Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

94. Level Four

Omen: 3, 15

Adam handed the party Purse to Jurot, allowing him to take lead of it, and to pay the Porters too from it.

“We shall return,” Jurot said, heading out with the rest of Fate’s Golden and the Porters.

Adam spent the next few days creating potions within his room, using the herbs provided by the Adventurer’s Guild.

Mana: 8 -> 7
Alchemy Check
D20 + 3 = 9 (6)
Omen: 3, 15 -> 3
15 + 3 = 18

She was tall. Clad in well worn plate, but her leaf green eyes couldn’t be hidden so easily. Her well worn armour was splattered with a dark liquid, not her blood, but the blood of the beast before her. They weren’t quite a beast, for they were an amalgamation of three beasts in one. The head of a Giant Salamander, the head of a Black Lion, and the head of a Grave Robin. As she battled it, she found herself slipping into the blast of fire from the jaws of the Giant Salamander, which burnt her through her armour.

1 Enhanced Healing Potion Created.
XP: 3760 -> 3910

Mana: 7 -> 6
Alchemy Check
D20 + 3 = 13 (10)

1 Basic Healing Potion Created.
XP: 3910 -> 3960

Mana: 6 -> 5
Alchemy Check
D20 + 3 = 8 (5)

1 Minor Healing Potion Created.
XP: 3960 -> 3970

Intelligence Save
D20 + 5 = 25 (20)

At the end of his Alchemy, Adam grew cold. The warmth of his Mana rushed out towards his head, where it filled with heat, threatening to explode. He grit his teeth and inhaled deeply, feeling his Mana invade his mind, but he managed to push away the blast of psychic energy threatening to strike him.

“I need to be more careful,” Adam said, dropping down onto his bed as he massaged his pulsing forehead. “I didn’t expect to feel it come back so soon. I should try and find a way to minimise it…”

Still, he looked at his Experience. ‘Hey, Bell? How much is it to Level Up?’


“You’ve got to be kidding me…” He rubbed his forehead. “Damn it.”

“How did it go?” Dunes asked, slicing his bread, dipping the sliced bread into the soup before eating it.

“Well,” Adam said. “I think I’ve been doing it too much though.”

Dunes paused and stared at him. “Are you still making multiple each day?”


“That is dangerous,” Dunes said, staring at the Half Elf.

“Yeah, I feel that,” Adam said.

Dunes stared at the Half Elf, surprised. “You shouldn’t keep doing it so recklessly.”

“Okay, mum, jeez.” Adam smiled. “I’m fine. I was struck by it before and managed to survive.”

Dunes continued to stare, unsure of what to say. Adam was beyond reckless, this was insane. “Why are you in such a rush?”

“I’m so close,” Adam said, raising his hand, almost touching his finger tip to his thumb. “I’m this close, Dunes. I just need a little more and I’ll be there.”

Dunes glanced to the other Iyrmen, who gave him no comfort, for they also did not know what Adam was talking about. “If you die, I will personally shame you for as long as I live.”

“What a terrible thing to say.” Adam gasped, shaking his head at the War Priest. “Don’t you agree, Jaygak?”

Jaygak stared at Adam for a long moment before the corners of her lips twitched into a smile. “I don’t know, I might shame you too.”

Adam smirked.

Omen: 14, 18

Mana: 8 -> 6
Alchemy Check
D20 + 3 = 6 (3)
Omen: 14, 18 -> 18
14 + 3 = 17

Her black and silver blade pierced through the neck of the Ruby Magpie, flashing white hot. The dying Chimera, spurred on by Fate, managed to sink several sets of teeth from its Rage Wolf and Red Wyvern maw, through her well worn plate mail. The plate mail, which had been licked by fire the day before, crumpled under the creature’s mighty jaws, which tore through flesh and bone. As it fell, among another of its kind, she stumbled towards a rock nearby. Half dying and now crippled, she couldn’t help but wonder how much her companions would poke fun at her once they found her in her state. She closed her eyes, welcoming the embrace of death.

1 Enhanced Healing Potion Created.
XP: 3970 -> 4120

Mana: 6 -> 4
Alchemy Check
D20 + 3 = 23 (20)

2 Basic Healing Potions Created.
XP: 4120 -> 4220

Mana: 4 -> 2
Alchemy Check
D20 + 3 = 5 (2)
Omen: 18 -> 0
18 + 3 = 21

They dumped her body into the pool, which was full of Ancient Magic. The pair of them, clad in their dark, but well worn armour, stared down at the pool expectantly, still wearing their helmets, each designed with an avian patter. One was that of a Sparrow, the other of a Siskin. They watched with bated breath, before the pool flashed white, nearly blinding them. The woman, tall, with her pale skin, leaf green eyes, wavy red and grey hair, stood. She limped out of the pool, which had lost its magic for now, and she reached for her helmet, which had been shaped as a Robin’s head. The two men glanced between one another before roaring with laughter at her limp. She drew her sword to beat them senseless.

1 Enhanced Healing Potion Created.
XP: 4220 -> 4370

Adam had expected for something to invade his mind, even though he had used his Omen, he had taken the risk, and yet, nothing happened. “Oh,” he said. “It must be my lucky day.”

He focused his attention on the system, bringing it up so that he could Level Up.

Level up!
XP: 4370 -> 370
Health: 39 -> 52
Mana: 8 -> 10
Gained one trick!
Gained two spells!
Gained Battlecaster!

Adam threw his hands into the air. “Yes! Finally!” He dropped back and sighed. A smile grew on his lips before he made his way down to the common room of the Adventurer’s Guild.

