Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

[924] – Y04.024 – Trouble Under The Sea III

‘Holy! Is she trying to get herself killed?’ Adam thought, beginning to sweat at how brazen Karza’s words were. From what he knew of Emperor Moto, he was among the likes of some of the greatest warriors across all the lands, but to hear Karza speaking of him like he was some kind of whelp, it filled his heart with a shock. ‘How can you be such an idiot to dismiss an Emperor like that?’

“Though our family does not have quite as many thousands of years of prestige as the name of Drunda, I am proud to see the peace and prosperity that the great majesty of the Wyl name has brought across thousands of miles,” the Princess replied. “My condolences to the trouble that your family has forming kingdoms across a hundred miles.”

“We Drunda worry little of playing empire building,” Karza replied, annoyed that she would speak of the Gryns like they were Drundas. “The only politics we need are leave us be or we’ll bring the storm upon your people. You should know-,”

“Karza,” Morkarai spoke aloud once more, his eyes glaring sharply at the woman, doing his best to keep her from getting assassinated out of the blue. “I’m sorry for bringing Karza here, but she has sniffed me out upon my journeys and forced herself to accompany me.”

“I have heard of your reputation of causing a mess, though not quite as much as the dragon who was recently butchered,” Miza stated, her eyes catching Karza’s for a moment, waiting for the woman’s retort.

“I apologise for bringing so many friends,” Morkarai said, trying to change the topic of conversation. “I had wished for you to meet some Iyrmen I had befriended during my travels.”

“I am intrigued as to how such young Iyrmen, demons, and even a Ray, have become your companions,” Miza admitted in the Aldish tongue, ignoring the half elf, who was more than likely related to the Sansant family.

Morkarai glanced towards the half elf for a moment, wondering how much he should say.

“I did not expect you to play with such children,” the Princess continued.

Morkarai smiled slightly, his red beard shifting to reveal his pearly white teeth beneath. “They are not quite so ordinary.”

“I shouldn’t have expected so, considering the presence of demons,” the Princess said.

‘Uh oh,’ Lucy thought, inhaling deeply.

“I heard the lands above had some trouble with demons, but I had heard they had been eradicated, even the dragons who had fought along their side,” Miza said, her eyes slowly falling to Karza, who glanced aside.

“Even if they are young, I call some of them my friends, and since they are friends of my friends, I consider them my own friends.”

“What is so special about them that you consider them your friends after just a few years?”

“Two of them are grandsons of the one who killed Forgryn,” Morkarai admitted.

Princess Miza’s ears twitched slightly, doing her best to keep her eyes upon Morkarai’s, though her curiosity was getting the best of her.

“Whose grandfather?” one called, huffing aloud, before turning red.

The Princess’ eyes snapped towards the half elf who had spoken up, the young man glancing aside, with enough shame to realise the mistake he made. “Such keen ears you fae folk hold.”

“Excuse me,” Adam said.

“What is your name, boy?”

“I’m sure you’re not talking to me, because I’m no boy,” Adam replied, feeling a flash of heat fill him, though it quickly slipped away.

“Are you not a boy?”

“I might act like a boy, but I’m very much a man.”

“I am not so familiar with you fae folk, especially those who are, more so, shorter lived.”

“Well, everyone has gaps in their knowledge. My name is Adam. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess Miza.”

“I am certain it is your pleasure,” Miza replied. “Are you not related to the Sansant family?”

“Sansant family? No. I’m not really from any elf family that you would be familiar with.”

“I am familiar with many elf families, Adam. Which are you related to?”

“None of them.”

“Is there a reason to hide your family from me?”

Adam shrugged his shoulder, glancing towards Morkarai. “I’m really not from any elf family any of you know because… well, you know, I can’t really see them any more.”

“Were you raised by your human family?” Miza asked.

“I don’t know. All I know is that I’m Adam, I’m not related to any elf or human family you will or will not have heard of, and that’s all. If you want to talk about my family, Jurot here is my brother, and my wife isn’t here right now…” Adam glanced aside towards the entrance. ‘It’s been a while…’

“Do you have trouble with your memory?”

