Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 167

Chapter 167 - I'll Do My Best

“Tang Xiaolang… Tang Xiaolang…” An urgent cry resonated from the backyard gate, disregarding the presence of guards.

It was Wang Dingjun who eventually halted their progress, wearing a friendly smile as he inquired, “What's the matter, General Zhao?”

Zhao Sanlang, panting heavily, gripped Wang Dingjun's arm and pleaded, “Please, where is the Crown Princess? I need to see them urgently.”

“You do realize she's the Crown Princess, don't you? Access isn't granted on a whim, and it seems you may have forgotten where you are.” Wang Dingjun reminded him with a touch of kindness. If the Crown Prince chose to pursue this matter, a trespassing charge within the Crown Prince's Palace could spell trouble for Zhao Sanlang.

Anxiety filled Zhao Sanlang's eyes as he brushed past Wang Dingjun and continued his dash. “I have a critical matter at hand, and my life is in jeopardy!”

In the study, Tang Yue was engrossed in practicing his calligraphy when the commotion caught his attention. He stepped out and questioned the rushing butler, “What's happening?”

“Young Master, Zhao Sanlang is here. He says he needs to see you.”

Tang Yue appeared perplexed. “Then let him in. I never prohibited Zhao Sanlang's entry.”

The butler struggled to explain, murmuring, “He simply barged in. Such rules don't exist within the Crown Prince's Palace.”

Tang Yue swiftly exited the courtyard, wearing a furrowed brow. “There must be a pressing matter.” Given Zhao Sanlang's character, he wouldn't ordinarily come to the Crown Prince's Palace, let alone force his way in.

Upon sighting Zhao Sanlang, Tang Yue's eyes lit up, and he beckoned him closer. “Follow me.”

Tang Yue grasped Zhao Sanlang's hand and paused. “Calm down. Please tell me what's happening and what you intend to do. Let me prepare accordingly.”

Zhao Sanlang's eyes widened in realization, and he smacked his forehead. “Of course, of course. I forgot to bring the medicine kit… My mother is severely injured, and the mansion's doctors believe her condition is grave. I couldn't afford to delay, so I hurried here to request your help.”

Tang Yue was taken aback and couldn't afford any further delay. He swiftly returned inside to retrieve the medical kit, and dispatched a message to Huian Hall to prepare for their arrival at any moment.

As Zhao Sanlang had ridden to the palace, Tang Yue joined him on horseback for a swift journey to the State Protector Mansion.

Upon arrival, Tang Yue inquired, “Where is your mother injured? What happened to her?”

Zhao Sanlang clenched his fists, veins protruding, and his teeth chattered with anger. His frustration was palpable.

“It's all because of that woman… and my father!” Zhao Sanlang nearly spat out the word “father” with clenched teeth, his eyes filled with profound hatred.

Tang Yue was astounded. The relationship between father and son was already strained, and it had taken considerable effort to calm them not long ago. How had matters escalated to this point? Had the State Protector done something to incur such ire from both men and gods?

As they walked through the mansion, the servants they encountered wore pale expressions, devoid of any smiles. The atmosphere was heavy with tension.

Upon their arrival in the backyard, Zhao Sanlang urgently approached an elderly woman and inquired, “Madam Xing, how is my mother?”

The old woman's face initially lit up with joy upon seeing Zhao Sanlang, but then she began to weep. “Sanlang, hurry inside and see Madam. Madam, she…”

Zhao Sanlang's legs nearly gave way, but Tang Yue steadied him in time, guiding him into the room.

The room was packed with people of all ages, their faces filled with grief, and the air heavy with sorrowful cries, inexplicably tugging at the heartstrings of those present.

“Out of the way!” Zhao Sanlang forcefully separated a woman by grabbing her arm and pushing her aside.

A moment of silence descended upon the room as everyone turned to look at him. Tang Yue, with his keen eyes, noticed that many women's eyes held hidden traces of joy beneath their redness.

He sighed inwardly. These must be the State Protector's concubines. Who would grieve for their rivals?

“Those not directly involved in the matter, please leave. It's too crowded, and it's not good for the patient's breathing,” Tang Yue calmly stated.

