Beast Studio

Chapter 185 - The golden monkey\\\'s hope

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room all admired Liu Wei’s mentality. If they faced such difficulties, they would definitely have no hope for life, and Liu Wei instantly adjusted back to his live broadcast of popular science animals.

The audience adjusted for a while before focusing on the snub-nosed monkeys floating in the trees.

Some people speculate that the golden monkey may have stolen Liu Wei’s descent rope. Liu Wei rejected this idea. According to the monkey’s temperament, he would rather play the descent rope on the swing than hide it, meaningless to it. .

Liu Wei went on to popularize science, “The biggest difference between a golden monkey and other primates is its nose!”

Liu Wei pulled into the lens to focus on the face of the snub-nosed snub-nosed monkey sitting on the tree trunk. “We can clearly see that the snub-nosed monkey’s nostrils are facing up, there is no nasal bone, and the two nostrils are collapsed, so it is also called the snub-nosed monkey.

Why does the snub-nosed monkey’s nose look like this? There are two kinds of speculation at home and abroad.

One is because it is usually active in areas with higher altitudes, oxygen is thin, and the nose is parallel to the face to help it breathe oxygen.

The other is the concept proposed by foreign research scholars. The golden monkeys rely on heavy nasal sounds when they are related to each other. They will close their mouths, and then use the nose to change and adjust themselves to make different sounds and express different meanings.

Because the environment in which it survives is generally noisy, the cicadas of birds crow, etc., and the duration is long, and the voices of golden monkeys are not easy to be heard, so they rely on their noses to make sounds that can be easily distinguished by similar species, especially in families In the group of golden monkeys!”

Liu Wei is serious about science.

Suddenly, a few golden snub-nosed monkeys climbed to the big trees in front of him.

The hair of the little snub-nosed monkey is not as rich as that of the adult snub-nosed monkey.

But the corners of their mouths have begun to show fine tumors, and they are growing up slowly, marking that they are about to reach adulthood.

The tumor on the corner of the mouth is the hallmark of every adult male golden monkey.

A few small golden wires sat on the tree to observe Liu Wei. They didn’t seem to be afraid of Liu Wei, nor did they think why humans would appear in the Valley of Death?

Their eyes look very pure, with a blue eye bag outside their orbits, which looks like they have rubbed their eyeshadows.

Liu Wei smiled and waved to them.

Several golden monkeys raised their buttocks and tails and stood up.

They took a few bold steps and then quickly climbed down from the tree. A golden monkey ran to Liu Wei and snatched Liu Wei’s leftover canned beef this morning.

Liu Wei caught up and kept waving his hand to remind the golden monkey, “No, no, this can’t be eaten!”

The golden monkey holding the tin box hung on the trunk with one hand and looked back at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei took an apple from his backpack and said, “I’ll exchange the apple for you. That canned food, you can’t eat it!”

Reaching for it slowly, the golden monkey didn’t intend to change it, but wanted it all, but it only had one hand to climb the tree with something, so when it reached for the apple, the can fell on the ground.

It took the apple and quickly climbed up the tree.

Liu Wei picked up the can and carefully packed it up, “Brothers, snub-nosed monkeys cannot eat greasy food, especially underage snub-nosed monkeys and aged snub-nosed monkeys. Their digestive ability is relatively poor, and they must diarrhea if they eat greasy food.

If there is no artificial treatment and strong self-regulation ability, basically it will die because of diarrhea.

So everyone has the opportunity to touch the golden monkey or other monkeys, don’t feed greasy food, but it will hurt it!”

The golden monkey holding an apple was quietly hiding and finished eating. If it was seen by a monkey with high status in the family, it would be beaten, and some disputes would inevitably occur.

Several other golden monkeys also ran down from the tree, close to Liu Wei.

Liu Wei wanted to get along with them, and took out the three apples left in the backpack. The three golden monkeys took the apples in Liu Wei’s hands in an instant, and the remaining two got nothing.

They boldly reached out to break Liu Wei’s hand, to see if they had yet?

Liu Wei spread his hands, “Nothing!”

The two golden monkeys didn’t give up, crawled on Liu Wei’s body, looking around, scratching his back itchy.

After flipping through to no avail, they ran to Liu Wei’s tent and searched, but still did not. In the end, they could only compete with the golden monkey that had just obtained an apple.

Liu Wei smiled all over his face.

“He smiled, he smiled again!”

“A Wei may have completely forgotten what went back!”

“Stay in the Valley of Death! After many years, you became a savages, and then the mystery of the savages in Shennongjia was solved, ha ha ha!”

Liu Wei saw the barrage of the audience and thought that he now enjoys playing with the golden monkey in front of him. This is just one of the reasons why he smiles.

He saw the hope of going out from the reaction of just a few golden monkeys.

“Brothers, I know how to get out!” Liu Wei said.



“Hurry up and listen!”

The audience is curious.

Liu Wei pointed at the group of golden monkeys that were moving around, “Let them lead the way!”

“Hahaha, bragging again!”

“Are you sure? Awei!”

“This group of monkeys probably hasn’t seen the outside world. How can it lead you?”

“Call for rescue!”

Liu Wei’s idea made everyone question.

He boldly guessed: “Brothers, according to their knowledge of wild snub-nosed monkeys, they are actually afraid of human beings. First, because the national government didn’t protect wild snub-nosed monkeys, humans were very serious about killing wild snub-nosed monkeys. Humans have left an extremely bad impression in the docile animals like golden monkeys, especially when they see hunters with guns, they will slip away quickly, and they are very scared.

The second is that the expansion of the area of ​​human activity leads to a reduction in their area of ​​activity, forcing them to live higher and deeper. Even if it is a highway a few meters wide, it is difficult for them to cross, so the wild golden monkey is very cautious in treating people.

But did you see it? The golden monkeys just didn’t fear me at all. They came to me very boldly and asked for food. I reasoned that they should be in contact with humans for a long time.

According to the analysis of the daily activity range of golden monkeys, it is possible that they know the way to and from the Valley of Death and often come around for a circle.

There is another very important point that can prove my inference that adult snub-nosed monkeys have miscellaneous food and more than one hundred kinds of food, and young monkeys are more cautious about eating. They need parental guidance.

No fruit like apples grows in the Shennongjia area, and the underage snub-nosed monkeys eat the apples without any care, and it seems that they know what they are eating and what the taste of the apple is.

I infer that they often eat apples, and it is very likely that they were regularly given to them by forest rangers or golden monkey research and rescue personnel in the Shennongjia forest area.

The number of golden monkeys in Shennongjia has grown from more than 500 to more than 1,400. Their range of activities is decreasing, but the amount of food is increasing, so professionals will regularly put food. “

Liu Wei concluded with certainty: “All of my analyses add up to a problem. This group of snub-nosed monkeys often touches humans, and humans have never stepped in the valley of death, so they must know the way out.”

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