Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 157

Vol 2 Chapter 147: Resurrection

Bellok left, they drove the plane back, I didn’t need to use that shameful gesture to open the portal to send them away.

The dog-legs mixed up well, and there was a special plane to pick them up.

I was supposed to study some magic and then add it to Belloc’s system, but the research of the Time Gem supported it.

There are a lot of parameters in the backtracking process. The method that Gu Yi discovered at the beginning cannot be directly used on living things, otherwise it will disappear.

According to my opinion, those chickens did not die out, but disappeared in time and space. Maybe they passed through, maybe I was thrown into which sub-space, maybe the time line started from there and another one…

This thing is an unreasonable existence, a bug in the universe.

The pope is a contemporary pope, and sincerely intends to take a pilgrimage road, but he didn’t expect that his body was not good and he was hung up on the road. Even if he died, he did not agree to get in the car. Those who have given their lives are worthy of admiration.

The popes of the other two religions are younger, but when they come here, they almost overdrawn the few remaining lives, but fortunately the old man rules this.

I’ve seen the body of the leader, and my super power shows that it is a piece of code and data that has been cleared to zero. There is no execution process or thread, and it’s dead. This was studied long ago. .

I used to copy the process and data while he was alive, and write it back when he died, but it failed and died. It was a child who accidentally fell from a tree.

I have tried the chicken before and arranged many ways to die, beheading, falling, trampling, headshot…, but as long as the chicken is wrapped in a space, even if only a part of it is wrapped, It can be resurrected, to be precise, everything in that space has been backtracked.

And that space can also be accelerated in time, the chicken will quickly die of old age.

But as long as there is a chicken skeleton, it can be traced back in its entirety.

The experiment was successful, but I don’t know if this chicken’s memory will have a problem, it looks okay.

If you want to use it on people, you still have to be cautious, after all, I have seen older children since I was young.

But the pope doesn’t matter, he’s not familiar, although he respects me very much.

I don’t want to be a pure and flawless God, so I can still start.

The place where    was held was in the church in front of the town, which was in line with his identity, but looking at the other two popes, their faces were not very good, and I knew what they were thinking.

They thought I was God and would join Christianity.

This resurrection technique is still very exciting, and there are a lot of people watching, so I have to add special effects to this thing.

On adding special effects, the old man will not lose to whom!

Tui! Rub your hands together.

I wanted to jump around his body a few times, but I was afraid that my unstructured dance would not be able to make it on the stage, so that it would be embarrassing for people to see who imitated, so I didn’t use it.

Say some spells in your mouth, right? I don’t even know what I’m reading. If you don’t believe me, what else can you connect with.

A beam of light descended, and soon, the pope’s corpse was wrapped in the space. He quickly looked back and saw his heartbeat recovering. He was about to wake up, and quickly dispelled the special effects.

He sat up slowly, looked around blankly, and finally locked his gaze on me. After all, the most dazzling person in the crowd was me… the golden invincible halo behind him.

I’m still looking back at the process just now. It’s not the same as a chicken. This corpse seems to have been injected with something. I guess it may be the process of the deceased and the memory, but I don’t know how it was obtained. That kind of mysterious power can bring the dead back to life.

The world is too wonderful, I only blame my superpowers for being too low, I can’t see all of them.

“My lord is here, your loyal people greet you. Thank you my lord for giving me rebirth.”

The first thing he did after he returned to God was to kneel’an, which was the style of their god-teaching country, which I didn’t like very much. Look at the Taoyuan Town I am now running. Everyone respects me as an ancestor. This is very good. Being an ancestor is much better than being a god. God can get from his people, and ancestors can do the same.

“You get up, with a little effort, by the way, do you feel any discomfort?”

“There is no discomfort, I am very well.”

I naturally wouldn’t believe what he said, I just look at his progress and data.

I quickly checked it a few times, but I couldn’t see any abnormalities, “Do you have any more memories that do not belong to you? Or have you forgotten something?”

He thought for a long time in doubt, then shook his head, “My lord, I have nothing to remember or forget.”

“You live here for a while, please explain to me as soon as possible if there is any abnormality.”


Seeing the resurrection of the dead, Garcia blushed, and his heart rate rose sharply, excited.

There are also Saiwen and the relatives of the town army in the crowd, and they are also very excited.

After dispersing the crowd of onlookers, the three popes expressed their intentions.

“I have seen your sincerity, but I am not the **** of each of your religions. However, I can agree to your request. Each of you will select a woman with the highest merit from each religion and send it to me. I will Train them… to be angels, and then return them to you.”

Aso, how do I feel that my words are a little weird? It’s like a previous life classmate asked me to go there and ask a few people to rub mud and wash my feet. Classmates, I have become a **** now, come and mix with me! I want to repay you for your hospitality, Assos! Actually asked my old lady to rub her feet…

The three of them all had expressions of surprise, and they knelt down again, expressing their gratitude and respect.

“I have seen some pictures of the future. Mankind is about to face a foreign invasion. After you return, you have to increase your training of your own believers, and strive to win a ray of life in the future.”

“Please follow the oracle.”

sent two away, and the pope wanted to stay for observation, but he also sent someone to go back to the country to prepare, and he could not fall behind the other two religions.

The mayor Billy naturally arranged for his residence, but I was dragged into a group of people by Gassy Lai, that is, a few family members who had lost their loved ones. Needless to say, they all knew their purpose.

“Wait another three days, let me see if there is anything unusual about the pope.”

Three days passed in a blink of an eye. Under my surveillance, I could see that the pope was nothing unusual. I gradually dropped my guard and prepared to revive Severn, the town army, and Natalie.

The poor Saiwen dog leg and the town army dog leg are mixed together But it’s okay. I tried to mix the flesh and blood of a chicken with a duck, but I managed to recover one. Chicken and duck.

Aso, how do you feel a bit like the weirdo of the clock tower? Or is it like an evil scientist?

It was a big icy mass, still exuding air-conditioning, Natalie was okay, at least physically intact.

These are three warriors who gave their lives for my mission goals.

“Garcia, how long have they been dead? I have to be accurate to the hour to restore them to that time.”

It was Banner who answered my question, “2976 hours, daddy, you can push forward for another half an hour, so it’s before they fight.”

The beam of light descended, and all that was left was to wait.

After waiting for about a minute, the three of them finally came back to life. When they were in a daze, I discovered that it was when their main process restarted.

It is said that I have never restarted the main process of others before. These four experiences have given me experience. Unlike my previous crude practice, the restart process of Gemstone is much more complicated.

I recorded all these processes. The injection that I couldn’t detect may be the process of rewriting the backup.

Can I also resurrect people who have backups like this in the future?

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