Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 161

Vol 2 Chapter 151: Pete

Costa Atlantic luxury cruise ship.

It has 12 floors, large and small, with a length of about 300 meters and a width of about 30 meters. It has a displacement of 86,000 tons. It has luxurious facilities that can serve more than 2,000 guests and more than 1,000 rooms. It is a huge sea palace.

Around 2000, Costa saw that the “poor, backward, and barbaric” China in the eyes of Westerners actually had such a strong consumption power. After that, the ship never left the Pacific again, and was almost always in one place. The non-stop carrying state of the stallion.

The population of China is too much, and their tourist population is soaring by 10% every year. Costa is not the only one, and there are Japanese people who have intervened, but even so, it is still in short supply. They How I hope that the Western countries will continue to do so, and no one should come here! The spending power of Chinese people is terrible!

It’s just that sailing at sea is not what the poster shows: bright seaside beaches, warm sunshine, calm sea levels.

It was only taken at the rarest tender moment of the sea, and at other times, it was either a little emotional or it was full of storms.

The human body is actually extremely sensitive to changes in the outside world. A hair falling on the skin can be noticed, while the mother can sensitively feel even a 0.1 degree change in body temperature of a child who has a blind date with her skin.

The increase and sway of the center of gravity can cause a lot of people to feel dizzy, or even motion sickness or seasickness in severe cases.

The Atlantic is a big ship, which can reduce this sway to a large extent, but it cannot be completely eliminated. Sensitive people are still sensitive.

“Is it better?” The husband continued to comfort his wife’s back, hoping to relieve her a little bit of pain.

She is seasick.

There was a doctor on the boat, who prescribed some medicine for seasickness. After taking it, it improved somewhat, but it did not completely eliminate it.

“Still sway, or sway, sigh… This is really spending money to find a guilt, and I won’t be able to get on the boat and go out in the future.”

“Blame me, shall I get you a glass of juice?”

“No more, I don’t want to eat anything now, I miss Nini.”

“Or, let’s go to the seventh floor. The weather is good today. Let’s take a look at the sea. The doctor said just now that it might be improved if we go outdoors.”


“I will carry you on my back.”

“What a joke, I am not dying!”

helped her to the seventh floor. There was a large open-air field with beach chairs, a small swimming pool, and a nice viewing platform in front of her.

“Azhong, in fact, the higher the number of floors, the more you can feel the shaking, but looking at the sea in the distance is better.”

“That’s good, let’s stay here for a while, do you want something to eat? There is a dessert house on the seventh floor.”

“Help me get some cookies. If you have fruit, get one for me. I have to add a little nutrition. My stomach is empty.”

“Okay, you are waiting for me here, I’ll be back soon.”

The woman waited for him to leave, and quickly turned her head and looked into the distance. As long as her eyes returned to the boat, she felt trembling, and then she began to feel uncomfortable.

After vomiting for a day, she felt very weak. Both legs were trembling when she was walking. If she didn’t add something, she probably couldn’t get off the boat. Thinking of the return journey, she felt dark, not to be expected. Change to planes in Vietnam?

It was the big fish and meat on the boat that she couldn’t enjoy it. After spending thousands of dollars, she couldn’t eat enough, and she felt a big loss!

What’s that?

From the distance she was staring at, a white line swiftly galloped towards here.

What kind of fish?

can see that the speed is not very similar, because it is too fast!


She screamed and pointed at the white line on the water in the distance.

Many people around followed his pointing look, and then let out a burst of exclamation!

Many people on the beach chairs ran over.

“What is that? What kind of fish is it? How can it be so fast?”

“It’s not a torpedo, right?”

“Fuck, don’t talk nonsense, there are thousands of people on this ship.”

The fence was full of people in a short while, almost all of them Chinese, so the talent for watching the excitement was all shown.

“It seems to be a person!”

“Fuck! It’s really a person! A foreigner! He, how does he run on the water? Who has a camera, who has a video recorder, hurry up! Riches are right in front of you!” a guy watching with a telescope exclaimed .

Several people really took out the guys and went out to travel. This is a must-have thing.

Most of the mobile phones in this era only provide low-resolution camera functions, and the video recording function is horrible. Everyone still relies more on cameras or video recorders.

As the white line quickly approaches, everyone can already see with the naked eye that the front end of the white line is really a person, and the white line is the sea water that this person has rolled up when he steps on the waves.

Here, who is this?

Is he the sea god?

The captain’s room also seemed to have discovered this thing, and made a whistle sound. This was the whistle they had heard since they boarded the ship. They had never heard it before leaving the port.

