Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 185 If you go out to play, something will happen.

Throw a name to Butcher and Kevin will stop caring.

The name he just gave Butcher, Valerie Hunter, was exactly the family member of an innocent passerby whom Storm had murdered many years ago when she was a free woman.

This family member of a passerby can be used as a witness to correct Feng Feng's "racial discrimination" and "killing innocent people." If the people in black robes come into contact with her, they can get some dirty information about Feng Feng.

It's true that Kevin himself doesn't intend to take action against Storm, but that doesn't mean that everyone in black robes can't.

As for Kevin himself...

He was taking advantage of the fact that he had nothing to do and went out on a date with Anne.

Originally, what Kevin was thinking was that he had been on a business trip for so long and had never spent time with his girlfriend.

Although Annie never complained and understood Kevin's behavior very well, she was simply a model of a perfect girlfriend.

But Kevin felt a little sorry for Anne, so he thought about having a beautiful date with her just for the two of them.

The location was chosen to be a nearby "Seven" themed playground, with only two people, Kevin and Annie.

Originally, Kevin thought so, and things should be like this, but...

"Why are Kimiko and Kate here too."

When they arrived inside the park, Kimiko and Kate, the two light bulbs, finally left, and they couldn't help but say to Annie:

"I thought this was our long-awaited double date..."

"Kevin, as far as I'm concerned, our last date was last weekend, less than a week ago."

Annie explained with a wink.

Kevin: "..."

It seems to be the same...

For Kevin, it felt like he hadn't dated Annie for several months, but for Annie... they hadn't even dated for a week, and they still saw each other every day.

Kevin sighed:

"You know I often go to another world, and my sense of time is different from yours."

"Then how long have you been away this time?"

"Probably less than a month?"

The time span of the Wolverine plot is not long. If you just follow the plot, it will be completely over in about a week.

Kevin did a lot of things in another world, including following Logan and others to deal with the Alkali Group, and buying the Rising Sun.

It also left Logan with a weapon that he could use to manipulate public opinion.

Not just Rocket Raccoon's device, but the entertainment company Kevin left behind.

It was precisely because of doing this that Kevin stayed in the Wolverine world for a while longer.

One month is not a long time, but it is not a short time for Kevin who has experienced a lot.

So he will feel that he has not been with Anne for a long time.

But not so for Anne.

She only felt that Kevin's 'desire' was getting stronger and stronger these days, and his physical condition was getting worse.

Although Annie also likes this about Kevin, she must be restrained no matter what she says.

In order to prevent Kevin from doing anything during the date, Anne brought Kimiko and Kate over.

Besides, Kimiko has long wanted to come to the amusement park, so bringing her here today can be regarded as fulfilling one of her wishes.

"To me, it's like you never left."

Annie said helplessly, but after a while she turned towards Kevin and blinked her eyes and asked:

"Speaking of which... next time you go to another world, can you take me with you?"

"Oh..." Seeing Anne's flickering eyes, Kevin understood everything instantly: "I understand, you actually want to go to another world with me... ahem, to save the world, so you deliberately and I’m playing devil’s advocate, right?”

Hearing what Kevin said, Annie spoke to him and replied with her eyes rolling:

"How could it be?! I just want to share part of your work so that you don't have to work so hard. How can you miss me so much! Kevin, you disappoint me so much!"

Annie said, looking very disappointed.

But Kevin's smile did not change. He moved in front of Annie, got very close to her and asked:

"So...what's the truth?"

"...Well, I want to go to another world with you."

Under Kevin's glare, Annie didn't hold on for long before revealing the truth.

Kevin showed a "Sure enough" expression and was about to talk to Annie:


But then he heard Anne say again:

"Besides, you really scared me that day, Kevin. I don't know what happened to you in the other world. I'm really... scared of losing you."

Annie stopped joking this time and spoke to Kevin seriously.

In fact, after learning that Kevin could travel to another universe, Annie had always wanted to go with Kevin.

But she was worried that doing so would cause trouble to Kevin, so she didn't really say this to Kevin willfully.

But a few days ago, Kevin fell unconscious in the safe house they prepared together, and she couldn't wake him up no matter how he called, making Annie realize that what his hero experienced in another world might be dangerous.

She never knew what Kevin did in another world or what kind of enemies he encountered.

Although Kevin later explained that he was fine, Anne could tell that he was lying.

Anne actually doesn't want to care about what Kevin does in the other world, because that is Kevin's own business. Even if the two of them are lovers now, they should retain their own privacy until they are engaged and become an official unmarried couple.

Annie wouldn't ask too much about Kevin's affairs in the other world, but after what happened two days ago, she was really worried that she would lose Kevin unknowingly.

Losing the person she loved most now.

That's why Annie asked Kevin to travel across the world with him.

No matter what, no matter what Kevin went through, she wanted to be by Kevin's side.

Annie's eyes were sincere, and Kevin could tell she was telling the truth.

Maybe Annie also has some thoughts about "saving the world" with Kevin, but her worries about Kevin are indeed true.

The girl who was saved by him was really worried about him.

Being cared for and loved by others made Kevin feel a little warm in his heart.

