Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 717

Chapter 717 Thunder Enters The Dinglong Mountains

After the beginning of spring, everything recovers.

Every hour or so, take a ten-minute break.

Fortunately, it is spring now, and there is no risk of beast swarms attacking, so the 50 kilometers can go back slower.

No matter if you want to prepare for the long trip on the side of the rock pile base, or on the waterfall base, the reinforcement of the three rivers, and the construction of the backup line of defense at the edge of the waterfall.

After Lei Ting’s flying height rose to 100 meters, Ye Qiong immediately pulled the reins and flew towards the giant sword base with Lei Ting’s sideways.

The vines on both sides of the waterfall also started a rapid growth mode.

The Naning Tribe’s Dakozi base is a bit far away, and it would take a long time to fly there, so it was not in Ye Qiong’s plan.

I just didn’t expect that the Thunder has grown so big now.

Ye Qiong also wanted to take the time to ride the Thunderbolt to the Dinglong Mountains for a stroll, to see the size of the Red Flame Leopard Tribe, the biggest enemy of the Ye Qiong Tribe.

Back at the canyon base, Ye Qiong’s tense nerves also relaxed, and he soon fell asleep.

It was fine when I came here in the morning, but now, with the increase in weight and the decline in endurance, we must take a break in time.

It is possible to ride around the Thunder for a few laps.

When I came to the other side of the water channel, the first thing I felt was the decrease in temperature.

The time is tight and the task is heavy, so Ye Qiong rested for a few days and was ready to take Thunder to the Dinglong Mountains.

Therefore, there is no evacuation pressure for the three river channels now, and the soldiers began to reinforce stones on both sides of each channel.

At night, it is more troublesome, and the vision is blocked, so the soldiers need to spread out to the periphery.

Can do many things.

Therefore, they have never seen Thunderbolt. The appearance of such a huge flying beast in the air immediately made them feel deeply shocked!

After turning over, Ye Qiong looked at the situation on the side of the giant sword base.

Children who have been running around all day, most of them are still asleep

At the entrance of the water channel, the soldiers had already tied the large raft here.

The place Ye Qiong wanted to go most now was the Red Flame Leopard Tribe.

After walking around the Great Sword Base, Ye Qiong rode the Thunder again and began to fly above the dense forest.

If this can be used well, it is not a bad thing for the tribe.

As the snow and ice on the ground melted, the ground had begun to soften.

As the thunder figure landed, several soldiers cheered excitedly.

And Ye Qiong must start to do one thing now, that is, the construction of the giant sword base within the Dinglong Mountains!

It’s almost the same as the central tribe going to the rubble.

Ye Qiong’s current plan is to expand the giant sword base as a special base. It has natural geographical advantages and is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Only dozens of soldiers are needed to block the entrance areas that can climb up. , the above is in an absolutely safe situation.

After a whole day of turbulence, those children were a little tired.

The reinforcement of the river channel by the soldiers must be able to withstand the summer storm, otherwise, a storm will come down.

Look at the tribe of those guys, what kind of connection is there with the madman…

After resting for a few days at the waterfall base, there was not much ice and snow left on the periphery of the Dinglong Mountains. Only on the top of the mountain can a large area of ice and snow be seen.

As for the edge of the waterfall, the stone defense line is the last line of defense and needs to be reinforced.

Ye Qiong patted Lei Ting’s head in the air, Lei Ting immediately accelerated his speed and flew towards the canyon base first.

They should never have imagined that the current Ye Qiong tribe has a flying beast.

But riding the Thunder is different. The field of vision is very wide. Flying all the way, as long as the error is not outrageous to dozens of kilometers, you can find it.

As long as supplies and food are abundant, people from the outside world must invest ten times or even dozens of times their troops if they want to attack.

Although the location marked on the map is only an approximate area.

Most of the flying monsters are a bit claustrophobic, but Lei Ting overcame it by himself.

However, it is still far from the maximum water flow in summer.

So Ye Qiong planned to fly over tomorrow to have a look, just to sum up the development of the wooden house base in summer.

Continuing to fly under the shocked gazes of the soldiers at the wooden house base and the soldiers of the Naning tribe.

