Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

93. First Fight

Omen: 3, 4

“I know this is going to sound a little abrupt, but I need to earn a lot of Experience quickly,” Adam said. “Bringing too many people along spreads it too thin, so we won’t be earning as much. Before the end of the week, we need to make sure we’re strong enough, in case you’re all allowed to come along with us.”

Adam sat with Fate’s Golden and the Porters, speaking with them with a seriousness they weren’t used to.

“What will you do?” Jurot asked.

“You and I should take one member of the team with us, and Nobby with his basket.”

“That’s too dangerous,” Remy said, not sure if he should allow his nephew to walk around with so few people. He recalled they almost died not long ago.

“It will be good for Nobby. He’ll be able to gain Experience at a quicker rate, and that will only help him. We’ll be rotating the third member and the Porter, that way each of you will work for one day and rest for two days, whereas Jurot and I will be working daily and gaining more Experience.”

The others glanced between one another, unsure of this plan. They had only recently come across deathly battles, which had really only gone well with Adam and Dunes.

“It might even make sense for the remaining party members to go with the two Porters to slay Boars, not Giant Boars, but Boars, that way you’re still working and gaining Experience, but safely,” Adam said. “If something happens and you are in a position where the enemy is too strong, you can run.”

“I think it would be best if Remy and I went with the pair of you, and Nobby went with the other three,” Jeremy said. “Four and four, each with someone who can heal.”

Adam narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms. He tapped his finger against his bicep. ‘It’s a pretty good idea. They slay Boars, or other simpler quests, whereas Jurot and I go tackle more powerful foes with the assistance of the two more experience Porters.’ “You might be on to something.”

Remy and Jeremy nodded their heads, feeling more comfortable leaving Nobby with two Iyrmen and a Priest, collectively a powerful force, while maintaining a balance between the two distinct Parties.

“Even though we won’t be together during that time, we should still put money into the party Purse,” Adam said, glancing at the rest of Fate’s Golden. “You can pay Nobby’s wage through the Party Fund, and if it’s a particularly tough day, or he is hurt too much, you are to pay him at least double. I will split the current Party Fund in half and hand it over. You all need to be very careful, take quests that will be easy to handle, and prioritise your safety. Don’t die. Do not die. If I hear that any of you have died, I will personally speak with the God of Death to slap you.”

The others raised their brows in surprise upon hearing him saying such harsh words and invoking the God of Death into his words.

“You’re asking a Priest of War and two Iyrmen to run away from a fight?” Dunes asked, raising his brows.

“Look,” Adam began, sitting up straighter, “if you want to die to a Boar or a Herbearvore, be my guest. I will personally make fun of you until the day that I die. Can you imagine being a Priest of War or an Iyrman and dying to a Boar? A Boar? I could be completely naked, no weapons, no armour, you could even take away whatever magic I know, and I could still kill a Boar.”

The trio stared at Adam, surprised. Kitool and Jaygak squinted at him, unnerved by his words. Jurot glanced aside, avoiding the pair of Iyrmen’s gazes. “You would shame us upon our death.”

“If you die to a Boar, of course I will. How could you die to a Boar when you’re two Iyrmen, a War Priest, and you were warned by me? I will go out of my way to return to your families and tell them how shameful you all were, and I’ll make sure when the Iyr raises their children, they’ll use Dunes as a word to describe a stupid mistake. I will change the language just so that you are twice as shamed.” Adam slammed his fists on the table. “If any of you dare to die and risk Nobby’s life, I’ll go find Baktu and have him drag your souls to me so I can slap you myself.”

Jurot placed a hand on Adam’s shoulder. “Remain calm, Adam.”

Adam exhaled, falling back into his chair. “Nobby is working hard to make sure his family turns out fine. We pay him good coin so his family doesn’t need to worry, but the hazard pay won’t be enough in the long term if he dies. It’s not about you, or me, it’s about the people around us. I said I’d take you both to Gold Rank, and if you’ve decided that you’d rather bring shame to your family and die to a fucking Boar, fine, do so. Though I’ll make sure your parents hear how you decided to take that path instead of becoming Gold Rank. I’ll be sure to tell the good Lady Arya that Dunes, a Priest in her service, decided that he’d rather kick the bucket against a pathetic Boar than to spread her good word.”

