Beastman Forcefully Raising a Wife

Chapter 79

The shell Shu Jintian was in floated on the blue water at night. The slightly chilly water surface was even colder at night. Shu Jintian spent all night curled up. When the sun emerged and the warm, orange rays spilled out onto the water surface, Shu Jintian had already been shivering from the cold.

“We’re here. Tiantian, bear with it, you’ll be okay once we go home.” Shu Hanyu turned into his human form, both hands pushing the shell as he spoke worriedly. He could clearly feel the decline in temperature of Shu Jintian’s body and was afraid Shu Jintian would fall sick from the cold again.

“I- I’m still okay. Don’t worry,” Shu Jintian said while shivering.

Before their eyes was the rock cliff where Shu Jintian had fallen into the water. Shu Jintian’s body trembled, but his gaze abruptly turned cold, a raging fury and hatred ignited in his eyes.

“Hanyu, I want to go up and take a look.”

Shu Hanyu stroked Shu Jintian’s head and said, “Okay! I’ll carry you up.”

Shu Jintian felt weak all over when he got out of the shell-ship. Shu Hanyu carried Shu Jintian and strode up the rock stage.

Ever since Guoguo could freely change forms, he had always been using his snake form, and was now blindly following his fathers.

Broken stones were set about in a disarray on the stone platform. The blood was already washed away by the rain and the air was full of the blue water’s salty and fishy scent, as if reeking of the bloodiness left from the big snake and beastman’s decisive battle.

There wasn’t the imagined rotting corpse on the ground, just a small amount of brown fur stuck in the blood-mixed mud and fur floating in the air along with the wind.

Guoguo lost his temper upon reaching the rock platform and kept spitting out his forked tongue. He put on a fierce and combative appearance, as if the enemy was still present.

Shu Jintian’s chest violently heaved, his hands grasping Shu Hanyu’s arm unconsciously tightening. Shu Hanyu saw that Shu Jintian wanted to say something and rushed to be first to say, “He is really dead. There are diverse birds and beasts here, and his corpse definitely would be picked clean after being left here. Don’t think too much, Tiantian, and don’t be too angry. Your health is important.”

Shu Jintian’s eyes were dark and fierce. He didn’t reply to Shu Hanyu, letting go of his arm as he walked towards the place where fur was stuck. He ruthlessly stomped on the brown fur with his feet, forcefully exerting himself as if it was Yan Ze himself under his feet.

“Letting you die like this is definitely letting you off lightly! I just hate that I couldn’t kill you myself, personally taking revenge for my children!”

Shu Hanyu felt unbearably distressed, immediately stepping forward to sweep Shu Jintian up, soothing him, “Tiantian is too angry, you’re too cold. Let’s go home, go home.”

Shu Jintian wrapped his arms around Shu Hanyu’s neck, feeling sorrowful and infuriated. Shu Jintian hugged Shu Hanyu in return while shuddering, saying with a choked voice, “Mn, let’s go home.”

They did not live here for a time and the cluster of weeds that Shu Jintian had cleared away by the cave entrance had returned with gusto, covering up the ground dyed with red, but unable to disperse the faint bloody odour in the air.

Shu Jintian’s throat seemed as if it was stuffed by a wad of cotton, his voice thick and mournful.

Shu Hanyu’s heart seized and he tightened his hold.

“Don’t blame yourself, Tiantian, it’s all in the past. It’s fine as long as you’re okay. …You’re tired, so let’s quickly go back and rest ba.”

“No, I want to touch them…” Shu Jintian lifted his head from Shu Hanyu’s embrace, tears already covering his face. Shu Jintian stretched a hand towards the ground, speaking sorrowfully.

Even if the matter had already passed, Shu Jintian was unable to forget the little snakes’ eyes at death’s door. The little snake’s hope during its bitter struggle upon seeing him, then the gradual despair before becoming lifeless. This scene was like a venomous sting, ruthlessly piercing Shu Jintian’s eyes. Everything before Shu Jintian was blood-red, as if the entire world was dyed in the colour red.

