costly, and we're also grappling with a once-in-a-century snow disaster. I cannot allocate funds for this.”

“However, Crown Prince has asserted that Pulp Farmer's raw materials are exceedingly cheap. With time, it won't require much silver.”

“Building a factory demands both money and labor costs. Producing enough paper for scholars across the realm won't come cheap.”

“Lord Zhan, you needn't concern yourself with finances. How is this your affair?”

“Lord Liang, Lord Shi Wen may be elderly and uninvolved in state affairs, but I, as the Young Master's Office, am one of the Nine Ministers. Why can't I voice my opinion?” Lord Zhan declared forcefully. “Your Majesty, please reconsider! Although this paper is excellent, it's not an urgent necessity. We can wait until the national treasury is more prosperous.”

“Your Majesty, South Jin's national strength has always lagged behind North Yue's. Our population is insufficient, and our cultural foundation isn't as deep. In the eyes of North Yue's scholars, we are uncultured and incapable of proper education. Ultimately, our scholar count remains low. Rapidly increasing our student population could pave the way for our nation's ascent.”

“Absurd! If South Jin becomes as bookish as North Yue, how can we conquer lands and defeat North Yue's army? Our undefeated reputation rests upon tens of thousands of fearless soldiers!”

“Lord Zhan, please don't be biased. I merely suggested that we enhance our education; I never claimed military strength isn't important. This isn't about us losing.”

“Very well!” The King of South Jin slammed the table and rose to his feet. His cheerful mood had suddenly cooled considerably.

Tang Yue had heard Crown Prince Zhao mention this Young Master Zhan before. As the one opposing their plan, he was now their adversary.

Tang Yue stood up and addressed his father, “Your Majesty, may I have a word with you?”

“…” The room fell silent for a moment as everyone gazed at Tang Yue with curiosity, wondering about his motivations.

Logically, Tang Yue lacked the authority to engage in governance given his current status. However, neither the Crown Prince nor the king had intervened, leaving others reluctant to voice their concerns.

King of South Jin inquired, not out of genuine curiosity but out of skepticism. In his eyes, Tang Yue was merely a highly skilled doctor. Exceptional medical expertise didn't necessarily translate to political acumen.

“What is your point, then?” King of South Jin inquired.

“Crown Princess is undoubtedly wealthy. But if we consider the Yueyang Marquis's Mansion and your dowry,” Young Master Zhan commented with a hint of bitterness.

“In this world, there are very few issues that cannot be resolved with money. Young Master Zhan seems concerned that the national treasury might not be able to afford hiring workers. In that case, why not enlist private businessmen?”

“Businessmen? Crown Princess jests, surely. How could commoners be entrusted with such a significant undertaking? If they were to leak any secrets, who would bear the consequences?” someone questioned.

“There aren't any significant secrets to reveal. By dividing responsibilities and assigning different individuals to various roles, merchants can handle financing, management, and sales. The Imperial Court will retain control of the technology. Otherwise, even if we produce paper, who would the Imperial Court send to distribute it?” Tang Yue explained.

Many individuals didn't fully grasp Tang Yue's meaning. Wasn't the paper meant for students and officials, free of charge?

“North Yue would surely appreciate such a valuable commodity. I believe it can be sold at a premium,” Tang Yue remarked. This presented a monopoly opportunity. As long as North Yue grew accustomed to using paper, they would willingly pay for it. It was a potential source of immense wealth.

“Heh, I've heard Crown Princess is exceptionally clever. Despite your youth, you're already an Apricot Forest expert, yet it feels like a vast gap separates you from matters of the Imperial Court. Selling such a precious resource to an adversary is akin to arming an enemy,” someone scoffed.

The Young Master's Manor received severe criticism. Wang Zixian secretly applauded this development. If Tang Yue were to make a fool of himself in front of the King, it would tarnish the Crown Prince's reputation.

“Precious? Paper's value lies in its novelty. Once people grow accustomed to it, it's just a common item, an essential part of daily life,” Tang Yue explained. “If the people of North Yue become accustomed to using it, they will continually purchase it from us. It's a reliable source of income. We needn't worry about depleting the national treasury in the future.”

Tang Yue understood that people in this era tended to hoard their treasures, preferring to keep anything valuable a secret. However, what was the point of preserving precious items if they served no practical purpose and went unused?