Jurot wasn’t sure if he should say anything, so he kept his mouth shut. Kitool and Jaygak were annoyed, and Dunes was squinting at the Half Elf too.

“You may be our party Leader, but you should be careful with what you say,” Dunes said.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Adam said, raising his hands innocently. “If you guys die to a bunch of Boars, I’m going to pretend I don’t know you. I am not going to shame the Rot family by attaching my name to any of you.”

Jaygak slammed the table. “Watch your tongue, Adam.”

Adam flipped the table, causing Emma to glance up at them. Of course people were allowed to be rowdy, but there was a limit. Others were beginning to stare their way too.

“Or what?” Adam asked. “You’re going to get yourself killed to prove your point? You’re going to make Jurot and I drag your body back to your family and tell them that even though you knew,” Adam switch to their tongue, “that they were suffering, you still let your pride get to your head and you decided to die to some fucking Boar instead of bringing them glory and riches? What an ungrateful little-“

Jurot grabbed Adam and pulled him away from Jaygak, who was beginning to twitch. “Enough, Adam,” Jurot said. “We understand your words. You are our leader. You do not have to go so far. You tell us what you expect, and we will follow.”

Kitool also placed a hand on Jaygak, calming her down. Jaygak, glanced at Kitool, shaking her head, before sitting down.

Adam looked around, noting the other Adventurers, who were pretending they weren’t paying attention. “Sorry about that,” Adam said, quickly putting the table back up. He noted the glare of the beautiful red headed Receptionist, and glanced away from her quickly, sitting back down, brushing the top of the table.

“Jaygak, Kitool, you will take the easiest Copper Rank Quests,” Jurot said.

“He needs to be careful with his words,” Jaygak said.

“He speaks some truths,” Jurot said. “It would be a shame to our families if we died so quickly, and to something like a Boar.”

The Porters stared at the group, feeling the tension in the air.

Adam cleared his throat. “Perhaps we should take the day off. It would be a little awkward for us to Adventure while we’re in such heated moods.” He stood, glancing to the Porters.

Currency: 73GP -> 70GP

Adam left, heading out for a walk, trying to cool his head. ‘I shouldn’t waste the day away. I still need to earn Experience…’

“He can’t say things like that,” Jaygak said. “It’s not right.”

Jurot nodded his head slowly. “I will speak with him.”

“I didn’t expect to see you again, handsome,” the heavily robed Alchemist said.

“I need to stock up on some more, and some more vials too,” Adam said.

Currency: 70GP -> 65GP
Gems: (5) Obsidian -> (2) (Obsidian)

Adam returned back to the Guild, where he found Jurot waiting for him. The Iyrman stood. “Let us talk.”

“What do you need?” Adam asked, sitting on his bed.

“Are you okay?” Jurot asked.

“No, Jurot. I’m not okay.” The Half Elf sighed. “It’s not fair. Jaygak, Kitool, they both have a wonderful home to go back to. Right now, if they wanted to, they could return and see their father and mother, and here they are, hesitant to return home safe and sound. It’s fucking stupid, and it pisses me off. It’s absolutely ridiculous. I get the want for dying a good death, it’s romantic, but how the hell can they possibly be hesitant against running away from Boars and Herbearvores? None of them are worthy deaths.”

“I died to a Brown Bear,” Jurot said. “Was that not a worthy death?”

“No,” Adam said, staring at the Iyrman. “A Brown Bear wasn’t good enough.”

Jurot remained silent, staring at the Half Elf.

“But you didn’t die to just a Brown Bear, you died taking blows for me,” Adam whispered. “You should have lived to kill a Dragon at least, Jurot. This time I won’t let you die before that happens. You still need to get to the point you can kill a Dragon. To the point you have a happy family. To the point that Lanarot can let you go.”

