Being Reborn And Starting Off By Not Being A Simp

Chapter 673

Chapter 663: New Heights

Chapter 663 New Heights

The establishment of the position of vice president does not mean that a vice president must be appointed immediately.

Whether it is to promote one within the group or recruit one from outside, it takes time.

This thing does not mean that you can be appointed immediately after setting up a post.

manages a large group with assets of more than 100 billion yuan, so it can’t be so playful.

The one who is going to be promoted internally can be a senior manager of the headquarters, or the CEO of a company fully invested by Tianyuan Group.

is mainly competent, and has demonstrated his excellent ability in previous years of work.

If you are recruiting outside, you have to look at the qualifications of the other party and inquire about the reputation of the other party.

In any case, you must have experience in managing large enterprises and have a good track record.

An annual salary of tens of millions is not so easy to get.

Liu Qing is not very worried about this, he believes that Su Qi can handle this.

Liu Qing is still preparing to bring goods for his Double Eleven.

Double Eleven is not only related to the performance of Tianyuan Selection, but also to the performance of the small and medium-sized enterprises of Tianyuan Group.

Those products produced by small and medium-sized enterprises, even if they have a certain social awareness now, more than 60% of the products are now sold through live broadcasts.

Only about ten percent of    is sold on other shopping platforms, and the other is through offline channels.

The proportion of offline sales has increased a lot compared to last year, that is because the products of Tianyuan Group have already gained a certain reputation and become the so-called light of domestic products, and suddenly there are many more offline channels to ask for their products.

But now the main sales are still live streaming, which is related to their cash flow.

Hurricane Media, a new media company acquired by Tianyuan Group, is also doing well. Now it is mainly developing in the iron factory. The RMB paved the way. In less than a year, several hundred million were invested in it, and it also won a few first-line anchors.

There are those who specialize in entertainment PK business traffic, and there are also those who specialize in bringing goods.

The quality of the goods brought by    is good, gradually accumulated a good reputation, and also received the traffic support of the platform, and now it has become the top three existence of this platform.

Their long-term goal is to surpass the Lion King family, and there is still a long way to go.

On this platform, the gap between the first and second place is cliff-like.

However, they are backed by big capital, and it is not impossible for them to surpass them in the future.

In terms of word of mouth, the companies under Tianyuan Group have a much better reputation than the Lion family.

Hurricane Media is also preparing for Double Eleven, and has shared some resources with Tianyuan Media.

is a boss anyway.

On the side of the merchant, one more sales channel is not excluded.

Since October 20th, Hurricane Media has been working hard.

By the beginning of November, considerable sales have been achieved.

If all the commissions are in place, you can get all the money you smashed back.

By the end of Double 11, this company will no longer be a loss-making company, but a profitable company.

Tianyuan Media is now mainly on the pox India platform. Last month, Liu Qing also discussed the issue of in-depth cooperation with the platform owner. The platform also promised to provide more traffic support, as well as open the whitelist protection system, and start broadcasting on their important anchors. During the period, special personnel will be sent to stay in the live broadcast room, and there will be reminders where there are violations, but the broadcast will not be interrupted.

With this kind of support, Tianyuan Media’s propaganda efforts are also quite strong. They have come up with a budget of 200 million to fight the big battle of Double Eleven.

This time it started in October.

This season’s Double 11, the largest e-commerce platform advertising is not as turbulent as before, but on the pockmark platform, the publicity is bigger than in previous years.

In the past, the e-commerce link of this platform was very weak, so there was not much publicity.

Now there are several excellent e-commerce companies on their own platform, which can achieve sales of over 100 million in a single game, and they still have to use the data of e-commerce to operate the listing, of course, they need to be vigorously promoted.

Tianyuan Best is a banner of the pockmark platform, and of course they have received the most traffic support.

With the strong support of the platform, and a lot of traffic from the company, this year’s Double Eleven results are quite impressive.

Since the first live broadcast with goods launched in the name of Double Eleven on October 20, every delivery has used the elite soldiers of Tianyuan Media.

Ye Mo has broadcast live on this account, Xiaowen has also broadcast live on this account, and two first-line anchors dug from the company have also broadcast live on this account.

Even the assistant broadcaster is also the second-tier anchor of Tianyuan Media.

