Belle Adams' Butler

Chapter 189 - Follower- Part 3

Chapter 189 - Follower- Part 3

Lucas came to stand behind Greed and moved his leg across the reaper's body to have the reaper fly to the tree which was at the side. His body crashing against the bark and falling down.

"You think you know everything about it, but you know nothing Greed. You are filled and made of greed, the desperation of wanting everything and anything must be hard when you can't gain the attention of the person who you were looking up to but then you were a terrible disciple," said Lucas, dusting his shirt he walked forward.

Greed looked slightly taken aback but there was more shock on his face where his eyes moved from the ground to shift towards Lucas. Running the words that were spoken a few seconds ago as he tried to grasp them,

"Your trickery won't work on me, Cross. Did you think that you will throw some facts and try to scare me?"

"But you are worried that your name is going to be out with what you did. Terrible before and terrible now," Lucas then pulled out the pendant which he had taken from the storage room. Running his finger across the stone, "Did you know that the charm stones were part of the realm of the dead? That they make use of the souls that have deceased and passed from here. Abilities mixing with one another to give a new form."

Greed rolled his eyes, "I know what charm stones are."

"But did you know that some charm stones also acquire a minimal ability from the Grim reapers?" asked Lucas, educating the sixth reaper, "Like this here, it uses your ability."

"It seems like being in the mortal world has got some of your screws out of your head."

"Or maybe your mind has turned corrupt by staying in the land of the living," said Lucas to break the stone and suddenly a cloud of white smoke appeared from it to seep into Lucas's body and disappear, "The blue stone is used to preserve memories, a quality that is drawn from you."

"Nobody but me can make use of the ability when it comes to memories. Do you think a measly looking stone will have it?" Greed harumphed.

Lucas raised his hand and out of the air, he pulled out a knife that was dipped in blood, and waved his hand for the knife to go hit the Grim's shoulder who winced in pain, "You have been living in the land of the living for quite some time I see, the more you stay the more mortal you turn and you will feel pain just like them."

Greed pulled out the knife with a grudging look and stood up.

"Let us see," he said and he started to fight with Lucas by hands and legs, both of them dodging and moving until Lucas pulled out another knife and rammed it across the same shoulder causing pain in the reaper's body, "Why do you have his abilities?" demanded Greed.

"I told you, the stone was a memory capsule. Greedy Greed," said Lucas and Greed's face froze because that nickname was used by only one person who he had sent away to rest.


Lucas smiled, his canine growing further big and wide like a wolf's teeth and his eyes turned black, "I don't think you would have missed me," said Lucas before pushing four more knives into Greed so that he wouldn't move.

Greed didn't know what was going on therefore he decided to let the person in front of him speak, "What are you doing here?" the reaper was happy yet confused.

The smoke had indeed carried memories that were trapped in the stone for many years. It was most of the memories that belonged to his former self, Guilt. The time he had spent in the land of the living and dead, the time he had met Belle for the very first time upon her order of wanting to bring back her parents.

It was a rush of memories that had started to get in one after another, reminding him of every little time he had spent as Guilt.

'I have something to ask you,' he asked in the current Adams' mansion.

'What is it?' asked Evelyn, her eyes looking in his.

'I need you to tap into the forbidden magic and create a stone. The stone is blue in colour which will help in copying my memories in it.'

Evelyn gave him a confused look, 'Why do you need to do that?'

'It is for the future. I will need you to search the spell that will tap and contain all of my memories,' he said to her.

Of course, these memories were before the stone was made and not after and with the amount of knowledge he received now, Lucas could tell that it wasn't too far from the day they were both killed.

Greed in the meantime was happy to see Guilt but still confused about what was going on as this was the thirteenth Grim, couldn't help but have a wide smile. The Grim he admired the most was standing in front of him and at the same time, it didn't matter that he was the one to kill him.

"You are supposed to be resting," said Greed, "I put you somewhere safe where no one would ever disturb you. A place you belonged to where you wouldn't be contaminated by the whim of a mere girl."

Greed followed Guilt everywhere he went, wanting to know everything he did and when he found out that the twelfth Grim was meeting a girl in the realm of the living, he didn't like it. The reapers were above all because after life came death and mortals had to pass it.

"You dared to kill her and me," said Lucas, pulling up his scythe.

"I was only protecting you from her. She was corroding you like a piece of iron being infected," reasoned Greed, "It doesn't matter how you came back but now we can work together like in the past," said the reaper eagerly.

Lucas smiled, a calm and polite one where he looked at Greed to say, "Sure," that brightened Greed's eye.

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