Beast Studio

Chapter 49 - Chinese Bee

If he is guilty, no one is watching the live broadcast.

Just now a group of people went crazy about Liu Wei. When Liu Wei went to the dinner table, he watched him honestly peeling the lobster and drinking the turtle soup.


Really fragrant.

The original plan was that Liu Wei would stay with Xiao Xiao one day tomorrow, and then set off at Mangshan to find Mangshan iron head.

In order to make Liu Wei more enjoyable, and let the brothers in the broadcast room see better programs, he contacted a local bumblebee farmer.

Xiao Xiao said: “Awei, I will take you to a more powerful challenge tomorrow. I don’t know if you dare?”

He sold a pass, did not directly explain what the challenge was, mainly to listen to the audience in the live broadcast room, which caused a sense of anticipation.

Liu Wei: “Is it related to animals?”

“Is an insect an animal?” Xiao Xiao asked.

Liu Wei nodded.

“That’s it!”

Liu Wei smiled and said: “All the challenges related to animals, I will not refuse to come!”

After drinking a can of beer, Liu Wei couldn’t help but say hi, but his mind was still clear. Xiao Xiao mentioned that it is an insect. Can an insect be a poisonous snake?

He was not too worried.

After eating, he walked around Xiao Xiao’s base and returned to the hotel in town to rest.

Following Xiao Xiao to the destination the next day, Liu Wei learned that Xiao Xiao’s challenge yesterday was related to bees.

Standing far away, you can hear the sound of “Weng Bum” bees instigating their wings.

Xiao Xiao introduced: “This is a place where my friend keeps bumblebees. I brought you here today to let you try to wear bee suits. Last time I was going to do a bee suit show. I saw so much soil. Feng Zi flew around and gave up directly. I’m afraid of that stuff. I believe you are fine. You are an expert!”

do not know why.

Liu Wei vaguely felt that the purpose Xiao Xiao brought him today was impure.

Does the phrase “you are an expert” boast about yourself? Or are you mocking yourself to admit it later?

The brothers in the broadcast room were curious, “Awei, what is a bee suit?”

Liu Wei answered briefly: “Take bees as clothes!”

“How to wear?”

Liu Wei: “Take out the queen bee and hang it on your body, let all the other bees crawl onto your body, and cover your whole body. It looks like you are wearing a dress. The beekeeper is called wearing a bee coat!”

“Such awesome?”

“Awei, will it be dangerous?”

“Awei, forget it! Xiao Xiao must have made you ugly!”

“Right, right, he didn’t dare to go up, he pulled you, there was no motivation!”

Liu Wei: “Brothers, don’t take Xiao Xiao’s rhythm. You have seen it in the past two days. He has no problem as a man.

I believe he also wants to make a better-looking program for everyone. Besides, if I don’t go, he can’t pull me on! “

“Are you still going or not?”

“Last feather! I didn’t dare to think about it, a scene where a bee crawled all over my body!”

“I have intensive phobia, I dare not watch it!”

Liu Wei: “Let’s look at the situation in a moment! Brothers, rest assured, I can hold a good balance!”


Xiao Xiao’s friend greeted him.

Xiao Xiao introduced: “This is my good friend Awei, who also does live broadcasting. Today I will take him to challenge!

Awei, my friend Lao Chen!”

“Hello there!”

“Hello there!”

Liu Wei and Lao Chen shook hands friendlyly. Lao Chen smiled and said, “Are you sure you want to challenge?”

Xiao Xiao smiled and said: “Let Awei come this time, he specializes in animal research, Tu Deaf sees him to detour!”

He started to say hi again, Liu Wei thought: Brother Xiao, how can you step down after raising me so high?

“Yes, bravery, in fact, it is not too difficult!” Old Chen gave Liu Wei a meaningful look.

As if to say it again, it is not difficult for me. For you, you might not dare to stand there.

Liu Wei followed them to the breeding base, chatting while walking, and talking about wearing bee clothes on the way.

Roughly speaking, as long as you follow his steps, there will not be much danger. The key is to test a person’s courage. Do you have the courage to stand up?

Liu Wei took a sip, but in fact he was a little flustered, but when he had dinner yesterday, the words had already been released.

Although it is also a program effect to admit that cheating is cheap, the effect is definitely not as explosive as the effect he participated in the challenge.

“Sit for a while!” Lao Chen took two stools out.

Lao Chen rushed to Liu Wei and Xiao Xiao with two cups of freshly processed honey water, “Taste, pure natural honey!”

Liu Wei took a bite, it was very sweet, even a little bit tired.

Lao Chen said: “Our family’s honey is famous throughout Honghu. The key lies in its pureness. Many farmers who keep beekeepers add sugar to the finished honey in order to make money.

I have never done this to corrupt the character. It is actually very simple to tell the truth of honey!”

With that said, he took two mineral water bottles, added a spoonful of honey, and then poured half a bottle of water.

Screw on the cap and shake vigorously.

After shaking, he placed it on the table. Old Chen said: “The foam on the bottle surface is real honey. The purer the honey, the longer the foam will last. I don’t believe that we will look at it after wearing the bee coat. The foam must still be there!”

Liu Wei listened to the local beekeepers in Liujiawan Village about this method of distinguishing true and false honey.

Xiao Xiao turned his head to look at Liu Wei, “Should we go and see the bee first, after reading it, you decide whether you want to challenge?”

Liu Wei nodded, “Yes!”

“Old Chen trouble you to lead the way!” Xiao Xiao asked.

Lao Chen took two hoods out of the house and handed them to Liu Wei and Xiao Xiao, “Bring it on! Fly to your face in a while and crawl uncomfortably!”

Xiao Xiao took it and put it on quickly.

Liu Wei refused: “No, since it is necessary to challenge wearing bee suits, it is not bad to get in touch with them at zero distance in advance!”

“Awesome!” Xiao Xiao said with a thumbs up.

“All right! Anyway, I’ll follow you. Just tell me something uncomfortable in a while!” Lao Chen didn’t force Liu Wei to take the hood. In his opinion, the bumblebee was really nothing terrible. The main reason was that Liu Wei was scared because when Xiao Xiao came, he ran around scared and got a few stitches.

Liu Wei followed.

Lao Chen’s farm is very simple. It is an open-air farm. In a field full of orange trees, it is estimated that there are more than 20 beehives on a large scale.

The camera in the live broadcast room was aimed at the beehive, and it was impossible to count how many bees were flying randomly.

The barrage speed of the live broadcast room has temporarily slowed down, and water friends have been attracted by thousands of bees.

Some are surprised, some are scared, and some look very exciting…

They are all thinking about the same question. What would it be like if the bees all flew to Liu Wei and crawled on Liu Wei?

Liu Wei went on to open a simple popular science and said: “The honey you see now, its scientific name is Chinese bee, and beekeepers generally call it bumblebee, it is a subspecies of oriental bee, and belongs to the unique bee species of China. .

Just like the Chinese pastoral cat and Chinese pastoral dog, they are all named after the Chinese, which proves that this breed is only available in China.

Chinese bees can make good use of scattered honey plants, with strong collection power, high utilization rate, long honey collection period and adaptability, and strong resistance to mites and diseases, which is very suitable for fixed-point breeding in mountainous areas of China. In 2006, Chinese honeybees were included in the national animal genetic resources protection of the Ministry of Agriculture. “

Old Chen turned to Xiao Xiao with a smile and said, “Your friend knows a lot!”

Xiao Xiao laughed: “People are professional, the theory is stronger than you!”

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