Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 158

Vol 2 Chapter 148: Fanya

“Fanya! Stop! Please… let me die there!”

The huge figure in front of him paused, and then went on holding the sled.

A person was dragged on the sled, fixed with a thick quilt, and a snow cloth was placed on his head.

Fortunately, the journey was not long, and they soon came to a processing factory that was still smoking.

The big man walked into the processing plant with his bag, and after a while, a roar of motors rang out, and an old tracked armored vehicle rushed out of the warehouse behind the processing plant.

When he reached the side of the sled, the armored car stopped, and the big man named Fanke drilled out of it. He opened the back door of the armored car, lifted the person on the sled into the car, fixed it, closed the door, and went back on the road. Although the voice of the person on the sled was still there, it was overwhelmed by the roar of the motor.

Two days later, they arrived at a port, sold the armored vehicle, and spent a large sum of money to board a simple smuggling submarine.

After boarding Alaska, they found a way to get two passports, replaced the photos, and flew to Vancouver first and then to New York.

The old man’s body deteriorated rapidly, he vomited blood several times, and his body was covered with blue-gray blood veins.

“Mr. Ivan, are you going to the Sant’Angelo? Are you looking for Raphael Sant’Angelo?”

The flight attendant on the plane paled with fright watching the old gentleman’s face and vomiting blood.

“Yes, I hope it’s time.”

“Do you need me to ask the captain to help you contact the driver at the New York Airport?”

“I need it very much, thank you very much.”

After landing, a special car will pick them up inside the airport when they get off the plane. Of course, this requires a price.

When rushing to the Holy Angel Orphanage, the old man was still hanging in a sigh.

As soon as he entered the angelic realm, Yiwen felt that the pain on his body was fading at a sensible speed.

The people next to him saw the old man on his body, and then looked at the blue lines on the old man’s skin, they knew that this was a critically ill patient and gave them a place.

Yiwen looked at the people around him vigilantly. He had never felt the care of others for him, but betrayed everywhere, so he was full of scrutiny and hostility towards everything in the world.

“Man, may I ask, are you a believer?”

a big beard asked him.

“Sorry, I am not.”

“Would you like to join us in Christianity? We can help you send people to the innermost part, and the chance of receiving the pity of the angel will greatly increase!”

“But I heard that as long as it’s in the Angel Realm, the effect is exactly the same.” These gods are shameless and shameless!

“Then you don’t want to see the angel side? The Holy Angel will show up in the small playground every day. You can’t see it when you stand here.”

“No, I am penniless and have committed many mistakes. I am ashamed to see her.”

“As long as the sin is not the worst, the envoy will forgive it.”

“Let me think about it. The envoy can forgive me, but I can’t help it myself.”

When the man saw him say that, he made a cross and left.

Yiwen listened to his father whose breathing became steady, and he breathed a long sigh of relief. He won the bet. This is not a scam!

So, do holy angels really exist?

Gods really exist?

“A **** textbook!”

“Fanke, I saw your grandma.”

“Shut up! Old bastard, you will be fine.” He took out a bottle of Chinese liquor bought in Alaska from his luggage, opened it and took a sip, then saw his father’s chapped lips and gave it to him. Take a sip.

I don’t know the reason for the white bear’s physique. The old man’s face after taking a sip was actually ruddy, “Fanke, where are we?”

“A place with angels.”

“Then why are you here too!?” He sat up abruptly.

“Lie down, old bastard! You are not quite well yet.” Ivan forced him down.

“Fanke, are you dead too? Why?”

“I am not dead, and you are not dead, I found a place to heal you, here is a…a holy angel.”

“Are you talking about the doctor?”


“Did I take any medicine? I feel that I am recovering quickly. This is unscientific…”

“I saw it, okay, you shut up and rest, I don’t want to hear your noise, I want to be quiet.”

In any case, the old man’s illness quickly recovered. After waiting for three days, the old man was named and healed. Please leave the angel realm. They left, but they confirmed the existence of the angel again, because he hadn’t told anyone about it since he got here. Name.

“Fanke, I want to see her, your grandma.”

“Have you figured out how to face Uncle Ivica?”

The old man lowered his head, walked for a while, and then asked, “Then where are we going now?”

“Let’s go to Taoyuan Town, I want to confirm whether God really exists.”

The old man didn’t speak, three days, enough to break his three views hundreds of times.

Two days later, the two stood on Zhenkou Street in Taoyuan Town, and the old man said, “Fanke, this place seems…it seems to be your second uncle’s house, but the previous name was Walnut Town.”

Yiwen’s answer was simpler. He asked someone who opened the shop and asked: “Is there an old man named Iveka Ivan Fanco in your town?”

“Are you looking for Ivica?”

“His ancestors are from Russia. Was this place called Walnut Town before?”

“Yes, it was called Walnut Town twenty years ago, and Iveka is a Russian. Listen to your accent from Russia? You can use Russian directly in the town, and everyone here will speak it.”

“Really?” Ivan’s words started in Russian.

“Of course, who are you from Iveka?” The old man who opened the shop said to him in a very standard and fluent Russian.

Yiwen was surprised at his Russian fluency, but he still pressed curiously and said: “This is my father, Iveka is my second uncle.”

“God, I didn’t even know Iveka had other relatives, wait, I will take you there.”

The old man’s shop was not closed, and he walked out directly into the town with them.

“You, don’t you need to see the store?”

“It’s okay, it’s fully automatic sales. I just went to replenish the goods just now I don’t need to watch it all the time.”

“Have you ever stayed in Russia before? I hear your Russian very standard.”

“Haha, I’ll talk about this later.” The old man avoided talking, and led them across the town to the other end.

The town has a very large flow of people, and construction sites can be seen everywhere. Although there are many spray devices and no dust is raised, the noise during construction is unavoidable. This is a prosperous town.

Soon, they came to an independent house, forty or fifty meters away, and they could hear the loud voices of people coming from that house, as if they were cheering.

knocked on the door a lot, and then someone came to open it. It was a beautiful blonde with a graceful figure.

“Huh? Sapir, hello, come in quickly, these two are…”

“Hello, Miss Natasha, congratulations on your successful resurrection. These two said that they are relatives of Iveka, come to recognize each other.”

“Thank you, Sapir, do you want to come in for a drink? Come in!”

Yiwen thought that the girl whose name was obviously Russian was the daughter of his second uncle, but they could give birth to such a beautiful girl from the Fanke family?

is too fake, right? No matter you, your father, or the young second uncle you can see from the photo is crooked, she is so beautiful, it’s impossible…My second aunt…

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