Here, Qin Kun played the most times.

Every delivery guarantees that Tianyuan Group’s own products account for half of the quantity, and there are also a few special Tianyuan deliveries.

The sales data for this season are much stronger than the previous year.

In particular, the sales of Tianyuan Group’s own products were several times stronger than the previous year.

This is mainly because Tianyuan Group’s products are known as the light of domestic products and have gained higher recognition.

In addition, the strong support of the platform also has a lot to do.

In the second half of this year, the Poxyin platform has strictly controlled entertainment live broadcasts, and there are more restrictions on anchors.

Some first-line and super-first-line anchors are banned at every turn, and there are more and more sensitive words. Those who play scripts to engage in controversy and stir up traffic often last for more than ten days.

And there are restrictions on playing PK, so you can’t brush too many tickets.

Although there is no explicit rule, there is an unspoken rule that a single PK sound wave cannot exceed 10 million. Generally, everyone abides by this standard.

If you exceed this standard, you are likely to be banned and cannot live broadcast for a short time.

Under such high pressure, during the Double 11, many super-first-line anchors were blocked.

All the big anchors who got in the way are in danger and don’t know what to do.

The anchors of Tianyuan Media used to have those vulgar hype, but after the live broadcast and delivery of goods started, they did not do such things.

The scale of    has been tightened, mainly aimed at those anchors who do entertainment PK. There are also anchors who engage in entertainment PK in Tianyuan Group, but not many, and they have not been greatly affected.

In addition, several major anchors who bring goods have the protection of whitelists, and there are dedicated personnel to provide one-on-one services. If the mistakes are not too serious, the broadcast will not be interrupted, which also makes them inexplicably become the winner of this wave of crackdowns. Benefit.

——With so many super-first-line anchors unable to live broadcast, the traffic will flow to other live broadcast rooms, and Tianyuan Media can get some traffic more or less.

Those super-first-line anchors on Double 11 will always bring goods, and they will bring special products. Now they have been affected, and Tianyuan Media has lost some competitors.

Under the influence of these factors, Tianyuan Media has become the biggest winner. In this season’s Double Eleven sales competition, it has achieved better results than last year.

It is not uncommon for a single game to exceed 100 million yuan. This season is Xiaowen’s live broadcast on Tianyuan’s preferred account, and it also brought out sales of more than 200 million yuan.

And Ye Mo had two deliveries this season, and the combined sales of the two games exceeded 800 million, which also set a new high for him.

And the highlight was on the day of Double Eleven, Liu Qing and Qin Kun were the main coffees, and Ye Mo also showed up.

In the live broadcast room on this day, the peak number of online users exceeded 3.5 million.

On that day, Tianyuan Selected Live broadcasted a total of 14 hours and brought more than 100 items.

Among them, Tianyuan Group’s products account for half, and there are more than ten national brands. In addition, there are other brand partners. Some are brands with annual sales of tens of billions of dollars, some are new brands, but the quality has passed Tianyuan’s selection of preferred products, belonging to Reliable, the kind that won’t roll over.

In this live broadcast with goods, Tianyuan preferred tens of millions of pit fees.

In fourteen hours, more than 40 million orders were sold, and the sales reached a terrifying over 30 billion.

After deducting the cost and expenses, this live broadcast with goods brought nearly 400 million profits to Tianyuan Media.

In normal times, an order for a product exceeds 10,000, which is already a very good result.

An order can break 20,000, which is definitely a burst order.

But in this live broadcast room, one product broke 100,000 orders, which is just an ordinary result, and some are low.

is basically hundreds of thousands of explosions.

There are also products that directly exploded millions of orders.

There is a reason for the high quality and low price, and another important reason, that is, too many people consume in the live broadcast room, which drives the atmosphere and allows more people to spend irrationally, things they didn’t want to buy. all bought.

Live streaming has such magic power.

This data is much better than last year.

Last year it was more than 30 hours of data, this year it is only 14 hours of data.

It is no surprise that this year’s Double Eleven has won the title of online sales by Tianyuan Select again.

——In this year’s Double 11 sales season, the single-game sales champion is still the first brother and one sister of the professional e-commerce platform, but their main battlefield is the pre-sale on October 20th, and one sales out of one. More than 10 billion, and a sales of more than 8 billion.