Shu Hanyu quietly sighed and kneeled on the ground while holding Shu Jintian so it would be easier for him to touch the ground.

Guoguo followed close behind Shu Hanyu, but his eyes didn’t have much sorrow; there was more fear and shadows instead.

It was all because he wasn’t strong enough, which was why he could be controlled. Guoguo lifted his head high, his gaze unswervingly determined. In the future, he must become strong, so that he could protect himself and people he cared for.

Shu Jintian stretched out a trembling hand, stroking the ground, his prominently knuckled hands completely colourless.

“Little snakes…” The instant he touched the ground, the icy-cool sensation of the earth was transmitted to his hand and felt like the temperature of the little snakes’ skin. Shu Jintian suddenly coughed out a mouthful of blood, the scalding hot blood spilling onto Shu Hanyu’s bare skin. Shu Hanyu was startled and cried out, “Tiantian! Tiantian, are you okay?!”

“I’m… fine, cough!” Shu Jintian hadn’t finished speaking when he coughed out another mouthful of blood. Shu Jintian only saw his vision turn black and then lost awareness. His arm limply dangled down and he fainted.

“Tiantian!” Shu Hanyu hissed and cried, forcefully shaking Shu Jintian.

‘Sss!’ Guoguo startled and frantically crawled to female father’s side, looking at him in alarm. What’s wrong with baba?

Shu Hanyu didn’t have the energy to bother with Guoguo, wiping off the blood on Shu Jintian’s face in a panic. Sensing that he was still breathing, he finally relaxed a little. Then, he picked Shu Jintian up in his arms and strode back into the cave.

“Tiantian, let’s go back to bed and sleep.”

Shu Hanyu placed Shu Jintian on the inner side of the bed and wrapped him up in the thickest animal hide.

Although it was the blistering hot season, Shu Jintian’s body was ice-cold and almost the same as Shu Hanyu’s. Shu Hanyu tightened the blankets around him, afraid that he would make Shu Jintian feel cold, then wrapped Shu Jintian up in another layer of slightly thinner and sleeker furred animal hide. He then hugged him through the layer. After a long while, Shu Jintian’s body temperature finally rose again and his breathing evened out. Shu Hanyu sighed in relief.

Once Shu Jintian woke up, he noticed that he was back home and was still a little stunned. The animal hide bed was still just as warm and he was wrapped up in a thick hide blanket; the soft texture felt very soothing. It was as if he had always been here and everything that had recently occurred was no more than a nightmare.

“You’re awake, Tiantian. I boiled some soup; quickly come and eat ba.”

Shu Hanyu’s delighted voice rang out and Shu Jintian then realised that Shu Hanyu was hugging him. It was just that Shu Jintian was already too used to Shu Hanyu’s entanglement, so much that he didn’t feel it at the start.

Shu Hanyu’s body still had several faint scars of various sizes, reminding Shu Jintian that those matters had genuinely happened.

Shu Jintian shuffled into Shu Hanyu’s embrace, saying dispiritedly, “I don’t feel like eating.”

Shu Hanyu’s brows knitted and he said in a deep tone, “No. You haven’t had a good meal in two days already.”

Seeing Shu Jintian’s mournful expression, Shu Hanyu heartache was endless. A hand gently stroking Shu Jintian’s stomach, he softened his tone and comforted, “Even if you don’t want to eat, you have to think for the children in your stomach ah. They’re still waiting for you to provide ne.”

Shu Jintian’s whole body trembled and he touched his belly. Shu Hanyu turned his hand to cover Shu Jintian’s palm, gently rubbing it.

“The soup is still hot. I’ll pour some for you.”

“Mn! I’ll eat. You hurry up and prepare.” Shu Jintian nodded heavily, his eyes holding new hope. His stomach still had children; he should pull himself together. This time, he had to protect the little snakes well, and definitely not allow Shu Hanyu to abandon them either.

Shu Hanyu smiled in satisfaction. Kissing Shu Jintian’s forehead, he softly hummed in response.