‘I don’t think it’s Lanarot who needs to let me go,’ Jurot thought. “I will speak with Jaygak and Kitool.” He placed a hand on Adam’s shoulder. With that, he stood and left, but turned before he did. “To shame one’s name after death is a terrible thing, Adam.”

Adam nodded, and Jurot stepped out. Adam lay back on the bed, rubbing his eyes. “Damn it…”

Mana: 8 -> 7
Alchemy Check
D20 + 3 = 15 (12)

1 Enhanced Healing Potion Created.
Heals for 2D6+4 HP.
XP Gained: +150
XP: 3310 -> 3460

Mana: 7 -> 6
Alchemy Check
D20 + 3 = 21 (18)

1 Enhanced Healing Potion Created.
Heals for 2D6+5 HP.
XP Gained: +150
XP: 3460 -> 3610

Mana: 6 -> 5
Alchemy Check
D20 + 3 = 23 (20)

1 Enhanced Healing Potion Created.
Heals for 2D6+6 HP.
XP Gained: +150
XP: 3610 -> 3760

Adam spent the entire day creating Healing Potions, exhausting his body and mind. He sighed, before rubbing his eyes. ‘I need more gold…’ He looked at the four vials to his side. ‘Oh.’

“Hey, Paul.”

Paul stared at Adam, wondering what he was going to tell him today. “Hi, Adam.”

“I have some Healing Potions to sell, maybe,” Adam said, smiling innocently.

“We buy them for slightly less than the typical price,” he said. “Forty gold coins for Basic, one hundred and thirty for Enhanced.”

“What if the Enhanced Healing Potion is more… you know, Enhanced?”

“How much more potent are they?” Paul asked.

Adam placed down a potion, which Paul tested by dipping in a piece of cloth and sucking on it. Paul stared up at Adam. “One hundred and fifty.”

“What about this one?” Adam said, placing down the best potion.

Paul checked it again, wondering what kind of misfortune he had gone though to meet someone like Adam. “One hundred and eighty.”

“I have three Enhanced Healing Potions, the other one is normal. I’ll sell all three to the Guild, keeping it between you and I.”

“Are you willing to create more for the Adventurer’s Guild?” Paul asked. “We need a few Healing Potions.”

“How many?”


Adam narrowed his eyes. “Provide me the material to make fifteen, including the vials.”

“Fifteen?” Paul asked.

“I’ll make you five in exchange for the materials, and they should be about as powerful as Basic Healing Potions.”

Paul wasn’t going to deny such a good deal, nodding his head. “Okay.”

“They should be high quality materials, not the standard quality.” Adam was sure his Healing Potions were affected by the quality of the materials used.

“Understood.” Paul gathered the gems for him. ‘Did he make three Enhanced Healing Potions just today? There’s no way, right?’

Adam brought the party together, feeling the awkwardness in the air. “Change of plans,” Adam said. “I’ll be making some gifts for you all.”

“Gifts?” Dunes asked.

“I am going to create some Healing Potions, putting my money where my mouth is.”

“You aren’t our mother,” Dunes said, flashing a smile, trying to ease the tension in the room.

“No, but I am your leader, who is abandoning you after an awkward fight. It’s the least I can do.”

“Are you looking down on us?” Dunes raised his brow.

“No," Adam said, narrowing his eyes. "I am atoning for my uselessness as a leader. I'm treating it rather casually, but I have business to do on this upcoming Quest, something important. It's important enough that I have to betray your expectations."

"If you have business, then you have business,” Jaygak said. “You don’t have to worry about us, we’re grown ups too.”

"Yeah, but it's my own heart which won't be resolved if I leave it like this. I know I said some terrible things, and I meant every single thing I said. However, there are reasons why, but I’m asking you to trust me for now, even though I’m an ass.”

“You had saved my life before,” Kitool said. “I trust you, even if your words are too harsh.”

Jaygak rubbed the hilt of her sword. “Don’t worry, Adam. We view your actions more than your words.”

Adam smiled, nodding his head.



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Adam! Why are you trying to fight the Iyrmen? You idiot!

What's this, an early chapter? Does that mean there will be an extra chapter later?


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