Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 153

Chapter 153 - Man Proposes & God Disposes

Eventually, the King of South Jin dispatched the Imperial Army to verify the location mentioned by the First Prince. As they awaited the outcome, tension gripped the hall, and anxiety for the Crown Prince hung in the air.

If the Crown Prince was indeed recruiting private soldiers, then so be it. It wasn't inconceivable for him to do so. However, his motivation was undoubtedly not to challenge the Imperial Court.

During his time at the border, the Crown Prince had openly used his private funds to produce weapons and deliver them to the front lines. At that time, he had followed a transparent path, even earning praise from the King.

Undertaking such actions secretly, without the King's knowledge, would yield unimaginable consequences.

Under the table, Tang Yue discreetly held the Crown Prince Zhao's hand, lightly grazing his palm with his nails.

Crown Prince Zhao responded with a composed smile, instantly soothing Tang Yue's apprehensive heart.

Furthermore, Wang Zixu had somehow come across this information and exposed it covertly.

Crown Prince Zhao's intention was to establish the Heavy Armored Army, starting with an initial cohort of one thousand soldiers. Some were chosen from existing troops, while others were recruited from new guards within the Crown Prince's Palace.

Indeed, these individuals could be considered private soldiers since they weren't officially part of the military. Additionally, an armory had been erected in the mountains near Qinyang City, dedicated to crafting armor and weaponry for this select group.

The location Wang Zixu had uncovered was likely the training ground in the outskirts. The training of these one thousand soldiers couldn't take place within the city limits but couldn't be too distant either, considering Crown Prince Zhao's oversight.

“Zhao'er, I have faith that you wouldn't embark on such a ludicrous endeavor. Regarding the Pulp Farmer matter, I shall entrust it temporarily to Marquis Yueyang. I expect to see the first set of documents on my desk within three months.”

“I shall comply with the decree!”

The hour was late, and under normal circumstances, the banquet would have concluded by now. However, this evening appeared destined to extend well into the night.

Two hours later, the dispatched guards returned, bearing dust-covered attire and an air of seriousness.

The King of South Jin instinctively leaned forward, fixing a keen gaze upon them. freewebnov(e)l

Wang Zixu couldn't help but inquire, “What news?”

“My lord, I have reached the location mentioned by the First Prince. It is indeed a residential compound, covering a sizable area. I recognize some of the residents, who are indeed from the Crown Prince's Palace…”

“Ah…” Among the assembled guests, a startled voice broke out, accompanied by shocked glances directed at Crown Prince Zhao.

The First Prince wore a smug smile on his face. Tang Yue couldn't help but twitch his lips. Did people of ancient times not understand that the victor had the upper hand?

“How many people are there, and what is their purpose for being dressed as they are?” the King of South Jin inquired with a deep voice.

“I've gathered all the residents of the estate and counted them. There are over three hundred people in total, comprising men, women, and people of all ages. They're dressed like ordinary civilians.”

“Considering it's the New Year, Ninth Brother's private soldiers probably won't be training in armor. They're most likely celebrating the holiday.”

“Well, this…”

“What's the matter?”

“When I entered forcibly, most of them were gathered in a spacious room, lighting their lamps and transcribing books.”

“Transcribing books? What kind of books are they? Military texts?” Young Master Zhan asked, raising his voice.

“I'm not well-versed in literature, but I glanced at them briefly. They seemed to be medical texts.”

“Impossible!” First Prince objected loudly.

“Wen-er, let's allow General Wei to finish… Secretary Wei, please continue with your account of the situation inside the estate.”

“Certainly… The books they were transcribing are indeed medical texts. I inquired about their identities, and their responses were consistent. They claimed to be students of Crown Princess, learning medicine from her. Within the estate, there's a storage area for herbs, a pharmacy, as well as a study and a clinic where they study daily. It doesn't seem like a fabrication.

“Regarding the soldiers and weapons mentioned by First Prince, I only saw a small room containing weapons. There were some small knives and concealed needle-like objects. They appear to have limited lethality.”

“Ahem, General Wei, isn't that ‘dagger' actually a scalpel? And the ‘hidden weapons' you mentioned are silver needles. They're medical tools, not weapons.” Tang Yue, understanding that this matter was temporarily set aside, smiled as she corrected him.

“I've seen Crown Princess's tools myself. They include knives, forceps, needles, and similar items—all intended for saving lives. How can they be considered weapons?” Imperial Doctor Wu couldn't restrain himself any longer and spoke up.

“If Father doubts it, I can have people invite all the residents of the estate. Most of them came from my manor, and I arranged for them to learn from Crown Princess's students.”

“Nonsense!” Wang Zixu quickly stood up. “How can so many people be Crown Princess's students? When I discovered that place, there were well over three hundred people. Jiu Ling must have moved them elsewhere.”

“Brother Wang, I hold you in high regard as an elder brother, so I won't dwell on the fact that you tried to bite me on purpose. The truth is clear before me. What else do you wish to say? I had no idea you would add this accusation against Gu Qiang tonight.” Ignorant of it, Crown Prince Zhao couldn't have arranged for his removal beforehand.

