Beast Studio

Chapter 50 - Can challenge

The corner of Lao Chen’s mouth slightly tilted upward.

He seemed to disagree with Xiao Xiao’s words.

I thought, even if Liu Wei’s theory is stronger than him, he may not be able to keep bees, and he can harvest pure honey every year.

He decided to go up and demonstrate himself in the section of wearing a bee jacket later. That scene should be able to scare Liu Wei away.

Liu Wei naturally didn’t know Lao Chen’s careful thinking. He was serious about some information about Chinese bees in the popular science.

Walk to the beehive.

The voice of “Weng Bum” has overshadowed the voice of Lao Chen. Lao Chen must increase the volume to introduce his proud industry.

Liu Wei is surrounded by bees, and it is inevitable that a few of them will fly to his face and neck.

He knows that as long as he does not anger the Chinese bees, the chance of stabbing you is very small.

The audience in the live room was excited.

“Awei, there is a bee on your forehead!”

“There are also around my neck!”

“Lying trough, crawl on your nose!”

Liu Wei said very calmly: “It’s normal, it will fly away to collect honey in a moment!”

At this time, Lao Chen squatted down to introduce his beehive, detailing how bees collect honey? How is pollen formed? How is honey processed?

He opened the beehive, “Now we take out the queen bee, ready to wear a bee suit, there can only be one queen bee in each beehive”, and suddenly looked back at Liu Wei, “Awei is it? Xiao Xiao said that your theory is very strong, Do you know how the queen bee was formed?”

Is this testing yourself?

Liu Wei thought, do you want to use such simple questions to embarrass yourself?

Liu Wei smiled at the live broadcast audience and said: “The queen queen is actually a mature mother bee, and everyone may have a misunderstanding about the queen bee.

Many people think that the queen bee, like other animal groups, exists as a group leader. In fact, the queen bee is just a breeding tool, and its main function is to reproduce. “

Liu Wei took the protected queen bee in a small box from the hands of old Chen, “Brothers should be able to see clearly now? The queen bee’s body is in the shape of a heart, which is about one third longer than the average worker bee. .

A mating Chinese honey bee queen is filled with 5-7 million sperm in the receiving body, and can produce 800-1300 eggs a day and night. A good Chinese honey bee queen can lay more than 100,000 eggs annually.

At the peak of reproduction, a queen bee can spawn about 2,000 eggs per day, and the reproduction ability is extremely strong.

Beekeepers like Lao Chen most hope that the queen bee can maintain a high reproductive capacity. The more breeding, the more honey.

Generally, the life span of queen bees is 3 to 5 years, but due to the decline in reproductive capacity, they cannot meet the production needs of Lao Chen’s bees.

Therefore, the queen bee can be cultivated artificially, and ordinary worker bees can eat royal jelly for three or four months after they ooze into larvae. Queen bee.

The process of queen bee production is not complicated. Old Chen, I don’t know if I have said something wrong? Please correct me. “

Old Chen Mumu looked at Liu Wei, which meant exactly what Liu Wei said. He could only briefly explain the general meaning himself, but he couldn’t tell it in a systematic way like Liu Wei.

What surprised him even more was Liu Wei’s guts.

Because he took the queen bee from his hand, all the bees in the beehive would swarm and fly towards him.

Just like in the current scene, Liu Wei’s right arm was covered with bees, and the front part was no longer visible, and was occupied by a dense black bee.

Lao Chen couldn’t see the slightest fear on Liu Wei’s face, but instead hung a plain smile.

He turned to look at Xiao Xiao who was standing next to him. Xiao Xiao stared at Liu Wei’s arm and lipped his mouth, “Oh, hey, hey~”

Hey, he kept covering his fears at this moment with a tone of voice.

Lao Chen was ready to take back the queen bee.

“Lao Chen, wait a second!” Liu Wei then said to the popular science, “Do the brothers know why all the worker bees rush up?

Let me briefly explain to you, because the queen bees secrete unique pheromones to inhibit the development of worker ovaries and attract worker bees to form feeding loops.

Worker bees will always surround the queen bee, like the “waiter” to cater to its needs, such as providing food, cleaning up garbage, etc.

The queen bee has a direct impact on the production performance, disease resistance, bee separation and so on of the bee colony. “

“Got it, go, Awei, take it away! I’m afraid!”

After Liu Wei finished his speech, “Lao Chen has trouble you!”

Lao Chen took a copper pot and a small broom, smoked bees, and gently swept on Liu Wei’s arm, then took away the queen bee that Liu Wei was holding.

The swarm started to move towards Lao Chen.

Xiao Xiao stepped up and asked, “What’s it feeling like? I see a group of bees crawling on your hand, I’m covered in goose bumps!”

“Okay! Just a little itchy!”

Liu Wei replied that when he first came in and saw so many bees, he was a little flustered, but when he really got the queen bee and felt the bees crawling on his body, he was quite calm.

He speculated that it might be that the guts medicament he had taken previously increased his guts, and when challenged, he encouraged himself to maintain a calm state of mind.

“Are you still challenging to wear a bee suit?” Xiao Xiao asked.

Lao Chen interjected: “He should be fine, see you guys! Try it if you want to try it!”

Liu Wei asked the audience in the live broadcast room, “Do you want to watch?”

“miss you!”

“I definitely want to see it, but I am a little worried about you!”

“Awei, choose for yourself! We can do it!”

“Okay!” Liu Wei said firmly, “I’ll challenge it!”

The name change meeting will win a super rocket × 1.

Only three seconds, Director Zhang sends out the super rocket × 2

Liu Wei: “Winning brother, Director Zhang, are you all here?”

Director Zhang with only three seconds: “I just appreciate my courage soon!”

Liu Wei smiled and nodded at the live broadcast room, toward Lao Chen, “Lao Chen, please make a demonstration first!”

“No problem!” Old Chen readily agreed. He now admires Liu Wei a little bit. He used to think that Liu Wei was a nerd with a strong theory. His move just holding the queen bee made him want to see.

Old Chen Lima called his wife and asked her to come over. He needed professionals to assist him during the demonstration. Liu Wei and Xiao Xiao were obviously not good choices.

Lao Chen’s wife rushed to the scene, and Lao Chen gave her the blowpipe and the broom.

Then he took a few steps back and sat under an orange tree. He tied the queen bee to his waist.

Slowly, a group of bees “Weng Bum” flew to his body, spreading from waist to stomach, more and more bees flying past, the specific number is uncountable.

Ten minutes later, it had spread to the position of his chest and continued to spread to the head, and the bee crawled around on his smooth upper body.

Half an hour later, all bees crawled from the neck to the waist.

When Lao Chen’s wife checked that there was a bee flying to Lao Chen’s mouth or nostril, she used smoke to smoke it away.

The audience in the two live rooms looked stupid.

“Tannima is exciting!”

“Are you dying?”

“Awei, I advise you not to challenge!”

PS: Thank you “why are you hungry” again, thank you.

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