Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 184 Let’s get to work, Black Robe Team

Before Kevin existed, the people whom Storm admired were people from the motherland.

She believes that the people of the motherland are the perfect superhumans in her mind, so her only purpose of joining the Seven is to gain the favor of the people of the motherland, so as to persuade the motherland to join her in forming a world dominated by superhumans.

But now, because of Kevin, Feng Feng doesn't care so much about the people of the motherland. Instead, he sets his sights on Kevin.

Kevin could probably guess that his approach might have misunderstood the storm.

Creating a hero association and gaining the power to enforce laws at will in the world is itself a way to override the current rule system of human society.

Storm probably thinks that Kevin is doing this because he wants to eat away at the human world bit by bit and let superhumans slowly replace humans.

She would come here at this time.

But it was obvious that Storm had misunderstood something.

Seeing Feng Feng's fiery eyes, Kevin took a deep breath. He did not explain, because this kind of thing became more confusing the more he explained it, so he decisively issued an eviction order:

"I don't care what you think, in short, don't bother me, do your job well as a seven-man team, and don't cause me any trouble, otherwise..."

"Wow, that's scary. Okay, okay, I know you don't like me, so I won't bother you. Oh, I almost forgot."

Knowing that Kevin didn't like her, Storm was about to go back to work, but before leaving, she suddenly turned to Kevin and said:

"Although I really don't know what you are going to do, there is one thing I hope you can pay attention to. Don't touch my sage, okay? That place is the future of superhumanity."

Storm seems to know what to do with Kevin.

She didn't talk to Kevin in a threatening tone, but asked Kevin sincerely.

Storm is aware of Kevin's recent actions, and probably understands that Kevin is reducing the 'powers' left before Edgar.

The forest was controlled by Kevin, and Kevin also placed his own people in Honghe. Other scientific research institutions and medical departments were also manipulated by Kevin.

Even Sage Center, Kevin was going to cancel it.

After all, it is too inhumane to experiment on humans, and there are too many powerful superhumans in the Sage Center.

For example, Cindy, the superhuman girl who appeared in that series.

She can crush people's bodies from a distance, and once used by someone with intentions, she is a mobile weapon of destruction.

Kevin originally thought that after the Sage Organization was banned, he would release the superhumans who should go home and keep the ones who should stay.

Lest the superhumans here come out and become the so-called 'super villains'.

But now, Kevin can't touch the sage until the storm is dealt with.

And there is no rush now, after all, the potion that can disable superhumans has not yet been developed.

"Don't worry, I won't touch it. Just relax and do your job."

"You're so sweet, sweetheart."

Storm seemed to believe Kevin. After getting Kevin's verbal assurance, she teased Kevin and turned away.

After watching the storm leave, Kevin sat in the office and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Originally, in the world of Wolverine 3, Kevin's mentality was relatively relaxed, but for some reason, after returning to the world of black robes, Kevin began to feel that everything was not going well.

It was as if there were many ropes restraining him, making him somewhat breathless.

Kevin knew that the reason might be that he got Edgar's position and became the CEO of Walter Group.

Being the helmsman of a group is not easy, and Kevin also knows that he is not the material.

Relying on his understanding of the original plot and the character of the original characters, Kevin was able to have a smooth journey, like a prophet.

But when the plot changed more and more and completely deviated from the original plot, Kevin became somewhat unable to control the big ship of the Walter Group.

That was true for Watt, and it was true for the Sevens.

"Being in a high position is really not suitable for me..."

After exhaling, Kevin somewhat understood why there were so many foolish kings in history.

After all, there are only a few people who are in important positions, have a sense of responsibility, and are willing to handle everything they are responsible for well.

More people will soon be corrupted by power and only want to enjoy power without taking responsibility.

The same goes for Kevin now.

After all, he is a person who doesn't like to bear too many responsibilities, so becoming the president of Walter Group is somewhat difficult for him.

"Let's do this for now, wait until the black-robed world becomes what I want to see, and then find a way to pass the responsibility to others..."

Kevin, who had only been in the position of president for a few days, had the idea of ​​giving up the job.

However, Kevin will not give up everything for the time being until he achieves his goal.

If you want to be lazy, you have to wait until everything is settled before you can do it.

Only in this way, Kevin will not regret it in the future.

Butcher met Rebecca.

After Kevin became the president of Watt Group, he did not break his promise and sent someone to meet with Butcher and Rebecca.

Here he met his wife, who had been confirmed dead and even had a tombstone erected.


Next to her, there was a little blond boy who looked to be just over ten years old.

"Is it because of him that you haven't contacted me all these years?"

Butcher looked at Lane playing in the courtyard and asked his wife beside him.

Rebecca hugged her shoulders and pursed her lips slightly. After a long time, she said:

"Even if I want to contact them, the Watt Group won't agree, and... they said they would protect me."