It’s not that there are no torches, it’s just that relatively speaking, if such a large team is lit with just a few torches, it doesn’t make much sense.

As for Ye Qiong himself, he directly rode a snow-covered devil wolf and Kuang Beili and the others rushed over together.

Half an hour later, a pale yellow flame appeared in the direction of the army, and a string of enchanting figures swayed.

In general, the progress is similar to the expected progress. There are now several rows of mixed stone and wood residential areas above the boulder area.

Let them train and guard those children, Ye Qiong is the most reassuring.

As the night gradually deepened, in the absence of a light source, the speed of the snow wolf was very slow.

After riding the Thunderbolt and flying to the central tribe, Ye Qiong rode the Thunderbolt and flew back to the waterfall base after a lunch.

It’s not a big problem, it’s just a matter of eating, drinking and laughing. As for psychological things, Ye Qiong didn’t expect them to recover in a short time.

Of course I can’t go today.

Safety first!

Even a stone building, in the face of that kind of power, is not much different from a paper one.

Putting away the map, Ye Qiong rode a thunderbolt and flew around the giant sword base, looked at the terrain here, and then flew back in the direction of the wooden house base.

The one in the front of the team was Ye Qiong. Thunder had been flying for two days. After arriving at the base of the canyon, Ye Qiong let it stay there to rest.

A vine the thickness of a human thigh was divided into three strands, which were tied to the left, right, middle, and three positions of the raft.

After entering the Dinglong Mountains, Ye Qiong once again felt the chill of winter.

Under the watchful eyes of Duan and the soldiers, Ye Qiong rode the Thunder on the road. This time was of great significance, so Ye Qiong prepared some supplies and food.

Five hours later, the sky had already darkened, and the location of the large troop was about 50 kilometers away from the canyon base.

Thunder, who entered the Dinglong Mountains for the first time, immediately showed his curiosity, and the tension in the water channel disappeared.

After whistling at the thunder in the air, the thunder, who had already flew a few laps excitedly, immediately swooped down.

On the contrary, I was a little excited. After coming out, I jumped up abruptly, spread my wings under the stunned gaze of the soldiers at the wooden house base, and flew into the air!

The next time is going to be busy.

Soon, they saw Ye Qiong on Lei Ting’s back.

With a giant crossbow sitting in the town, the safety of the giant sword base is also greatly guaranteed.

In terms of vision, an insurmountable distance has been drawn from them.

The next morning, after getting up and having breakfast, Ye Qiong immediately rode the Thunder and set off on the road.

On the wooden house base, there are many soldiers of the Naning tribe, and these soldiers have not been to the waterfall base.

But for Ye Qiong, this is no longer important. If he rides in the past, he still has to spend some effort to find it.

The team of 150 people, after receiving those children, did not seem to expand as a whole, but felt a little thicker, and the speed was much slower than when they came over.

Therefore, the team of 150 people did not light the torches under the night.

After the two teams converged, Kuang Beili led the soldiers to replace the children who were a little taller and heavier.

With a gust of wind, Lei Ting’s figure landed next to the base of the wooden house, in front of Ye Qiong.

No exaggeration at all!

The arrow tower is being built in the edge area. After it is formed, the giant crossbow can be transported from the waterfall base.

The twenty or so fighters were stunned when they saw the thunder in the air, and stopped their work one after another.

In the daytime, you don’t need to worry about this problem. After all, Ye Qiong and Lei Ting are on guard in the sky, and you can see the situation at a height of 100 meters and a radius of more than ten kilometers.

“Choo Choo Choo……”

Although it has only been a few days, the scenery outside the Dinglong Mountains is already full of greenery.

The flow of water during a storm.

After the beginning of spring, after the construction of the soldiers at the end of winter, the giant sword base can now arrange the soldiers to garrison.

In this case, the time required for the return journey will be much slower than when it came.

Now upstream of the falls, the water flow is increasing every day as the snow and ice gradually melt.

After gathering into a line, it was directly carried on the shoulders by the dull ones.

In terms of stamina, the Snow Region Demon Wolf has a good performance, but it can’t stand running for a long time.

