Beasts Are Boundless

Chapter 718

Chapter 718

Spring rain, for the inside of the Dinglong Mountains, came a little later than the outside.

It’s really too fragrant, I have to find a way to fool the seasoning!

It won’t be too cold, and there won’t be that kind of feeling of strong wind hitting your face. In this case, Ye Qiong is also in the mood to enjoy it.

After discovering a high slope, he pressed Lei Ting’s head and let Lei Ting fly directly over.

Compared with the monsters on the ground, the flying monsters have no body odor, mainly because they don’t sweat.

Watching Lei Ting’s figure gradually disappear, the soldiers of the Naning tribe did not ease for a long time.

After riding Lei Ting and leaving from the wooden house base, Ye Qiong did not worry too much about the speed, but let Lei Ting fly at the most stable flight speed, which was also the speed Ye Qiong felt most comfortable with.

The magical beasts in the Dinglong Mountains, after the beginning of spring, are probably all hidden quietly.

Can’t understand a word.

When the Ye Qiong tribe’s population base reaches tens of thousands, the corresponding systems will be gradually improved.

Riding the Thunder and flying until dusk, still did not see any tribes appearing in front.

In Thunder’s words, Ye Qiong doesn’t expect it to dig holes…

I am also waiting for that spring rain, otherwise, without the spring rain as a catalyst, the vegetation in the Dinglong Mountains will not be able to restore its vitality.

After spending so long with Na Ning and the warriors of their tribe at the waterfall base, Ye Qiong still learned a few words of the language of the Na Ning tribe.

No way, the Naning tribe’s culinary accomplishments are indeed much ahead of the Ye Qiong tribe, and I don’t know what seasonings were put in the cauldron, and the cooked meat is very fragrant…

After the mounts were changed, the soldiers of the Naning tribe naturally did not dare to recognize them randomly.

In their eyes, being able to ride a flying beast…

In some tribes, there are legends about flying monsters and flying knights.

Where have they seen any flying beasts, but they just thought that the human figure riding on it looked a little familiar?

However, as the temperature outside the Dinglong Mountains increased, subtly, the temperature inside the Dinglong Mountains was slowly rising.

So Ye Qiong came to Lei Ting’s side, waved to them, turned over suddenly, and came to Lei Ting’s back.

It is also the main force of the tribe’s winter supplies and food sources.

For such flying monsters, ordinary humans have deep awe in their bones.

If he understood the language, Ye Qiong really wanted to go for a walk with them, grab some food or something.

Although Ye Qiong’s pronunciation is a bit lame for them, they can still understand it. Ye Qiong is a bit talented in language!

After the beginning of spring, the soldiers of the Naning tribe will go out in the form of mercenaries to collect supplies and hunt food, and after taking them back to the tribe, they will exchange for corresponding rewards.

It can be seen that they are also out hunting, and the five forest ancient apes are already carrying several low-level beasts on their shoulders.

On Xuexing, you can’t see the other side of the blue parent star. The one that looks on Xuexing’s side will always be one side. Even if Ye Qiong has made an astronomical telescope now, he can’t see the blue parent star. What the back looks like.

This large-scale tribe has a very clear division of labor.

This thing is much more shocking to them than that kind of traffic star or something. If they knew how to sign, they would definitely push Ye Qiong and scratch on their animal skin coat a few times.

A few minutes later, when Lei Ting’s figure appeared again, under the one foot, he directly grabbed a low-level demon beast and flew back!

Ye Qiong’s fingers almost pointed directly at the bulging seasoning bag on the soldier’s waist.

At this point in time, they are no longer visible.

When he thought of this, Ye Qiong wandered to the two soldiers who were in charge of cooking the rice just now. “Hello…” This sentence is somewhat similar to hello in the Naning tribe, after translation.

I was thinking in my heart, with the current development speed of the tribe, when will it be able to fly to it.

There are still many monsters on the ground, and the highest level is the guardian beast.

The only thing that can be guessed now is that there is no high-level civilization that can conduct planetary exploration.

The meal has also been finished, and I have also obtained a lot of secret seasonings from the Naning tribe, and I can’t chat with them.

When flying in the air, sweat glands are not needed to help dissipate heat.

If there is anything to think about, it is…

Only in this way can the tribe be able to develop for a long time.