“Well, I suppose Xun Er has been homebound for quite some time. She may be a bit disoriented,” the King of South Jin scolded Wang Zixu with a stern look, then turned to Tang Yue and asked in a pleasant tone, “I never expected Yue Er to conceal so many students. Can you take care of them?”

“Thank you for your concern, Royal Father. I had intended to wait until these individuals had completed their training before informing you, but it's a pleasant surprise that Brother Wang discovered it so soon. It goes to show that even though Brother Wang seldom ventures out, he is still well-informed about worldly affairs!” Tang Yue sighed with emotion.

The King of South Jin furrowed his brow slightly. “Why did you train so many medical practitioners?”

“In reality, they are not doctors but rather assistants with basic medical knowledge. Most of them are retired soldiers from the battlefield, disabled and incapable of strenuous work. If we can train them to become highly efficient and skilled medical assistants, we can deploy them to the battlefield in the future to reduce casualties.”

This motive was undeniably noble and selfless. No one could find fault with it, and many individuals even expressed a desire to have one or two of these assistants. With them around, their well-being would be better assured.

“The Crown Princess truly possesses a compassionate heart. Not only has she addressed the issue of insufficient military doctors on the battlefield, but she has also provided for numerous disabled soldiers who retired from active duty. This significantly eases the strain on the national treasury.”

The officials all concurred. Tang Yue, the Crown Princess, had left a favorable impression on them by her ability to achieve this.

“Excellent! You've done exceptionally well!” The King of South Jin had rewarded Tang Yue generously with gold and silver, and his smile was now much more sincere. She was a daughter-in-law who cared for the people and did not seek personal gain, and this deserved commendation.

“Thank you for your kind words, Royal Father. It was just a misunderstanding, and I'm relieved it has been resolved. I believe Royal Brother must have heard some rumors from elsewhere and believed them. Fortunately, it was merely a misunderstanding.”

The First Prince wanted to explain, but he caught a desperate look from the Elder Prince. Reluctantly, he lowered his head and said, “I misheard, misunderstood Ninth Brother. Please forgive me.”

The King of South Jin was so infuriated that he was out of breath. He pointed at the First Prince and shook his head. “It appears you need to acquaint yourself with proper protocol. Starting tomorrow, when you visit the palace, someone will instruct you in these matters.”

“Royal Father…”

“Enough! This matter is closed. It shall not be mentioned again!” The King of South Jin waved his hand and departed, leaving the room full of ministers exchanging glances.

This was, without a doubt, the most intricate New Year's Eve banquet they had ever experienced. The same conversations and explanations played on a loop, fraying everyone's nerves.

Following the conclusion of the banquet, the First Prince hurried straight to his residence without any delay. Otherwise, those sharp gazes would have surely bored holes into him.

Bang! The First Prince vented his frustration by breaking everything within his reach. He then sat down, panting heavily.

“Uncle Wang, this doesn't match what you told me earlier. Not only did the Crown Prince avoid rejection from Royal Father, but he also received that document, which greatly pleased him. The matter in Yellow Flower Village remains unresolved, and we didn't gain any advantage from it.”

“First Prince, you're being too impatient. A man's schemes are subject to fate. The Crown Prince has a strong foundation. He won't be defeated by a mere trick.”

“We'll do our best to bring Li Xian down with us, but it will require significant effort. It's not a simple trick. On the other hand, the Crown Prince remains unaffected.”

“I didn't anticipate that Crown Prince Zhao would not only relocate the Yellow Flower Village residents but also set up an ambush. I had a feeling someone would try to deal with him.”

“What's so surprising about that? Rumors have already spread. The Crown Prince isn't foolish. Could he not have anticipated someone killing the villagers and framing him?”

“What's your point, First Prince? You agreed to this plan earlier.” The Old Prince snorted disapprovingly and lectured, “Your impatience and recklessness are your downfall. That's why you've lost the king's favor. If you don't change this aspect, your future won't be promising.”

“Uncle Wang, since we've become allies, it's best not to use such harsh words. If you dislike the First Prince, you're free to leave!” First Prince waved his hand dismissively, ready to depart.

“Are you going to get angry so easily?” The Old Prince chuckled. “You can't stand any criticism, can you? Isn't Uncle Wang saying this for your own good? Do you think those sycophants can genuinely make you happy?”

“Heh, who would bother flattering the First Prince now?” First Prince scoffed at himself.

The Old Prince sighed quietly. Ever since the First Prince's three-year imprisonment, the entire court had nearly forgotten his existence. Even the king might have forgotten his eldest son.

If it weren't for his inability to contend with the Crown Prince alone, he wouldn't have sought out the First Prince, who had already fallen out of favor.

“Don't lose hope. The king's health is still stable, but the Crown Prince remains the Crown Prince. Considering the king's fear of him, there's no guarantee he'll be deposed one day.” fr eewebn

“Uncle Wang's words might only deceive a child. How can the Crown Prince's position be toppled so easily? Even if Royal Father agrees, the hundred officials won't.”

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