Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 672

Chapter 662: Transforming To A Modern Enterprise

Chapter 662 Transformation to a Modern Enterprise

Su Qi and Liu Qingsheng’s son Liu Ming has not turned one year old, and is now pregnant again.

This is not something that a strong working woman can do, more like a housewife can do.

The    frequency is also a little too high.

Ye Wanrong is older than her husband, but she is not pregnant with a second child because she has taken some measures.

But Su Qi didn’t take any measures, she just followed the fate.

is not forced to conceive, but it will not be destroyed when conceived.

She once talked to Ye Wanrong about this, and she said that she was too old and did not want to be an elderly mother, but she still wanted to have another child, so she would not take any measures.

Ye Wanrong is still young, after giving birth to this child, she can wait a few years to have a second child.

But Su Qi can’t wait.

When she gave birth to Liu Ming, she was already over thirty years old. After a few more years, she would be a proper elderly mother.

Therefore, if you can regenerate one, you can regenerate one.

If you can give birth earlier, give birth earlier.

She doesn’t want to give birth too much, just two.

To regenerate a third one, she feels too old and has certain risks.

Having two children and taking care of each other will be better.

What happened at home made her realize how incomplete it is to have only one child.

At the end of October, I went to the hospital for a checkup and found out that I was pregnant again.

This news was told to Liu Qing, Liu Qing was very excited, and first made a phone call to Ding Yun:

“Mom, Su Qi went to the hospital for a checkup today, and she’s pregnant again!”

It is a fact that    and Ding Yun are separated, but when his daughter-in-law is pregnant, the first person he wants to notify is his own mother.

Knowing that Ding Yun wishes to have more grandchildren and can experience his joy the most, so he was the first to share the past.

Ding Yun was really happy when she received the call, and then told him:

“Then you have to be careful in the future, don’t let her hurt the fetal gas.”

Going home from get off work, Su Qi seems to have become the object of protection.

In fact, there is not much to worry about at this time, Su Qi is always a person who gave birth to a child.

But everyone realized that there was another life in her stomach, and their attitudes became different. They all regarded her as a fragile item, and they were cautious, for fear of hurting her.

There is also Zhen Tian who enjoys the same treatment.

But Zhen Tian has been pregnant for more than seven months, so she should be given extra protection.

When she was only over a month old, she had never been taken seriously.

People are still different after all.

Now Liu Qing has a son and a daughter, and two unborn children, so there are four children in total.

This kind of thing spreads to ordinary people, and it has to bend the spine.

But for him, there is no pressure at all.

To say that there is such a little worry, at most, I am worried that I will grow old in the future, and these children will fight for the family property when they are older.

There are too many things to make brothers against their goals for some money, and Liu Qing does not think that his family can be spared.

But, that’s not a big deal.

He felt that he could live for decades, and that he could control his property while he was alive. If he divided them up earlier, even if there were disputes, they would remain within a decent category.

Step back 10,000 steps and say that it is 10,000 times better to have a feud between brothers because of family property disputes than because of debt problems.

That belongs to the troubles of the rich, but also to the troubles of happiness.

What he hopes more is that each of his children can become talents.

It doesn’t matter too much if he can’t become a talent. The assets of the family can allow his children to live a rich and noble life. Even if they don’t have the ability to make a living, it doesn’t matter, and they can live a happy life.

To be able to live a happy life, it’s okay to be an incompetent.

There are one or two talented people who will hand over the family business to them.

If there are no one or two talented people, they can be trained from grandchildren.

The more students   , the more chance of mediocrity appearing, but the chance of appearing talented will also be more, as long as there is one talented person, the family business will be stable.

Even if there is a talented person every other generation, he can keep his wealth for several lifetimes.

Su Qi was pregnant again, Ye Wanrong felt a little excited, and discussed with Xiaowen in private: “Do you think I want to have another one?”

