Belle Adams' Butler

Chapter 190 - Are We? - Part 1

Chapter 190 - Are We? - Part 1

Enjoy the 6 chapters Mass Release~


Lucas had come to know about the charm stone through the journal that was left behind by Evelyn in her room. A charm stone could be created only by the white witches and to create, one had to tap into the forbidden magic. Evelyn had written down about the day where he had asked her to create the stone for him.

And though Evelyn had written down about it, there was no mention of if the stone had been created or not. When a white witch tapped into the forbidden magic that laid in the deepest part of the realm of the living, they received it as a gift, but it came with a curse on their body starting to change and turn to the most hideous creature of the mortal realm- a black witch who was despised by everyone.

Breaking the stone in his hand which had memories stored inside had seeped into his skin and being to get back everything from his past life as the Twelfth Grim of the cards. He saw how happy Greed looked, almost like a puppy who had no idea what Lucas was up to.

"How do I trust you, Greed?" asked Lucas, bringing his scythe forward to place it against Greed's neck.

The sixth Grim was a tricky person, and he would have to handle it well. Killing was not something he wanted to because that would cause all the attention on him and Belle, and this was not the time because right now, they had to deal with the black witches.

"I was only following orders," Greed raised both his arms together.

"Don't give me that shit," Lucas smiled looking down at the reaper, "You have no issues breaking the rules here, but you killed her, and then you killed me."

"That was before. She didn't even suit you. You should be happy I got rid of her," Greed whispered, the thought of the woman turned his face sour, "She made you weak and you know that. She wasn't worthy of you. You don't need some human, you are good as one single person," Lucas noticed the madness in Greed's eyes.

It had always been like this. Greed was charmed at the fact the way Guilt had worked in the past, with the air of melancholy where he killed people without blinking his eyes.

"She's gone, and no one knows that you are the former twelfth Grim. Only you could pull something like this," Greed's adoration for the former Twelfth Grim went so far as to he would kill anything that would deviate his attention. And that kind of devotion was dangerous, which was how Belle had died.

Lucas had to do something about it. Like every other reaper, while being punished, a part of Guilt had been sent to the land of the dead. He doubted Greed would let him know where it was right now, and Lucas was in no hurry. He pulled the scythe away that disappeared from his hand, and he started to walk where Greed was quick to follow, wanting to know what he was up to.

"If I knew who you were I would have never placed the change in time but I can tell why they wanted you gone now," chuckled Greed following Lucas' trail.

"Are you going to continue or should I believe that you want to keep me in suspense?" asked Lucas not waiting for Greed. He had to find a way to trap him.

Greed grinned, "I will tell you sometime later. Where are you going?" he asked.

"I have a soul to collect," said Lucas.

As expected Greed followed him back, walking behind him to look at the mansion that looked familiar.

"Isn't this the place we last saw each other?" asked Greed, walking through the gates while taking the form of a human to appear lean and tall. Hairs that were spikey everywhere.

"Because it is," Lucas answered with a void voice, his eyes taking a quick scan at the windows to see no one there.

"Why are we walking if we are going to take someone's soul?" asked Greed to which Lucas agreed and they apparated into the house's first floor. With the servants who were told not to come here, Lucas started to walk but Greed wanted to explore the house which once belonged to the girl who he had killed.

At the same time, Barron who was in the rabbit form stepped on the floor, huffing with his hand placed on his knees, "Ha! I am tired! Damn stairs so long," he cursed. Greed and Lucas both stopped walking to see the rabbit who had taken a pause to breathe and relax and when he started to walk again, he realized he saw something from behind and Barron froze not moving an inch.

Was it the maids?

But it wasn't his fault! Who knew they were going to be here when they were asked not to step into this side of the mansion?

Barron wondered if it was too late to drop on the floor and blame on air. Yes, that's right, the rabbit was pushed from Belle's room to this floor. Ugh, he was going to be reaped one day by Lucas.

When he finally turned to see the expressions of the two maids, he realized it was not maids but two men. One which he knew and the other, he looked familiar the way he looked. What was Lucas doing bringing a man to show the house?! And Barron who was still standing there heard the other man say,

"Time to catch the soul from the rabbit," and when he pulled out his scythe, Barron realized who this reaper was and he didn't want to get out and pull his scythe. A shrill cry came out of the rabbit,


But Greed was almost on his tail and before Greed's scythe could touch the rabbit, Lucas had pulled out his own scythe, turning it around and using it, to hit hard enough on the reaper in front of him. Whose head collided against the window, cracking the glass that waited to be touched to break; the Grim reaper fell unconscious.


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