Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 166

Chapter 166 - Good News

“Prime Minister, you left in such haste. Where are you headed?” Old Prince greeted the Prime Minister outside the Imperial Reading Room, wearing a friendly smile.

“It's concerning the County Lord. I have a matter to report to the King. Did you just leave the Imperial Reading Room?”

Old Prince nodded, then his expression turned contemplative. He stroked his beard and remarked, “If it's not too urgent, Prime Minister, you should wait until tomorrow morning to present your report to the court. The King is occupied at the moment.”

“It truly is extremely urgent. I wonder what has the King preoccupied?”

A mysterious glint passed through Old Prince's eyes as he gave an enigmatic response, “It's not a negative development.”

The Prime Minister hesitated briefly but eventually instructed someone to convey the message. He pondered in his mind, wondering why Old Prince, who typically didn't hold a favorable demeanor towards the King, was behaving this way today.

However, upon entering the palace and witnessing King of South Jin's current activities, he soon grasped the situation.

“Qu Aiqing, what prompted your urgent entrance into the palace?”

The Prime Minister's eyelids twitched, and he knelt down, bowing before lowering his head to say, “Your Majesty, new evidence has emerged in the corruption case that was resolved yesterday. This matter is of utmost importance, and this humble official did not dare to make a decision independently.”

King of South Jin sat up on the dragon throne, his attire disheveled, his face flushed, and his eyes alight. He appeared a decade younger.

“Oh? Does this imply that the corruption case involves officials throughout the Imperial Court?”

The Prime Minister detected the dissatisfaction and anger in the King's tone. He lowered his head and replied, “That is not the case. It's just that this humble official has recently received information from the local county governor, who reported an error in the count of casualties during the Huai An snow disaster. The casualties aren't in the hundreds but rather in the thousands!”

“Clang!” King of South Jin slammed an incense burner onto a nearby surface and stared at the Prime Minister in disbelief. “In the thousands? Is this true?”

The Prime Minister swiftly produced a memorial from his chest and handed it over. “The evidence is here. Please take a look.”

King of South Jin perused the document swiftly. It was filled with testimonies from the people of the Huai An region, with numerous witnesses. However, there were also individuals who had previously obstructed justice and could not escape divine retribution.

The King of South Jin clenched his teeth as he perused the report. With a furious gesture, he cast the document aside. “It appears I've been too lenient. Merely executing these traitors isn't sufficient. I decree that the families of the implicated officials be apprehended and connected to the Ten Families!”

The prime minister was momentarily taken aback, but a faint smile curled at the corners of his lips. In the end, he didn't dare to voice any objections and simply bowed his head, replying, “As you command.”

“Who brought this matter to light? Reward: 100 gold coins and ten pieces of fine silk!”

“It was a county magistrate from Huai An, Your Majesty. He managed to elude the county governor's surveillance and journeyed all the way to Ye City. Overnight, he handed over the incriminating evidence to his subordinate.”

After hearing this, the King of South Jin fell silent for a moment before nodding in acknowledgment.

Observing the prime minister's pallor returning to normal, he seemed somewhat dejected. He decided to withhold the questions he had in mind and dismissed the minister.

Once out of the palace, he swiftly attended to his official duties. Then, he arranged for Crown Prince Zhao to visit, claiming that he had a matter of great importance to discuss.

“Wait. Instruct His Highness to exercise caution. Ensure that no one observes his arrival.” As the Prime Minister of a nation overseeing government affairs, he was far from foolish, and his suspicions regarding the Royal Decree were quite astute.

Today's events had left him with a nagging sense of unease, and he couldn't quite explain why. However, he was convinced that they were targeted at Crown Prince Zhao.

Crown Prince Zhao arrived in the evening, entering the Prime Minister's residence through a discreet side entrance.

The prime minister promptly apologized, saying, “I have wronged Your Highness.”

Crown Prince Zhao took a seat at the head of the table, removed his hat, and gestured for the prime minister to rise. “No need to worry. Father must be concerned about the close relationship between the prince and the minister.”

“Indeed,” the prime minister replied, recounting the troubling discoveries of the day. “This official is also mindful of His Majesty's well-being. His Majesty's words today were cryptic and raised suspicions.”

Crown Prince Zhao lowered his gaze, tapping his fingers on the table, his index finger tracing unconscious patterns. “Are you implying that when I first arrived, Father was elated and his face slightly flushed, but after half an hour, he returned to normal and even appeared increasingly distressed?”

“Yes,” the prime minister affirmed. “This official initially believed that the king was incensed by the grave news, but I have witnessed His Majesty's anger before, and today's demeanor was markedly different.”

Crown Prince Zhao cast a brief glance at him. “In that case, I shall dispatch someone to look into this matter. It's only prudent to begin with Old Prince.”

