Beast Studio

Chapter 18 - Faster reaction speed than Liu Xiang

The audience in the live broadcast room was all silly.

It is common knowledge that Zhu Yeqing is highly toxic.

Water friends know.

Before coming, Liu Wei mentioned the danger of Zhu Yeqing many times. The impression left by the audience was that it needs to be treated with extreme caution.

As a result, Liu Wei went straight up and grabbed its tail with two fingers.

Don’t give the snake a face!

At this moment, Liu Yeqing floating in Liu Wei’s hand gently twisted his body in the air, trying to escape control, but it did not feel the strong hostility to turn back and attack Liu Wei.

The reason why Liu Wei took him decisively, because after the reaction speed increased, he had enough confidence to avoid the moment when Zhu Yeqing attacked.

The effect of such a program is more exciting.

It is a pity that this bamboo leaf green seems to be very docile.

Liu Wei put down the live broadcast room, Zhu Yeqing’s most clear face appeared in front of the camera.

“My goose bumps are all up!”

“It’s so cold!”

“I have a biting feeling!”

Liu Wei: “The brothers were just surprised, why can I easily win it?

I remember I said that when dealing with any snakes, don’t hesitate to give snakes time to think about your every move.

But to tell you, Zhu Yeqing is a neurotic snake with limited IQ. To put it more bluntly, what it does depends on the mood. Just like now, it seems that it is in a good mood. “

“Ha ha ha ha, after a long time, it turned out to be a neuropathy!”

“Bamboo Yeqing is a little arrogant!”

“Come on, little thing, take a bite!”

Liu Wei: “I won it easily, but still trust in my knowledge and physical function.

Although Zhu Yeqing is a highly venomous snake, the brothers can see that it has a small body and insufficient muscle capacity. Compared with Wang Jinshe, a large snake, it is better controlled and only needs to pay attention to its attack.

How to avoid the attack of viper? I think the most critical thing is the speed of response. Your reaction is fast enough, the snake is not so easy to bite you, my reaction speed has exceeded ordinary people!”

“Brilliant again!”

“Awei, can we be a little low-key?”

“You are afraid that you forgot to be bitten by the Chinese water snake!”

Liu Wei smiled slightly: “It is a real show effect to be bitten by a water snake, just want to prove that the toxicity of the microvenomous snake is not enough to harm the health!”

“Then you let Zhu Yeqing take a bite to prove that the highly venomous snake can harm your health!”

“Hahahaha, brother, you have a great brain circuit!”

“Don’t mess with the barrage, watch the live broadcast!”

“Intellectually retarded, why don’t you let Zhu Yeqing take a bite?”

The atmosphere of the barrage is a bit bad.

Liu Wei smiled and said, “Brothers, I am not a fool. I will not do things that hurt my body. The friends in the live broadcast room have very strange ideas. Care, everyone maintain the live broadcast room together.

My reaction speed exceeds that of ordinary people. It has been tested by a scientific system. The reaction speed of normal people is within 0.5 seconds. If the concentration is not focused, it will be delayed to one second.

Liu Xiang, a famous hurdler in my country, responded quickly, reaching 139 milliseconds. The reaction rate of the famous League of Legends professional player Faker has reached an amazing 106 milliseconds!”

“Athletes react quickly.”

“Faker’s response speed, I believe, it is still at the peak level, it is not easy!”

“Awei, how fast are your reactions!”

Liu Wei said modestly: “A little faster than faker, 103 milliseconds!”


“Impossible, I don’t believe it!”

“No picture, no evidence!”

“Awei, please prove it!”

Liu Wei: “I need my proof of the wave 1!”

“11111111” Full screen number.

Obviously, everyone questioned him.

“Look clearly!”

Liu Wei slowly approached Zhu Yeqing’s head with his right index finger. Zhu Yeqing was threatened a little. His body floating in the air was bending, and Liu Wei continued to reach out to Zhu Yeqing’s head very calmly.

“Awei, don’t do it! You will be bitten like this!”

“Forget it, Awei, I believe it!”

At the moment when the water friends hit the barrage, Zhu Yeqing launched a violent attack.

At that time, Liu Wei’s fingers were only two centimeters away from Zhu Yeqing’s head, and it was after Zhu Yeqing maintained the attacking posture.

“Oh! Beautiful, baby!” Liu Wei shouted “baby” and folded his hands.

“Quick day, so fast!”

“Awei, have you been bitten?”

“It is estimated that it is too fast, I am still playing the barrage, I don’t see clearly!”

Liu Wei extended his finger and showed it to the friends in the live broadcast room, “Five fingers, no scars, you should believe my reaction speed!”


“Awesome plus!”

“Okay, we’re almost done. Let’s give you a science popularization of Zhu Yeqing,” Liu Wei gently put Zhu Yeqing’s body on his arm, always paying attention to its head movement, “Zhu Yeqing some simple information, in On the way, we have already talked about it, I will repeat it briefly.

The first point is that the distribution of Zhuyeqing, in addition to China, is found in India, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, etc. in Southeast Asia, and the number is large.

Why are there so many bamboo leaves? I summed up two reasons. One is because its economic value is much lower than other snakes, so it is free from human capture.

The second is because Zhuyeqing’s ability to starve is particularly strong. An adult healthy Zhuyeqing can keep healthy even if it has not eaten for five consecutive months. In the animal world, the ability to starve can be comparable to bears.

What’s more, bears store a lot of fat before hibernation, Zhu Yeqing’s body is petite, and there is no way to store fat. Its hibernation time will not exceed two months, that is to say, it is active during ten months of a year, and activities need to consume physical strength. It is conceivable how strong it is after starving.

When starving, Zhu Yeqing is absolutely serious!”

“Hahahaha, I suddenly felt so cute!”

“Five months, my turtle has to starve to death!”

“Animal starving champion Zhu Yeqing!”

Liu Wei smiled: “Since this is the first time I have brought you into contact with venomous snakes, I think it is necessary for me to tell everyone about the method of venomous snakes hunting Now.”

“Wait, I’ll get a small book!”

“Brothers, the key point is here, take a short note and take the exam at the end!”

Liu Wei started directly: “In the first two issues we have seen the black-browed snake and the king snake. The main force of the large non-venomous snakes is the chewing force of the cheekbones, and the other is the muscle strength of the body. Usually the large non-venomous snakes are seen. Viper’s predation process: first bite the prey, and then entangle the muscles of the body to suffocate the prey.

The poisonous snakes have very different predation methods. They are natural killers, and they can make good use of their own advantages, that is, venom to kill prey.

Snakes chase and lock their prey through a developed sense of smell. The viper will attack at the best time, bite through the body of the prey, and quickly inject the venom in the venom gland into the prey. After the venom injection is completed, it will also quickly stop to avoid I hurt my teeth, and then wait for the toxicity to happen.

It sounds simple, but precise attack and how much poison is expelled requires repeated practice. The viper starts from birth and exercises every time it prey on prey!”

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