On the day of Double 11, it was not the main battlefield for those two.

Although   Tianyuan Optimization has made a lot of progress, they also know it in their hearts. They can only bring shame on themselves when they fight with others on October 20th.

Facts have also proved that the gap with the first brother and the first sister is still quite large, and it is still getting bigger and bigger.

If you fight with them on the 20th of October, let alone beat them, if you want to have similar data to them, the company doesn’t know how much money it will take to pay the bills, it will definitely not make any money, it will only make a big loss Special loss.

On Double 11, a day they don’t pay much attention to, they can do some data.

This day’s top online sales, it’s pretty awesome.

And, double 11 in the narrow sense, isn’t it just this day?

In fact, when it comes to the entire Double 11 season, the results of Tianyuan Selection are also quite impressive, more than double the same period last year.

The sales data of this double 11 sales season is more than that of the whole year of last year.

is also more than the previous months of the year combined.

Well, it has firmly established itself as the No. 3 online seller in this sales season, and has already thrown the iron factory far away.

The distance between    and the first brother and the first sister is still a bit large, but he can already eat the ashes left when they ran past.

After Double Eleven, we have to prepare for Double Twelve.

Double Twelve is not as important as Double Eleven, and Liu Qing will not participate in this live broadcast.

The goal he set for the company is to keep three and fight for the second and strive to be the first in the double 12 live broadcast battle.

During this period of time, the anchors who are entertaining PK on the Pooyin platform are mourning. They can’t let go of playing PK, play script hype, and punish vulgarity. They don’t know how to do content anymore.

Then seeing that the benefits of live streaming are good, they have transformed themselves and want to become anchors with goods.

However, there are few successful ones.

When there is no limit on the acne mark platform, a PK can play up to one or two hundred million sound waves, which is equivalent to RMB 100 to 20 million.

has set a limit later, with a maximum of 10 million votes.

By the end of the year, there will be more restrictions.

In the beginning, the specific number will not be displayed if there are more than 5 million votes unilaterally.

After the    becomes more than one million votes, the specific number will not be displayed.

Then there are rumors that whoever reaches one million votes first will be judged to win.

This approach has caused the platform to lose a lot of lively fans who like to watch the special effects of gifts.

And the most worrying thing is the issue of paying taxes.

An anchor with goods was found to have evaded tens of millions in tax and was then fined heavily.

Following this announcement, all places are strictly investigating the personal tax of the anchors.

In the past, many big anchors used various means to avoid tax. Now they need to check, not only this year, but also the tax situation of previous years.

gave them a deadline to pay the tax on their own initiative, and then they could escape punishment.

If you don’t take the initiative to pay taxes and are found out, you will be fined heavily and may even be sentenced to prison.

For many big anchors, it is undoubtedly a disaster.

——Those people get money quickly and spend money quickly. At that time, all the money from tax evasion and tax evasion was spent. Now even if they sell the house and car, they can’t fill the hole.

Qin Kun is also a prominent figure in the circle. He has received many calls from big anchors asking for help, asking him to borrow money to pay taxes.

He and Liu Qing summed it up and felt that this was a good opportunity to recruit troops.

For those who asked for help, he did not completely refuse, just one condition – borrow money, sign in to Tianyuan Media.

Of course, not all the big anchors who borrow money from him will offer such conditions.

Some big anchors have already pulled, and there is no potential to speak of.

What he wants to sign is the kind of anchor with great potential.

This time the tax inspection has affected not only the pox and India platforms, but many live broadcast platforms have been affected.

There are quite a few big anchors who have turned to Tianyuan Media for help.

Finally, when it comes to the anchors who have signed contracts, there are more than 20, distributed on several different live broadcast platforms.

There are super-first-tier ones, first-tier ones, and second-tier ones.

is the kind that has more potential in Qin Kun’s view.

At this time, signing such an anchor would cost less than half of the usual amount.

For the company, it can be regarded as a big bargain.

Tianyuan Media has long thought about not putting eggs in one basket and developing on other platforms.

Being able to sign these head anchors will give you a bridgehead to enter other live broadcast platforms, which is much more convenient.

(end of this chapter)

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