“But what good is hoarding such precious items? They become little more than personal possessions, admired in isolation but lacking practical utility,” Tang Yue concluded.

While Tang Yue might lack knowledge about business operations, he understood what needed to be done.

“Private entrepreneurs shouldn't be entrusted with this. Who knows if they'll try to claim the technology for themselves?”

“Businessmen make money as their primary duty. It's wiser to let them handle it rather than the Imperial Court itself. We can simply levy taxes on their profits. If the Young Master's Residence is concerned, we can assign a few officials to oversee the operation.”

“I concur!” The first to openly support Tang Yue's proposal was none other than Tang Yue himself. Another officer whom he didn't recognize followed suit, soon joined by a second and a third.

Regardless of whether their support was genuine or a gesture of respect for Crown Prince Zhao, more than half of the officials eventually agreed.

After all, this business didn't interfere with their personal interests. It didn't matter who was in charge.

“I recall that Yueyang Marquis has many businesses under his name and a significant number of capable business managers, is that correct?” King of South Jin inquired.

Yueyang Marquis remained silent for the evening, considering his new status as Crown Prince's father-in-law. He preferred to keep a low profile.

Upon hearing King of South Jin's question, he reluctantly stood up to respond. “My liege, indeed, there are some businesses within my family, all managed by appointed managers.”

“In that case, why don't we entrust this matter to my loyal minister? This way, I can rest assured,” King of South Jin proposed.

Tang Yue was taken aback. He couldn't fathom why King of South Jin had suddenly changed his stance, entrusting his family with the paper factory.

Was this a sign of trust in his family or a test?

“Your Majesty, please reconsider…” Young Master Zhan began to speak but hesitated, appearing anxious. f(r)eeweb(n)ovel

“Father, you should reconsider. I've heard… I've heard…” The Crown Prince cast a meaningful glance at Crown Prince Zhao.

“What have you heard?” King of South Jin frowned, seeming displeased.

“My son, I've heard rumors about the Crown Prince's Palace recruiting private soldiers and secretly manufacturing weapons. I'm concerned…”

“Bang!” The King of South Jin slammed his palm onto the table and scolded sternly, “Where did you come across such audacious claims?”

The First Prince was taken aback, but he swiftly composed himself. “Royal Father, please remain calm. I only caught wind of these rumors. Don't be angry. Perhaps you should inquire about this from the Crown Prince.”

The King of South Jin clenched his hand tightly beneath the table. He had always been wary of his ninth son. If he indeed harbored treasonous intentions, his position would be in jeopardy sooner or later.

“Zhao'er, what is your opinion?”

Crown Prince Zhao sat in his seat with an impassive expression and responded with a single question, “What do you mean by ‘I want to implicate you'? What do you mean by ‘I want to implicate you'?”

“If you don't understand, then don't act rashly. Crown Prince dares to swear that he hasn't been recruiting soldiers independently,” he stated. “And as for manufacturing weapons, Crown Prince hasn't done so either.”

“Of course, I haven't,” Crown Prince Zhao added. “How could I conceal such matters from Royal Father? Brother Wang has only recently left the palace, so how could you have heard such rumors?”

The First Prince chuckled self-deprecatingly. “I only recalled it when I overheard idle gossip out of boredom. I've been confined to the palace for quite a while, so I'm not well-informed.”

Even if he claimed not to be well-informed, he still managed to hear such rumors. Wouldn't someone well-informed know that the King visited the latrine several times a day?

“Brother King is being too modest,” Crown Prince Zhao remarked. “But to bring such hearsay to Royal Father takes remarkable courage.”

The King of South Jin glanced between his sons. “Zhao'er has only returned to Ye City half a year ago. I doubt he could orchestrate such a significant undertaking.”

“Royal Father's wisdom is unparalleled,” Crown Prince Zhao replied with a bow.

“Royal Father, I did not act on this information. I merely brought it to your attention. Why don't you dispatch someone to investigate?”

The King of South Jin scrutinized Crown Prince Zhao for a prolonged moment. The latter simply said, “Since Brother Wang is so certain, then send someone to probe into it. I'm eager to see what you discover.”

This 𝓬ontent is taken from f(r)eeweb(n)ovel.𝒄𝒐𝙢

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