“Alright, I’ll go.” After that, Shu Hanyu got up and lifted the bed curtains to leave. Not long after, Shu Hanyu returned while carrying a pot of golden yellow Blazing Bird soup, and brought the bowl and chopsticks he had long prepared at the stone table. He ladled out a brimming bowl of soup for Shu Jintian.

“Tiantian should quickly eat while it’s hot,” Shu Hanyu said with a smile.

Shu Jintian took the bowl of soup and took a sip. The temperature was just right; not too hot or cold.

“Mn.” Shu Jintian endured his grief and drank the soup in big gulps. Hearing Shu Hanyu’s words, he didn’t forget to nod.

“Oh right, where’s Guoguo? Why haven’t I seen him?” While Shu Jintian ate, he reflexively thought of how he had to feed Guoguo as well, only then did he realise that he wasn’t here.

“He went out to find food ba,” Shu Hanyu nonchalantly said.

“Oh.” As Shu Jintian drank the soup, he felt himself become hungrier and his appetite also returned. He finished a bowl of soup in a few mouthfuls and ate two large bowls of bird meat before he barely felt content.

Sure enough, with babies, the amount of food he consumed increased again.

Shu Jintian exited the cave once more, and the weeds at the entrance had all been cleared away. New soil had been tilled and the air only had an earthy scent, suppressing Shu Jintian’s imagined bloody smell.

The three vats of millet they had previously gathered were still properly stored in the cave, but the grains they had gathered the day the mishap occurred had gone to waste. Those grains even grew sprouts at the entrance, their colour green and the sprout tender without stems yet. It wasn’t bitter, Shu Jintian tried to fry it in animal fat to eat. The flavour was unexpectedly good; as such, the rice sprouts were also formally added to Shu Jintian’s diet.

Shu Jintian was an optimist; after indulging in his grief for a period of time, he would evasively auto-filter some of the past to the back of his mind, focusing on supporting the fetus.

Shu Hanyu had no interest in giving Guoguo’s name. Shu Jintian thought, in any case, there were still children in his belly, and decided to wait for the eggies to be born and batched before giving all of them names together.

Recently, Guoguo was becoming active around the nearby verdant forest and didn’t like eating at home, preferring to scavenge alone outside. Sometimes, he would even bring back some food Shu Jintian liked. This conversely also lessened Shu Hanyu’s hunting work. And when Shu Hanyu went out, he would order Guoguo to protect Shu Jintian at home, and he would be a little more at ease outside. Only then did Shu Hanyu have slight approval in Guoguo living in their home.

Their days returned to  peace and quiet, and the time passed especially quickly. Shu Jintian ate and drank his fill every day, concentrating fully on studying how to nourish the fetus. He ate to his satisfaction, and his belly grew day by day.

Life as expected was especially blissful, up until over thirty days had passed. Shu Jintian’s belly was already the size of a six-month pregnant woman, and the pregnancy period was already more or less the same as the last time, yet the eggs hadn’t emerged after so long.

Although the birthing period was uncertain, Shu Jintian always felt uneasy.

Shu Jintian was a little sensitive during his pregnancy and couldn’t help overthinking, having a bad feeling. It was only when his belly was suddenly knocked on again, the strength even coming from within, that Shu Jintian couldn’t help freezing.

This… what’s up with this?

Baobao Notes

Man… i just try and figure out this mentality Jintian goes through… I think its cuz Hanyu has a characteristically basic mindset (as a beastman), while Jintian used to live in a society, and so comes along the inherent customs he’s used to, and he’s also the main character so you can see more of his thoughts.

When Jintian thought that he wanted to make sure Hanyu wouldn’t get rid of the children, my first thought was: but didn’t Hanyu say before that too many snakes in the same place would ruin the ecosystem? And then next I was like: but then again, he wanted children to alleviate his grief i guess…

Idk if its just me, but the author seems to prefer the ‘show don’t tell’ when it comes to character personality. Which is why a few people don’t like the characters i guess?

Of course, this is just my own opinion. >

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