And what kind of scene is on the blue mother star…

Ye Qiong’s current location is in the central area within the dense forest. If it is summer, you can see very vigorous vegetation.

After chatting with the soldiers of the Naning tribe for a while, the enthusiastic soldiers were already cooking lunch.

Man Tutu spoke up, and gestured as he spoke.

The same is true of the guard-level monsters on the ground.

It’s still fresh!

When riding the Thunder, Ye Qiong needed to worry about the problem that he would fall off accidentally. As for the threat from the ground, he could basically ignore it.

Ye Qiong could only point to the still fragrant broth in the cauldron and say, “This… delicious… base… uh! Here’s some seasonings…”

After Lei Ting fell to the ground, Ye Qiong set up a bonfire and asked Lei Ting to catch the monsters…

“&…(()&)” The two warriors said to Ye Qiong enthusiastically.

If he couldn’t understand it, then Ye Qiong would be angry. If it weren’t for the soldiers of the Naning tribe, Ye Qiong would have wanted to grab them directly. The big deal was to let Lei Ting grab a few monsters for them.

It was Ye Qiong who took the initiative to greet them.

Seeing the warriors of the Naning tribe, the reason for this determination is actually very simple. There are forest ancient apes in the team.

The volume of the snow star is much larger than that of the earth, and the volume of the blue parent star is also much larger than that of the snow star.

Spring rain is as expensive as oil, if there is no oil, the source of power…

Last winter, Ye Qiong took time to visit the Naning tribe. For the Naning tribe, it was a relatively new time. In addition, Ye Qiong and stayed on the big shell made such a big noise. .

It refers to the soup in the pot, and then to the thing tied around the waists of the two soldiers.

A team galloped towards Ye Qiong’s position.

More than 30 people stopped fifty meters away from Ye Qiong, still a little afraid of thunder.

Guard-level monsters, Thunder may be able to kill them now, but it is obviously impossible to catch them and fly.

After the forest ancient apes left the dense forest, they could run on all fours, so they could completely keep up with the speed of the snow wolf.

far away……

No one can understand what the other party is saying, it’s all guesswork.

On one point, but there is one thing in common, that is, the warriors who can control the flying knights are synonymous with power, the kind that can be disconnected from the tribe.

After staying in place for a while, the middle-aged warrior who took the lead seemed to have confirmed Ye Qiong’s identity, and immediately greeted him with the warriors behind him.

Still have to find a place to spend the night.

The soldier just now, who wouldn’t dig Suosuo and left some seasonings, would definitely give it to Ye Qiong directly.

The snow and ice have not completely melted, so this swamp area still looks very open. When summer comes, a lot of vines will grow in it.

A group of people immediately felt that something was wrong.

Continue to fly northwest on the Thunder.

In the summer of the Naning tribe, there are many such small-scale teams.

That’s a bit of a waste.

With Lei Ting’s current size, there is no pressure to grab a low-level Warcraft and fly, but if the size reaches a high-level, it will be a bit difficult to fly. ,

The temperature has also dropped a lot at this moment, Ye Qiong turned over and lay directly on Lei Ting’s back, sticking his head out to face him.

Ye Qiong resisted the thought of giving him a hug, but he still had to pay attention to the friendship between the two tribes!

In the Naning tribe, the front-line warriors are fighting, unless it is a year when supplies and food are very scarce, otherwise, they will not participate in the gathering of materials and the hunting of monsters.

But even if he saw it, it actually didn’t make much sense. Ye Qiong came out with Thunder, even if he really killed a king-level monster, he couldn’t bring it back.

It’s a matter of finding and being found.

This thing!

The speed is still not fast, Ye Qiong is ready to stay in the Dinglong Mountains for a while.

So after Ye Qiong yelled a few times in the language of the Naning tribe, the guys put down the longbow in their hands.

However, Lei Ting also has the advantage of Lei Ting, that is, there is no need to dig a hole. As long as the weather is not too bad, Ye Qiong can directly get into Lei Ting’s wings.

They probably never imagined what Ye Qiong was going to do this time.

The two warriors felt a little flattered when they saw Ye Qiong approaching them.

Compared with the snow star, the relationship between the blue mother star and the snow star is somewhat similar to the relationship between the moon and the earth, but it is reversed.