"Shit, they are just using you as a bargaining chip to one day threaten the people of the motherland."

"Don't say bad words in front of the child. He has good hearing."

Rebecca whispered to Butcher.

She doesn't care what the Walter Group is thinking or what they want to do to her at the moment. She only cares about whether her son can grow up safely.

"...We haven't seen each other for so many years, and you don't have anything to say to me?"

Butcher didn't want to mention the child between Rebecca and the motherland, so he changed the subject and asked.

Rebecca looked at her husband, she raised her hand and stroked the beard on Butcher's face, and suddenly smiled:

"You seem to be getting older."

"I have been racking my brains every day for these years, thinking about how to deal with those superhumans. Of course I will grow old."

Butcher tried his best to speak to Rebecca in words without swearing. He also raised his hand, shook his wife's hand on his cheek, and said seriously:

"Becca, come with me, get out of here and go back to our lives."

Butcher extended an invitation to Rebecca, and Rebecca's eyes flashed and she seemed slightly moved.

But when she noticed Ryan playing alone not far away, she shook her head again:

"No, I can't go with you."


Seeing his wife reject him, Butcher's tone became more excited.

After finally meeting his long-missing wife, Butcher thought he could continue to be with Rebecca.

Yes, Rebecca had a son, a son from his motherland, which was indeed a bit intolerable for Butcher.

But because she was his wife, Butcher felt that he could force himself to accept this.

He could also raise that child with his wife.

Even if that child is a super human.

He has even thought that as long as Rebecca agrees, he will ask Kevin to let him make the couple happy.

Butcher is ready to work for Kevin all the time.

As a result, Rebecca now rejected him.

"Walter will not let Ryan go..."

Rebecca whispered.

Butcher hugged her shoulders: "You've been staying here and you don't know anything about Walter's changes now! As long as you are willing, Walter can definitely let you and Ryan go!"

"Even so, what about you?"


"You hate metahumans, I can tell."

Rebecca pointed out the crux of the matter.

Maybe the former Butcher didn't hate superhumans so much, but now, after the people of the motherland did what they did to Rebecca, leading to her disappearance, Butcher hates the existence of superhumans extremely.

Rebecca had no idea what Butcher had been through over the years, but she knew her husband.

She could see a little bit of... unkindness hidden in Butcher's eyes as he looked at Ryan.

That's why she didn't want to go with Butcher.

For Rebecca now, her son Ryan is everything to her.

"I didn't! Okay...Listen Beca, I do hate metahumans, but Ryan is different. He is your son, understand? I love you, Beca, so I will act like I love you. Go love Ryan!"

In fact, it is not impossible for Butcher to accept Ryan.

As long as Rebecca can come back to him, Butcher can accept everything about her.

Even if Ryan is the son of the countryman he hates the most!

Rebecca could feel Butcher's love, but she just looked at her husband and shook her head:

"I can't let the people of the motherland discover him, the people of the motherland..."

"He's a bastard, I know, so we can keep him from finding out... this kid, we will do it, the CIA will do it for us, trust me, okay, Beca!"

Butcher still refused to give up.

But Rebecca didn't want to talk to him.

Seeing that Ryan had finished playing and was standing aside waiting for her, Rebecca stood up and said to Butcher:

"...It's time for you to go, Butcher."

Rebecca didn't want Butcher to stay here any longer.

Butcher didn't understand why Rebecca refused to go with him. He looked at Ryan walking in the distance, then looked at Rebecca, and finally stopped insisting.

"I will come back to see you."

Butcher said, hugged Rebecca and left this special area under the supervision of Walter's security personnel.

Not long after he and Rebecca separated, Butcher took out his phone.

He looked up Kevin's cell phone number and hovered his finger over the dial button for a long time.

Finally, his eyes became firm and his finger pressed the dial button.

The call was dialed, and after a few waiting sounds, a connection sound came from the other end of the phone.

Bucher immediately said:

"It's me, Butcher."

"I know it's you. Did you enjoy meeting your wife?"

"It's not pleasant, let's cut the nonsense and get to the point. You said before that you wanted me to deal with the Seven and the people of the motherland. What do you want me to do?"

"Don't worry. Didn't I tell you that if they get out of control and you take action, now you just need to monitor them."

The bastard on the other end of the phone spoke slowly.

Butcher was a little impatient and was about to ask again, but heard another voice coming from the other side:

"Of course, if you really want to do something, you can go find someone."


"Valerie Hunter, I will send you the relevant information later. You can ask her about...the Free Women."

After that, he hung up the phone.

Valerie Hunter.

Bucher silently wrote down the name the other party said, looked back at the place where his wife was 'retreating' behind him, and turned around and left without hesitation.

Although the current person at the helm of the Vought Group has changed, he is still a 'kind' guy that the CIA would like to see who can restrain the Vought Group.

But this does not mean that the work of the black robe team will end here.

On the contrary, their work may have just begun.

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