Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 186 Press Conference

What is it like to experience a roller coaster ride that suddenly derails and falls from above?

I believe few people can answer this question.

Because there are only a few people who can survive such an accident, but as a bystander, Kevin said that the moment the roller coaster flew out, it was actually quite beautiful.

It's like a flying dragon ready to fly into the sky, hanging and taking off.

But if this 'flying dragon' really took off, it would indeed be a beautiful thing. But as soon as this 'flying dragon' took off, it turned sharply and went straight to the ground.

The front of the car was aimed at the ground and passers-by below, and it was about to cause a tragic accident.

Because things happened so suddenly, Kevin rushed forward faster than he thought.

At that moment, everything in the world seemed to slow down before his eyes. In just two or three seconds, Kevin had already sprinted to the roller coaster and controlled the nearby water to flow out of the ground.

Water gushes out at great speed from nearby fountains and roadside fire hydrants.

They condensed and formed under Kevin's control, using the newly learned [shaping] magic to create a roller coaster track for buffering in front of the roller coaster.

Although Kevin had just learned the shaping magic and was not sure about the details of the roller coaster track, the passengers in the car suffered a little 'bump'.

But overall, the passengers on the roller coaster did not suffer much damage.

Except for the shock.

"Hey! Is everyone okay!!"

After the roller coaster stopped safely, Kevin asked the passengers on it.

The passengers were in shock. They looked at each other for a long time before someone let out a cry of excessive shock.

At the same time, the onlookers finally realized what happened.

They gathered around, either discussing or looking at this scene in surprise, and applauded under the leadership of someone who didn't know who it was.

"Deep Sea!! Well done!!"

"What? Abyss?! I love you Abyss!!"

Apparently someone recognized Kevin and immediately surrounded him.

Not many people even pay attention to the situation of the victims.

Kevin was helpless. He wanted to push away the crowd, but he was worried about hurting the enthusiastic fans, so he could only say hello and squeeze out:

"Thank you, thank you for your likes, but can you please give in and call an ambulance by the way!"

Kevin was surrounded by fans. Although he knew that the victims on the roller coaster should be fine, he still felt that the fans were a little too indifferent to focus on themselves first instead of focusing on other people's injuries.

And more than this, he wanted to see why the roller coaster flew out of the track.

It's just a pity that he can't get away at all now.

There was no other way, so Kevin could only turn his attention to Anne for help.

After discovering that Kevin had been exposed, Annie put on a further disguise and put on a rabbit mask sold on the roadside. She made an 'OK' gesture to Kevin, indicating that she knew what to do.

Then he turned to Kate beside him and said:

"Kate, please take Kimiko there to play first. I have to do something."

"Do you need my help?"

"No, you can just play your own game. We will meet you after we resolve the matter here."

Anne smiled at Kate.

Kate is not old, and Kimiko is not mentally mature either. In the eyes of Kevin and Anne, they are just children.

There is no reason to let your children work with you.

Anne asked Kate to take Kimiko away, and after seeing them walking away, she walked to the roller coaster to investigate.

With such a big incident happening, a bunch of staff and security guards gathered next to the roller coaster project.

While maintaining order, they also protected the scene from being damaged and prevented passers-by from approaching.

Annie got closer and relied on facial recognition to ask the person in charge to let her in without revealing her identity, so that she could observe the situation of the roller coaster project up close.

Then, she saw a rather obvious gap at the rail connection above the roller coaster track.

It was as if something had erased it.

"Is it a super human again..."

Annie frowned in thought.

The gap in the roller coaster track was clearly not caused by human effort.

Even if this roller coaster was in disrepair, there was no way no one would have seen such a big gap.

In other words, before the gap becomes a big gap, there will be a serious accident in the roller coaster project. There is no reason to let it become so big.

So the explanation for the sudden appearance of the gap is very reasonable.

As for someone who could do this, besides superhuman beings, Annie couldn't think of any other possibility.

Is he a super villain?

Annie thought in her mind as she investigated.

Although the [Super Villain Alliance] has been destroyed by the Seven, super villains appear one after another.

There are many superhumans who are not satisfied with the status quo and many abandoned superhumans. They unite in unknown places to form small alliances of super villains one after another.

The League of Super Villains, which was previously defeated by the Seven, was just a spark.

Instead of extinguishing it, the Seven ignited the evil fire in the hearts of other metahumans through the televised broadcast.

In addition, the incident with Compound No. 5 made many superhumans understand that they were not born like this, causing their criminal activities to become increasingly rampant.