“Rather than trouble with memory, it’s more we should keep the discussion away from the Divine’s eyes, otherwise I’ll get myself in trouble,” Adam replied casually.

“Adam has his own unique circumstances.” Morkarai held the woman’s eyes for a long moment.

“Even so, he should show the appropriate respect to royalty.”

“Adam has some issues with nobility and royalty…” Morkarai wondered if perhaps he should have asked Adam to behave better.

“You don’t have to worry about respect,” Adam assured. ”Since you’re marrying Prince Morkarai, I’ll show you that much respect.”

“Those of you who walk the land know little of the stories of the sea and its kin,” the Princess stated, her voice firm. “I cannot blame you for not knowing the magnificence of the name Wyl since you are ignorant.”

‘Damn, I really want to fight back, but…’ Adam sipped the sea milk, raising his brows towards Prince Morkarai. ‘See?’

‘Thank you, Adam.’ Prince Morkarai reached up to his beard, trying to figure out a way to make the Princess understand. “Princess Miza, perhaps I can reveal my gift to you?”

Miza bowed her head, while Morkarai glanced aside towards the guards, especially those adorned in pink. Miza wasn’t sure what he was planning to do. She was certain he would have brought her a magical item of sorts, but with the way Morkarai’s eyes gazed across her warriors, she grew further uncertain of the Prince’s thoughts.

“In order to reveal my gift, I will need to borrow the strength of one of your warriors,” Morkarai said.

“Sir Safu,” the Princess called, with one of the warriors stepping forward, bowing her head against the shaft of her spear. “She is one of my personal Coralguard.”

Morkarai thought for a moment. “Could you send someone to bring Adam’s armour, axe, and shield?”

“I can,” the Princess replied, motioning with her hand as a servant swiftly left. ‘What kind of gift has he brought me?’

“Adam,” Morkarai said.

“Yeah?” Adam asked, not liking where this was going.

“Jirot and Jarot will enjoy listening to your tale of facing against Sir Safu,” Morkarai said.

“If you’re going so far as to invoke my adorable children’s names, it looks like I can’t step back,” Adam said, finishing his milk and water. “If I had known I was going to fight, I would have picked a few different spells.”

‘He wants Sir Safu to face against a Priest?’ Miza thought, only growing further in confusion. She caught Morkarai’s eyes, which said all she needed to know. Princess Miza spoke the elemental tongue, though with more bubbles sounds of rushing water. “It would be impossible for your companion to beat Sir Safu.”

Morkarai cracked the smallest smile, replying back in the elemental tongue, more like the crackle of fire. “You are right. It is impossible for Adam to win.”

Karza glanced between Morkarai and Adam, narrowing her eyes slightly. She picked up something within Morkarai’s tone. It was far too light.

“You know…” Adam began, causing the others to glance his way, and suddenly Adam felt the rush of embarrassment. ‘Well, I’ve opened my mouth now, so I can’t regret it.’ “Shouldn’t we make this fight a little more interesting?”

“What are you thinking?” the Prince replied.

“I quite like these clothes,” Adam said. “Allow me and my companions, or I guess, my companions and I, to keep these wonderful clothing if I win. In exchange, we’ll offer a Greater Enhanced weapon if I lose.”

“A Greater Enhanced weapon?” Miza asked, narrowing her eyes towards the half elf. “Which Greater Enhanced weapon?”

“You can discuss with us what kind of Greater Enhanced weapon you want.”

“You are an enchanter?”

“I never said that,” Adam replied, smirking. “I’m Executive Adam of the United Kindom, a business which deals with crafting magical items and trading them.”

Miza glanced towards Morkarai. ‘You work together? Is this how you’re offering a Greater Enhanced weapon to me?’ “Very well.”

‘Vonda, when are you coming back?’ Adam thought, watching as the servant approached with his armour. ‘I really want to show off in front of you.’