Most of the attendees were unfamiliar with Tang Yue. They speculated about his identity, but a group of guards who rushed in swiftly expelled them from the room.

In an instant, the courtyard echoed with wailing and lamentation once more.

“Unfilial child! You are too audacious, showing disrespect to your elders!” State Protector's thunderous anger reverberated.

“Humph, I won't acknowledge that my elders are here!”

Tang Yue paid no heed to the father-son dispute. He hurried to the bedside and pointed at a maid who appeared to be attending to the patient. “Provide me with a detailed account of State Protector's Wife's injuries. Send someone to fetch hot water and clean white cloth.”

Seeing the bewildered maid failing to react, Tang Yue turned to Zhao Sanlang and chided, “Zhao Xian, have you lost your senses? Why are you still arguing at a time like this?”

Zhao Sanlang snapped out of it, regaining his clarity. He began delegating tasks, enabling Tang Yue to proceed smoothly.

“I need to examine Madam's condition, which requires removing her clothing. Leave two individuals to assist, and the rest of you must leave!”

“No!” State Protector was the first to react, causing Zhao Sanlang's eyes to well up with tears again.

Tang Yue felt a mix of amusement and irritation. “State Duke, remember that I am a physician. Are you suggesting you'd rather not save your wife's life?”

“But you are a man too!” State Protector exclaimed, his eyes widening, as if he were prepared to confront Tang Yue fiercely.

A wry smile tugged at the corner of Tang Yue's lips as he responded, “So what? I am also the Crown Princess. What does my gender matter? Don't delay me from saving a life, or…” He glanced at Zhao Sanlang. “Perhaps State Duke would prefer to draft a divorce decree and disown this wife, but I must save her.”

Tang Yue's words were justifiable, and Zhao Sanlang understood his meaning. He promptly ushered his father out without saying a word.

He knew that even if his father divorced his wife over this incident, he wouldn't allow his mother to perish.

Without any impediments, Tang Yue arranged for someone to carefully remove State Protector's Wife's clothing. After a thorough examination, he identified the most critical injury at the base of her spine. It aligned with the maid's description, suggesting she had collided with something hard in that area, leading to her fall and subsequent head injury. This explained both the significant blood loss and the shock she suffered.

Tang Yue first attended to stopping the bleeding, but this required a blood transfusion. To proceed with it, they had to transport her to Huian Hall. It marked Tang Yue's inaugural experience with blood transfusion surgery, making him somewhat uncertain.

Zhao Sanlang stood by, nervously biting his finger, refraining from disturbing Tang Yue. His furrowed brow and racing heart attested to his anxiety when Tang Yue remained still for an extended period.

“How is she? My mother, is she…?” Although Zhao Sanlang had unwavering faith in Tang Yue, he knew that not all injuries could be healed.

Tang Yue weighed the situation carefully in his mind, then motioned to Zhao Sanlang and briefed him, “You have to decide whether to proceed with the blood transfusion. It's a risky procedure. First, the equipment is still in its experimental stage, and second, I can't guarantee the patient won't experience rejection afterward.”

Zhao Sanlang was baffled by Tang Yue's explanation, but the thought of extracting blood from one person and injecting it into another sent shivers down his spine.

If the imperial physicians from the Imperial Medical Office heard about this, he wondered if they'd condemn Tang Yue as insane.

He clenched his lips and fixed his gaze on Tang Yue with determination. “I trust you! Do what you think is best. Regardless of the outcome, I believe it's the best possible result!”

Tang Yue felt relieved and touched. He patted Zhao Sanlang's shoulder. “I take your words very seriously.”

“Find eight guards who are of similar stature and strength. We need to transport your father to Huian Hall. Also, gather more than ten healthy individuals, spanning three generations without a history of serious illnesses. No restrictions on gender. We need to match blood types!”

Zhao Sanlang wasted no time. He held a semi-authoritative position in the household and could easily assemble a team.