The super villain that the Homelander killed in Africa a few days ago was not an isolated case.

It's okay in New York, because there are the Seven. Even if the super villains want to cause trouble, they have to consider whether they can withstand the group fight of the Seven.

But in other places... super villains are not so restricted.

Now, even in the city where the Vought Group is located, the main stationed city of the Seven, there are super villains who attack ordinary people. You can imagine how serious the current situation is.

"The attacker... There seems to be no one around."

After checking and confirming that it was indeed the work of a superhuman, Annie turned around and looked around, ready to find the superhuman who attacked the roller coaster.

But probably because of Kevin's appearance, the superhuman knew that it was unlikely to continue to cause damage, so he hid.

No matter how Annie looked, she didn't find anyone who was too suspicious.

Until Kevin got rid of those fans and returned to her side, Annie didn't gain much.

"What happened?" After waiting for the police and firefighters to come and escape from the fans' pursuit and interception, Kevin approached Annie and asked. Annie told her what she saw and said: "Now more and more superhumans have become super villains, Kevin, we have to find a way to stop them, otherwise more people will be harmed." "I know, I'm thinking of a way, but this matter can't be rushed for a while." Kevin certainly knew how troublesome the mess Edgar left for him was. [The Super Villain League] was a fuse. Even if the league was destroyed, at least it made many people with ulterior motives understand that these superhumans with bad intentions could also gather together to form an evil alliance similar to the Seven. Because more and more superhumans have similar ideas, Kevin wants to research a potion that can make superhumans lose their superpowers. At the same time, the Hero Association was established to restrain the superhumans under his command, and to select real heroes to deal with super villains. Kevin is really doing something, but whether it is a potion that can make superhumans lose their abilities or the establishment of a Super Hero Association, it takes time. …

In the theme park of the Seven, the roller coaster was attacked and derailed. Not many people knew about this.

And this matter can be big or small. In a big way, it is the Vought Group's Compound No. 5 that created so many super villains and needs to be held responsible for this matter.

In a small way, this is the irresponsible behavior of a certain superhuman, which has nothing to do with the Vought Group.

Which side it will develop into depends on the actual situation.

The reality is that some parliamentarians led by Victoria Newman began to protest and condemn the Vought Group for this matter.

Kevin was forced to hold a press conference under their coercion to respond to the increasingly serious super villain issue.

The person responsible for questioning Kevin is the recently popular parliamentarian Newman.

Because she has been targeting the Vought Group, she has been labeled as the enemy of Vought by everyone. This is her political resource. Therefore, after knowing what happened in the amusement park this time, Newman was the first to stand up and accuse Vought.

"As we all know, the emergence of superhumans is inseparable from the Vought Group. Although the super villains now seem to have nothing to do with the Vought Group, if there is no Compound No. 5, super villains will not appear. What do you think? Mr. Moskowitz."

In front of the reporters, Newman mercilessly pointed out the pain points that the Vought Group is facing now.

Compound No. 5 comes from the Vought Group. No matter whether it is led by Madeline or Edgar, it is a product of the Vought Group after all.

The Vought Group should be responsible for this.

"Congressman Newman...right."

Kevin stood in front of the microphone and looked at Newman expressionlessly:

"I suggest that Congressman Newman should think clearly before speaking. The matter of Compound No. 5 has not been completely determined. It is hard to say whether it comes from the Vought Group's laboratory.

"Perhaps this is just like what the former CEO Mr. Edgar said. This is just Madeline Stillwell's personal behavior. "

"So you want to shirk responsibility, right? "

Newman pursued relentlessly, Kevin frowned.

He looked at Newman and said:

"I never said I wanted to shirk responsibility. In fact, the Water Group is now dealing with all matters related to Compound No. 5. If you understand it carefully, you will know that the Water Group is now doing its best to compensate the families who have suffered difficulties due to Compound No. 5.

"Not only that, we are also recovering all Compound No. 5 on the market and destroying them, striving to minimize the impact of Compound No. 5 on society."

"But even so, it is a fact that Compound No. 5 led to the emergence of super villains. What you have done does not seem to prevent super villains from continuing to appear."

Newman kept talking about super villains.

Because this is indeed a problem that the Water Group is difficult to face now.

In any case, the existence of super villains is related to the Water Group. Even if Kevin takes back Compound No. 5, super villains will not disappear, and their superpowers will still exist.

This is not something that can be solved by taking back Compound No. 5.

If the Water Group wants to deal with this matter, it needs other means.

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