Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 159

Vol 2 Chapter 149: Fanya Ivan Fanko

A long table was set up in the hall with food spread on it. A dozen people were chatting around the table, their faces flushed with excitement.

Andong suddenly locked his eyes on an old man!

And the old man kept looking at him after seeing him come in. He stood up and said, “Anton, come here.”

Anton walked to the table. The girl named Natasha just now hurriedly moved two chairs for them, and then added tableware for them.

“Ivica, I…”

“Anton, I should have been angry with you and kicked you out of the house, but I am happy today. I don’t want to mention the past. Drink the bar. Today is your nephew’s resurrection birthday. I don’t want to mention the past. Up.”

Iveka seems to be a little drunk, but he won’t get drunk, because all the old men in Taoyuan Town have this treatment. The two big guys sitting next to him hugged him on his shoulders, “Daddy/Dad, be happy!”

“By the way, Anton, I forgot to introduce it. This is your nephew, Sivins. This is the adopted son I officially adopted today. I said that the adopted son is not suitable. After all, he doesn’t need me to raise him. That is righteousness Son, his name is Banner, it’s amazing. There are several Ph.Ds, the top-notch ones, and the others are from the same year or friends in the town, Natasha, Wang Zhenjun, Yang Peng, Malz…”

The amount of information is a bit big, what is the resurrection birthday?

“Ivica, this is my son, Fanya.”

“Hello, big brother!” Sivins reached out and shook hands with Fanya Ivan Fanko, and Banner did the same. He is now the adopted son of Ivica, and he will have to provide him with a coffin for the elderly in the future. Kind.

Fanya (renamed to avoid chaos in the family) felt the infinite power in their hands, but he controlled it. It would only make him feel unshakable but would not feel the sense of bondage. He still looked from their faces There is something called sincerity.

This time, he feels normal. This is the Fanke family. That charming little girl is a passerby from the west.

“Seven, what did the second uncle say about the resurrection birthday? What is this?”

“I fought with people for the mission posted in the town before, but the skills were not as good as people. I, the town army, and Nat, died in the battle. Peach Peach resurrected us this morning, Garcia!”

A majestic girl stood up. Although she was majestic, her face was very beautiful. “Big Brother Fanya, this is Garcia. She has made great efforts for our resurrection. I just asked She is unmarried and she agreed, so today is not only our resurrection birthday, but also my engagement day!”

“Congratulations, Seven!” Fanya hugged him, then gave Garcia a light hug and said, “Welcome to the Fanke family.”

“Big Brother Fanya, come sit down and chat, today we are just drinking and chatting to celebrate! Just now we were asking Garcia and them what happened after we died, do you know? Me and the town army, this is the guy, My flesh and blood were crushed and mixed together and put in a bucket in the refrigerator, oh shit, did you know? Before you came, I and the town army were taking a crazy bath! I almost rubbed the skin off. Layer. I feel that the town army may have left the **** on me.”

“Shut up, Saiwen!” Wang Zhenjun said angrily.

Fanya is a little uncomfortable with this sudden trust and closeness, but he still asks the question he cares most: “Seven, is there really a god?”

“Big Brother Fanya, you can join Taoyuan Town. Only after you join can you know more secrets. Otherwise, when you leave this town, even the secrets you knew before will be forgotten.”

“How do I join Taoyuan Town?”

“Big Brother Fanya, are you kidding me?”

“To tell you the truth, I am already a wanted man over there now. It costs a lot to take me in, so I can go anywhere, as long as I can get asylum.”

“Welcome to Taoyuan Town, Brother Fanya!”

A window suddenly appeared in front of Fanya, asking him if he would join Taoyuan Town and contribute what he could to Taoyuan Town. This is Sivins’ application to the mayor, and then the mayor’s request for admission to Fanya.

“Big Brother Fanya, have you received an invitation?”

“There is a window!”

“Use your mind to control and click the confirm button, even if you have joined Taoyuan Town.”

Fanya didn’t hesitate, they just need a shelter now, what could be safer than being in a divine territory?

After    clicked to confirm, the Taoyuan system appeared in his vision, and then the novice mission popped up…

This, what is this? !

“Big Brother Fanya, don’t worry about doing the novice task, do this tomorrow when you have time, we will reunite and chat today!”

“Seven, what is this? Why is there something more in my eyes?”

“This is the Taoyuan system, and our townspeople in Taoyuan Town have it.”

Then, several people in Saiwen told him about the characteristics of this system, but in the end they dragged him to the table to chat and drink, so that he could care about the Taoyuan system without a glance.

“Seven, is there a god?”

“Papa Tao is walking around the town every day. It’s easy to recognize. The townspeople in Taoyuan Town can see a halo behind him when they see him. Non-town residents can’t see it.” Garcia said, ” The old man said that he was called the Invincible Halo, hey, no one can be an enemy of him, haha, father is too cute!”

“Can I see him now?”

“Big Brother Fanya Father is not here today. He went to Kama Taj and said to return the gem of time that resurrected us. According to me, don’t return it, such a precious thing. Only our daddy deserves it, Garcia, I want to grab it.” Sivans took a sip.

“Seven, Master is not easy to mess with.” Malz said.

“Seven, what magic are you talking about?”

“Yes, I heard Garcia say that there is a group of wizards guarding the earth. They live in a small town in a dimensional space in the Himalayas. They heard that they can magic, very powerful, but I haven’t used me yet. Tried his fist.”

“It’s unscientific!” Fan Ya’s eyes widened. Is there such a thing?

“Big Brother Fanya, science is a deceitful trick, Garcia said, Dad has learned it, and he made a circle to drill in, and they returned to Taoyuan Town from the Himalayas on the other side of the earth.”

“It’s impossible! It can’t hold a wormhole that big if you consume the entire earth!”

“Big Brother Fanya, you have to believe in theology. Science doesn’t feel very reliable.” Saivins scratched his head, while Banner looked silly. Today is the happiest day of his life, brother The sisters were resurrected, and they became brothers and sisters of different surnames with Saiwen, Zhenjun, Garcia, and Natalie. He will not be considered as a lonely person in the future, and Hulk is also very happy.

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