State Protector remained unaware of Tang Yue's treatment plan and believed they were moving the patient to the infirmary. After instructing Zhao Sanlang, he summoned the butler to collect the finest herbs from the storeroom and send them to the infirmary. .c(o)m

Regardless of the circumstances, he couldn't bear to lose his wife's life. It would bring him neither public nor private benefits. Moreover, the true cause of the incident was too sensitive to discuss openly.

Forget it. As long as her life was preserved, State Protector's Wife's status wouldn't waver.

If Zhao Sanlang and Tang Yue knew his thoughts, they might have scoffed.

Upon exiting State Protector Prefecture's gates, Tang Yue exclaimed, “Wait!” Observing everyone's puzzled expressions, he leaned closer to Zhao Sanlang's ear and inquired, “Sanlang, are you concerned about the Zhao Family's reputation?”

Zhao Sanlang was perplexed by his question, prompting Tang Yue to clarify, “Their reputation is their own business. How does it concern us?”

“That's good. Let's allow some rumors to circulate and ensure a few more words spread about today's events.”

If State Protector's Wife had only suffered minor injuries, Tang Yue wouldn't have resorted to such drastic measures. After all, preserving her appearance had been a concern. But now, with her life hanging by a thread, what good was her beauty?

Contemplating the tangled web of family affairs, Tang Yue couldn't muster any sympathy for the State Protector.

“Very well, I'll do as you say.”

Thus, as Tang Yue led his men to Huian Hall, the news of the State Protector's favoritism towards his concubine and the harm inflicted on his wife spread through the teahouses and restaurants along their path. It was rumored that the only reason the wife survived was thanks to Doctor Tang.

“I heard he was on the brink of death. The doctors had given up hope, but it was Doctor Tang who managed to save her.”

“Is Doctor Tang really that skilled in medicine?”

“Undoubtedly. They say Doctor Tang once healed a man with a sword thrust through his chest. But it's uncertain if the State Protector's Wife will recover; she's lost a lot of blood and is still in a critical condition.”

“Tsk tsk, the scandals of these wealthy families are truly chilling. The State Protector was a prominent figure in the past; how could he act so foolishly?”

“In my opinion, it's likely because the concubine at the estate is exceptionally beautiful.” Someone chuckled discreetly, with a lewd undertone.

“I find that hard to believe. That concubine gave birth to the eldest son; she must be rather advanced in age. No matter how beautiful she was in the past…”

“Tch, tut, tut. Haven't you heard the saying ‘charm endures'?”


They exchanged glances and shared laughter.

However, everyone kept these conversations private, afraid to speak openly. Yet, the news quickly spread throughout Ye City as one person whispered it to another.

Upon reaching Huian Hall, Tang Yue immediately ordered the preparation of the operating theater and instructed Elder Chen to assemble a team for blood tests.

The three elderly doctors from the pharmacy had collaborated with Tang Yue in various experiments, so they were familiar with blood testing procedures. Still, they found it hard to accept such a theory.

With an actual case before them today, they brimmed with excitement, giving their utmost care to the task.

“Young master, this old man has taken the initiative to bring ten assistants from the other courtyard,” Elder Chen reported to Tang Yue.

“Excellent. Elder Chen, your experience is invaluable. Please assist during the surgery.”

“It's my honor!” Elder Chen replied enthusiastically, looking forward to witnessing such a procedure in his lifetime.

Xiang Ann entered from behind the crowd. “Master, I want to help too!”

Tang Yue's lips twitched, and he lightly scolded Xiang Ann, “You're too young and inexperienced. Don't cause trouble. Help with the blood draws. Remember, find a suitable donor. Start with Zhao Sanlang!”

Zhao Sanlang rushed over upon hearing that he would be donating blood. He rolled up his sleeves and reached for a dagger, intending to cut his wrist. Tang Yue was alarmed. “What are you doing?” he exclaimed. “Are you trying to be reckless? Go inside and follow the doctor's orders!”

Zhao Sanlang lowered his sleeves, his eyes filled with pleading. Tang Yue understood his concern and apprehension. He patted his shoulder and reassured him, “I'll do my best.”

“Thank you,” Zhao Sanlang replied, shoulders slumping in relief.

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