“You’re really not afraid,” Xiaowen said, “During the period of pregnancy, you walked around slowly with a big belly, I felt tired looking at it, and I thought I would never eat it in my life. Such suffering, you dare to regenerate, what do you think?”

“Actually, it’s not that hard to have a child. When it’s hard, it’s only a few months, and other times it’s actually quite easy.” Ye Wanrong said.

and then said:

“Especially with the second child, it’s easier than the first, with more experience and less pain during childbirth. I don’t think I can handle the pain of the first child if I don’t have a few births.”

Ding Yun promised to reward Liu Qing with 1% of the shares of Tianyuan Group for every child she gave birth to.

That 1% stake is worth the boss.

In another year or two, when that drug is on the market, the value will be even greater, and it should be worth billions anyway.

If you can give birth to one more, you can get a huge fortune. It is false to say that you are not interested.

Aside from those things, her own child can bring her a lot of happiness – without having to bring her own children.

Xiaowen blinked and said, “Since you like having children so much, why don’t you help me have one.”

Ye Wanrong was stunned for a moment: “How can you give birth to you? How can I, a woman, give birth to a child for this woman?”

“Just… just give me one,” Xiaowen said, “I don’t want to have children, it’s very hard to think about it, since you like having children so much and want to have more, then give me one. In the future, I will raise him and be his mother.”

Ye Wanrong smiled: “We all live together, even if I raise my child for you, how close can he be to you as my mother here? Besides, raising other people’s children is the same as raising other people’s children. Having a child of your own is not the same thing, and when you become a mother, you will understand that it is not the same thing at all. I suggest you have one yourself.”

“Well, I don’t understand anyway, so I’ll believe what you said,” Xiaowen said, “but now I don’t want to have children, maybe I won’t have children in my life, I think that’s fine.”

“That’s because your mother’s love has not been stimulated. You won’t think so when you grow up.” Ye Wanrong said.

“Maybe it won’t inspire me in my whole life,” Xiaowen said quietly, “I’m really not interested in family or anything. If I wasn’t thinking about old age, I wouldn’t even want to adopt a child.”

Everyone is born in a different environment and feels different about family.

Xiaowen has never felt the warmth of the family since she was a child, so she has always been somewhat repulsive about having children. She only saw the hard work of others, but she couldn’t feel the warmth.

She sometimes teases children, but she doesn’t really have that kind of motherly love.

Su Qi hugged her and patted her back, and said:

“Don’t worry about old age, we are all a family, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have children, my child is your child, no matter what the situation is in the future, if I have a bite to eat, there will be no less of yours to eat.”

The relationship between these two sisters is still quite good, and has always been good.

Xiaowen is also a relatively successful anchor with goods. She brings goods four or five times a month. The sales of each game can be in the millions, and sometimes it can reach tens of millions.

On the platform of Douyin, that is the data of the first-line anchors with goods.

She is a top-notch anchor of Tianyuan Media, and she gets a lot of commissions in a month. Now the income in the bank account is higher than Ye Wanrong.

Even if she doesn’t have a job now, she has left Liu Qing. With those savings, she can easily spend her life.

She could easily repay the ransom money she promised to give to her family, but she didn’t do that, and still sent a small amount of money every month.

This also represents her attitude – she will repay the things she owes, but she will not give any extra.

I haven’t been back to my hometown since I came out.

Sometimes I dream of my hometown, but most of them are nightmares, and I dream of some very unpleasant things.

In the past year or so, I have never had such a nightmare. Sometimes, when I dream of my hometown, I feel a little warmth.

For example, the grass on the side of the road, the wild flowers on the mountain, and the dog in the village who shook his head and waggled his tail at him.

I didn’t dream much about anyone, let alone her family.

In the days without her family, she felt very happy, and she did not feel any flaws.

Really want to talk about family, but Liu Qing and others who are not related by blood are regarded as family.

So she really doesn’t pay that much attention to blood relationship.

Whether she will get pregnant and have children in the future, she doesn’t know, anyway, she doesn’t have that idea at the moment.