When they came from the Gaoshan base earlier, Ye Tianling and the soldiers only carried some water and rations with them. Only a few soldiers who were specially responsible for emergency situations carried some supplies.

There were surprises along the way.

However, there is already a hint of greenery in the dense forest here, that is, the snow accumulated between the trees has not yet begun to melt.

Ye Qiong brought Lei Ting directly here, and there was Duan who walked with Lei Ting.

After the waterfall was cut off, the waterfall cave was not affected in any way.

Followed by more than a dozen warriors riding the snow-covered demon wolves, the team entered the water channel.

If there is any movement on the Scarlet Flame Leopard’s side, it can also respond as soon as possible.

After explaining some things to Kuang Beili, Ye Qiong rode Lei Ting and flew away.

The next morning, Ye Qiong still got up early.

Ye Qiong rode the Thunder and took about twenty minutes to fly to the giant sword base.

The destination this time is very clear, that is, the Red Flame Leopard Tribe!

Ye Qiong suddenly turned over and rode on Lei Ting’s neck.

As for these children, Ye Qiong was not in a hurry to bring them over. Ye Qiong would not bring the children over until the giant sword base had a certain size and was able to protect himself.

Fortunately, the Demonic Wolf in the Snow Region has huge soles. After the speed increases, when it steps on the ground, it will only leave a shallow footprint, and there is no risk of falling into it directly.

I also happened to go to the giant sword base to have a look.

The current Thunderbolt has an extra large backpack on his back, but it is still much smaller than the dumb one.

After the construction of the arrow tower was completed and two giant crossbows were pulled, Ye Qiong planned to arrange the children at the canyon base, as well as some old warriors from the central tribe, here.

Unlike the soldiers of the Naning tribe, they came from the waterfall base, so they had seen Thunder.

But this time, the soldiers were riding lightly on the snowy demon wolf, and they didn’t bring the accompanying supplies or tents, so they could only bite the bullet and continue on their way. ..

This time Ye Qiong didn’t plan to fly back the same day. If something happened on the way, he would just stay in the Dinglong Mountains for a few more days.

At the Jujian base, there are already soldiers stationed there, not many, about 20 soldiers, responsible for continuing to expand the residential area there.

It takes more than 300 kilometers to get to the boulder base.

Take precautions before they happen!

Ye Qiong asked Lei Ting to rest on the boulder area for a while, then climbed directly to a stone-wood building and took out the map in his arms.

The speed of the advance was quickened immediately.

The buildings above and below the waterfall are likely to be completely scrapped in an instant.

Ye Qiong is now riding on Duan’s back. As for Lei Ting, he is now on the raft. Under Ye Qiong’s gesture, he leaned on the raft very obediently. As for the physical work of dragging Thunder into the Dinglong Mountains, it naturally fell on Duan.

Ye Qiong looked at the thunder soaring in the sky above the wooden house base, and also smiled, looking at the sky, it was just past noon.

The water flow of the waterfall base can be divided into three types, the water flow in early spring, the water flow in summer, and…

The power of the water flow after the rain gathers is very terrifying.

Look at the marked location of the Red Flame Leopard on the map.

In addition, within the Dinglong Mountains, we have to guard against the attack of the Red Flame Leopard Tribe.

It seems that the Dinglong Mountains side is still in the delay of winter.

The thunder in the air screamed excitedly, and seemed to like the environment in the Dinglong Mountains.

After the team reached the canyon base, it was already late at night.

The passage of more than ten kilometers, accompanied by Ye Qiong, although Lei Ting showed discomfort during the period, he still endured.

Big enough to easily carry humans in the air!

The canyon base has temporarily assumed the task of taking care of these more than 100 children.

In addition, prepare for the arrival of the Golden Eagle Group of Gale Wind, and clean up the black snakes around the altar.

Seeing that it was about to get dark, Ye Qiong looked at the surrounding terrain and determined where he was now.

Continue along the canyon rim area.

After returning to the wooden house base, today’s task can be considered completed. Ye Qiong returned to the wooden house base and rested in his small wooden house.

What needs to be careful and watch out for is the crazy crowd.

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