He came facing the bow of the ship without slowing down. When everyone thought he was going to hit him, he suddenly heard a loud drink, and a huge wave exploded under the person, like a bomb. The underwater exploded, and the waves sprayed high, and the person flew high with the top of the waves, and in the blink of an eye, they landed on the bottom of the bow. The person looked around and found them, and then Everyone saw that the man suddenly disappeared from his eyes, and then heard a huge thump from behind, which scared many people into amazement.

When    looked back, he saw a drenched figure squatting on the deck.

It was quiet on the deck, no one dared to speak, and even held his breath, for fear of causing some tragedy.

The man slowly stood up and turned around.

is a foreigner, but when he spoke, he made them doubt, “Hello, are you Chinese?”

He speaks very fluent and standard Chinese.

No one dared to speak.

“Hello, who are you?”

Someone asked suddenly behind this person. He was holding a plate with food and fruit on it.

“I am from M country, oh, to be more precise, I am from Taoyuan, can I eat something you have? But sorry, I don’t have any money with me.”

“You are free.” The man handed him the plate.

“Thank you very much. I haven’t eaten normal food for many days. Thank you. By the way, don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. I just passed by here. I just want to take a break and I will leave soon.”

The people around took a long breath.

Some people ran away, but still some people slowly came around.

The man didn’t look for a beach chair, but sat directly on the deck. A woman walked over on guard, trying to pull away the Chinese man who provided him with food. It was the seasick woman.

“Your girlfriend doesn’t look good.” The man swallowed and pointed at the woman who came to him.

“This is my wife. She is seasick and has been vomiting for a day. I just went to get him food.”

“Ah! I’m sorry, I actually took up your food!” The man pushed the plate, but the man from Zhong Azhong shook his head and said, “You can eat it. There is still on the boat. I can get it later.”

“Thank you.” The man was no longer polite, and said as he ate, “The Chinese-speaking people are more kind. I met many people on the road and they were not very good at dealing with them.”

“Excuse me, are you a super human? Why can you run on the water?”

“Oh, this is the skill I learned. I call it floating on the water. As long as the speed is fast enough, there is no difference between the surface of the water and the ground.”

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to run a circle around the earth. I started from country M. It’s about half a circle now. I cross the Pacific and land on the west coast. I can go home. I don’t know if I can meet again in the Pacific. An island or a boat, so I ran to your boat to take a rest and then set off. Man, come, here you are.”

He took out a sealed bag from the bag. The sealed bag was rolled up, and there were some cubes that looked like jelly and rock candy inside. He took one out and threw it to Azhong who had just passed him the food.

“What is this?” Zhong asked, taking the strange thing.

“Let your wife eat this. I believe it can solve the problem of seasickness and collapse. Don’t worry, this is not a strange thing. This is a high-energy food with weak healing effects. I usually take this to replenish physical strength. This small piece , Enough to keep him from eating for several weeks, but water still needs to be replenished.”

After he finished speaking, he took out three pieces and ate it, then rewound the sealed bag and put it in his waterproof backpack. At this moment, a group of people came from the aisle, dressed like a captain. The same clothes, but also a foreigner.

They have guns in their hands.

They surrounded this super human on alert, “Who are you? Why did you board my ship?”

“My name is Pete, I’m just passing by, take a break, listen to your accent is Italian, I can speak Italian.”

“Answer my question!”

“Do you think the guns in your hands can cause harm to me? Put down all the guns and don’t cause unnecessary conflicts!”

But they raised their guns on the contrary, UU read and aimed at him.

Everyone around was scared and screamed and ran away.

Pete and others were almost scattered, and then they flashed, snatched all their guns, and kicked them aside gently.

The situation reversed. The first officer looked at the several guns he was holding in horror. He saw sweat on his forehead, and he didn’t dare to speak any more.

“I’ve said it, I’m just passing by, goodbye.” Pete finished speaking in Italian, threw the gun, then leaped high with a “bang” and shot it out into the sea.

He loves this kind of short-lived one the most, it feels like flying, but it’s very energy-consuming. Only one-third of the high-energy food is left. I still need to save a little bit, or I can’t climb the west coast of M country.

“Afa, please confirm the direction for me, thank you.” A small solar panel on the backpack is facing the sky, and a mobile phone on the backpack is lighting up the screen.

A white line on the sea with several meters high waves quickly went away, and several daring people have all photographed it! They all felt a little trembling in their hands holding the camera. After returning to China, these images will surely be able to sell for a good price!

Seeing is believing, I didn’t expect super human beings to be hidden among human beings!

This world is not as simple as imagined. The ruling party has concealed much information from the masses.

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