Beast Studio

Chapter 186 - Brother Monkey, sit down and talk

The audience listened stunned.

“It’s a bit ruthless to have a DJ! You’re playing IQ game again!”

“Thinking about it!”

“Do you think we don’t know? Yes, I really don’t know what you are talking about?”

“My **** it’s hard to watch a live broadcast, it’s too hard!”

“Awei, can we be more direct?”

Liu Wei replied with a smile, “The direct point is that following this group of monkeys can leave the valley of death, but there is a problem in front of them, they are moving too fast, I can not keep up with them, so I have to talk to their parents chat!”

The monkey who had just obtained an apple from Liu Wei had not eaten a bite yet, which attracted other monkeys to rob.

The snub-nosed monkeys take group activities as a unit, and the status of the monkeys is very strict.

Liu Wei guessed this scene, and was the first golden monkey to be clever, and quietly ate with an apple.

Liu Wei watched this identity battle and popularized: “Brothers, the snub-nosed monkey’s social class is strict, and they also have a hierarchy when enjoying food.

The leader of the monkey group, that is, the parents of this family, have priority to enjoy the right to eat, and then the female golden monkeys around them, then the cubs, and finally the other adult male golden monkeys in the monkey group.

The hallmark of parents is that an adult male golden monkey has excellent fertility.

All female snub-nosed monkeys will actively request mating. Sometimes female snub-nosed monkeys will fight for the right to mate with their parents, and there will be multiple female snub-nosed monkeys lying on the ground requesting mating.

If they do not get mated that day, the female snub-nosed monkeys will not give up. After a few days, they will also ask the parents to mate.

As the highest-ranking parent in the monkey group, the adult male golden monkeys have full power to choose to mate with their favorite objects, and to choose the mating place and posture!”

At this time, the barrage of the live broadcast room flew up.

A group of people heard interest in Liu Wei’s science mating knowledge and their interest soared.

“Parents are too difficult, it is estimated to be squeezed out!”

“If human beings have such a social hierarchy, I must be the parent!”

“It’s too cool to be a parent!”

“Awei, what are you talking about? Location? Posture? I don’t understand!”

“My wife snickered beside me!”

Liu Wei smiled when he looked at the barrage, “Brothers, a little more serious, we are talking about scientific knowledge now, and your thinking is too dirty.

Then we will continue the social rank of the monkey group. Generally speaking, the adult male golden monkey as a parent has no burdensome responsibility except for childbearing. I go back and take care of its descendants, that is, the cubs who have not yet grown up. .

Some female golden monkeys are responsible for going out to find food, and the remaining female golden monkeys will be responsible for sharing the work of caring for the cubs. Their care for the cubs is meticulous. Although they are not their biological children, they also desire to be able to mate and have children. Opportunity, so I will show myself as much as possible in the family to get the favor of parents.

The size of a monkey family is usually determined by the number of female golden monkeys. The more female golden monkeys around the parents, the larger the family.

After my observation for a while, there are probably more than one hundred snub-nosed monkeys, but some of them did not follow them to the Valley of Death!”

Liu Wei focused on a snub-nosed monkey sitting on a branch high above the big tree. It has thick hair and strong limbs. There are many snub-nosed monkeys around it.

Liu Wei inferred: “That golden monkey should be the parent of the monkey family. I need to talk to it and let it show me the way, otherwise they will slip away, and it will be difficult for me to get out of the valley of death.”

After talking, Liu Wei took the live phone and came to the tree where the golden monkey leader sat and began to climb.

With the assistance of gecko boots, Liu Wei’s ability to climb trees has been greatly improved.

The group of golden monkeys moving around noticed Liu Wei. They twisted their heads and looked at Liu Wei.

Several naughty golden monkeys climbed down from the tree, scratched Liu Wei’s body twice and crawled back quickly.

They often contact humans, so they are not new to humans. In the past ten years or so, the impressions they have made on them are friendly, so they are not afraid of Liu Wei.

Instead, he jumped up with Liu Wei.

Climbing on the tree trunk, Liu Weizhen had no way to get the golden monkey, and he had no room to fight back.

Ride on your neck for a while and scratch your hair twice.

After a while, hug your thighs and untie your laces.

Liu Wei can only drive them away with one hand, and can’t disturb them, so what the audience sees in the live broadcast is: Liu Wei lying on the tree, crying and laughing, saying “Don’t make trouble”, “Be good”, “Uncle for a while Give you an apple to eat”, “Please beg for a while!”


“No, my chrysanthemums are tight!”

“The monkeys are so naughty!”

“This is the first time I have seen Awei look bitter!”

Rocket × 2 was sent in the pain of his life, “Sympathize with Awei for two minutes!”

Xiaoyao farmers sent out the plane × 5, “Awei, come on!”

Liu Wei spent the strength of nine cows and two tigers and finally climbed up, panting and puffing, messy hair, and an embarrassed look.

As soon as he sat down, the leader of the monkey group looked back at him, and then he turned and blinked, and jumped to a tree opposite, sitting on the tree and looking at Liu Wei leisurely, holding the apple just sent by the family members. After enjoying it, the branch on which it sits swings up and down, and the leader of the monkey group looks relaxed and comfortable.

It just tells Liu Wei that I am teasing you.

Liu Wei sighed.

“It’s so hard, so hard!”

“Give up! Awei, people don’t want to talk to you!”

“Shall we call you for help?”

“Awei, you are too pitiful, woooo~, hahahaha!”

“Is it a human upstairs? Madly taunting Awei, but I like it, hehehe!”

Liu Wei wiped his face, raised his head, and looked at the leader of the monkey group with a smile, “Brother Monkey, sit back, let’s talk!”

The leader finished the apple in a few bites and threw the debris to Liu Wei.


In the middle of the forehead.

The golden monkeys around seemed to laugh, folded their hands slightly, hung down on their chests, raised their heads and opened their mouths to make a “chirping” cry.

Obviously mocking!

Too bully!

Liu Wei still smiled, took the apple core thrown by the leader of the monkey group, and preached to the leader: “This apple, I gave it to you, sit down, let’s talk, if it becomes, I will give you more food!”

The leader didn’t understand Liu Wei’s words well, but it clearly saw that Liu Wei was reminding him that he still had an apple in his hand.

The chief glanced back at his family members. The members did not express their opinions, they were all looking at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei gestured again: “I will give you two baskets of apples!”

“Two baskets!” Liu Wei gestured and gestured.

The leader of the monkey group stood up, hung one hand on the branch, swayed, jumped over, grabbed the branch where Liu Wei was sitting, adjusted his body and sat down to stare at Liu Wei.

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