The Half Elf didn’t find his party, and so decided to relax at his table. A few Adventurers glanced his way now and again, noting his ears. One raised their glass towards him, a handsome man in splint mail, who knew that Adam possessed puthral armour, which meant that Adam was probably quite close with the Iyr.

It was then Adam noted another Adventurer. He recognised this Adventurer, a young man, around Adam’s age, adorned in chain, with a blade at his side. The glare was familiar too, and Adam recalled he had met this young man before, someone who had tried to cause trouble when he was at the Adventurer’s Guild a few months ago.

“What are you looking at, leaf ear?” the young man growled.

“Unfortunately, your face,” Adam replied, flashing a smile. “I see you’re admiring my beautiful ears.” Adam reached up and rubbed along them.

The Adventurer almost spat on the floor, but the woman beside him grabbed the back of his head.

“Hey, we’re in the Guild.”

The Adventurer swallowed. “Stop looking at me, you filthy leaf ear.”

Adam lifted up his chair and turned it so he could look at the Adventurer without craning his neck. “Or what? You’re going to cry to your friend that the wittle elf is scawing you?”

The Adventurer stood up, but Braun cleared his throat. “If you’re going to fight, take it outside.”

“Well, knife ear? You man enough to step outside?”

“Sure,” Adam said, standing up and stretching his neck. “I’ve got time to kill.”

“No killing,” Braun said, his voice dark.

“It’s an expression,” Adam said. “It’s not actually about killing anything.”

Braun glared at Adam.

Adam shook his head. “Is Vice Master Paul around?”

“What business do you have with the Vice Master this time?” Braun asked.

Adam blinked at Braun. “You want me to tell everyone here what business I have with the Vice Master?”

Braun sat up straighter. “Excuse me,” he said, apologetically.

“Braun. I’m not dumb. Here we have this idiot surrounded by his goons. How stupid do you think I am that I am going to walk out, revealing myself as a Half Elf, and then getting killed on the street while they make something up, in Southern Aldland, where, roughly a decade ago, there was a massacre of your people by people that I look a little bit like, but I am not related to?” Adam blinked at him.

“No one would dare to do anything like that in the Guild.”

“Really?” Adam asked. “He was here, calling me a leaf ear like nobodies business, and the moment I say something back, you butt in. You were really quiet when he was starting some bother with me, but the moment I defend myself, you had to step in. Did you think I didn’t notice?”

Braun stared at him. “I saw the situation had escalated.”

“You saw the situation was escalating because of this guy, at least twice, and didn’t say anything. I pay my dues. I help the Guild with my unique set of skills. Who was it that asked me to assist the Guild with a unique set of skills I hadn’t formally revealed? Yet you’re going to sit there acting all cute and innocent?” Adam stared at Braun. “If you weren’t a Guild Worker, I would have called you all sorts, but I still have some respect for the Guild, so I’ll leave the matter here. Now, are you going to keep spouting bullshit, or are you going to call for Vice Master Paul?”

The Adventurers stared at Adam, who had grown a set of steel balls after what he had done in the Iyr, forgetting he was no longer within it. However, he assumed that the Guild worked in a neutral matter, and wouldn’t go out of their way to cause trouble to him, considering how many abilities he possessed.

“What’s going on?” Paul asked, stepping out the back room, having been called by Braun by the press of a gem.

“Hey Paul, this little shit over here was starting some business and we’re about to fight, but I don’t trust anyone in this Guild,” Adam said, staring at Braun,” as far as I could throw them, except you. Would you mind keeping an eye out so it’s a fair fight?”

Paul glanced to the young Adventurer, noting his birth place, before nodding his head slowly. “Alright.”

They stepped outside to the side, where Adam had once sparred Paul. He reached down and drew his sword.

“This will be to surrender or unconsciousness,” Paul said. “If any of you kill the other, I’ll beat you senseless and drag you to the guards to be hung.”

“How much are we betting?” Adam asked. “Ten gold?”

“Ten? Do you think I’m as poor as you, leaf ear? Make it twe-“

“A hundred gold then,” Adam said, nodding to Paul. “Can you confirm?”

“A hundred gold?” Paul asked, glancing to the Copper Rank Adventurer.

The Copper Rank Adventurer stared at Adam for a long moment, then looking to Paul. “A hundred gold? Can he even afford it.”

“I don’t mind making it…” Adam furrowed his brows. “I can probably throw out two hundred gold on this.”

The Adventurer stared at Adam. “I don’t believe you.”

“You don’t have to,” Adam said, glancing to Paul. “Two hundred gold. I’m sure you can confirm that I have at least that much after our last meeting.”

Paul narrowed his eyes. “Do you actually have two hundred gold?”

“I mean, you paid me more than that, and I haven’t had a chance to play with it.”

“Alright, then two hundred gold it is,” Paul said. “Can you afford it?”

“We don’t need to go that high,” the Adventurer said. “Twenty is enough.”

“Damn, you must not be that successful,” Adam said, drawing his Lightsear, which gleamed.

“A magical weapon?” the Adventurer asked. “You coward.”

“You’re the one in chain mail, mate,” Adam said. “Are you going to wait for me to slip into my puthral plate?”

“Puthral plate?” The Adventurer stared at Adam, full of shock.

“Let’s hurry it up, I don’t have all day,” the Half Elf said. “I’ll use my sword and magic, and you can use your sword and armour.”

The Adventurer raised his sword, full of rage, and an uneasiness. He hadn’t expected Adam to have a magical weapon, having been too focused on his leaf ears.



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Alchemy Arc is interrupted by Laying the Smackdown on a Racist Arc.

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