He hugged Annie and whispered in her ear:

"Don't worry, I won't let something like this happen again, and if there is a chance in the future, I will take you to see another world, I promise."

"Don't lie to me."

"I won't lie to you."

Now Kevin can't take people with him. Taking people away will cost a lot of skill points, and every day the person he brings will pay a little more skill points.

Kevin doesn't have enough skill points to afford another person's 'travel expenses', so for the time being, Kevin can't take Starlight with him to other worlds.

But just because it doesn’t work now doesn’t mean it won’t work in the future.

When one day in the future Kevin completely realizes the freedom of skill points, he may be able to take Annie and other people to travel across the universe.

By then, Kevin himself can form a ‘Multiverse Guardian Team’.

I believe that day will not be too far away.

Kevin and Annie fired flash bombs at each other for a while. After they separated, they noticed that there was another person standing next to them.

It's Kate.

"Sorry, did I disturb you?"

Kate, who had been watching for an unknown amount of time, blinked innocently after noticing the two people's gaze:

"I just bought some water, and I wanted to give it to you, but...otherwise I'd better go find Miss Kimiko."

Kevin and Annie were somewhat embarrassed to be watched.

The two pretended to be calm and released their embrace. Anne stopped Kate from leaving and said:

"No, we were just...well, we were chatting about something else. It's nothing to disturb. By the way, where is Kimiko?"

"She just went to ride the merry-go-round. I'm not very interested in this game, so I thought of coming over to find you."

Kate explained.

Kimiko still has a childlike heart, and she likes activities that are more childlike for adults.

Games like merry-go-round and spinning tea cups are deeply loved by Kimiko.

After hearing what Kate said, the two of them looked towards the merry-go-round in the distance, and saw Kimiko playing happily on it alone, with a smile on her face.

That smile also infected everyone and made everyone feel much better.

Looking at Kimiko, Annie thought of something again and suddenly asked Kevin:

"By the way, Kimiko's brother..."

"He is still in 'treatment'. He was too brainwashed by the Flash Army. You saw it when Kimiko met him last time. Even in that situation, he did not give up persuading Kimiko to do terrorist activities with him. "

When it comes to Kimiko's younger brother Takeshi Miyashiro, Kevin also sighs.

Taking advantage of the time a few days ago, Kevin couldn't bear Kimiko's pleading, so he took Kimiko to meet Miyashiro Takeshi.

While letting Kimiko feel at ease, he also took a look at whether Miyashiro Takeshi's mental condition had improved.

But perhaps Kevin's methods were too gentle and he did not abuse Miyashiro Takeshi. This boy's will is still firm.

A determined desire to cause destruction.

In order to prevent him from 'infecting' Kimiko, since then, Kevin has not allowed Kimiko to 'visit' in prison.

Kimiko also understands Kevin very well. She knows that Kevin is trying to cure her brother. She does not cry or make trouble at home, and still lives her daily life as before. She is waiting for the day when her brother is cured and can reunite with him. Reunion.

It's just that... Miyashiro Kenshi has been brainwashed too deeply, and conventional psychological treatment methods are useless to him. If he wants to make Miyashiro Kenshi normal and return to society, I'm afraid... special means will be needed.

Kevin said and glanced at Kate casually.

Kate seemed to understand what Kevin was thinking, she said:

"If you allow me, I can help..."

"No, or... no need for the time being, you just have to deal with Luke and the others first, Miyashiro Takeshi... I will think of a way."

Although Kevin had previously thought about asking Kate to brainwash Miyashiro Takeshi.

But now Kate is still dealing with the golden boy Luke and his brother Sam. Now Luke's memory has been deleted by Kate at his own request, and Sam's memory has also been affected by Kate, making him temporarily forget about Compound 5. Let him stay in the woods peacefully.

Kate's abilities are weakening under the influence of drugs, and affecting the memories of two people is her limit.

If the memory of a third person is deleted for a long time, Kate herself will not be able to hold on.

Several people were discussing the matter of Miyashiro Kenshi.

Not far away, Kimiko also got off the merry-go-round and happily came over to hold Kate's hand.

Since Kate arrived, Kimiko has rarely used her original sign language to communicate with everyone.

More often than not, she would choose to hold Kate's hand and let Kate read her thoughts, thus conveying her words to everyone.

The same is true now.

After Kate shook hands with Kimiko, she quickly understood Kimiko’s thoughts and translated:

"Miss Kimiko said she had a great time and wanted to ask what to play next."

"Next." Kevin touched his chin and thought for a while: "How about something exciting, a roller coaster?"

He said, pointing to the roller coaster in the distance.

Annie had a strange expression and asked in surprise: "Are you sure...this project is very exciting for us?"


Kevin couldn't answer this.

Everyone here is a superhuman. Projects such as roller coasters and large balance wheels that are exciting to ordinary people may be no different from a merry-go-round in the eyes of superhumans like them.

At least that's the case for physical superhumans like Kevin, Annie, and Kimiko.

"Okay, let's change..."

Kevin was about to say try another project, such as a haunted house or something.

But suddenly, his words came to an abrupt end when a cry of terror came from the roller coaster.

On thrilling rides such as roller coasters, passengers screaming in terror are actually nothing.


If the roller coaster didn't fly directly out of the track.

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