Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

[925] – Y04.025 – Trouble Under The Sea IV

Fighting Spirit: 3 -> 2
Health: 68 -> 73

Attack - Wizard’s Axe (Advantage)
D20 + 10 = 13 (3)
D20 + 10 = 24 (14)
Wraith: 3 -> 2
Mana: 24 -> 23
Ability: Divine Smite
2D6 + 2D6 + 2D6 + 9 = 31 (2, 6)(2, 5)(3, 4)
31 damage!

Attack - Wizard’s Axe (Advantage)
D20 + 10 = 23 (13)
D20 + 10 = 26 (16)
Wraith: 2 -> 1
Mana: 23 -> 22
Ability: Divine Smite
2D6 + 2D6 + 2D6 + 9 = 24 (1, 3)(1, 2)(2, 6)
24 damage!

Onward Soar: 1 -> 0

Attack - Wizard’s Axe (Advantage)
D20 + 10 = 24 (14)
D20 + 10 = 24 (14)
Wraith: 1 -> 0
Mana: 22 -> 21
Ability: Divine Smite
2D6 + 2D6 + 2D6 + 9 = 22 (1, 3)(2, 5)(1, 1)
22 damage!

Attack - Wizard’s Axe (Advantage)
D20 + 10 = 15 (5)
D20 + 10 = 20 (10)
Mana: 21 -> 20
Ability: Divine Smite
2D6 + 2D6 + 9 = 27 (4, 5)(4, 5)
27 damage!

The Princess’ eyes remained focused on the pair in their spar, who fought near the entrance, the tables having been pushed aside by the servants with assassin like stealth whilst they had prepared. Though she expected the Coralguard to all but put Adam down like a damn dolphin, Sir Safu barely managed to keep her wits about her as Adam swung his axe with such force, he threatened to break the magical trident within her hands. Though Sir Safu was larger and held greater strength, somehow this young half elf was forcing her to step back with his great blows, as though threatening to cut down the Cliffs of Avor.

Safu inhaled deeply as her muscles flexed, doing her best to shrug off Adam’s powerful blows, but his blows were greater than her own, the magic of the Divine flashing through her body, as well as the sickening chill of Wraith. The pair continued to crash together like a storm, with the Coralguard doing her best to try and find a way to slip through Adam’s great defence. Had it been any other figure in typical plate armour, she would have already skewered them, but there was a greater force at work against her.

Mana: 20 -> 19
Spell: Shield
Defence: 25 -> 30

Health: 73 -> 55

Jurot watched as his brother managed to easily deflect great blows which would have killed Experts twice over. He was uncertain of how he felt about his brother revealing his great abilities to the Princess, but considering the mermen always kept to the Undersea, his heart remained at ease. In many ways, Adam had great strength. His abilities with a weapon was great, not quite as great as the best of the land, but great. His abilities with magic was great, not quite as great as the best of the land, but great. However, Adam was one of the few who could utilise magic and blade in such a way, even greater than Paragon Oathkeepers.

Jaygak sipped at her milk, letting out a soft sigh. The young Iyrman thought back to a few years ago when they had first met, when they were all eighteen. Yet, within the span of a handful of years, Adam had brought himself to the level of facing a Coralguard, and not just to clash with them, but to have such a high chance of winning.

‘What kind of abilities do you possess, Adam?’

Adam’s arms began to throb as he engaged with the Coralguard, but he pushed away the thoughts as he continued to clash against her, his magical steel against her magical steel. Even though she had managed to shrug off some of his strength, charging forward with a greater passion, her trident striking against his puthral, Adam continued to step forward towards her too.

Fighting Spirit: 2 -> 1
Health: 55 -> 60

Attack - Wizard’s Axe (Advantage)
D20 + 10 = 11 (1)
D20 + 10 = 27 (17)
Mana: 19 -> 18
Ability: Divine Smite
2D6 + 2D6 + 9 = 25 (1, 6)(3, 6)
25 damage!

Attack - Wizard’s Axe (Advantage)
D20 + 10 = 11 (2)
D20 + 10 = 27 (15)
Mana: 18 -> 17
Ability: Divine Smite
2D6 + 2D6 + 9 = 24 (1, 6)(2, 6)
24 damage!

Wraith struck against the woman’s breastplate, flashing white hot with divine magic, forcing the woman back. Safu let out gasps of pain as the rest of the Coralguard remained focused upon her, the entire group watching as she stepped backwards, catching the axe with her trident. Her heart pounded wildly within her chest, her vision beginning to blur, but she refused to fall.

“You are no normal Priest,” she managed to pant out, realising how weak her voice had become, it shuddering almost as much as her arms.

“You’re pretty strong too,” Adam replied, casually, though he could feel how much effort it had taken to bring her down this low.

‘So this is what you meant, Morky,’ Karza thought, not taking her eyes off the pair who were still engaged in their fight, the ringing of steel filling the air, though it grew weaker and weaker. She didn’t dare take her eyes off the fight, now understanding the deeper meaning behind Morkarai’s words.

“Adam,” Morkarai called as Adam’s axe slammed between the forks of the shaking trident. The Prince leaned back within his chair innocently, as though he hadn’t caused the mess that was about to occur. “Will you consider it a draw?”

Adam dared to glance aside, giving the Coralguard an opening for an attack. However, she didn’t act, not when the Prince had spoken up on her behalf, and she remained still, slowly withdrawing her trident. She noted the look in Adam’s eyes beneath his visor and she paused, another wave of shock filling her.

Adam inhaled deeply, before letting out a soft sigh. “I like these clothes, but I suppose I like you a little more, Prince Morkarai.”