Liu Qing will not force any woman to give him a child. There are already three women who are willing to give birth to him, two children have been born, and two are waiting to be born in the womb.

If you can give birth to one, under normal circumstances, you will not mind having another one, so there will be no shortage of children.

It’s just that Su Qi is pregnant, and what makes him a little bit of a headache is that it means that after a while, Su Qi will have to leave her post again and wait at home to give birth.

The heavy responsibility of that group will fall on his shoulders again.

This will undoubtedly affect his quality of life.

Moreover, he doubted whether he had the ability to take on that heavy responsibility.

Some things can be done with more than just hard work.

talked with Su Qi about this problem. The solution Su Qi proposed was to promote one or two people in the group to serve as vice presidents to share his work pressure.

Or you can find a headhunting company and hire an excellent professional manager outside to be the vice president of their company.

The annual salary of the president and vice president of Tianyuan Group is about one million yuan. Compared with the size of the company, this salary is not enough to hire top managers.

Only because the president and vice president are also major shareholders of the company, so there will be such a low salary.

This size, under normal circumstances, would have an annual salary of tens of millions.

When encountering something that is not very normal, an annual salary of hundreds of millions can be paid.

To let others sit in this position, exercise the power of this position, and assume the responsibilities that this position should bear, the annual salary must be increased, and it must be raised to the level of tens of millions.

Recruiting two people is about 20 million salary a year.

Tianyuan Group can afford such expenses.

Liu Qing is willing to spend such expenses, but he is a little worried, for fear that people with impure minds will hollow out the company.

Su Qi disagrees with this:

“Now that our company’s system is relatively complete, it is too difficult for a vice president to hollow out our company. Unless all the people in the entire group except you become his people, it is impossible. If there is such a person who can achieve that step, whether he is a vice president or not, he can hollow out the company.”

After she said this, Liu Qing also made a decision:

“Then create two more vice president positions.”

The establishment of two instead of one is also to have a check and balance against each other.

A sign of an enterprise transforming from a family business to a modern one is that important positions are no longer people in the family, but elites hired from outside.

Tianyuan Group can only be regarded as a semi-modern enterprise now, because the most important positions are the family.

Of course, there are only a few positions, the vice president, and the chairman of the board, a total of three positions.

There are no family members in other positions, which is stronger than those pure family businesses.

In order to make life easier in the future and the pressure on his shoulders is not so heavy, Liu Qing finally chose to move in a more modern direction.

In layman’s terms, that is one word – lazy.

and Su Qi studied for a long time, and finally decided to promote a person to be a vice president within the group, and then recruit a person to be a vice president outside.

Liu Qing also asked Su Qi if Feng Zhixuan had the ability to be the vice president of the group, but Su Qi rejected it:

“She still has the ability to do things, and she has enough loyalty, but the layout is smaller, she has no pioneering spirit, and she doesn’t even have the ability to keep success. Being a financial director is already her limit, and the position of vice president is not suitable. she.”

“Furthermore, the position of chief financial officer is very important. With her in this position, we can rest assured that part of the power of the president will be given to outsiders.”

At the beginning of November, at the suggestion of Liu Qing, the board of directors of Tianyuan Group passed a resolution to increase the positions of two vice presidents, and at the same time raised the annual salary of the vice presidents to ten million yuan.

The reason for adding two vice president positions is that Tianyuan Group is developing too fast now, and only one vice president assists the president in handling affairs, which can no longer keep up with the current state of development.

For better development, two vice president positions must be established to increase the efficiency of the core layer in handling affairs.

Tianyuan Group is so large, and the annual salary of the vice president is set at 10 million, which is a very reasonable price.

At the same time, the annual salary of Liu Qing, the president, has also been increased to 15 million, which better maintains the dignity of his president.

Liu Qing personally doesn’t feel much about this, he doesn’t lack that little money.

(end of this chapter)

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