Relieved that the Crown Prince believed him, the prime minister let out a sigh. To be honest, although the Crown Prince was exceptional and destined to be a wise ruler, he would likely elevate officials he trusted and might not grant him a significant position.

At this stage, it would be dishonest to claim that he wasn't concerned about power and influence. The prime minister was, in part, contemplating his own interests.

Setting aside his thoughts, Crown Prince Zhao returned to the Crown Prince's Palace and found Tang Yue waiting for him to have a meal. On the table, there were only two large plates and a substantial bowl, obscuring their contents.

“Why didn't you start eating? I told you not to wait.” Crown Prince Zhao planted a kiss on Tang Yue's cheek. Ever since their physical relationship had begun, their physical intimacy had increased.

Tang Yue gently pushed his face away. “Before the caravan delivered the flour, I had already prepared some food and finished eating. I've just made something else.”

On that day, he had prepared two hundred dumplings, and they had vanished in the time it took to finish a meal. Crown Prince Zhao had eaten his fill and still desired more.

“Are these dumplings?” Crown Prince Zhao still recalled their delicious taste. The meat filling was succulent and flavorful. Even when combined with mushrooms and bamboo shoots, it wasn't greasy. The thin, chewy skin was vivid in his memory.

“Certainly not. It's only been a few days, so I had to make something different.”

“What delectable dishes have you prepared?” Crown Prince Zhao had unwavering confidence in Tang Yue's culinary skills. He couldn't wait to uncover the lid.

However, Tang Yue wasn't in a hurry. He urged Crown Prince Zhao to change into fresh clothes. Only after the Crown Prince had changed and washed his hands did Tang Yue reveal the culinary surprise.

One of the large plates held a stack of egg pancakes, while the other was filled with two items resembling rice balls. The center of the plate appeared to be sliced open, suggesting the presence of meat. The final large bowl contained a fragrant, hearty soup.

Tang Yue had prepared egg pancakes, meat buns, and a creamy white Crucian Carp soup today.

These dishes might seem simple, more at home in modern times, and somewhat unconventional for a noble's table. Fortunately, Crown Prince Zhao had never tasted such cuisine before, so the rustic appearance didn't bother him; he was intrigued by this novel fare.

Furthermore, these dishes were genuinely delicious. Tang Yue had only eaten one pancake and one meat bun; the rest had found a new home in Crown Prince Zhao's satisfied stomach.

Observing him burp while patting his stomach, Tang Yue swiftly handed him a cup of tea and playfully remarked, “If you keep eating like this, I'm genuinely concerned you might turn into a big, chubby fellow.”

“Wouldn't that be a good thing? It would be proof that Crown Princess has exceptional culinary skills and has raised me splendidly.”

Following their customary post-meal walk in the courtyard, the melodious sound of birds taking flight caught their attention. They soon spotted a white pigeon landing gracefully on the nearby grass.

Tang Yue was seeing a messenger pigeon for the first time in this era and watched with curiosity as Crown Prince Zhao approached and removed the bamboo tube fastened to the pigeon's leg.

Curiously, he inquired, “Is this method really secure? What if the pigeon gets shot and killed on its journey? Wouldn't the message be lost?”

In a time when food was scarce, hunting birds for sustenance was likely a common occurrence.

Yet, he also understood that the communication tools of this era were rudimentary and lacked a complete network relay system. For swift transmission of important news, they had no choice but to rely on this method.

Crown Prince Zhao entrusted the pigeon to Ke and explained, “The carrier pigeons in the Crown Prince's residence are bred by mutants. They possess excellent endurance and memory. In the unlikely event of such an incident, it won't matter. Important messages are usually dispatched by three pigeons, taking different routes. They shouldn't encounter such misfortune.”

Tang Yue contemplated this and urged Crown Prince Zhao to check whether the news was positive or negative.

“I stationed this carrier pigeon at the border,” Crown Prince Zhao began. As he removed the bamboo tube and extracted a piece of cloth, he sighed, “I'm uncertain if there's been any renewed conflict at the border.”

Tang Yue grew anxious. He still recalled Crown Prince Zhao's intention to go to war after the new year. He had initially wanted to accompany him, but with his altered identity, he was unsure if he could still do so.

After reading the contents of the letter, Crown Prince Zhao's lips curled into a contented smile.

“Is it good news?” Tang Yue also smiled, pondering, “Could it be that the border troops have emerged victorious in the war?”

Crown Prince Zhao nodded, affirming, “It's indeed good news. Last winter was exceptionally harsh, and even South Jin endured numerous hardships. North Yue, on the other hand, emerged triumphant. The extensive casualties led to filling more than half of the country's treasury with spoils of war. Unfortunately, the civilians suffered significant losses. I doubt they have the capacity to initiate another war right now.”

Tang Yue breathed a sigh of relief in secret. This was undoubtedly the best news. Without war, Crown Prince Zhao wouldn't have to leave Ye City, and the border civilians could finally enjoy some respite and recovery.

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