Princess Miza could hear it. The softness within Adam’s voice. The playfulness of his tone, even when speaking to royalty. She was still uncertain of what Morkarai’s gift was, but her sight suddenly fell upon the young half elf, who was no doubt a part of what Morkarai wanted to gift her.

Meanwhile, Karza, who had spoken with the fire giant, understood the puzzle pieces of their conversations over the past few days. Somehow, Adam would come up now and again, and Morkarai would smile in a particular way, and would speak slightly less vaguely about Adam, but he promised that she would see what he meant soon.

XP Gained: +1 000
XP: 6 400 -> 7 400

Adam slipped his axe into his belt at his side, his throbbing arm shaking slightly. "It was a good fight."

Safu narrowed her eyes towards the half elf, feeling moments away from dropping. Her head was also pounding, as though she had been struck by a hammer across her head, and she planted the trident firmly on the ground to support her. If she had fought Adam for a moment longer, she surely would have fallen.

‘I lost? I, who managed to pass my trials? I, who was gifted the coralsteel enchanted by Dux Imanoch? I who came face to face with Lord Sorrow?’ Safu clutched her trident tighter, her heart aching from such a terrible loss, especially to some little brat who held no name. If she had lost against Prince Morkarai, that was one thing, for he was a Prince, a fire giant, who had spent twice as long as this boy’s lifetime training with his blade, wielding a grand blade that would put even her own trident to shame. The frustration washed over like a maelstrom.

“Thank you, Adam,” Morkarai said.

“Any time,” Adam replied, casually saluting the Prince with two fingers bouncing against his helmet. He bowed towards the Princess before retreating back to the table, removing his helmet, and beginning to unstrap his armour.

Miza caught Morkarai’s eyes, the Prince smiling innocently, with expectant eyes curiously gazing back towards the Princess. ‘…’

“How scary,” Adam said, placing down his gauntlets, inhaling deeply as he flexed his muscles.

Tough Spirit: 1 -> 0
2D6 + 7 = 11 (4)
Health: 60 -> 71

“It was a good fight,” Jurot said, bowing his head towards his brother.

“Make sure you tell it properly once we get back.”


Lucy glanced between the Princess and then the rest of the people around. ‘…’ There was an awkwardness in the air, the silence bringing forth a greater discomfort than the unknown. ‘Did he decide to take away all the attention from us?’

“Prepare the long table,” Princess Miza commanded her servants, who worked with a swiftness that was only seen in the Iyr. “Executive Adam, you and your companions may join the long table.”

“Oh, right? Thanks-, thank you,” Adam managed to stutter, remembering she was royalty half way through.

The table was quickly set for the group who had joined the long table, with mountains of food quickly arriving for them, each within goblets made of the seasteel. Adam sipped the wine from the goblet, with the wine holding a softer flavour, slightly saltier.

“I had not expected you to hold such strength,” the Princess admitted. “How did you meet my betrothed?”

“Prince Morkarai and I met when he was on the way to the Iyr, a few years back now,” Adam replied. ‘I probably can’t say much more than that.’ “I didn’t know he was a Prince and almost got myself into trouble.”

“When we first met, I had no idea you were so skilled,” Morkarai admitted. “Although, back then, you weren’t quite as strong as you are now.”

“Yeah, well I wouldn’t like to face you again, even with how much stronger I’ve grown,” Adam replied, unsure of how to feel about the fire giant now upon seeing him grow so large. “How’s the-,” Adam began, before quickly sipping the rest of his wine, managing to stop himself from being an idiot.

“Even if I stopped holding back, I do not think I could defeat you,” Morkarai admitted, choosing against speaking like a noble for once.

“You could not defeat him?” Miza asked.

Morkarai smiled. “One might say it’s impossible for him to defeat me, but when it comes to Adam, I might lose again.”

‘You lost to him previously?’

“I was just lucky, that’s all,” Adam said awkwardly, not liking how much he was being praised by royalty.

“Just lucky?” Morkarai asked, raising his brow, feeling a fire grow within his eyes.

“How else could I defeat you, Prince Morkarai?” Adam smirked in response, sipping his sea milk, already feeling the alcohol loosening him up, too much for a meal with two royals.

“You seem so young. How old are you?” Miza asked, glancing across the rest of the Iyrmen and the Demons, each who seemed rather young too.

“I just turned twenty two this year.”

‘What? He is not even forty?’ Miza’s heart skipped a beat from the shock of Adam’s words.

“Adam…” Morkarai began, catching Miza’s eyes, noting the shock within them, “refused my offer to become a Hill Lord.”

“Why did you refused such a great boon?”

“How could I abandon my little sister who adores me so much?” Adam replied, as though he seriously meant it.

“He is a Nephew of the Rot family,” Jurot spoke up, cutting into his meal. “He is my brother.”

“Your brother? He is no Iyrman.”

“He is no Iyrman, but he is my brother,” Jurot said, not for the first time, and not for the last.

While the Princess turned her attention to the Iyrmen, Adam wondered when he could mention it. He continued to eat quietly as the Princess spoke to the Iyrmen, paying keen attention to Jurot, and though she mostly ignored Lucy and Mara, she did speak with them every so often.

“So…” Adam said, annoyed about hearing the old geezer’s name so much. “How is Princess Mina?”

Silence filled the air.

Adam froze as he cut into the meat on the table, staring at his meal, feeling a chill run through his back. He had felt the attention of everyone upon him previously, but this time the attention was different. His eyes slowly floated over towards Miza, who stared at him with a questioning glare.

“How do you know of that name?” The threat within her voice was evident enough for them all, with even Prince Morkarai heavy with tension.

The Iyrmen continued to eat away as though nothing was wrong, since this was all very Adam like.


I legitimately keep forgetting how strong Adam is. 

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