Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 160

Vol 2 Chapter 150: Banner’s happy life

After Saiwen, Zhenjun, and Nat were resurrected, Banner let go of the biggest heart disease in his heart, and put the reunion with his girlfriend on the agenda.

Yesterday, he offered an invitation to Betty. Today, he dressed neatly and asked his father to help him restore his original appearance. He arrived at the small airport in the town to wait for her early. She said that her father would send her by special plane to meet her. Together, there are five representatives of the military.

is the 5 people in the agreement.

Seeing these five people, Banner had an expression like a fly. Hulk said he wanted to shoot them to death, and Banner stopped him, saying that the five people were promised by the old man.

shook Betty’s hand again, and the two couldn’t help but shed… tears of happiness, hugging each other tightly.

And from this day on, Banner’s whole network wanted order was officially cancelled.

Banner first drove Betty and these five people to a training ground. There were many people here, including those pilgrims who were willing to stay, including Sevens, Wang Zhenjun, Garcia, and Yang Peng. , Malz, etc. are all here.

Garcia is trying to explain some of the main points of Meteor Fist and Scud for Sevens and Wang Zhenjun, so when they came, they just saw Garcia’s punch in the air, and after a loud explosion, they hit a big stone. Into a shattered scene.

After    was shocked, the five people were excited about the kind of reinforcement they were about to get.

They met Mayor Billy very quickly. There was very little talk on the scene. These people were not very welcome to them, so they were a little indifferent to them, but they still did it. They were strengthened by gene 1 and the training process afterwards Just do it under the guidance of the person next to you.

And after dragging Betty and her luggage to Banner’s temporary residence, the two had a passionate relationship and skipped the table.

“Banna, we have to have our own house.”

“I know, there will be, I plan to cover it myself.”

“Are you serious? Will you?”

“Daddy Tao said that I can have normal children, and I can’t stay at Dad’s house all the time. Saiwen’s original underground training ground has been occupied by me, and the university town is still under construction. He can only go now. It’s over there in the open field.”

“I have some savings.”

“No, after you officially join Taoyuan Town, many things don’t need money.”

“Banna, I really want to see the Taoyuan system you mentioned.”

“I have to wait until we get married before I can invite you to join Taoyuan Town, Betty, shall we get married?”

“Of course, what’s next? What should I do to get married and join here?”

“I’ll go find Dad and Sevens first.”

Ivica has been busy worrying about the residence of her elder brother and nephew these days. After they joined Taoyuan Town, they can be allocated a piece of land for construction, but it takes time to build a house, so they can only find the town first. The guesthouse solves the problem, and then he has to buy the necessary household supplies. Fortunately, he has a lot of peach coins, but he has a large farm, otherwise, it is not easy to supply a big stomach king.

Like several other farmers, he chose the skill: Plant proficiency, the premise to learn this skill is the farmer or the heir of the farmer. This is a skill that can quickly know the state of the plant and can only be used in Taoyuan Town. The farmer has this skill and it is just as powerful as a tiger. The output of food crops in Taoyuan Town has been increasing for more than ten years, all of which is attributed to this.

This skill can also find those mutated plants in plants. After the survival of the fittest, Taoyuan Town now has a batch of very high-yielding crop seeds. These are intangible wealth, but the outside world knows nothing.

“Get married? That’s great, Betty agreed?”

“Hmm!” Banner never closed his mouth today.

“When are you planning?”

“I plan to be with Saiwen!”

“Haha, that’s great! I have to be prepared!”

“Dad (synonymous with godfather godfather), I also sent an invitation to Dad Tao and asked him to be my witness. He actually agreed! I thought he would refuse, but he agreed. Dad, I don’t know what to do.”

Ivica also stared wide-eyed, is this for the gods to prove marriage? Niubi 666!

The pinnacle of life that is not in the history of Taoyuan!

Sevens got married on the same day as Banner, it’s not…666

“Class, stay calm, Dad Tao doesn’t like fun, then let’s keep it simple, just ask the people in the town to have a good meal, and I will go to Master Yang.”

“I’ll go with you!”

“No, you go to Saiwen and talk to him about this, and then you discuss what style of wedding will be used after the marriage, and what interesting or meaningful processes should be carried out. By the way, a wedding photo is a must. I have to go to the mayor to complete the marriage registration.”

“Oh! Good! Dad, then I’ll go to Seven.”

“Go ahead.”

Then Iveka saw the back of Banner who was jumping away and laughing out loud.


“Barton, do you want to try again? Forget it, go back, it’s useless.”

Fry sent only a level 6 agent named Frey Ferguson, a former SEAL instructor, with rich experience in various combat operations, and can be regarded as a good knife in the hands of Fry.

Barton’s nose was blue and swollen, and there were a large amount of scratches on his face, but it was crusted.

“Ferguson, the last time!” Barton gritted his teeth.

Ferguson couldn’t help but shook his head and got into his car.

Facts have proved that it is not the cause of the car, but the cause of the person.

After driving for about 1 kilometer, here is the critical point After this critical point, Button will do some inexplicable things, for example, if he is driving, he will suddenly turn around here, and then Drive back ten kilometers like a walking dead.

If Ferguson drove, he would jump off the car at this critical point and walk back!

The scratch on Patton’s face was left when he jumped the car for the first time, and both of them learned well in the following tests. When this critical point was reached, the car drove very slowly.

But no matter whether he is driving, walking, or detouring, Patton cannot cross this invisible wall.

Ferguson has accompanied him here for more than a dozen times. If it weren’t for Button’s level to be one level higher than him, he would just wave his hand and leave.

The car started and drove slowly towards the “wall”. It was no accident. One hundred meters ahead, the place with many reversing marks was the wall that blocked Button.



The car drove slowly into that boundary, but this accident happened, that is, no accident happened.

Button calmly entered the wall!

The car still moved forward slowly, Ferguson drove and paid attention to Button.

But he walked slowly for one kilometer, without seeing him jumping again, but the two did not increase the speed, for fear that there would be a second wall and a third wall in front of them.

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