After reaching the front, I found that there was actually a human on the back of the flying beast.

And in the jungle, the monsters also began to increase.

Otherwise, Xue Xing will definitely be able to find it.

Anyway, this season, for Thunder, grabbing some low-level monsters is just like playing.

This is also the main reason why Ye Qiong came down.

The wooden house building on the side of the big shell was almost submerged, so many soldiers of the Naning tribe still had a deep impression on Ye Qiong.

The soldier finally understood what Ye Qiong meant, and took out the seasoning packet that was bulging around his waist.

It is still impossible to steal.

After continuing to fly for an hour, Lei Ting’s figure rushed out of the dense forest and came to the edge of the swamp.

After throwing the low-level monster on the ground, the limbs of the monster were still twitching.

There are about thirty people in the team, and there are five forest ancient apes.

Ye Qiong pressed Lei Ting’s head and let Lei Ting fly to a high slope on the ground.

I don’t know what he said later, but judging from the expressions and actions of the other party, it must be that kind of polite words.

Ready to pour some out for Ye Qiong.

Even as long as there are warriors who can subdue the flying monsters, their status in the tribe can immediately be promoted to the top!

Already belong to that kind of legendary warrior!

Ye Qiong jumped directly from Thunder’s back and looked at what they and the forest ancient ape were carrying.

In order to express his gratitude, Ye Qiong waved his hand, and after Lei Ting had eaten his fill, he flew out.

“Hello…&…%¥&…%” The middle-aged warrior began to greet Ye Qiong.

There is no way to judge whether there is any civilization or not.

Ye Qiong’s eyesight is very sharp. When the two warriors were cooking the meat just now, Ye Qiong had been gazing in this direction.

Flying slowly all the way, Ye Qiong lay on his back on Lei Ting’s back, staring at the blue mother star in the sky in a daze.

The Red Flame Leopard Tribe, as the old enemy of the Naning Tribe, these warriors have to help the field. Although they can’t follow the past, they must express their spiritual support.

Unless it’s a lord-level monster, otherwise, it’s impossible to cause any trouble to Ye Qiong and Lei Ting.

And Ye Qiong can only understand the first two voices, which means you are good when translated.

However, if the monsters below the high rank are targeted by Thunder in the air, there is basically no possibility of surviving.

Came to Ye Qiong.

Ye Qiong immediately took it over without hesitation, and after smiling at the soldier, he stuffed the animal skin bag into his pocket.

Ye Qiong stood directly on Lei Ting’s back, and continued to wave at the soldiers of the Naning tribe.

At this point in time, if there was a beast tide in the Dinglong Mountains, it would have already collapsed, so in the dense forest, from time to time, you could see large-sized beasts.

Under the watchful eyes of the soldiers of the Naning tribe and the five forest ancient apes, Ye Qiong rode a thunderbolt into the air and flew towards the northwest.

Just a simple greeting or something.

The speed remained at about a hundred yards, and after flying for half an hour, the arrow tower at the base of the wooden house completely disappeared.

But I still didn’t dare to recognize it directly. After all, Ye Qiong rode there last year, and Lei Ting was just a young guy with full wings.

After all, he had received professional training before, and he was proficient in many languages, but now he has almost forgotten about it.

There is still a big difference from the situation in the small tribe, where the whole people are all soldiers, and the clansmen have to collect materials and hunt monsters.

There are many things in small tribes, and it is not necessary to distinguish so clearly, but when the scale of the tribe reaches a certain level, a system must be established.

When Dian Dian came out, Ye Qiong didn’t need to think about staying overnight. As a little digging expert, Ye Qiong could let Ye Qiong be at ease.

Ye Qiong naturally followed with a few polite words…

In that case, Ye Qiong was not too embarrassed to refuse, so he rubbed a meal by the way, and gave Lei Ting some boiled meat to eat.

The warrior was also quite generous, he poured out more than half of it, wrapped it in another small animal skin cloth, and handed it to Ye Qiong.

The purpose of their running here was not to say hello to Ye Qiong, but to see Lei Ting and want to come and hunt.

The yearning for the sky belongs to the dream of every human being.

Seeing that the spring is about to start, the Naning tribe will start to get busy.

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