Beast Studio

Chapter 19 - Engage in yellow?

“Am I sick? I heard Awei talking about snakes and got hooked!”

“Hahaha, brother, the same fellow!”

“I haven’t been so serious in high school!”

“This is A Wei’s charm, the art of language!”

The audience in the live broadcast room was attentively listening to Liu Wei’s popular science bamboo leaves, and Liu Wei was also comfortable when he saw the barrage praised him.

Then he said: “Snake snakes between 1 and 2 years old will keep trying to use their venom to kill their prey?

Juvenile snakes are very inexperienced. For the first time they catch prey, they will bite the prey deadly, and then shoot the venom in the venom gland like the body of the prey.

There are two key problems with this. The first one is that its fangs are easy to be injured during the stalemate with the prey.

The second question, if one-time injection of venom does not have a devastating effect on prey, it can only declare that the hunt has failed, and it has no weapons to attack the prey.

So the process of venomous snakes catching their prey is also the process of learning how to use venom?

Among the venomous snakes, the best venom discharge control is the cobra. The next time I take you to find the cobra, you will see that it can spray venom repeatedly and repeatedly!”

“66666, knowledge is up!”

“Teacher Liu is good, more vivid than the animal world!”

“Looking forward to Cobra and supporting the anchor!”

The user 3339642 sends out the rocket×1.

Liu Wei: “Thank you Brother Rocket, the next thing I want to talk about should be the topics that the brothers are most interested in!”

The corner of his mouth slightly raised, showing a ghostly smile.

The audience frantically guessed what level Liu Wei was selling?

“Is it mating?”

Liu Wei laughed: “Congratulations to this brother for getting the answer right. You are excellent. Now I will tell you some of the mating process of Zhu Yeqing!”


“Hahahahaha, I like this topic!”

“Women’s fans are getting off quickly, not for you to listen to!”

Female fan: “Awei, can you be a little gentle? Shame!”

Liu Weikai said: “The reproductive capacity of snakes is very strong. Zhu Yeqing can incubate 13 to 15 young snakes each time they spawn.

When Zhu Yeqing grows up to 2 to 3 years old, her organs have matured. The female snake in the mating season will emit a special smell in the glands at the base of its tail!”

“This is the position!” Liu Wei pointed. “Brothers, sorry, this is a male bamboo leaf green in my hand!”


“Anchor fool!”

“Anchor, where is your finger? Are you doing yellow?”

“Brothers, Awei engages in pornography, report it!”

Liu Wei’s guess is pretty good. A group of old color critics like this topic very much.

Really convinced, from a snake can also think of various scenes.

Liu Wei laughed: “Male snakes will seek mating objects according to the special smell emitted by female snakes, brothers, the point is here, a male snake can mate with multiple female snakes!”

“Lying trough, cool one!”


“No money yet!”

“And in the woods, hey, so exciting!”

A group of old **** critics began to make crazy brains, and the barrage had lost control.

Liu Wei reluctantly reminded: “Brothers, receive one first, pass on positive energy, if the super tube sees bad, I will be deducted points!”

“Anchors without deductions are not good anchors!”

“Afraid of hair! The female anchor of Yan value district deducts points every day!”

“Awei, continue to talk, I am very excited now, shoot first!”

Rockets sent out on sunny days × 1.

Liu Wei: “Thank you, Brother Qingtian, for your support.

Ok! In fact, the most powerful ability of the bamboo leaf is that the sperm that the male snake shoots into the female snake is valid for up to three years. What does it mean?

It means that within three years, all have the ability to fertilize!”

“I **** a DJ, so cheating!”

“A natural sperm bank!”

“I will make a bamboo leaf green in my next life!”

“Female fans are coming out soon, we are all Zhu Yeqing, ha ha ha!”

Female fans: “Bah~, they are big hoofs!”


Liu Wei: “Brothers converge a little, there are a few female fans in the live broadcast, don’t scare them away!”

“How can it be?”

“Awei, you are too little to look at them, female fans know better than us!”

“No way, I can’t stop the car!”

Liu Wei looked at one of the friends from the water friends and smiled.

This is the live broadcast, the most direct and real chat between anchor and water friends, water friends and water friends.

Despite the unobstructed one by one, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was exceptionally good, and a group of people finally had a common topic.

“Brothers, let’s collect one first!” Liu Wei tried to control the direction of the barrage, and then went down. It was exposed more and the impact was not good. It is likely to be officially reminded or closed the live broadcast room.

“Brothers, all thoughts have been taken back. Before releasing Zhuyeqing, there is another important point. We want science.

The toxicity of bamboo leaf green!

The toxins in Zhuyeqing’s venom are mixed toxins, containing hemorrhagic toxins, enzyme toxoids, a small amount of neurotoxins and blood circulation toxins. So it was very troublesome to be bitten by Zhu Yeqing.

Your wound will experience a violent burning pain, just like being burned by fire, and then it will swell quickly, and the taste is very uncomfortable!

However, the venom of Zhu Yeqing does not threaten the life safety of the human body. In highly venomous snakes, the fatal rate is very low, almost zero. But because there are many cases of physical disability due to untimely treatment, we cannot take it lightly. “

“very scary!”

“Awei, what should I do if I was bitten?”

Liu Wei: “I spent a lot of energy to show everyone the popular science of bamboo leaf green, not only to let everyone know about this kind of snake, but also to let everyone avoid being injured by it.

If unfortunately bitten by Zhu Yeqing, remember every step I said.

First, calm down, don’t panic. I know that many people will be in a state of panic or emotional breakdown under the circumstances. What I want to tell you is that your panic will not have any positive effect on the wound, but will accelerate the flow of venom in the blood.

Try to keep yourself calm.

The second step: observe the surrounding geographical environment. If there is running water, walk to the running water, pull a handful of grass, crush it, and then scrub the wound in the running water to expel the venom as much as possible!

Step 3: Fix the position above the wound to prevent the venom from continuing to spread and critical internal organs.

The most critical step is to call the hospital to explain what snake bite you? Let them prepare the serum, and the ambulance will go to the clinic in time.

The above steps are routine steps, and it does not exclude that a local doctor specializing in snake venom can help you solve the problem quickly. Chinese medicine is also trustworthy!”

The water friends calmed down and listened to Liu Wei seriously. Although they did not want to meet Zhu Yeqing in their lifetime, and some people in the city did not want to go to the countryside to drill the woods, but after hearing Liu Wei’s science, he suddenly felt very cultured.

In the future, if you encounter a similar situation, you can also give pointers to Jiangshan and become a theoretical king.

“Well, brothers, we will talk so much about Zhu Yeqing!” Liu Wei looked at the soft and warm Zhu Yeqing in his hand. “The baby should be sleepy, let’s release him!”

At this time, there was a barrage of a duke in the live broadcast room: “Awei, wait, play a game, dare you?”

PS: Brothers, the recommendation ticket continues to go!

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