‘Their equipment holds similar strength,’ Karza thought, her eyes falling onto Adam’s armour and then his axe. ‘His gear is slightly greater than the Coralguard?’ She eyed up Morkarai and then Adam’s equipment. The chances Morkarai had enchanted the equipment was extremely low, the Iyr would have allowed him to enchant some equipment, perhaps his shield, but that axe? It was far too great for Morkarai to enchant for the Iyr, or rather, for a half elf that was not an Iyrman.

The Coralguard stared at the half elf while he donned his armour, with the young Iyrman assisting him. The Iyrman wore simple attire, very different to the typical attire the Iyrmen wore outside, a shirt and trousers along with heavy boots. He wore simple grey clothing, his forehead tattooed with a blue circle within the centre, diamonds flanking on either side.

‘The boy looks barely twenty,’ Sir Safu thought, waiting patiently for the half elf to adorn his armour. ‘What is the Prince thinking sending a boy to face me? I did not enter The Torn Crevice to beat up children.’

“Adam,” Jurot said in their tongue, strapping the breastplate onto his brother. “You must win.”

“Win? Am I allowed to win?” Adam joked, strapping the rest of his armour on, feeling the snugness of the puthral, and his heart beat slowed slightly.

“You are within Prince Morkarai’s group. They cannot harm you.”

Adam’s lips formed a small smile before it disappeared under his helmet, the half elf then clasping his shield. He drew his axe and swung it in the air. “Okay.”

Jaygak threw a look towards the returning Jurot. “Did you ask him to win?”


“If Adam beats the Coralguard, it’ll cause a lot of trouble.”

“He should cause trouble, since he is his daughter’s father, and grandfather’s grandson.”

“Whose grandson?” Jaygak joked, smirking wide. “Should I also cause trouble and fight a Coralguard?”

“It will be a good fight.”

Jaygak’s eyes fell across the Coralguard. She sighed, shaking her head. “The Coralguard are different to the Aldishmen. I could trouble the Aldishmen, but there is no need to trouble the Crevians the same way.”

Adam finished warming up with his axe. “I’m sorry for keeping you waiting, Sir Safu. Thank you for your magnanimity.”

“You should ready yourself,” Sir Safu said, slamming her trident against the floor, before spinning it once, grabbing it with both hands as she squatted down, yet still towered above the half elf. “You may surrender as you please.”

“You as well,” Adam replied, bowing his head, before he pointed his axe forward, hiding behind his shield.

The Princess stared at the half elf, her eyes taking in the sight of his body. He was small, with his stance childishly simple. He was no doubt an Expert from above, but compared to the Prince or herself, he was a relative nobody. ‘His gear is magical, so one cannot underestimate him, but having magical weapons does not place you upon our level.’

“Would you do the honours?” Morkarai asked.

“You may begin,” Princess Miza said, waving her hand, already bored of the fight.

Battle Order
D20 + 1 = 3 (2)

Sir Safu inhaled a breath for a moment, before her entire body flexed and she sprung forward, like a tossed spear, putting all of her strength into her blow. The explosive strength within her body propelled her forward with such might, she would have skewered any Expert in half, even a Rage Dancer. Her trident struck Strong Shield with such force, she threatened to crush it with her great might. The shield, magical as it was, still vibrated with the force of her great blow, and her trident bounced off the side of the shield and towards Adam’s helmet, the half elf letting out a yelp of surprise.

‘It’s your misfortune to…’ Sir Safu thought, but the thought quickly faded away as she stared into the half elf’s eyes through his helmet, even through the shadow her body formed over him.

Mana: 25 -> 24
Spell: Shield
Defence: 25 -> 30

Health: 91 -> 68

Adam’s heart beat wildly, his arm shaking with the force of the Coralguard’s blow. Had he not used his Shield spell, he would have certainly have taken more than enough damage to have him step back, but the pain against the side of his head filled him with more annoyance than fear.

“Is it my turn?”


Well, at least Adam tried to be nice?

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